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Category Archives: News

The Top Five Bible Verses of 2011

We’ve crunched the numbers, and here are the five most popular Bible verses on Bible Gateway in 2011.

Filed under 2011 in Review, Bible Study, Devotionals, Jesus, King James Version, New Testament, News, Old Testament, Polls and Surveys, Reflections, Statistics, Study, Survey, The Bible, Video, Year in Review

Bible Gateway in 2012: What’s Next?

What’s next for Bible Gateway in 2012? Lots, starting with a mobile app, bookmarking and note-taking, and more devotional content. Read about what’s coming later this year!

Filed under 2011 in Review, App, Beta Website, Bible Gateway Features, Blogs, Frequently Asked Questions, General, iPad, Live-Blogging, Mobile, News, Year in Review

A Look Back at 2011: Did You Say 100 Million?

In 2011, visitors to accomplished some impressive things! We’ve created a little video infographic to share the details.

Filed under 2011 in Review, Bible, Bibles, Blogs, Books, Culture, Discipleship, General, Infographics, Literacy, News, Polls and Surveys, Statistics, The Bible, Video, Year in Review

Why We’re Reading the Bible in 2012

What’s in store for the Bible Gateway community in 2012? Rachel Barach, Bible Gateway’s general manager, shares her vision for the next year.

Filed under 2011 in Review, Bible, Bible Study, Bibles, Discipleship, General, Literacy, New Testament, News, Old Testament, Reading Plans, Reflections, Study, The Bible, Verse of the Day, Worship, Year in Review

Best of the Bible Gateway Blog, 2011

What were the most popular, interesting, or otherwise noteworthy posts on the Bible Gateway blog in 2011? We’ve looked back through the year and picked out five candidates.

Filed under 2011 in Review, Archaeology, Bible, Bible Study, Devotionals, General, New Testament, News, Newsletters, Old Testament, Prophecy, Reflections, Study, The Bible, Year in Review

It’s the End of the World (Again)

The End of the World is once again in the news. Is it possible to discover the date of Judgment Day by scrutinizing the Bible?

Filed under News

Dictionary of Bible Themes: A New Study Tool Now Online at Bible Gateway

We’re pleased to announce the addition of a brand new resources to Bible Gateway’s library: the Dictionary of Bible Themes! The Dictionary is a massive compilation of themes and topics in the Bible (over 2,000), carefully organized to make it as easy as possible to find the specific subject you’re interested in.

Filed under Bible Study, News

Paying Tribute to John Stott

Since John Stott passed away earlier this week, many people have written moving reflections about the famous Christian teacher’s life and influence. Whether you’ve been following Stott’s writing and teaching for years or are just now getting to know about his ministry, you might find these memorial articles and tributes worthwhile.

Filed under News, Obituary

Celebrating the Life and Ministry of John Stott

By now, you may have heard the bittersweet news that John Stott passed away earlier today. While we rejoice for a life well-lived, we also grieve at its conclusion. Stott was truly one of the greatest Christians teachers of the 20th century. Read on for Mel Lawrenz’ thoughtful reflection on Stott’s life and ministry.

Filed under News, Obituary

Pray for Norway

Please join us in praying for victims of the attacks in Norway, as well as for police and rescue personnel working to restore security.

Filed under News