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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

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Expanded Bible (EXB)
Leviticus 25:47-27:13

47 “‘Suppose a ·stranger [sojourner/wanderer/resident alien] or ·foreigner [or tenant] among you becomes rich. If ·someone in your country [a brother/kinsman] becomes so poor that he has to sell himself as a slave to the ·foreigner [sojourner; wanderer; resident alien] living among you or to a member of the ·foreigner’s [sojourner’s; wanderer’s; resident alien’s] family, 48 ·the poor person has the right to be bought back and become free [L after he is sold he has the right of redemption]. One of his relatives may ·buy him back [redeem him]: 49 His uncle, his uncle’s son, or any one of his close relatives may ·buy him back [redeem him]. Or, if he gets enough money, he may pay the money to ·free [redeem] himself.

50 “‘He and the one who bought him must ·count [calculate] the time from when he sold himself up to the next year of Jubilee. Use that number to decide the price, because the person really only hired himself out for a certain number of years. 51 If there are still many years before the year of Jubilee, the person must ·pay back [redeem] a large part of the price. 52 If there are only a few years left until Jubilee, the person must pay a small part of the first price. 53 But he will live like a hired person with ·the foreigner [L him] every year; don’t let the ·foreigner [L him] ·rule [exercise dominion] cruelly over him.

54 “‘Even if no one ·buys him back [redeems him], at the year of Jubilee, he and his children will ·become free [L go out]. 55 This is because the ·people [L sons; children] of Israel are servants to me. They are my servants, whom I brought out of Egypt. I am the Lord your God.

Rewards for Obeying God

26 “‘Don’t make idols for yourselves or set up ·statues [carved images] or ·memorials [pillars]. Don’t put stone statues in your land to bow down to, because I am the Lord your God [19:4; Ex. 20:4–6; Deut. 5:8–10].

“‘·Remember [Keep; Guard] my Sabbaths, and ·respect [fear] my ·Holy Place [sanctuary; 19:3, 30; 23:3; Ex. 20:8–14; Deut. 5:12–15]. I am the Lord.

“‘If you ·remember [keep; guard] my ·laws [statutes; ordinances; requirements] and commands and obey them, I will give you rains at the right season [Deut. 11:14]; the land will produce crops, and the trees of the field will produce their fruit. Your threshing will continue until the grape harvest, and your grape harvest will continue until it is time to plant. Then you will have plenty to eat and live ·safely [securely] in your land. I will give peace to your country; you will lie down ·in peace, and no one will make you afraid [L and not be afraid]. I will keep ·harmful [dangerous] animals out of your country, and ·armies [L the sword] will not pass through it.

“‘You will ·chase [pursue] your enemies and ·defeat them, killing them with your [L they will fall before you by the] sword. Five of you will ·chase [pursue] a hundred men; a hundred of you will ·chase [pursue] ten thousand men [Deut. 32:30; Josh. 23:10; Is. 30:17]. ·You will defeat your enemies and kill them with your [L They will fall before you by the] sword.

“‘Then I will ·show kindness to [L turn toward] you and ·let you have many children [L I will make you fruitful and multiply you]; I will ·keep my agreement [establish my covenant/treaty] with you. 10 You will ·have enough crops to last for more than a year [old grain long stored]. When you harvest the new crops, you will have to throw out the old ones to make room for them. 11 Also I will place my ·Holy Tent [sanctuary] among you, and I will not ·turn away from [L abhor] you. 12 I will walk with you and be your God, and you will be my people. 13 I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, where you were slaves. I broke the ·heavy weights that were on your shoulders [bars of your yoke] and let you walk ·proudly [erect; standing tall] again.

Punishment for Not Obeying God

14 “‘But if you do not ·obey [keep; guard] me and ·keep [obey] all my commands, 15 and if you ·turn away from [disdain] my ·rules [statutes; ordinances; requirements] and ·hate [abhor] my ·laws [regulations], refusing to obey all my commands, you have broken our ·agreement [covenant; treaty]. 16 As a result, I will do this to you: I will ·cause terrible things to happen to [bring dread/terror on] you. I will cause you to have disease and fever that will destroy your eyes and slowly kill you. You will not have success when you plant your seed, and your enemy will eat your crops. 17 I will ·be [L set my face] against you, and your enemies will defeat you. These people who hate you will ·rule [exercise dominion] over you, and you will run away even when no one is ·chasing [pursuing] you.

18 “‘If after all this you still do not ·obey [listen to] me, I will ·punish [discipline] you seven times more for your sins. 19 I will break your great pride, and I will make the sky like iron and the earth like bronze [C there would be no rain]. 20 ·You will work hard, but it will not help [L Your strength will be for no purpose]. Your land will not grow any crops, and your trees will not give their fruit.

21 “‘If you still turn against me and refuse to ·obey [listen to] me, I will ·beat [strike] you seven times harder. The more you sin, the more you will be punished. 22 I will send wild animals to attack you, and they will ·take your children away from you and destroy [L bereave you and cut off] your cattle. They will make you so few in number the roads will be empty.

23 “‘If you don’t learn your lesson after all these things, and if you still turn against me, 24 I will also turn against you. I will ·punish [strike] you seven more times for your sins. 25 You broke my agreement, and I will ·punish [L have my revenge against] you. I will bring ·armies [L the sword] against you, and if you go into your cities for safety, I will cause ·diseases [plagues] to spread among you so that ·your enemy will defeat you [L you will be given into the enemy’s hand]. 26 ·There will be very little bread to eat; [L When I break your staff of bread,] ten women will ·be able to cook all [bake] your bread in one oven. They will measure [L by weight] each piece of bread, and you will eat, but you will ·still be hungry [L not be satisfied].

27 “‘If you still refuse to ·listen to [obey] me and still turn against me, 28 I will ·show [L turn against you with] my great anger; I will ·punish [discipline] you seven more times for your sins. 29 You will eat the ·bodies [flesh] of your sons and [L the flesh of your] daughters [Deut. 28:53–57; Is. 49:26; Jer. 19:9; Ezek. 5:10]. 30 I will destroy your ·places where gods are worshiped [L high places] and cut down your incense altars. I will pile your dead bodies on the lifeless forms of your idols [2 Kin. 23:14–16]. I will ·hate [abhor] you. 31 I will ·destroy your cities [make your cities a ruin] and make your holy places ·empty [desolate], and I will not smell the pleasing smell of your offerings. 32 I will make the land ·empty [desolate] so that your enemies who come to live in it will be shocked at it. 33 I will scatter you among the nations, and I will pull out my sword and destroy you. Your land will become empty, your cities a ·waste [ruin]. 34 When you are taken to your enemy’s country, your land will finally get its ·rest [sabbath; 25:1–7]. It will enjoy its ·time of rest [sabbath] all the time it lies empty. 35 During the time the land is empty, it will have the ·rest [sabbath] you should have given it while you lived in it [2 Chr. 36:21].

36 “‘Those of you who are left alive will ·lose their courage [L place despondency in their hearts] in the land of their enemies. ·They will be frightened by the sound of a leaf being blown by the wind [L The sound of a driven leaf will make them flee]. They will ·run [flee] as if someone were chasing them with a sword, and they will fall even when no one is ·chasing [pursuing] them. 37 They will fall over ·each other [L their brother/kinsman], as if ·someone were chasing them with [L before] a sword, even though no one is ·chasing [pursuing] them. You will not be strong enough to stand up against your enemies. 38 You will ·die [perish] among other nations and ·disappear in your enemies’ countries [L the land of your enemies will consume you]. 39 So those who are left alive will ·rot [or pine] away in their enemies’ countries because of their sins. They will also ·rot [or pine] away because of their ·ancestors’ [fathers’] sins.

There Is Always Hope

40 “‘But maybe the people will confess their sins and the sins of their ·ancestors [fathers]; maybe they will admit they turned against me and ·sinned [committed treachery] against me, 41 which made me turn against them and send them into the land of their enemies. If ·these disobedient people [L their uncircumcised hearts; Deut. 10:16; 30:6; Jer. 4:4] are ·sorry for what they did [L humbled] and accept punishment for their sin, 42 I will remember my ·agreement [covenant; treaty] with Jacob [Gen. 35:9–15], my ·agreement [covenant; treaty] with Isaac [Gen. 26:24], and my ·agreement [covenant; treaty] with Abraham [Gen 12:1–3; 15; 17], and I will remember the land. 43 The land will be ·left empty by its people [L forsaken/abandoned of them], and it will enjoy its ·time of rest [sabbath; 25:1–7] as it lies ·bare [desolate] without them. Then those who are left alive will accept the punishment for their sins. They will learn that they were punished because they ·hated [disdained] my ·laws [regulations] and ·refused to obey [abhorred] my ·rules [statutes; ordinances; requirements]. 44 But even though this is true, I will not ·turn away from [disdain] them when they are in the land of their enemies. I will not ·hate [abhor] them so much that I completely destroy them and break my ·agreement [covenant; treaty] with them, because I am the Lord their God. 45 For their good I will remember the ·agreement with their ancestors [L former covenant/treaty], whom I brought out of the land of Egypt [C the covenant with Moses; Ex. 19–24] so I could become their God; the other nations saw these things. I am the Lord.’”

46 These are the ·laws [statutes; ordinances; requirements], ·rules [regulations], and ·teachings [laws; instructions] the Lord made between himself and the Israelites through Moses at Mount Sinai.

Promises Are Important

27 The Lord said to Moses, “Speak to the ·people [L sons; children] of Israel and tell them: ‘If someone makes a ·special promise [vow] ·to give a person as a servant to the Lord by paying a price that is the same value as that person [L concerning an equivalent for a person; C a person, such as a child or a slave, could be given for God’s service, or money paid instead to fulfill the vow], the ·price [equivalent] for a man twenty to sixty years old is about ·one and one-fourth pounds [L fifty shekels] of silver. (You must use the measure as set by the ·Holy Place [sanctuary].) The ·price [equivalent] for a woman twenty to sixty years old is about ·twelve ounces [L thirty shekels] of silver. The ·price [equivalent] for a man five to twenty years old is about ·eight ounces [L twenty shekels] of silver; for a woman it is about ·four ounces [L ten shekels] of silver. The ·price [equivalent] for a baby boy one month to five years old is about ·two ounces [L five shekels] of silver; for a baby girl the price is about ·one and one-half ounces [L three shekels] of silver. The ·price [equivalent] for a man sixty years old or older is about ·six ounces [L fifteen shekels] of silver; for a woman it is about ·four ounces [L ten shekels] of silver.

“‘If anyone is too poor to pay the ·price [equivalent], bring him to the priest, and the priest will set the price. The priest will decide how much money the person making the vow can afford to pay.

Gifts to the Lord

“‘Some animals may be used as ·sacrifices [gifts] to the Lord. If someone ·promises to bring [L gives] one of these to the Lord, it will become holy. 10 That person must not try to ·put another animal in its place [L substitute for it] or exchange it, a good animal for a bad one, or a bad animal for a good one. If this happens, both animals will become holy.

11 “‘Unclean [C in a ritual sense] animals cannot be offered as ·sacrifices [gifts] to the Lord, and if someone brings one of them to the Lord, that animal must be brought to the priest. 12 The priest will decide a ·price [equivalent] for the animal, according to whether it is good or bad; as the priest decides, that is the ·price [equivalent] for the animal. 13 If the person wants to ·buy back [redeem] the animal, an additional one-fifth must be added to the ·price [equivalent].

Mark 10:32-52

Jesus Talks a Third Time About His Death(A)

32 As Jesus and the people with him were on the road to Jerusalem, he was leading the way. His ·followers [disciples] were ·amazed [surprised; puzzled; alarmed], but others in the crowd who followed were afraid. Again Jesus took ·the twelve apostles [the Twelve] aside and began to tell them what was about to happen [to him] in Jerusalem. 33 He said, “Look, we are going [L up] to Jerusalem. The Son of Man will be ·turned over [betrayed; delivered over; see 9:31] to the ·leading [T chief] priests and the ·teachers of the law [scribes]. They will ·say that he must die [condemn him to death], and they will turn him over to the ·Gentiles [C the Roman authorities], 34 who will laugh at him and spit on him. They will beat him with whips and ·crucify [L kill] him. But after three days, he will rise to life again.”

Two Followers Ask Jesus a Favor(B)

35 Then James and John, sons of Zebedee, came to Jesus and said, “Teacher, we want ·to ask you to do something for us [you to do whatever we ask].”

36 Jesus asked, “What do you want me to do for you?”

37 They answered, “Let one of us sit at your right side and one of us sit at your left side in your glory [C the messianic kingdom].”

38 Jesus said, “You don’t understand what you are asking. Can you drink the cup that I must drink? And can you be baptized with the same kind of baptism that I must go through?” [C Both “cup” and “baptism” symbolize suffering, and perhaps God’s judgment experienced by Jesus on the cross; Jer. 25:15–29.]

39 They answered, “Yes, we can.”

Jesus said to them, “You will drink the same cup that I will drink, and you will be baptized with the same baptism that I must go through. 40 But ·I cannot choose [it is not for me to grant/say] who will sit at my right or my left; those places belong to those for whom they have been prepared.”

41 When ·the other ten followers [L the ten] heard this, they began to be ·angry [indignant] with James and John.

42 Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of ·other nations [the Gentiles] love to ·show their power [lord it] over the people, and their ·important leaders [high officials; L great ones] love to ·use [exert] their authority [L over them]. 43 But it ·should not be [must not be; is not to be] that way among you. [Instead, L But] Whoever wants to become great among you must ·serve the rest of you like a servant [L be your servant]. 44 Whoever wants to become the first among you must ·serve all of you like a slave [L be your slave]. 45 In the same way, the Son of Man did not come to be served. He came to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many people [Is. 53:12; John 11:49–50].”

Jesus Heals a Blind Man(C)

46 Then they came to the town of Jericho. As Jesus was leaving there with his ·followers [disciples] and a great many people, a blind beggar named Bartimaeus [which means] son of Timaeus was sitting by the road. 47 When he heard that Jesus from Nazareth was walking by, he began to shout, “Jesus, Son of David [C a title for the Messiah, a descendant of King David; 2 Sam. 7:11–16], ·have mercy [take pity] on me!”

48 Many people ·warned [rebuked; scolded] the blind man to be quiet, but he shouted even more, “Son of David, ·have mercy [take pity] on me!”

49 Jesus stopped and said, “Tell the man to come here.”

So they called the blind man, saying, “·Cheer up [Take courage]! Get to your feet. Jesus is calling you.” 50 The blind man jumped up, ·left his coat there [threw off his cloak], and went to Jesus.

51 Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?”

The blind man answered, “·Teacher [L Rabbouni], I want to see.”

52 Jesus said, “Go, ·you are healed because you believed [your faith has healed you].” At once the man could see, and he followed Jesus on the road.

Psalm 45

A Song for the King’s Wedding

For the director of music. To the tune of “Lilies.” A ·maskil [skillful psalm; meditation]. A love song of the sons of Korah [C descendants of Kohath, son of Levi, who served as Temple musicians; 1 Chr. 6:22].

45 ·Beautiful words fill my mind [L My heart is stirred with a good word].
    I ·am speaking of royal things [or address my work to the king].
    My tongue is like the pen of a skilled writer [Ezra 7:6].

You are more ·handsome [or excellent] than anyone,
    and ·you are an excellent speaker [L grace flows from your lips; Prov. 22:11],
    so God has blessed you forever.
Put on your sword ·at your side [L on your thigh], powerful warrior.
    Show your ·glory [splendor] and majesty.
In your majesty ·win [L ride forth for] the victory
    for what is ·true [faithful] and ·right [righteous].
    Your ·power [L right hand] ·will do [L teaches you] amazing things.
Your sharp arrows will ·enter [pierce]
    the hearts of the king’s enemies.
    ·Nations [Peoples] will ·be defeated before [L fall beneath] you.
·God, your throne will last [or Your throne is a throne of God] forever and ever.
    ·You will rule your kingdom with fairness [L A scepter of virtue will be the scepter of your kingdom].
You love ·right [righteousness] and hate ·evil [wickedness],
    so God has ·chosen [anointed] you from among your ·friends [companions];
    ·he has set you apart with much joy [L …with the oil of joy; C kings were anointed with oil at their coronation; 1 Sam. 10:1; 16:13; Heb. 1:8–9].
Your clothes smell like myrrh, aloes, and cassia.
    From palaces of ivory
    ·music [stringed instruments] comes to make you happy.
Kings’ daughters are among your honored women.
    Your ·bride [queen; consort] stands at your right side
wearing gold from Ophir [C perhaps a region in southern Arabia].

10 Listen to me, daughter; look and ·pay attention [L incline your ear].
    Forget your people and your father’s ·family [L house; Gen. 2:24].
11 The king ·loves [L desires; longs for] your beauty.
    Because he is your ·master [lord], you should ·obey [L bow yourself before] him.
12 ·People from the city [L The daughter] of Tyre have brought ·a gift [tribute].
    Wealthy people ·will want to meet you [seek your favor].

13 The ·princess [L daughter of the king] is ·very beautiful [L all glorious within].
    Her gown is woven with gold.
14 In her ·beautiful [embroidered] clothes she is brought to the king.
    ·Her bridesmaids [Virgins] follow behind her,
    and ·they are also brought to him [L her friends follow].
15 They come with happiness and joy;
    they enter the king’s palace.

16 You will have sons to replace your fathers [C addressed to the king].
    You will make them ·rulers [princes] through all the land.
17 I will make your name famous from now on,
    so people will praise you forever and ever.

Proverbs 10:22

22 The Lord’s blessing brings wealth,
and no ·sorrow [trouble] comes with it.

Expanded Bible (EXB)

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