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M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan

The classic M'Cheyne plan--read the Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms or Gospels every day.
Duration: 365 days
Good News Translation (GNT)
Deuteronomy 19

The Cities of Refuge(A)

19 (B)“After the Lord your God has destroyed the people whose land he is giving you and after you have taken their cities and houses and settled there, 2-3 divide the territory into three parts, each with a city that can be easily reached. Then any of you that kill will be able to escape to one of them for protection. If you accidentally kill someone who is not your enemy, you may escape to any of these cities and be safe. For example, if two of you go into the forest together to cut wood and if, as one of you is chopping down a tree, the ax head comes off the handle and kills the other, you can run to one of those three cities and be safe. If there were only one city, the distance to it might be too great, and the relative who is responsible for taking revenge for the killing might catch you and angrily kill an innocent person. After all, it was by accident that you killed someone who was not your enemy. This is why I order you to set aside three cities.

“When the Lord your God enlarges your territory, as he told your ancestors he would, and gives you all the land he has promised, then you are to select three more cities. (He will give you this land if you do everything that I command you today and if you love the Lord your God and live according to his teachings.) 10 Do this, so that innocent people will not die and so that you will not be guilty of putting them to death in the land that the Lord is giving you.

11 “But suppose you deliberately murder your enemy in cold blood and then escape to one of those cities for protection. 12 In that case, the leaders of your own town are to send for you and hand you over to the relative responsible for taking revenge for the murder, so that you may be put to death. 13 No mercy will be shown to you. Israel must rid itself of murderers, so that all will go well.

Ancient Property Lines

14 (C)“Do not move your neighbor's property line, established long ago in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.

Concerning Witnesses

15 (D)“One witness is not enough to convict someone of a crime; at least two witnesses are necessary to prove that someone is guilty. 16 If any of you try to harm another by false accusations, 17 both of you are to go to the one place of worship and be judged by the priests and judges who are then in office. 18 The judges will investigate the case thoroughly; and if you have made a false accusation, 19 you are to receive the punishment the accused would have received. In this way your nation will get rid of this evil. 20 Then everyone else will hear what happened; they will be afraid, and no one will ever again do such an evil thing. 21 (E)In such cases show no mercy; the punishment is to be a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, and a foot for a foot.

Psalm 106

The Lord's Goodness to His People

106 (A)Praise the Lord!
Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good;
    his love is eternal.
Who can tell all the great things he has done?
    Who can praise him enough?
Happy are those who obey his commands,
    who always do what is right.

Remember me, Lord, when you help your people;
    include me when you save them.
Let me see the prosperity of your people
    and share in the happiness of your nation,
    in the glad pride of those who belong to you.

We have sinned as our ancestors did;
    we have been wicked and evil.
(B)Our ancestors in Egypt did not understand God's wonderful acts;
    they forgot the many times he showed them his love,
    and they rebelled against the Almighty[a] at the Red Sea.
But he saved them, as he had promised,
    in order to show his great power.
(C)He gave a command to the Red Sea,
    and it dried up;
    he led his people across on dry land.
10 He saved them from those who hated them;
    he rescued them from their enemies.
11 But the water drowned their enemies;
    not one of them was left.
12 (D)Then his people believed his promises
    and sang praises to him.

13 But they quickly forgot what he had done
    and acted without waiting for his advice.
14 (E)They were filled with craving in the desert
    and put God to the test;
15 so he gave them what they asked for,
    but also sent a terrible disease among them.

16 (F)There in the desert they were jealous of Moses
    and of Aaron, the Lord's holy servant.
17 Then the earth opened up and swallowed Dathan
    and buried Abiram and his family;
18 fire came down on their followers
    and burned up those wicked people.

19 (G)They made a gold bull-calf at Sinai
    and worshiped that idol;
20 they exchanged the glory of God
    for the image of an animal that eats grass.
21 They forgot the God who had saved them
    by his mighty acts in Egypt.
22 What wonderful things he did there!
    What amazing things at the Red Sea!
23 When God said that he would destroy his people,
    his chosen servant, Moses, stood up against God
    and kept his anger from destroying them.

24 (H)Then they rejected the pleasant land,
    because they did not believe God's promise.
25 They stayed in their tents and grumbled
    and would not listen to the Lord.
26 So he have them a solemn warning
    that he would make them die in the desert
27 (I)and scatter their descendants among the heathen,
    letting them die in foreign countries.

28 (J)Then at Peor, God's people joined in the worship of Baal
    and ate sacrifices offered to dead gods.
29 They stirred up the Lord's anger by their actions,
    and a terrible disease broke out among them.
30 But Phinehas stood up and punished the guilty,
    and the plague was stopped.
31 This has been remembered in his favor ever since
    and will be for all time to come.

32 (K)At the springs of Meribah the people made the Lord angry,
    and Moses was in trouble on their account.
33 They made him so bitter
    that he spoke without stopping to think.

34 (L)They did not kill the heathen,
    as the Lord had commanded them to do,
35 but they intermarried with them
    and adopted their pagan ways.
36 God's people worshiped idols,
    and this caused their destruction.
37 (M)They offered their own sons and daughters
    as sacrifices to the idols of Canaan.
38 (N)They killed those innocent children,
    and the land was defiled by those murders.
39 They made themselves impure by their actions
    and were unfaithful to God.

40 (O)So the Lord was angry with his people;
    he was disgusted with them.
41 He abandoned them to the power of the heathen,
    and their enemies ruled over them.
42 They were oppressed by their enemies
    and were in complete subjection to them.
43 Many times the Lord rescued his people,
    but they chose to rebel against him
    and sank deeper into sin.
44 Yet the Lord heard them when they cried out,
    and he took notice of their distress.
45 For their sake he remembered his covenant,
    and because of his great love he relented.
46 He made all their oppressors
    feel sorry for them.

47 (P)Save us, O Lord our God,
    and bring us back from among the nations,
so that we may be thankful
    and praise your holy name.

48 Praise the Lord, the God of Israel;
    praise him now and forever!
    Let everyone say, “Amen!”

Praise the Lord!

Isaiah 46

46 “This is the end for Babylon's gods!
    Bel and Nebo once were worshiped,
    but now they are loaded on donkeys,
    a burden for the backs of tired animals.
    The idols cannot save themselves;
    they are captured and carried away.
This is the end for Babylon's gods!

“Listen to me, descendants of Jacob,
    all who are left of my people.
I have cared for you from the time you were born.
I am your God and will take care of you
    until you are old and your hair is gray.
I made you and will care for you;
    I will give you help and rescue you.

“To whom will you compare me?” says the Lord.
    “Is there anyone else like me?
People open their purses and pour out gold;
    they weigh out silver on the scales.
They hire a goldsmith to make a god;
    then they bow down and worship it.
They lift it to their shoulders and carry it;
    they put it in place, and there it stands,
    unable to move from where it is.
If any pray to it, it cannot answer
    or save them from disaster.

“Remember this, you sinners;
    consider what I have done.
Remember what happened long ago;
    acknowledge that I alone am God
    and that there is no one else like me.
10 From the beginning I predicted the outcome;
    long ago I foretold what would happen.
I said that my plans would never fail,
    that I would do everything I intended to do.
11 I am calling a man to come from the east;[a]
    he will swoop down like a hawk
    and accomplish what I have planned.
I have spoken, and it will be done.

12 “Listen to me, you stubborn people
    who think that victory is far away.
13 I am bringing the day of victory near—
    it is not far away at all.
My triumph will not be delayed.
    I will save Jerusalem
    and bring honor to Israel there.”

Revelation 16

The Bowls of God's Anger

16 Then I heard a loud voice speaking from the temple to the seven angels: “Go and pour out the seven bowls of God's anger on the earth!”

(A)The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth. Terrible and painful sores appeared on those who had the mark of the beast and on those who had worshiped its image.

Then the second angel poured out his bowl on the sea. The water became like the blood of a dead person, and every living creature in the sea died.

(B)Then the third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and the springs of water, and they turned into blood. I heard the angel in charge of the waters say, “The judgments you have made are just, O Holy One, you who are and who were! They poured out the blood of God's people and of the prophets, and so you have given them blood to drink. They are getting what they deserve!” Then I heard a voice from the altar saying, “Lord God Almighty! True and just indeed are your judgments!”

Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was allowed to burn people with its fiery heat. They were burned by the fierce heat, and they cursed the name of God, who has authority over these plagues. But they would not turn from their sins and praise his greatness.

10 (C)Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast. Darkness fell over the beast's kingdom, and people bit their tongues because of their pain, 11 and they cursed the God of heaven for their pains and sores. But they did not turn from their evil ways.

12 (D)Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great Euphrates River. The river dried up, to provide a way for the kings who come from the east. 13 Then I saw three unclean spirits that looked like frogs. They were coming out of the mouth of the dragon, the mouth of the beast, and the mouth of the false prophet. 14 They are the spirits of demons that perform miracles. These three spirits go out to all the kings of the world, to bring them together for the battle on the great Day of Almighty God.

15 (E)“Listen! I am coming like a thief! Happy is he who stays awake and guards his clothes, so that he will not walk around naked and be ashamed in public!”

16 (F)Then the spirits brought the kings together in the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.

17 Then the seventh angel poured out his bowl in the air. A loud voice came from the throne in the temple, saying, “It is done!” 18 (G)There were flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder, and a terrible earthquake. There has never been such an earthquake since the creation of human beings; this was the worst earthquake of all! 19 (H)The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of all countries were destroyed. God remembered great Babylon and made her drink the wine from his cup—the wine of his furious anger. 20 (I)All the islands disappeared, all the mountains vanished. 21 (J)Huge hailstones, each weighing as much as a hundred pounds, fell from the sky on people, who cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because it was such a terrible plague.

Good News Translation (GNT)

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