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Category Archives: The Bible

The Top Five Bible Verses of 2011

We’ve crunched the numbers, and here are the five most popular Bible verses on Bible Gateway in 2011.

Filed under 2011 in Review, Bible Study, Devotionals, Jesus, King James Version, New Testament, News, Old Testament, Polls and Surveys, Reflections, Statistics, Study, Survey, The Bible, Video, Year in Review

A Look Back at 2011: Did You Say 100 Million?

In 2011, visitors to accomplished some impressive things! We’ve created a little video infographic to share the details.

Filed under 2011 in Review, Bible, Bibles, Blogs, Books, Culture, Discipleship, General, Infographics, Literacy, News, Polls and Surveys, Statistics, The Bible, Video, Year in Review

Why We’re Reading the Bible in 2012

What’s in store for the Bible Gateway community in 2012? Rachel Barach, Bible Gateway’s general manager, shares her vision for the next year.

Filed under 2011 in Review, Bible, Bible Study, Bibles, Discipleship, General, Literacy, New Testament, News, Old Testament, Reading Plans, Reflections, Study, The Bible, Verse of the Day, Worship, Year in Review

Best of the Bible Gateway Blog, 2011

What were the most popular, interesting, or otherwise noteworthy posts on the Bible Gateway blog in 2011? We’ve looked back through the year and picked out five candidates.

Filed under 2011 in Review, Archaeology, Bible, Bible Study, Devotionals, General, New Testament, News, Newsletters, Old Testament, Prophecy, Reflections, Study, The Bible, Year in Review

The Best of Lee Strobel’s “Investigating Faith,” 2011

Have you ever had questions or doubts about God, the Bible, or Christianity? Here are the top five essays by Christian apologist Lee Strobel published in his “Investigating Faith” newsletter in 2011.

Filed under 2011 in Review, Apologetics, Archaeology, Bible, Bible Reference, Bible Study, Church, Church History, Commentaries, Culture, Evangelism, Frequently Asked Questions, General, How to Understand the Bible, Literacy, New Testament, Old Testament, Philosophy, Prophecy, Reflections, Study, The Bible, Theology, Worship

The Best of “Everything New,” 2011

Throughout 2011, Bible Gateway has been blessed by our partnership with pastor and author Mel Lawrenz. Over the last year, Mel has written many thought-provoking, challenging, and encouraging devotionals. Here’s one of our favorites, followed by links to four others well worth reading.

Filed under 2011 in Review, Apologetics, Art, Bible, Bible Reference, Bible Study, Bibles, Church, Devotionals, General, How to Understand the Bible, Literacy, Men, New Testament, Newsletters, Old Testament, Philosophy, Prophecy, Reflections, Study, The Bible, Theology, Women, Worship, Year in Review

Peter Brings the Gospel to the Gentiles

Over the past few weeks my church has been studying the book of Galatians—specifically, Paul’s rather fiery rhetoric against the group of Jewish Christians who were demanding that Gentle converts to Christianity be circumcised. Exploring the context of this account has led us back to the story of Peter bringing the Gospel to the Gentiles […]

Filed under Reflections, The Bible

N.T. Wright on “the Whole Sweep of Scripture”

How do you read a book as big and deep as the Bible? When asked that question in an interview, New Testament scholar N.T. Wright answered “Frequently and thoroughly.” How can you apply that to your Bible reading?

Filed under The Bible

Does the Gospel of Thomas Belong Alongside the New Testament Gospels?

Are there “lost gospels” that show us the “true” Jesus? What is the Gospel of Thomas, and does it truly deserve a place alongside the four canonical Gospels?

Filed under History, The Bible

National Day of Prayer Reminder and Prayers in the Bible

Today is the National Day of Prayer in the United States. As anyone who has seen a recent newspaper knows, there are plenty of reasons to be praying. What are some of your favorite prayers from the Bible?

Filed under The Bible