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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

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Expanded Bible (EXB)
Numbers 30-31

Rules About Special Promises

30 Moses spoke with the leaders of the ·Israelite tribes [L tribes of the sons/T children of Israel]. He told them these commands from the Lord.

“If a man makes a ·promise [vow] to the Lord or ·says he will do something special [swears an oath to bind himself to an obligation], he must ·keep his promise [L not break his word]. He must do what he said [Deut. 23:21; Ps. 50:14; Eccl. 5:4–5; Matt. 5:33–37]. If a young woman still living at ·home [L the house of her father] makes a ·promise [vow] to the Lord or ·pledges to do something special [binds herself to an obligation], and if her father hears about the ·promise [vow] or ·pledge [obligation by which she has bound herself] and says nothing, ·she must do what she promised [L all her vows stand]. ·She must keep her pledge [L All her obligations to which she has bound herself will stand]. But if her father hears about the ·promise [vow] or ·pledge [obligation by which she has bound herself] and ·does not allow it [disapproves], then the ·promise [vow] or ·pledge [obligation] does not ·have to be kept [L stand]. Her father ·would not allow it [disapproves], so the Lord will ·free her from her promise [L forgive her].

“If a woman ·makes a pledge [binds herself to an obligation] or speaks a ·careless [rash; thoughtless] ·promise [vow] and then gets married, and if her husband hears about it and says nothing, ·she must keep her promise [L her vow stands] ·or the pledge she made [L and the obligation by which she bound herself will stand]. But if her husband hears about it and ·does not allow it [disapproves], he cancels her ·pledge [vow] or the ·careless [rash; thoughtless] ·promise [vow] ·she made [by which she bound herself]. The Lord will ·free her from keeping it [forgive her].

“If a widow or divorced woman makes a ·promise [vow], ·she must do whatever she promised [L all by which she bound herself stands].

10 “If a woman makes a ·promise [vow] or ·pledge [L binds herself in an obligation] ·while she is married [L in the house of her husband], 11 and if her husband hears about it but says nothing and does not ·stop her [disapprove], ·she must keep her promise [all her vows stand] ·or pledge [L and all that to which she bound herself will stand]. 12 But if her husband hears about it and cancels it, ·she does not have to do what she said [L her vow and all that which she bound herself do not stand]. Her husband has canceled it, so the Lord will ·free her from it [forgive her]. 13 A woman’s husband may make her keep or cancel any ·promise [vow] or ·pledge [obligation] she has made to ·deny [mortify] herself. 14 If he says nothing to her about it for several days, ·she must keep her promises [L her vows stand]. If he hears about them and says nothing, ·she must keep her promises [L the obligations by which she bound herself will stand]. 15 But if he cancels them long after he heard about them, he ·is responsible if she breaks her promise [L will bear her guilt].”

16 These are ·commands [statutes; ordinances; requirements] that the Lord gave to Moses for husbands and wives, and for fathers with ·daughters living at home [L his daughters in her youth in the house of her father].

Israel Attacks the Midianites

31 The Lord spoke to Moses and said, “·Pay back [Avenge] the Midianites for what they did to the ·Israelites [L sons/T children of Israel; 25:6]; after that you will ·die [L be gathered to your people].”

So Moses said to the people, “·Get some men ready [Arm some men] for war. The Lord will use them to ·pay back [avenge himself against] the Midianites. Send to war a thousand men from each of the tribes of Israel.” So twelve thousand men ·got ready for war [were armed], out of the thousands of Israel a thousand men from each tribe. Moses sent ·those men [L a thousand from each tribe] to war; Phinehas son of Eleazar the priest was with them. He took with him the ·holy things [or vessels of the Holy Place] and the trumpets for giving the alarm. They fought the Midianites as the Lord had commanded Moses, and they killed every Midianite man. Among those they killed were Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba, who were the five kings of Midian. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with a sword [Num. 22–24; Deut. 23:4–5; Josh. 13:22; 24:10; Neh. 13:2; 2 Pet. 2:15; Jude 11; Rev. 2:14].

The ·Israelites [L sons of Israel] captured the Midianite women and children, and they took all their flocks, herds, and goods. 10 They burned all the Midianite towns where they had settled and all their camps, 11 but they took all the ·people and animals and goods [L plunder and all the spoil, both people and animals]. 12 Then they brought the captives, the ·animals, and the goods [L spoil and the plunder] back to Moses and Eleazar the priest and all the ·Israelites [L community/assembly/congregation of the sons/T children of Israel]. Their camp was on the plains of Moab near the Jordan River, across from Jericho.

13 Moses, Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders of the ·people [community; assembly; congregation] went outside the camp to meet them. 14 Moses was angry with the army officers, the commanders over a thousand men, and those over a hundred men, who returned from war.

15 He asked them, “Why did you let the women live? 16 They were the ones who followed Balaam’s advice [Jude 11] and turned the ·Israelites [L community/assembly/congregation of Israel] from the Lord at Peor. Then a ·terrible sickness [plague] struck the Lord’s people [Num. 25]. 17 Kill all the Midianite boys, and kill all the Midianite women who have ·had sexual relations [L known a man by going to bed with him]. 18 But save for yourselves the girls who have not ·had sexual relations with a man [L known a man by going to bed with him].

19 “All you men who killed anyone or touched a dead body must stay outside the camp for seven days [19:11]. On the third and seventh days you and your captives must make yourselves clean [C in a ritual sense]. 20 You must clean all your clothes and anything made of leather, goat hair, or wood.”

21 Then Eleazar the priest said to the soldiers who had gone to war, “These are the ·teachings [L statutes/ordinances/requirements of the law/instruction] that the Lord gave to Moses: 22 Put any gold, silver, bronze, iron, tin, or lead— 23 anything that will not burn—into the fire, and then it will be clean. But also purify those things with the cleansing water. Then they will be clean. If something cannot stand the fire, wash it with the water. 24 On the seventh day wash your clothes, and you will be clean. After that you may come into the camp.”

Dividing the Goods

25 The Lord said to Moses, 26 “You, Eleazar the priest, and the leaders of the ·family groups [clans of the community/assembly/congregation] should take a count of the ·goods [spoils], the men, and the animals that were taken. 27 Then divide ·those possessions [the spoil] between the soldiers who went to war and the ·rest of the people [community; assembly; congregation]. 28 From the soldiers who went to war, take a ·tax [tribute] for the Lord of one item out of every five hundred. This includes people, cattle, donkeys, or sheep. 29 Take it from the soldiers’ half, and give it to Eleazar the priest as the Lord’s ·share [offering]. 30 And from the ·people’s half [L half of the sons/T children of Israel], take one item out of every fifty. This includes people, cattle, donkeys, sheep, or other animals. Give that to the Levites, who take care of the Lord’s ·Holy Tent [Tabernacle].” 31 So Moses and Eleazar did as the Lord commanded Moses.

32 There remained from what the soldiers had taken 675,000 sheep, 33 72,000 cattle, 34 61,000 donkeys, 35 and 32,000 women who had not ·had sexual relations with a man [L known a man by going to bed with him]. 36 The soldiers who went to war got 337,500 sheep, 37 and they gave 675 of them to the Lord. 38 They got 36,000 cattle, and they gave 72 of them to the Lord. 39 They got 30,500 donkeys, and they gave 61 of them to the Lord. 40 They got 16,000 people, and they gave 32 of them to the Lord. 41 Moses gave the Lord’s ·share [tribute] to Eleazar the priest, as the Lord had commanded him.

42 Moses separated the ·people’s [L sons/T children of Israel’s] half from the soldiers’ half. 43 The people got 337,500 sheep, 44 36,000 cattle, 45 30,500 donkeys, 46 and 16,000 people. 47 From the ·people’s [L sons/T children of Israel’s] half Moses took one item out of every fifty for the Lord. This included the animals and the people. Then he gave them to the Levites, who took care of the Lord’s ·Holy Tent [Tabernacle]. This was what the Lord had commanded Moses.

48 Then the officers of the army, the commanders of a thousand men and commanders of a hundred men, came to Moses. 49 They told Moses, “We, your servants, have ·counted [taken a census of; L lifted the head of] our soldiers ·under our command [L in our hand], and not one of them is missing. 50 So we have brought the Lord a ·gift [offering] of the gold things that each of us found: arm bands, bracelets, signet rings, earrings, and necklaces. These are to ·remove our sins so we will belong to [make atonement for ourselves before] the Lord.”

51 So Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold from them, which had been made into all kinds of objects. 52 The commanders of a thousand men and the commanders of a hundred men gave the Lord the gold, and all of it together weighed about ·420 pounds [L 16,750 shekels]; 53 each soldier had taken ·something [plunder] for himself. 54 Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold from the commanders of a thousand men and the commanders of a hundred men. Then they put it in the Meeting Tent as a memorial before the Lord for the ·people [L sons; T children] of Israel.

Luke 4:1-30

Jesus Is Tempted by the Devil(A)

Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan River. The Spirit led Jesus into the ·desert [wilderness] where the devil ·tempted [or tested] Jesus for forty days [C like Israel’s forty years of testing in the wilderness]. Jesus ate nothing during that time, and when those days were ended, he was very hungry [Ex. 34:28].

The devil said to Jesus, “If you are the Son of God, ·tell [command] this rock to become bread.”

Jesus answered, “It is written in the Scriptures: ‘A person does not live on bread alone [Deut. 8:3].’”

Then the devil took Jesus [L up] and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in an instant. The devil said to Jesus, “I will give you all these kingdoms and all their ·power [authority] and ·glory [splendor]. [L …because] It has all been ·given [handed over] to me, and I can give it to anyone I wish. If you worship me, then it will all be yours.”

Jesus answered, “It is written in the Scriptures: ‘You must worship the Lord your God and serve only him [Deut. 6:13; 10:20].’”

Then the devil led Jesus to Jerusalem and put him on ·a high place [the pinnacle] of the Temple. He said to Jesus, “If you are the Son of God, ·jump [throw yourself] down [L from here]. 10 [L For] It is written in the Scriptures:

‘He ·has put his angels in charge of you [or will order his angels to protect you; L will command his angel concerning you]
    to ·watch over you [guard you carefully; Ps. 91:11].’

11 It is also written:

‘They will ·catch you in [lift you up with] their hands
    so that you will not ·hit your foot on [trip/stumble over] a rock [Ps. 91:12].’”

12 Jesus answered, “But it also says in the Scriptures: ‘Do not test the Lord your God [Deut. 6:16].’”

13 After the devil had ·tempted [tested] Jesus ·in every way [or with all these temptations], he left him to wait until a ·better [opportune] time.

Jesus Teaches the People(B)

14 Jesus returned to Galilee ·in the power of [empowered by] the Holy Spirit, and ·stories [news; reports] about him spread all through the ·area [region; countryside]. 15 He began to teach in their synagogues, and everyone ·praised [acclaimed; glorified] him.

16 Jesus traveled to Nazareth, where he had grown up. On the Sabbath day he went to the synagogue, as he always did, and stood up to read. 17 The ·book [or scroll] of Isaiah the prophet was given to him. He ·opened [L unrolled] the ·book [or scroll] and found the place where this is written:

18 “·The Lord has put his Spirit in me [L The Spirit of the Lord is on me],
    because he ·appointed [L anointed; C at Jesus’ baptism he was anointed by the Spirit as the Messiah, meaning the Anointed One] me to ·tell [proclaim; preach] the ·Good News [Gospel] to the poor.
He has sent me to ·tell the captives they are free [proclaim liberty/release for the captives/prisoners]
    and to tell the blind that they can see again [Is. 61:1].
God sent me to free ·those who have been treated unfairly [the oppressed; Is. 58:6]
19     and to ·announce [proclaim] the ·time [year] when the Lord will show his ·kindness [favor; Is. 61:2; C an allusion to the release of slaves during the Jubilee year; Lev. 25].”

20 Jesus ·closed the book [or rolled up the scroll], gave it back to the ·assistant [synagogue attendant], and sat down. ·Everyone [L All the eyes] in the synagogue was watching Jesus closely. 21 He began to say to them, “·While you heard these words just now, they were coming true [L Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your ears]!”

22 All the people spoke well of Jesus and were amazed at the ·words of grace [or gracious words] he spoke. They asked, “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?”

23 Jesus said to them, “·I know that [No doubt; Surely] you will ·tell [quote] me ·the old saying [this proverb]: ‘·Doctor [T Physician], heal yourself.’ You want to say, ‘We heard about the things you did in Capernaum [C a town in Galilee where Jesus lived and ministered]. Do those things here in your own town!’” 24 Then Jesus said, “·I tell you the truth [L Truly/Amen I say to you], a prophet is not ·accepted [welcomed] in his hometown. 25 But I tell you ·the truth [truly], there were many widows in Israel during the time of Elijah. ·It did not rain [L The sky/heavens were shut] in Israel for three and one-half years, and there was ·no food anywhere [L a great famine] in the whole country [1 Kin. 17]. 26 But Elijah was sent to none of those widows, only to a widow in Zarephath, a town in Sidon [C a Gentile city on the coast north of Israel]. 27 And there were many ·with skin diseases [T lepers] living in Israel during the time of the prophet Elisha. But none of them were ·healed [cured; cleansed], only Naaman, ·who was from the country of Syria [L the Syrian; 2 Kin. 5].”

28 When all the people in the synagogue heard these things, they ·became very angry [were furious; L were filled with wrath]. 29 They got up, ·forced [drove] Jesus out of town, and took him to the ·edge [brow] of the ·cliff [hill] on which the town was built. They planned to throw him off the ·edge [cliff], 30 but Jesus ·walked [passed] through the crowd and went on his way.

Psalm 63

Wishing to Be Near God

A psalm of David when he was in the ·desert [wilderness] of Judah [C fleeing from a jealous Saul; 1 Sam. 21–31].

63 God, you are my God.
    I ·search for [am intent on] you.
I thirst for you [42:1–2]
    ·like someone [or my flesh yearns for you] in a dry, ·empty [exhausted; weary] land
    where there is no water.
I have seen you in ·the Temple [L the Holy Place; or holiness]
    and have seen your strength and glory.
Because your ·love [loyalty] is better than life,
    ·I [L My lips] will praise you.
I will ·praise [bless] you ·as long as I live [L with my life].
    I will lift up my hands in your name [C in prayer].
I will be ·content as if I had eaten the best foods [L satisfied as with fat and fatness].
    My lips will sing, and my mouth will praise you.

I remember you while I’m lying in bed;
    I ·think about [meditate on] you through the watches of the night [C the night was divided into four watches of three hours each].
You are my help.
    ·Because of your protection [L In the shadow of your wings; C an image of compassion or perhaps a reference to the cherubim whose wings covered the Ark of the Covenant; Ex. 25:20], I sing.
I ·stay close [cling] to you;
    ·you support me with your right hand [L your right hand sustains me].

·Some people are trying to kill me [L They seek my life for ruin],
    but they will go down to the ·grave [L underbelly of the earth].
10 They will be ·killed with swords [L handed over to the sword]
    and ·eaten by wild dogs [L be the prey of jackals].
11 But the king will rejoice in his God.
    All who ·make promises in his name [L swear by him] will praise him,
but the mouths of liars will be shut.

Proverbs 11:20-21

20 The Lord ·hates [detests] those with ·evil [crooked] hearts
but is pleased with those who are innocent on the path.

21 Evil people will certainly be punished,
but ·those who do right [L the children of the righteous] will be set free.

Expanded Bible (EXB)

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