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How to Boost Your Bible Study with The Reformation Study Bible for Free on Bible Gateway

Martin Luther’s famous act of defiance against what he perceived to be unbiblical trends and practices within the church is traditionally considered the start of the Reformation. Luther wasn’t the first or only “reformer,” but his actions catalyzed what we call the Protestant Reformation. The spirit of the Reformation is alive and well today, and […]

Filed under Bible Study

The Reformation Study Bible: An Interview with Dr. R.C. Sproul

[Editor’s Note: Reformation Trust, the publishing ministry of Ligonier, has thoroughly revised the Reformation Study Bible (2015) with more than 20,000 study notes and commentary by 75 scholars under the leadership of Dr. R.C. Sproul, who says, “By presenting a modern restatement of biblical, Reformation truth in its comments and theological notes, the Reformation Study […]

Filed under Bible, Bible Gateway, Bible Gateway Features, Editions, Interviews, News

Reformation Reading at Bible Gateway

Looking to do some Reformation reading today? You may not realize it, but Bible Gateway’s got a strong library of Reformation-related material, all online and easily accessible. Here are some of our Reformation resources: The Geneva Bible: It seems fitting to start this list with the book that lay at the center of the Reformation: […]

Filed under Bibles, Devotionals, History

Five Bible Verses to Read on Reformation Day

Are you ready to celebrate? I’m not talking about Halloween—I’m referring to Reformation Day, which falls on October 31. (Of course, there’s no reason you couldn’t combine the two—I hope you’ve got your Martin Luther costume ready!) Reformation Day is a time to remember and reflect on the Protestant Reformation, a movement of theological reform […]

Filed under History, Holiday

Reformation Reading

Here are a few Reformation-related resources worth exploring, in case you need a break from sewing your kids’ Philip Melancthon Halloween costumes: Have you ever read the actual 95 theses that Martin Luther nailed to the Wittenberg church door in 1517? It’s worth doing so—not all of them are easily understood today, and many of […]

Filed under General

Celebrate Reformation Day!

Did you know that October 31 is one of the most significant dates in church history? No, I’m not talking about Halloween—I’m talking about Reformation Day!

Filed under Church, History

Reformation Study Bible Now Available on Bible Gateway

The Reformation Study Bible is now available on Bible Gateway! This study Bible, with its thousands of theological notes and insights, is an invaluable aid to Bible reading and study

Filed under Bible Study, New version, News

Why do we have so many English Bible translations?

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the number of English Bible translations we have today. It’s not uncommon to wonder why we have so many. Why do all these translations exist? Do they serve different purposes? Is there one that’s best—and if so which one? Let’s find out together.

Filed under Bible, Translations

The Profound Importance of Habits

By Justin Whitmel Earley You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and […]

Filed under Books, Discipleship, Family, Guest Post

What Are the Beatitudes? Why Are the Beatitudes Important?

On a hillside, possibly in the Korazim Plateau in northern Israel near the Sea of Galilee, Jesus began his Sermon on the Mount—the term first used by the 4th/5th century theologian, Augustine—with a grouping of virtues we know as the Beatitudes, in which he repeatedly emphasized the Greek word makarios, meaning “blessed (receiving God’s favor), […]

Filed under Bible Reference, Bible Study, Discipleship, New Testament