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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

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Expanded Bible (EXB)
Deuteronomy 7-8

You Are God’s People

The Lord your God will bring you into the land that you are entering and that you will ·have as your own [possess]. As you go in, he will ·force out [clear away/out] these nations: the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites—seven nations that are stronger than you. The Lord your God will hand these nations over to you, and when you ·defeat [L strike] them, you must ·destroy them completely [devote them to the Lord; 20:15–18; Josh. 6:17]. Do not ·make [L cut] a ·peace treaty [covenant] with them or show them any mercy. Do not marry any of them, or let your daughters marry their sons, or let your sons marry their daughters. If you do, those people will turn your children away from me, to begin serving other gods. Then the Lord will be very angry with you, and he will quickly destroy you. This is what you must do to those people: Tear down their altars, smash their holy stone pillars, cut down their ·Asherah idols [L Asherah; 7:5; Judg. 3:7], and burn their idols in the fire. You are holy people who belong to the Lord your God. He has chosen you from all the people on earth ·to be his very own [as his treasured/special possession; Ex. 19:5].

The Lord did not ·care [have affection] for you and choose you because there were many of you—you are the smallest nation of all. But the Lord chose you because he loved you, and he kept his promise to your ·ancestors [fathers; Gen. 12:1–3; 15:17–20]. So he brought you out of Egypt by his ·great power [L strong hand] and ·freed [ransomed; redeemed] you from the ·land of slavery [L house of bondage], from the ·power [L hand] of the king of Egypt. So know that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God. He will ·keep [guard] his ·agreement [covenant; treaty] of love for a thousand ·lifetimes for people [generations] who love him and obey his commands. 10 But he will pay back those people who hate him. He will destroy them, and he will not be slow to pay back those who hate him. 11 So be careful to obey the commands, ·rules [statutes; ordinances; requirements], and laws I give you today.

12 If you pay attention to these laws and obey them carefully, the Lord your God will keep his ·agreement [covenant; treaty] and show his ·love [loyalty] to you, as he promised your ·ancestors [fathers]. 13 He will love and bless you. He will ·make the number of your people grow; he will bless you with children [L multiply the fruit of your womb]. ·He will bless your fields with good crops and will give you grain, new wine, and oil [L …and the fruit of your land, your grain, new wine, and oil]. ·He will bless your herds with calves and your flocks with lambs [L …the increase of your cattle and the issue of your flocks] in the land he promised your ·ancestors [fathers] he would give you. 14 You will be blessed more than any other people [Gen. 12:1–3]. ·Every husband and wife will have children, and all your cattle will have calves [L There will be no barrenness or sterility among you or your livestock]. 15 The Lord will take away all disease from you; ·you will not have [L he will not inflict you with] the terrible diseases that were in Egypt, but he will give them to all the people who hate you. 16 You must ·destroy [devour] all the people the Lord your God hands over to you. Do not ·feel sorry for [pity] them, and do not ·worship [serve] their gods, or they will trap you.

17 You might say ·to yourselves [L in your hearts], “Because these nations are stronger than we are, ·we can’t [L how can we…?] ·force them out [dispossess them].” 18 But don’t be afraid of them. Remember what the Lord your God did to all of Egypt and ·its king [L Pharaoh]. 19 ·You [L Your eyes] saw for yourselves the troubles, signs, and miracles he did, how the Lord’s ·great power [L strong hand] and ·strength [L outstretched arm] brought you out of Egypt. The Lord your God will do the same thing to all the nations you now fear. 20 The Lord your God will also send ·terror [or pestilence; or hornets] among them so that even those who are alive and hiding from you will die. 21 Don’t ·be afraid of [dread] them, because the Lord your God is with you; he is a great God and ·people are afraid of him [awesome]. 22 When the Lord your God ·forces those nations out [clears away/out those nations] of the land, he will do it little by little ahead of you. You won’t be able to destroy them all at once; otherwise, the wild animals will grow too many in number [C because of the reduced population]. 23 But the Lord your God will hand those nations over to you, ·confusing [panicking] them until they are destroyed. 24 The Lord will ·help you defeat their kings [L give their kings into your hand], and ·the world will forget who they were [L you will destroy their name from under the heavens]. No one will be able to ·stop you [stand against you]; you will destroy them all. 25 Burn up their idols in the fire. Do not ·wish for [covet] the silver and gold they have, and don’t take it for yourselves, or you will be trapped by it. The Lord your God ·hates [despises] it. 26 Do not bring one of those ·hateful [despised] things into your house, or you will be ·completely destroyed [devoted to the Lord; 20:15–18; Josh. 6:17] along with it. ·Hate [Detest] and reject those things; they must be ·completely destroyed [devoted to the Lord; 20:15–18; Josh. 6:17].

Remember the Lord

Carefully obey every command I give you today. Then you will live and ·grow in number [multiply], and you will enter and ·take [possess] the land the Lord promised your ·ancestors [fathers; Gen. 12:1–3; 15:17–20]. Remember ·how the Lord your God has led [all the way the Lord brought] you in the ·desert [wilderness] for these forty years, ·taking away your pride [humbling you] and testing you, because he wanted to know what was in your heart. He wanted to know if you would obey his commands. He ·took away your pride [humbled you] when he let you get hungry, and then he fed you with manna [Ex. 16:31–36], which neither you nor your ·ancestors [fathers] had ever seen. This was to teach you that a person does not live on bread alone, but by everything the Lord says [Matt. 4:4]. During these forty years, your clothes did not wear out, and your feet did not swell. Know in your heart that the Lord your God ·corrects [instructs; disciplines] you as a parent ·corrects [instructs; disciplines] a child.

Obey the commands of the Lord your God, ·living as he has commanded you [L going in his way] and ·respecting [fearing] him. The Lord your God is bringing you into a good land, a land with ·rivers [wadis] and pools of water, with ·springs [deeps; underground water] that flow in the valleys and hills, a land that has wheat and barley, vines, fig trees, pomegranates, olive oil, and honey. It is a land where you will have ·plenty of food [L no scarcity of food/bread], where you will have everything you need, where the rocks are iron, and where you can ·dig [mine] copper out of the hills.

10 When you ·have all you want to eat [L eat and are satisfied], then ·praise [bless] the Lord your God for giving you a good land. 11 Be careful not to forget the Lord your God so that you ·fail to obey [do not keep] his commands, laws, and ·rules [statutes; ordinances; requirements] that I am giving to you today. 12 When you eat ·all you want [L and are satisfied] and build nice houses and live in them, 13 when your herds and flocks ·grow large [multiply] and your silver and gold ·increase [multiply], ·when you have more of everything [and all you have multiplies], 14 then your heart will ·become proud [L be lifted up/exalted]. You will forget the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, ·where you were slaves [L from the house of bondage]. 15 He led you through the ·large [vast] and ·terrible [awesome] ·desert [wilderness] that was dry and had no water, and that had ·poisonous [L burning] snakes and stinging insects. He gave you water from a ·solid [or flint] rock [Ex. 17:1–7] 16 and manna to eat in the ·desert [wilderness; Ex. 16:31–36]. Manna was something your ·ancestors [fathers] had never seen. He did this to ·take away your pride [humble you] and to test you, so things would go well for you in the end. 17 You might say ·to yourself [L in your heart/mind], “I am rich because of ·my own power and strength [L the power and strength of my hand; Ps. 30:6–7],” 18 but remember the Lord your God! It is he who gives you the power to become rich, keeping the ·agreement [covenant; treaty] he promised to your ·ancestors [fathers], as it is today.

19 If you ever forget the Lord your God and ·follow [L go after] other gods and ·worship [serve] them and bow down to them, I ·warn you [testify/witness to you] today that you will be destroyed. 20 Just as the Lord destroyed the other nations for you, you can be destroyed if you do not ·obey [L listen to the voice of] the Lord your God.

Luke 7:36-8:3

A Woman Washes Jesus’ Feet(A)

36 One of the Pharisees ·asked [invited] Jesus to eat with him, so Jesus went into the Pharisee’s house and ·sat at the table [L reclined; C at a formal meal guests would recline at a low table with their feet stretched out behind them]. 37 [L And look/T behold] A ·sinful [immoral] woman in the town learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house. So she brought an alabaster ·jar [vial; flask] of perfume 38 and stood behind Jesus at his feet, ·crying [weeping]. She began to ·wash [wet; drench] his feet with her tears, and she ·dried [wiped] them with her hair, kissing them many times and ·rubbing [anointing] them with the perfume. 39 When the Pharisee who asked Jesus to come to his house saw this, he thought to himself, “If ·Jesus [L this person] were a prophet, he would know ·that the woman touching him is a sinner [L who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner]!”

40 Jesus said to ·the Pharisee [L him], “Simon, I have something to say to you.”

Simon said, “Teacher, tell me.”

41 Jesus said, “Two people owed money to ·the same banker [L a certain moneylender/creditor]. One owed five hundred ·coins [L denarii; C a denarius was equal to a day’s wage for a laborer] and the other owed fifty. 42 They had no money to pay what they owed, but ·the banker [L he] ·told both of them they did not have to pay him [L forgave both (debts)]. Which person [L therefore] will love ·the banker [L him] more?”

43 Simon answered, “I ·think [suppose] it would be the one ·who owed him the most money [L for whom he forgave the larger].”

Jesus said to Simon, “You are right.” 44 Then Jesus turned toward the woman and said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? When I came into your house, you gave me no water for my feet, but she ·washed [wet; drenched] my feet with her tears and ·dried [wiped] them with her hair. 45 You gave me no kiss of greeting, but she has ·been [not stopped] kissing my feet since I came in. 46 You did not ·put oil on [anoint] my head, but she ·poured perfume on my feet [has anointed my feet with perfume]. 47 [L Therefore] I tell you that her many sins are forgiven, ·so [that is why] she showed great love. But the person who is forgiven only a little will love only a little.”

48 Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”

49 The people ·sitting at the table [L reclining together; 7:36] began to say among themselves, “Who is this who even forgives sins?”

50 Jesus said to the woman, “·Because you believed, you are saved from your sins [L Your faith has saved you]. Go in peace.”

The Group with Jesus

After this, while Jesus was traveling through some ·cities [or towns] and ·small towns [villages], he preached and ·told [proclaimed; announced] the ·Good News [Gospel] about God’s kingdom. The twelve apostles were with him, and also some women who had been healed of sicknesses and ·evil [defiling; L unclean; 4:33] spirits: Mary, called Magdalene [C probably because she was from the town of Magdala], from whom seven demons had gone out; Joanna, the wife of ·Cuza [or Chuza] (the ·manager [T steward] of Herod’s [C Herod Antipas; see 3:1] house); Susanna; and many others. These women used their own ·money [resources] to ·help [support] ·Jesus and his apostles [L them].

Psalm 69:1-18

A Cry for Help

For the director of music. To the tune of “Lilies.” A psalm of David.

69 God, ·save me [give me victory],
    because the water has risen to my neck [C the waters of chaos].
I’m sinking down into the ·mud [mire],
    and there is nothing to stand on.
I ·am in deep water [have come into the depths of the waters],
    and the flood ·covers [overwhelms] me.
I am ·tired [exhausted] from calling for help;
    my throat is ·sore [dry].
My eyes are ·tired [worn out] from ·waiting [hoping]
    for God to help me.
There are more people who hate me for no reason than hairs on my head;
    ·powerful [or many] enemies want to destroy me for no reason.
They make me ·pay back [return]
    what I did not steal.

God, you know ·what I have done wrong [my foolishness];
    I cannot hide my guilt from you.
Lord God ·All-Powerful [Almighty; of Heaven’s Armies; T of hosts],
    do not let those who ·hope in [wait for] you be ashamed because of me.
God of Israel,
    do not let ·your worshipers [L those who seek you] be disgraced because of me.
For you, I carry this ·shame [reproach; scorn],
    and my face is covered with disgrace.
I am like a stranger to my closest relatives
    and a foreigner to my mother’s children.
My ·strong love [jealousy; passion; zeal] for your ·Temple [L house] ·completely controls [L consumes] me [John 2:17].
    ·When people insult you, it hurts me [L The reproaches/scorn of those who reproach/scorn you fall on me; Rom. 15:3].
10 When I ·cry [weep] and fast,
    they ·make fun of [reproach; scorn] me.
11 When I wear ·rough cloth [sackcloth; burlap; C a sign of grief],
    ·they joke about me [L I am a byword/proverb/joke to them].
12 ·They make fun of me in public places [L Those who sit in the gate complain about me],
    and the drunkards make up songs about me.

13 But I pray to you, Lord, ·for favor [or at an appropriate time].
God, because of your great ·love [loyalty], answer me.
    You are ·truly able [faithful] to ·save [give victory].
14 ·Pull [Protect] me from the ·mud [mire],
    and do not let me sink.
·Save [Protect] me from those who hate me
    and from the deep water.
15 Do not let the flood ·drown [overwhelm] me
    or the deep water swallow me
    or the ·grave [L pit] close its mouth over me.
16 Lord, answer me because your ·love [loyalty] is so good.
    Because of your ·great kindness [abundant compassion], turn to me.
17 Do not hide your face from me, your servant.
    I am in ·trouble [distress]. Hurry to ·help [L answer] me!
18 Come near and ·save [ransom] me;
    ·rescue [redeem] me from my enemies.

Proverbs 12:1

12 Anyone who loves ·learning [knowledge] ·accepts [L loves] ·correction [instruction; discipline],
but a person who hates being corrected is stupid.

Expanded Bible (EXB)

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