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M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan

The classic M'Cheyne plan--read the Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms or Gospels every day.
Duration: 365 days
Good News Translation (GNT)
Deuteronomy 16

The Passover(A)

16 (B)“Honor the Lord your God by celebrating Passover in the month of Abib; it was on a night in that month that he rescued you from Egypt. Go to the one place of worship and slaughter there one of your sheep or cattle for the Passover meal to honor the Lord your God. When you eat this meal, do not eat bread prepared with yeast. For seven days you are to eat bread prepared without yeast, as you did when you had to leave Egypt in such a hurry. Eat this bread—it will be called the bread of suffering—so that as long as you live you will remember the day you came out of Egypt, that place of suffering. For seven days no one in your land is to have any yeast in the house; and the meat of the animal killed on the evening of the first day must be eaten that same night.

5-6 “Slaughter the Passover animals at the one place of worship—and nowhere else in the land that the Lord your God will give you. Do it at sunset, the time of day when you left Egypt. Boil the meat and eat it at the one place of worship; and the next morning return home. For the next six days you are to eat bread prepared without yeast, and on the seventh day assemble to worship the Lord your God, and do no work on that day.

The Harvest Festival(C)

(D)“Count seven weeks from the time that you begin to harvest the grain, 10 and then celebrate the Harvest Festival, to honor the Lord your God, by bringing him a freewill offering in proportion to the blessing he has given you. 11 Be joyful in the Lord's presence, together with your children, your servants, and the Levites, foreigners, orphans, and widows who live in your towns. Do this at the one place of worship. 12 Be sure that you obey these commands; do not forget that you were slaves in Egypt.

The Festival of Shelters(E)

13 (F)“After you have threshed all your grain and pressed all your grapes, celebrate the Festival of Shelters for seven days. 14 Enjoy it with your children, your servants, and the Levites, foreigners, orphans, and widows who live in your towns. 15 Honor the Lord your God by celebrating this festival for seven days at the one place of worship. Be joyful, because the Lord has blessed your harvest and your work.

16 “All the men of your nation are to come to worship the Lord three times a year at the one place of worship: at Passover, Harvest Festival, and the Festival of Shelters. Each man is to bring a gift 17 as he is able, in proportion to the blessings that the Lord your God has given him.

The Administration of Justice

18 “Appoint judges and other officials in every town that the Lord your God gives you. These men are to judge the people impartially. 19 (G)They are not to be unjust or show partiality in their judgments; and they are not to accept bribes, for gifts blind the eyes even of wise and honest men, and cause them to give wrong decisions. 20 Always be fair and just, so that you will occupy the land that the Lord your God is giving you and so that you will continue to live there.

21 (H)“When you make an altar for the Lord your God, do not put beside it a wooden symbol of the goddess Asherah. 22 (I)And do not set up any stone pillar for idol worship; the Lord hates them.

Psalm 103

The Love of God[a]

103 Praise the Lord, my soul!
    All my being, praise his holy name!
Praise the Lord, my soul,
    and do not forget how kind he is.
He forgives all my sins
    and heals all my diseases.
He keeps me from the grave
    and blesses me with love and mercy.
He fills my life[b] with good things,
    so that I stay young and strong like an eagle.

The Lord judges in favor of the oppressed
    and gives them their rights.
He revealed his plans to Moses
    and let the people of Israel see his mighty deeds.
(A)The Lord is merciful and loving,
    slow to become angry and full of constant love.
He does not keep on rebuking;
    he is not angry forever.
10 He does not punish us as we deserve
    or repay us according to our sins and wrongs.
11 As high as the sky is above the earth,
    so great is his love for those who honor him.
12 As far as the east is from the west,
    so far does he remove our sins from us.
13 As a father is kind to his children,
    so the Lord is kind to those who honor him.
14 He knows what we are made of;
    he remembers that we are dust.

15 As for us, our life is like grass.
We grow and flourish like a wild flower;
16     then the wind blows on it, and it is gone—
    no one sees it again.
17 But for those who honor the Lord, his love lasts forever,
    and his goodness endures for all generations
18 of those who are true to his covenant
    and who faithfully obey his commands.

19 The Lord placed his throne in heaven;
    he is king over all.
20 Praise the Lord, you strong and mighty angels,
    who obey his commands,
    who listen to what he says.
21 Praise the Lord, all you heavenly powers,
    you servants of his, who do his will!
22 Praise the Lord, all his creatures
    in all the places he rules.
Praise the Lord, my soul!

Isaiah 43

God Promises to Rescue His People

43 Israel, the Lord who created you says,

    “Do not be afraid—I will save you.
    I have called you by name—you are mine.
When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you;
    your troubles will not overwhelm you.
When you pass through fire, you will not be burned;
    the hard trials that come will not hurt you.
For I am the Lord your God,
    the holy God of Israel, who saves you.
I will give up Egypt to set you free;
    I will give up Ethiopia[a] and Seba.
I will give up whole nations to save your life,
    because you are precious to me
    and because I love you and give you honor.
Do not be afraid—I am with you!

“From the distant east and the farthest west
    I will bring your people home.
I will tell the north to let them go
    and the south not to hold them back.
Let my people return from distant lands,
    from every part of the world.
They are my own people,
    and I created them to bring me glory.”

Israel Is the Lord's Witness

God says,

“Summon my people to court.
    They have eyes, but they are blind;
    they have ears, but they are deaf!
Summon the nations to come to the trial.
    Which of their gods can predict the future?
    Which of them foretold what is happening now?
Let these gods bring in their witnesses
    to prove that they are right,
    to testify to the truth of their words.

10 “People of Israel, you are my witnesses;
    I chose you to be my servant,
so that you would know me and believe in me
    and understand that I am the only God.
Besides me there is no other god;
    there never was and never will be.

11 “I alone am the Lord,
    the only one who can save you.
12 I predicted what would happen,
    and then I came to your aid.
No foreign god has ever done this;
    you are my witnesses.
13 I am God and always will be.
No one can escape from my power;
    no one can change what I do.”

Escape from Babylon

14 Israel's holy God, the Lord who saves you, says,

“To save you, I will send an army against Babylon;
    I will break down the city gates,
    and the shouts of her people will turn into crying.
15 I am the Lord, your holy God.
    I created you, Israel, and I am your king.”

16 Long ago the Lord made a road through the sea,
    a path through the swirling waters.
17 He led a mighty army to destruction,
    an army of chariots and horses.
Down they fell, never to rise,
    snuffed out like the flame of a lamp!

18 But the Lord says,

“Do not cling to events of the past
    or dwell on what happened long ago.
19 Watch for the new thing I am going to do.
    It is happening already—you can see it now!
I will make a road through the wilderness
    and give you streams of water there.
20 Even the wild animals will honor me;
    jackals and ostriches will praise me
when I make rivers flow in the desert
    to give water to my chosen people.
21 They are the people I made for myself,
    and they will sing my praises!”

Israel's Sin

22 The Lord says,

“But you were tired of me, Israel;
    you did not worship me.
23 You did not bring me your burnt offerings of sheep;
    you did not honor me with your sacrifices.
I did not burden you by demanding offerings
    or wear you out by asking for incense.
24 You didn't buy incense for me
    or satisfy me with the fat of your animals.
Instead you burdened me with your sins;
    you wore me out with the wrongs you have committed.
25 And yet, I am the God who forgives your sins,
    and I do this because of who I am.
I will not hold your sins against you.

26 “Let us go to court; bring your accusation!
    Present your case to prove you are in the right!
27 Your earliest ancestor[b] sinned;
    your leaders sinned against me,
28     and your rulers profaned[c] my sanctuary.
So I brought destruction on Israel;
    I let my own people be insulted.”

Revelation 13

The Two Beasts

13 (A)Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads; on each of its horns there was a crown, and on each of its heads there was a name that was insulting to God. (B)The beast looked like a leopard, with feet like a bear's feet and a mouth like a lion's mouth. The dragon gave the beast his own power, his throne, and his vast authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have been fatally wounded, but the wound had healed. The whole earth was amazed and followed the beast. Everyone worshiped the dragon because he had given his authority to the beast. They worshiped the beast also, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who can fight against it?”

(C)The beast was allowed to make proud claims which were insulting to God, and it was permitted to have authority for forty-two months. It began to curse God, his name, the place where he lives, and all those who live in heaven. (D)It was allowed to fight against God's people and to defeat them, and it was given authority over every tribe, nation, language, and race. (E)All people living on earth will worship it, except those whose names were written before the creation of the world in the book of the living which belongs to the Lamb that was killed.

“Listen, then, if you have ears! 10 (F)Whoever is meant to be captured will surely be captured; whoever is meant to be killed by the sword will surely be killed by the sword. This calls for endurance and faith on the part of God's people.”

11 Then I saw another beast, which came up out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb's horns, and it spoke like a dragon. 12 It used the vast authority of the first beast in its presence. It forced the earth and all who live on it to worship the first beast, whose wound had healed. 13 This second beast performed great miracles; it made fire come down out of heaven to earth in the sight of everyone. 14 And it deceived all the people living on earth by means of the miracles which it was allowed to perform in the presence of the first beast. The beast told them to build an image in honor of the beast that had been wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15 The second beast was allowed to breathe life into the image of the first beast, so that the image could talk and put to death all those who would not worship it. 16 The beast forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, slave and free, to have a mark placed on their right hands or on their foreheads. 17 No one could buy or sell without this mark, that is, the beast's name or the number that stands for the name.

18 This calls for wisdom. Whoever is intelligent can figure out the meaning of the number of the beast, because the number stands for the name of someone. Its number is 666.

Good News Translation (GNT)

Good News Translation® (Today’s English Version, Second Edition) © 1992 American Bible Society. All rights reserved. For more information about GNT, visit and