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Category Archives: Jesus

The Enemy of Our Souls is Allergic to This Bread

By Cynthia Ruchti “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” John 6:29 (NIV) Years ago if you had asked me to name my favorite kitchen cooking task, I’d have answered, “Baking bread.” A friend’s hearty wholewheat bread recipe made a heavy loaf—filling, satisfying, and a good Christmas gift […]

Filed under Books, Christmas, Guest Post, Jesus

Jesus Shows What Humanity is Supposed to Look Like: An Interview with Brian Hardin

The Bible says Jesus was fully human and fully divine. If sin caused humanity to become less than God originally created it to be, how does Jesus’ life demonstrate what normal humanity is supposed to look like? Bible Gateway interviewed Brian Hardin (@realbrianhardin) about his book, Sneezing Jesus: The Infectious Allure of the Human God […]

Filed under Books, Interviews, Jesus, Theology

Easter Inspirational Video from the Gospel of John

The season of Easter began Easter Day and lasts 50 days until the Day of Pentecost. Listen to and watch this inspirational video of the Easter account from the Gospel of John: You can read the story of Easter in John 20:1-8 (KJV) (as well as in the other three Gospels). Here’s John’s account: The […]

Filed under Bible, Easter, Jesus, Video

Easter Inspirational Video from the Gospel of Mark

The season of Easter began Easter Day and lasts 50 days until the Day of Pentecost. Listen to and watch this inspirational video of the Easter account from the Gospel of Mark: You can read the story of Easter in Mark 16:1-8 (NIV) (as well as in the other three Gospels). Here’s Mark’s account: When […]

Filed under Bible, Easter, Jesus, Video

The Humanness of Jesus: An Interview with Trent Sheppard

Christians believe Jesus is God. But this belief wasn’t the starting point for Jesus’ earliest followers. While Jesus’ humanity was a given for the disciples, his divinity was a truth they had to grow into believing—it was a journey of faith. As Christians today, we’re also called into a faith journey—this time, to rediscover Jesus’ […]

Filed under Books, Interviews, Jesus

The Forgotten Jesus: An Interview with Robby Gallaty

How can knowing about ancient Jewish idioms, traditions, and culture deepen Christians’ relationship with Jesus? How can readers of the Bible better understand Scripture passages by being sensitive to Hebrew heritage? Bible Gateway interviewed Robby Gallaty (@Rgallaty) about his book, The Forgotten Jesus: Why Western Christians Should Follow an Eastern Rabbi (Zondervan, 2017). [Learn about […]

Filed under Books, Interviews, Jesus

Christ is Risen!

Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, God’s promised Messiah! Listen to and watch the Easter account from the Gospel of Luke: You can read the story of Easter in Luke 24:1-8 (NIV) (as well as in the other three Gospels). Here’s Luke’s account: On the first day of the week, very early in […]

Filed under Bible, Easter, Jesus, Video

The Jesus Storybook Bible: An Interview with Sally Lloyd-Jones

The Jesus Storybook Bible has reached a milestone of two million copies sold. A Bible like no other, it invites children (and adults) to join in the greatest of all adventures: to discover for themselves that Jesus is at the center of God’s great story of salvation—and at the center of their own story too! […]

Filed under Books, Family, Interviews, Jesus

The 40 Days Between Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension: An Interview with D. Michael MacKinnon

A 79-year-old frail man tells a story to his granddaughter that he’s kept a secret for decades due to his fear. At the age of nine, he was an orphan living on the street in Jerusalem. He had an encounter with a bloody and beaten man who was forced to drag a heavy timber cross […]

Filed under Books, Easter, Interviews, Jesus

Why We Actually Crave the Wrath of God

by John Mark Comer As followers of Jesus, when we read stories about Yahweh’s anger or wrath or judgment, we feel like we need to apologize to our friends or explain it away or hide this socially unacceptable part of God away in the back room, as if Yahweh needs a little PR help to […]

Filed under Culture, Guest Post, Jesus, Theology