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Category Archives: General

The Bible Gateway Blog Has Moved!

Please visit Bible Gateway: News & Knowledge for the latest articles and updates from Bible Gateway, including Bible-related news, information, and of course the reflections and excerpts you know and love from bestselling Christian authors, thinkers, pastors, and influencers.

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Dig deeper into the Story of God with Bible Gateway Plus

“‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.’ When I think there was a day when a human hand first wrote those words, I am filled with awe. This sentence is a masterpiece of compression. It approximates as closely as words allow the instantaneous realization of an intent, the bringing into being of […]

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Savannah Guthrie on the “Bonus Commandment” and Two-Part Salvation

What is a favorite Bible passage of yours and why? Choosing your favorite verse is like choosing your favorite child – it’s kind of impossible! A verse I recite to myself often is, “I love the Lord for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because of this, I will call on […]

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How We Can Live Courageously in a World Full of Suffering

By Matt Chandler If you and I are going to be Overcomers and live courageously in this mess, it’d be helpful to understand some of it. After we see ultimate reality in Revelation 4–5, in Revelation 6 we get more help seeing behind all the mess. We get some good news about how we can […]

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How ‘All the Genealogies of the Bible’ helps bring clarity on God’s love for us

Have you wondered if the Bible’s genealogies are an important part of Bible study? Many of us skim through the genealogies, but they are important and play a part in how we can come to understand the cultural nuances around the time of each person’s life in the Bible. That’s why we are introducing All […]

Filed under Bible Gateway Features, Bible Gateway Plus, General

Embracing Our Future in Christ Whatever Happens Next

By Robert J. Morgan Anticipation keeps me going. What about you? Do you feel the need to look forward to what’s ahead—a vacation, a weekend at the beach or in the mountains, the birth of a child or grandchild, the diploma that concludes your studies, the day you retire, or even the fresh taste of […]

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Judgment, Grace, and Restoration in the Book of Jeremiah

by John MacArthur Jeremiah recounts more of his own life than any other prophet, telling of his ministry, the reactions of his audiences, testings, and his personal feelings. Jeremiah served as both a priest and a prophet and was the son of a priest named Hilkiah. He was from the small village of Anathoth (1:1), […]

Filed under Bible Study, Blogs, General, Guest Post, Infographics

Pin your most frequently used Study Resources on Bible Gateway

Do you use Bible Gateway to read the Bible each day? You are not alone! If you have a free account or are a member of Bible Gateway Plus, you’ll be excited by our newest feature! You can now pin your most frequently used Study Resources to the top of the Resources panel! To access […]

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Finding Peace Through Humility in the Book of Judges

by Joel Muddamalle, PhD I hate being lost and losing my way. It leaves me disoriented, and honestly, it can be a really scary feeling to not know where you are. Today, we have modern tools like smartphones that give us maps and directions at our fingertips. But before that technology was available, one of […]

Filed under Bible Study, General, Guest Post, Infographics, Study, Video

Redefining and Cultivating Christlike Humility Like Paul

By Dr. Joel Muddamalle Let’s look at how the Greek word for humility was used in Paul’s setting. One of the prominent Greek words we translate as “humble” (tapeinophrosynē) could also be translated as “self-abasement” or “lowliness.” In Greek, there are words that are related to each other that convey the concept of humility, and […]

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