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M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan

The classic M'Cheyne plan--read the Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms or Gospels every day.
Duration: 365 days
Good News Translation (GNT)
Deuteronomy 32

32 “Earth and sky, hear my words,

    listen closely to what I say.
My teaching will fall like drops of rain
    and form on the earth like dew.
My words will fall like showers on young plants,
    like gentle rain on tender grass.
I will praise the name of the Lord,
    and his people will tell of his greatness.

“The Lord is your mighty defender,
    perfect and just in all his ways;
Your God is faithful and true;
    he does what is right and fair.
But you are unfaithful, unworthy to be his people,[a]
    a sinful and deceitful nation.
Is this the way you should treat the Lord,
    you foolish, senseless people?
He is your father, your Creator,
    he made you into a nation.

“Think of the past, of the time long ago;
    ask your parents to tell you what happened,
    ask the old people to tell of the past.
(A)The Most High assigned nations their lands;
    he determined where peoples should live.
He assigned to each nation a heavenly being,
    but Jacob's descendants he chose for himself.

10 “He found them wandering through the desert,
    a desolate, wind-swept wilderness.
He protected them and cared for them,
    as he would protect himself.
11 Like an eagle teaching its young to fly,[b]
    catching them safely on its spreading wings,
    the Lord kept Israel from falling.
12 The Lord alone led his people
    without the help of a foreign god.

13 “He let them rule the highlands,
    and they ate what grew in the fields.
They found wild honey among the rocks;
    their olive trees flourished in stony ground.
14 Their cows and goats gave plenty of milk;
    they had the best sheep, goats, and cattle,
    the finest wheat, and the choicest wine.

15 “The Lord's people grew rich, but rebellious;
    they were fat and stuffed with food.
They abandoned God their Creator
    and rejected their mighty savior.
16 Their idolatry made the Lord jealous;
    the evil they did made him angry.
17 (B)They sacrificed to gods that are not real,
    new gods their ancestors had never known,
    gods that Israel had never obeyed.
18 They forgot their God, their mighty savior,
    the one who had given them life.

19 “When the Lord saw this, he was angry
    and rejected his sons and daughters.
20 ‘I will no longer help them,’ he said;
    ‘then I will see what happens to them,
    those stubborn, unfaithful people.
21 (C)With their idols they have made me angry,
    jealous with their so-called gods,
    gods that are really not gods.
So I will use a so-called nation to make them angry;
    I will make them jealous with a nation of fools.
22 My anger will flame up like fire
    and burn everything on earth.
It will reach to the world below[c]
    and consume the roots of the mountains.

23 “‘I will bring on them endless disasters
    and use all my arrows against them.
24 They will die from hunger and fever;
    they will die from terrible diseases.
I will send wild animals to attack them,
    and poisonous snakes to bite them.
25 War will bring death in the streets;
    terrors will strike in the homes.
Young men and young women will die;
    neither babies nor old people will be spared.
26 I would have destroyed them completely,
    so that no one would remember them.
27 But I could not let their enemies boast
    that they had defeated my people,
    when it was I myself who had crushed them.’

28 “Israel is a nation without sense;
    they have no wisdom at all.
29 They fail to see why they were defeated;
    they cannot understand what happened.
30 Why were a thousand defeated by one,
    and ten thousand by only two?
The Lord, their God, had abandoned them;
    their mighty God had given them up.
31 Their enemies know that their own gods are weak,
    not mighty like Israel's God.
32 Their enemies, corrupt as Sodom and Gomorrah,
    are like vines that bear bitter and poisonous grapes,
33     like wine made from the venom of snakes.

34 “The Lord remembers what their enemies have done;
    he waits for the right time to punish them.
35 (D)The Lord will take revenge and punish them;
    the time will come when they will fall;
    the day of their doom is near.
36 (E)The Lord will rescue his people
    when he sees that their strength is gone.
He will have mercy on those who serve him,
    when he sees how helpless they are.
37 Then the Lord will ask his people,
    ‘Where are those mighty gods you trusted?
38 You fed them the fat of your sacrifices
    and offered them wine to drink.
Let them come and help you now;
    let them run to your rescue.

39 “‘I, and I alone, am God;
    no other god is real.
I kill and I give life, I wound and I heal,
    and no one can oppose what I do.
40 As surely as I am the living God,
    I raise my hand and I vow
41     that I will sharpen my flashing sword
    and see that justice is done.
I will take revenge on my enemies
    and punish those who hate me.
42 My arrows will drip with their blood,
    and my sword will kill all who oppose me.
I will spare no one who fights against me;
    even the wounded and prisoners will die.’

43 (F)“Nations, you must praise the Lord's people—
    he punishes all who kill them.
He takes revenge on his enemies
    and forgives the sins of his people.”

44 Moses and Joshua son of Nun recited this song, so that the people of Israel could hear it.

Moses' Final Instructions

45 When Moses had finished giving God's teachings to the people, 46 he said, “Be sure to obey all these commands that I have given you today. Repeat them to your children, so that they may faithfully obey all of God's teachings. 47 These teachings are not empty words; they are your very life. Obey them and you will live long in that land across the Jordan that you are about to occupy.”

48 (G)That same day the Lord said to Moses, 49 “Go to the Abarim Mountains in the land of Moab opposite the city of Jericho; climb Mount Nebo and look at the land of Canaan that I am about to give the people of Israel. 50 You will die on that mountain as your brother Aaron died on Mount Hor, 51 because both of you were unfaithful to me in the presence of the people of Israel. When you were at the waters of Meribah, near the town of Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin, you dishonored me in the presence of the people. 52 You will look at the land from a distance, but you will not enter the land that I am giving the people of Israel.”

Psalm 119:121-144

Obedience to the Law of the Lord

121 I have done what is right and good;
    don't abandon me to my enemies!
122 Promise that you will help your servant;
    don't let the arrogant oppress me!
123 My eyes are tired from watching for your saving help,
    for the deliverance you promised.
124 Treat me according to your constant love,
    and teach me your commands.
125 I am your servant; give me understanding,
    so that I may know your teachings.
126 Lord, it is time for you to act,
    because people are disobeying your law.
127 I love your commands more than gold,
    more than the finest gold.
128 And so I follow all your instructions;[a]
    I hate all wrong ways.

Desire to Obey the Law of the Lord

129 Your teachings are wonderful;
    I obey them with all my heart.
130 The explanation of your teachings gives light
    and brings wisdom to the ignorant.
131 In my desire for your commands
    I pant with open mouth.
132 Turn to me and have mercy on me
    as you do on all those who love you.
133 As you have promised, keep me from falling;
    don't let me be overcome by evil.
134 Save me from those who oppress me,
    so that I may obey your commands.
135 Bless me with your presence
    and teach me your laws.
136 My tears pour down like a river,
    because people do not obey your law.

The Justice of the Law of the Lord

137 You are righteous, Lord,
    and your laws are just.
138 The rules that you have given
    are completely fair and right.
139 My anger burns in me like a fire,
    because my enemies disregard your commands.
140 How certain your promise is!
    How I love it!
141 I am unimportant and despised,
    but I do not neglect your teachings.
142 Your righteousness will last forever,
    and your law is always true.
143 I am filled with trouble and anxiety,
    but your commandments bring me joy.
144 Your instructions are always just;
    give me understanding, and I shall live.

Isaiah 59

The Prophet Condemns the People's Sins

59 Don't think that the Lord is too weak to save you or too deaf to hear your call for help! It is because of your sins that he doesn't hear you. It is your sins that separate you from God when you try to worship him. You are guilty of lying, violence, and murder.

You go to court, but you do not have justice on your side. You depend on lies to win your case. You carry out your plans to hurt others. 5-6 The evil plots you make are as deadly as the eggs of a poisonous snake. Crush an egg, out comes a snake! But your plots will do you no good—they are as useless as clothing made of cobwebs! (A)You are always planning something evil, and you can hardly wait to do it. You never hesitate to murder innocent people. You leave ruin and destruction wherever you go, and no one is safe when you are around. Everything you do is unjust. You follow a crooked path, and no one who walks that path will ever be safe.

The People Confess Their Sin

The people say, “Now we know why God does not save us from those who oppress us. We hope for light to walk by, but there is only darkness, 10 and we grope about like blind people. We stumble at noon, as if it were night, as if we were in the dark world of the dead. 11 We are frightened and distressed. We long for God to save us from oppression and wrong, but nothing happens.

12 Lord, our crimes against you are many. Our sins accuse us. We are well aware of them all. 13 We have rebelled against you, rejected you, and refused to follow you. We have oppressed others and turned away from you. Our thoughts are false; our words are lies. 14 Justice is driven away, and right cannot come near. Truth stumbles in the public square, and honesty finds no place there. 15 There is so little honesty that those who stop doing evil find themselves the victims of crime.”

The Lord Prepares to Rescue His People

The Lord has seen this, and he is displeased that there is no justice. 16 (B)He is astonished to see that there is no one to help the oppressed. So he will use his own power to rescue them and to win the victory. 17 (C)He will wear justice like a coat of armor and saving power like a helmet. He will clothe himself with the strong desire to set things right and to punish and avenge the wrongs that people suffer. 18 He will punish his enemies according to what they have done, even those who live in distant lands. 19 From east to west everyone will fear him and his great power. He will come like a rushing river, like a strong wind.

20 (D)The Lord says to his people, “I will come to Jerusalem to defend you and to save all of you that turn from your sins. 21 And I make a covenant with you: I have given you my power and my teachings to be yours forever, and from now on you are to obey me and teach your children and your descendants to obey me for all time to come.”

Matthew 7

Judging Others(A)

“Do not judge others, so that God will not judge you, (B)for God will judge you in the same way you judge others, and he will apply to you the same rules you apply to others. Why, then, do you look at the speck in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the log in your own eye? How dare you say to your brother, ‘Please, let me take that speck out of your eye,’ when you have a log in your own eye? You hypocrite! First take the log out of your own eye, and then you will be able to see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

“Do not give what is holy to dogs—they will only turn and attack you. Do not throw your pearls in front of pigs—they will only trample them underfoot.

Ask, Seek, Knock(C)

(D)“Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks will receive, and anyone who seeks will find, and the door will be opened to those who knock. Would any of you who are fathers give your son a stone when he asks for bread? 10 Or would you give him a snake when he asks for a fish? 11 As bad as you are, you know how to give good things to your children. How much more, then, will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him!

12 (E)“Do for others what you want them to do for you: this is the meaning of the Law of Moses and of the teachings of the prophets.

The Narrow Gate(F)

13 (G)“Go in through the narrow gate, because the gate to hell is wide and the road that leads to it is easy, and there are many who travel it. 14 But the gate to life is narrow and the way that leads to it is hard, and there are few people who find it.

A Tree and Its Fruit(H)

15 “Be on your guard against false prophets; they come to you looking like sheep on the outside, but on the inside they are really like wild wolves. 16 (I)You will know them by what they do. Thorn bushes do not bear grapes, and briers do not bear figs. 17 A healthy tree bears good fruit, but a poor tree bears bad fruit. 18 A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a poor tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 (J)And any tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown in the fire. 20 (K)So then, you will know the false prophets by what they do.

I Never Knew You(L)

21 “Not everyone who calls me ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but only those who do what my Father in heaven wants them to do. 22 When the Judgment Day comes, many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord! In your name we spoke God's message, by your name we drove out many demons and performed many miracles!’ 23 (M)Then I will say to them, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you wicked people!’

The Two House Builders(N)

24 “So then, anyone who hears these words of mine and obeys them is like a wise man who built his house on rock. 25 The rain poured down, the rivers flooded over, and the wind blew hard against that house. But it did not fall, because it was built on rock.

26 “But anyone who hears these words of mine and does not obey them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain poured down, the rivers flooded over, the wind blew hard against that house, and it fell. And what a terrible fall that was!”

The Authority of Jesus

28 (O)When Jesus finished saying these things, the crowd was amazed at the way he taught. 29 He wasn't like the teachers of the Law; instead, he taught with authority.

Good News Translation (GNT)

Good News Translation® (Today’s English Version, Second Edition) © 1992 American Bible Society. All rights reserved. For more information about GNT, visit and