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Revised Common Lectionary (Semicontinuous)

Daily Bible readings that follow the church liturgical year, with sequential stories told across multiple weeks.
Duration: 1245 days
New English Translation (NET)
Acts 1:15-17

15 In those days[a] Peter stood up among the believers[b] (a gathering of about 120 people) and said, 16 “Brothers,[c] the scripture had to be fulfilled that the Holy Spirit foretold through[d] David concerning Judas—who became the guide for those who arrested Jesus— 17 for he was counted as one of us and received a share in this ministry.”[e]

Acts 1:21-26

21 Thus one of the men[a] who have accompanied us during all the time the Lord Jesus associated with[b] us, 22 beginning from his baptism by John until the day he[c] was taken up from us—one of these must become a witness of his resurrection together with us.” 23 So they[d] proposed two candidates:[e] Joseph called Barsabbas (also called Justus) and Matthias. 24 Then they prayed,[f] “Lord, you know the hearts of all. Show us which one of these two you have chosen 25 to assume the task[g] of this service[h] and apostleship from which Judas turned aside[i] to go to his own place.”[j] 26 Then[k] they cast lots for them, and the one chosen was Matthias;[l] so he was counted with the eleven apostles.[m]

Psalm 1

Book 1 (Psalms 1-41)

Psalm 1[a]

How blessed[b] is the one[c] who does not follow[d] the advice[e] of the wicked,[f]
or stand in the pathway[g] with sinners,
or sit in the assembly[h] of scoffers.[i]
Instead[j] he finds pleasure in obeying the Lord’s commands;[k]
he meditates on[l] his commands[m] day and night.
He is like[n] a tree planted by flowing streams;[o]
it[p] yields[q] its fruit at the proper time,[r]
and its leaves never fall off.[s]
He succeeds in everything he attempts.[t]
Not so with the wicked!
Instead[u] they are like wind-driven chaff.[v]
For this reason[w] the wicked cannot withstand[x] judgment,[y]
nor can sinners join the assembly of the godly.[z]
Certainly[aa] the Lord guards the way of the godly,[ab]
but the way of the wicked ends in destruction.[ac]

1 John 5:9-13

If we accept the testimony of men, the testimony of God is greater, because[a] this[b] is the testimony of God that[c] he has testified concerning his Son. 10 (The one who believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself; the one who does not believe God has made him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has testified concerning his Son.)[d] 11 And this is the testimony: God[e] has given us eternal life,[f] and this life is in his Son. 12 The one who has the Son[g] has this[h] eternal[i] life; the one who does not have the Son of God does not have this[j] eternal[k] life.

Assurance of Eternal Life

13 I have written these things[l] to you who believe[m] in the name of the Son of God so that[n] you may know that you have eternal life.

John 17:6-19

Jesus Prays for the Disciples

“I have revealed[a] your name[b] to the men[c] you gave me out of the world. They belonged to you,[d] and you gave them to me, and they have obeyed[e] your word. Now they understand[f] that everything[g] you have given me comes from you, because I have given them the words you have given me. They[h] accepted[i] them[j] and really[k] understand[l] that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me. I am praying[m] on behalf of them. I am not praying[n] on behalf of the world, but on behalf of those you have given me, because they belong to you.[o] 10 Everything[p] I have belongs to you,[q] and everything you have belongs to me,[r] and I have been glorified by them.[s] 11 I[t] am no longer in the world, but[u] they are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep them safe[v] in your name[w] that you have given me, so that they may be one just as we are one.[x] 12 When I was with them I kept them safe[y] and watched over them[z] in your name[aa] that you have given me. Not one[ab] of them was lost except the one destined for destruction,[ac] so that the scripture could be fulfilled.[ad] 13 But now I am coming to you, and I am saying these things in the world, so they may experience[ae] my joy completed[af] in themselves. 14 I have given them your word,[ag] and the world has hated them, because they do not belong to the world,[ah] just as I do not belong to the world.[ai] 15 I am not asking you to take them out of the world, but that you keep them safe[aj] from the evil one.[ak] 16 They do not belong to the world[al] just as I do not belong to the world.[am] 17 Set them apart[an] in the truth; your word is truth. 18 Just as you sent me into the world, so I sent them into the world.[ao] 19 And I set myself apart[ap] on their behalf,[aq] so that they too may be truly set apart.[ar]

New English Translation (NET)

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