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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

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Expanded Bible (EXB)
Numbers 36 - Deuteronomy 1

Land for Zelophehad’s Daughters

36 The leaders of ·Gilead’s family group [L the clan of the sons/descendants of Gilead] went to talk to Moses and the leaders of the ·families [clans] of ·Israel [L sons/T children of Israel]. (Gilead was the son of Makir, the son of Manasseh, the son of Joseph.) They said, “The Lord commanded you, our ·master [lord], to give the land for inheritance to the ·Israelites [L sons/T children of Israel] by throwing lots [C perhaps the Urim and Thummim; Ex. 28:30; Lev. 8:8], and the Lord commanded you, our master [lord], to give for inheritance the land of Zelophehad, our brother, to his daughters [27:1–11]. But if his daughters marry ·men [L sons] from other tribes of ·Israel [L the sons/T children of Israel], then ·that land will leave our family [L their inheritance will be taken from the inheritance of our ancestors/fathers], and the people of the other tribes will get that land. So ·we will lose some of our land [L part of our allotted portion will be lost]. When the time of Jubilee [C every fiftieth year; Lev. 25:8–55] comes for the ·Israelites [L sons/T children of Israel], their land will go to the tribes of the people they marry; ·their land will be taken away from us, the land we received from our fathers [L the inheritance of the tribe of our ancestors/fathers will be deprived of inheritance].”

Then Moses gave the ·Israelites [L the sons/T children of Israel] this command from the Lord: “These men from the ·tribe [L sons; descendants] of Joseph are right. This is the Lord’s command to Zelophehad’s daughters: You may marry anyone you wish, as long as the person is from ·your [L a clan of your] own tribe. In this way the ·Israelites’ land [L inheritance of the sons/T children of Israel] will not pass from tribe to tribe, and each ·Israelite [L son/child of Israel] will keep the land in the tribe that belonged to his ·ancestors [fathers]. A woman who inherits her father’s land may marry, but she must marry someone from ·her own [L a clan of her own] tribe. In this way every ·Israelite [L son/child of Israel] will keep the land that belonged to his ·ancestors [fathers]. The ·land [inheritance] must not pass from tribe to tribe, and each ·Israelite tribe [L tribe of the sons/T children of Israel] will keep the land it ·received [inherited] from its ·ancestors [fathers].”

10 Zelophehad’s daughters obeyed the Lord’s command to Moses.

11 So Zelophehad’s daughters—Mahlah, Tirzah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Noah—married ·their cousins, their father’s relatives [L sons of their father’s brothers]. 12 Their husbands were from the ·tribe of [L clan of the sons of] Manasseh son of Joseph, so their ·land [inheritance] stayed in their father’s ·family group [clan] and tribe.

13 These were the laws and commands that the Lord gave to the ·Israelites [L sons/T children of Israel] through Moses on the plains of Moab by the Jordan River, across from Jericho.

Moses Talks to the Israelites

·This is the message [L These are the words] Moses gave to all the people of Israel in the ·desert [wilderness] east of the Jordan River. They were in the ·desert [wilderness] area near Suph, between Paran and the towns of Tophel, Laban, Hazeroth, and Dizahab.

(The trip from Mount Sinai to Kadesh Barnea on the Mount Seir road takes eleven days.) ·Forty years after the Israelites had left Egypt [L In the fortieth year], on the first day of the eleventh month, Moses told the ·people [L sons; T children] of Israel everything the Lord had commanded him to tell them. This was after the Lord had ·defeated [L struck] Sihon and Og. Sihon was king of the Amorite people and lived in Heshbon. Og was king of Bashan and lived in Ashteroth and Edrei [Num. 21:21–35].

Now ·the Israelites [L they] were ·east of [L beyond] the Jordan River in the land of Moab, and there Moses began to ·explain [make clear] ·what God had commanded [L this law/instruction]. He said:

The Lord our God spoke to us at ·Mount Sinai [L Horeb; C another name for Sinai] and said, “You have stayed long enough at this mountain. ·Get ready [L Turn face], and go to the mountain country of the Amorites, and to all the places around there—the ·Jordan Valley [L Arabah], the mountains, the ·western hills [L Shephelah], the ·southern area [L Negev], the seacoast, the land of Canaan, and Lebanon. Go as far as the great river, the Euphrates [Gen. 15:18–21]. See, I have given you this land, so go in and take it for yourselves. The Lord ·promised it [swore] to your ancestors—Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and their descendants [Gen. 12:1–3; 15:17–20].”

Moses Appoints Leaders

At that time I said, “I am not able to ·take care of you [L lift you up; bear you] by myself. 10 The Lord your God has made you grow in number so that there are as many of you as there are stars in the ·sky [heavens; Gen. 15:5; 22:17; 26:4; Ex. 32:13]. 11 I pray that the Lord, the God of your ·ancestors [fathers], will give you a thousand times more people and ·do all the wonderful things [L bless you as] he promised. 12 ·But I cannot take care of [L How can I lift up/bear…?] your problems, your troubles, and your arguments by myself. 13 So choose some men from each tribe—wise men who have ·understanding [discernment] and experience—and I will make them leaders over you.”

14 And you said, “That’s a good thing to do.”

15 So I took the wise and experienced leaders of your tribes, and I made them your leaders. I appointed commanders over a thousand people, over a hundred people, over fifty people, and over ten people and made them officers over your tribes. 16 Then I told your ·leaders [judges], “Listen to the arguments between your people. Judge fairly between two ·Israelites [relatives; L brothers] or between an ·Israelite [L relative; brother] and a ·foreigner [resident alien]. 17 When you judge, ·be fair to everyone [do not show favoritism]; don’t act as if one person is more important than another, and don’t be ·afraid of [intimidated by] anyone, because your decision comes from God. Bring the hard cases to me, and I will judge them.” 18 At that time I told you everything you must do [Ex. 18:13–23].

Spies Enter the Land

19 Then, as the Lord our God commanded us, we left ·Mount Sinai [L Horeb; 1:6] and went toward the mountain country of the Amorite people. We went through that ·large [vast] and terrible ·desert [wilderness] you saw, and then we came to Kadesh Barnea. 20 I said to you, “You have now come to the mountain country of the Amorites, to the land the Lord our God will give us. 21 Look, here it is! Go up and ·take [possess] it. The Lord, the God of your ·ancestors [fathers], told you to do this, so don’t be afraid and don’t ·worry [be dismayed].”

22 Then all of you came to me and said, “Let’s send men before us to spy out the land. They can come back and ·tell us [bring back a report] about the way we should go and the cities we will find [Num. 13–14].”

23 ·I thought that was a good idea [L The matter was good/right in my eyes], so I ·chose [took] twelve of your men, one for each tribe. 24 They ·left [L turned face] and went up to the mountains, and when they came to the ·Valley of [Wadi] Eshcol they ·explored [spied on] it. 25 They took some of the fruit from that land and brought it down to us, ·saying [L and gave us a report, saying], “It is a good land that the Lord our God is giving us.”

Israel Refuses to Enter

26 But you refused to go. You ·would not obey [rebelled against] the command of the Lord your God, 27 but grumbled in your tents, saying, “The Lord hates us. He brought us out of Egypt just to give us to the Amorites, who will destroy us. 28 Where can we go now? ·The spies we sent have [L Our relatives/brothers] made ·us afraid [L our hearts melt], because they said, ‘The people there are stronger and taller than we are. The cities are big, with walls up to the ·sky [heavens]. And we saw the Anakites there [Num. 13:28–33]!’”

29 Then I said to you, “Don’t be frightened; don’t be afraid of those people. 30 The Lord your God will go ahead of you and fight for you as he did in Egypt; ·you saw him do it [L before your eyes]. 31 And in the ·desert [wilderness] you saw how the Lord your God carried you, like one carries a child [Ps. 131]. And he has brought you safely all the way to this place.”

32 But you still did not trust the Lord your God, even though 33 he had always gone before you to find places for you to camp. In a fire at night and in a cloud during the day, he showed you which way to go.

34 When the Lord heard what you said, he was angry and ·made an oath [swore], saying, 35 “I promised a good land to your ·ancestors [fathers], but none of ·you evil people [this evil generation] will see it. 36 Only Caleb son of Jephunneh will see it [Num. 14:24]. I will give him and his descendants the land he walked on, because he followed the Lord completely [Josh. 15:13–19; Judg. 1:9–15].”

37 Because of you, the Lord was also angry with me and said, “You won’t enter the land either [Num. 20:12], 38 but ·your assistant [L the one who stands before you], Joshua son of Nun, will enter it. Encourage him, because he will lead Israel to take the land for their own.

39 “Your little children that you said would be ·captured [plunder], who do not know right from wrong at this time, will go into the land. I will give the land to them, and they will ·take it for their own [possess it]. 40 But you must turn ·around [L face] and follow the ·desert [wilderness] road toward the ·Red [or Reed] Sea [Ex. 10:19].”

41 Then you said to me, “We have sinned against the Lord, but now we will go up and fight, as the Lord our God commanded us.” Then all of you put on weapons, thinking it would be easy to go into the mountains.

42 But the Lord said to me, “Tell the people, ‘You must not go up there and fight. I will not be with you, and your enemies will defeat you.’”

43 So I told you, but you would not listen. You ·would not obey [rebelled against] the Lord’s command. You were ·proud [presumptuous], so you went on up into the mountains, 44 and the Amorites who lived in those mountains came out and fought you. They ·chased [swarmed over] you like bees and ·defeated [L struck] you from ·Edom [L Seir; C another name for Edom] to Hormah [Num. 14:39–45]. 45 So you came back and cried before the Lord, but the Lord did not listen to you; he refused to pay attention to you. 46 So you stayed in Kadesh a long time.

Luke 5:29-6:11

29 Then Levi gave a ·big dinner [great banquet] for Jesus at his house. Many tax collectors and other people were ·eating there [L reclining; C around a low table, the posture for a formal banquet or dinner party], too. 30 But the Pharisees and ·the men who taught the law for the Pharisees [L their scribes] began to ·complain [grumble] to Jesus’ ·followers [disciples], “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?” [C Tax collectors were despised because they worked for the Roman rulers and were notorious for corruption and extortion.]

31 Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy people who need a doctor, but the sick. 32 I have not come to ·invite [call] ·good people [the righteous; C meaning the “self-righteous” who feel no need to repent] but sinners to ·change their hearts and lives [repentance].”

Jesus Answers a Question(A)

33 They said to Jesus, “John’s ·followers [disciples] often fast [C giving up eating for spiritual purposes] and pray, just as the ·Pharisees [or disciples of the Pharisees] do. But your ·followers [disciples] eat and drink all the time.”

34 Jesus said to them, “You cannot make the ·friends of the bridegroom [or wedding guests; L children of the wedding hall] fast while he is still with them. 35 But the ·time [L days] will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and ·then [L in those days] they will fast.”

36 Jesus told them this ·story [parable]: “No one ·takes [tears] cloth off a new ·coat [garment] to cover a hole in an old ·coat [garment]. If he does, he ·ruins [tears] the new ·coat [garment], and the cloth from the new will not match the old. 37 Also, no one pours new wine into old ·leather bags [wineskins]. Otherwise, the new wine will ·break [tear; burst; C because the fermenting new wine expands] the ·bags [wineskins], the wine will spill out, and the ·leather bags [wineskins] will be ruined. 38 [L But; Rather] New wine must be put into ·new [fresh] ·leather bags [wineskins]. 39 No one after drinking old wine wants new wine, because he says, ‘The old wine is ·better [fine; good].’” [C The religious leaders are content with the old ways of Judaism and not interested in the “new wine” (salvation blessings) of the Kingdom.]

Jesus Is Lord over the Sabbath(B)

One Sabbath day Jesus was walking through some fields of grain. His ·followers [disciples] picked the heads of grain, rubbed them in their hands, and ate them [Deut. 23:25]. Some Pharisees said, “Why do you do what is ·not lawful [forbidden] on the Sabbath day?” [C Gleaning was viewed as work, and therefore forbidden on the Sabbath; Ex. 34:21.]

Jesus answered, “Have you not read what David did when he and ·those with him [his companions] were hungry [1 Sam. 21:1–6]? He went into God’s house and took and ate the ·holy bread [consecrated bread; L bread of presentation], which is ·lawful [allowed] only for priests to eat [Ex. 25:30; Lev. 24:5–9]. And he gave some to ·the people who were with him [his companions].” Then Jesus said to the Pharisees, “The Son of Man [C a title for the Messiah; Dan. 7:13–14] is ·Lord [Master] of the Sabbath day.”

Jesus Heals a Man’s Hand(C)

On another Sabbath day Jesus went into the synagogue and was teaching, and a man with a ·crippled [paralyzed; shriveled; T withered] right hand was there. The ·teachers of the law [scribes] and the Pharisees were watching closely to see if Jesus would heal on the Sabbath day so they could ·accuse [make a charge against] him. But he knew what they were thinking, and he said to the man with the ·crippled [paralyzed; shriveled; T withered] hand, “Stand up here in ·the middle [front] of everyone.” The man got up and stood there. Then Jesus said to them, “I ask you, which is lawful on the Sabbath day: to do good or to do ·evil [harm], to save a life or to destroy it?” 10 Jesus looked around at all of them and said to the man, “·Hold [Stretch] out your hand.” The man ·held [stretched] out his hand, and it was ·healed [restored].

11 But the Pharisees and the ·teachers of the law [scribes] were very angry and discussed with each other what they could do to Jesus.

Psalm 66

Praise God for What He Has Done

For the director of music. A song. A psalm.

66 Everything on earth, shout with joy to God!
    ·Sing [Make a psalm] about ·his glory [L the glory of his name]!
    Make his praise glorious!
Say to God, “Your works are ·amazing [majestic]!
    Because your power is great,
    your enemies ·fall [cringe; cower] before you.
All the earth ·worships [bows down to] you
    and ·sings praises to [makes a psalm for] you.
They ·sing praises to [make a psalm for] your name [Phil. 2:10–12].” ·Selah [Interlude]

Come and see what God has done,
    the ·amazing [majestic] things he has done for people.
He turned the sea into dry land [Ex. 14–15].
    The people crossed the river on foot [Josh. 3].
    So let us rejoice because of what he did.
He rules forever with his power.
    ·He keeps his eye [L His eyes keep watch] on the nations,
so ·people should not turn [the rebellious might not rise] against him. ·Selah [Interlude]

You people, ·praise [bless] our God;
    ·loudly sing his praise [L let the sound of his praise be heard].
He ·protects our lives [L sets our lives among the living]
    and does not let ·us be defeated [L our feet be moved].
10 God, you have ·tested [examined] us;
    you have ·purified [refined] us like silver [C removing the dross].
11 You ·let us be trapped [brought us into the net]
    and put ·a heavy load on us [L misery on our backs].
12 You let our enemies ·walk on [L ride over] our heads.
    We went through fire and ·flood [L water],
but you brought us to a place with ·good things [abundance].

13 I will come to your ·Temple [L house] with burnt offerings [Lev. 1:1–17].
    I will ·give you what I promised [repay my vows],
14     ·things I promised when I was in trouble [L which my lips poured out and my mouth said when I was in distress].
15 I will bring you burnt offerings [Lev. 1:1–17] of fat animals,
and ·I will offer sheep, bulls, and goats [L with the smoke of rams, I will offer bulls and goats]. ·Selah [Interlude]

16 All of you who fear God [Prov. 1:7], come and listen,
    and I will tell you what he has done for me.
17 I ·cried out [called] to him with my mouth
    and ·praised [exalted] him with my tongue.
18 If I had ·known of [L seen] any sin in my heart,
    the Lord would not have listened to me.
19 But God has listened;
    he has ·heard [L paid attention to the sound of] my prayer.
20 ·Praise [Blessed be] God,
    who did not ·ignore [turn aside from] my prayer
or hold back his ·love [loyalty] from me.

Proverbs 11:24-26

24 Some people give much but get back even more.
    Others don’t give what they should and end up poor.
25 Whoever ·gives to others will get richer [or blesses others will be refreshed];
    those who ·help [satisfy] others will themselves be ·helped [satisfied].

26 People curse those who keep all the grain,
but they bless the one who is willing to sell it.

Expanded Bible (EXB)

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