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M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan

The classic M'Cheyne plan--read the Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms or Gospels every day.
Duration: 365 days
Good News Translation (GNT)
Deuteronomy 27:1-28:19

God's Laws Written on Stones

27 Then Moses, together with the leaders of Israel, said to the people, “Obey all the instructions that I am giving you today. (A)On the day you cross the Jordan River and enter the land that the Lord your God is giving you, you are to set up some large stones, cover them with plaster, and write on them all these laws and teachings. When you have entered the rich and fertile land that the Lord, the God of your ancestors, promised you, and you are on the other side of the Jordan, set up these stones on Mount Ebal, as I am instructing you today, and cover them with plaster. (B)Build an altar there made of stones that have had no iron tools used on them, because any altar you build for the Lord your God must be made of uncut stones. There you are to offer the sacrifices that are to be burned, and there you are to sacrifice and eat your fellowship offerings and be grateful in the presence of the Lord your God. On the stones covered with plaster write clearly every word of God's laws.”

Then Moses, together with the levitical priests, said to all the people of Israel, “Give me your attention, people of Israel, and listen to me. Today you have become the people of the Lord your God; 10 so obey him and keep all his laws that I am giving you today.”

The Curses on Disobedience

11 Then Moses said to the people of Israel, 12 (C)“After you have crossed the Jordan, the following tribes are to stand on Mount Gerizim when the blessings are pronounced on the people: Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Joseph, and Benjamin. 13 And the following tribes will stand on Mount Ebal when the curses are pronounced: Reuben, Gad, Asher, Zebulun, Dan, and Naphtali. 14 The Levites will speak these words in a loud voice:

15 (D)“‘God's curse on anyone who makes an idol of stone, wood, or metal and secretly worships it; the Lord hates idolatry.’

“And all the people will answer, ‘Amen!’

16 (E)“‘God's curse on anyone who dishonors his father or mother.’

“And all the people will answer, ‘Amen!’

17 (F)“‘God's curse on anyone who moves a neighbor's property line.’

“And all the people will answer, ‘Amen!’

18 (G)“‘God's curse on anyone who leads a blind person in the wrong direction.’

“And all the people will answer, ‘Amen!’

19 (H)“‘God's curse on anyone who deprives foreigners, orphans, and widows of their rights.’

“And all the people will answer, ‘Amen!’

20 (I)“‘God's curse on anyone who disgraces his father by having intercourse with any of his father's wives.’

“And all the people will answer, ‘Amen!’

21 (J)“‘God's curse on anyone who has sexual relations with an animal.’

“And all the people will answer, ‘Amen!’

22 (K)“‘God's curse on anyone who has intercourse with his sister or half sister.’

“And all the people will answer, ‘Amen!’

23 (L)“‘God's curse on anyone who has intercourse with his mother-in-law.’

“And all the people will answer, ‘Amen!’

24 “‘God's curse on anyone who secretly commits murder.’

“And all the people will answer, ‘Amen!’

25 “‘God's curse on anyone who accepts money to murder an innocent person.’

“And all the people will answer, ‘Amen!’

26 (M)“‘God's curse on anyone who does not obey all of God's laws and teachings.’

“And all the people will answer, ‘Amen!’

The Blessings of Obedience(N)

28 (O)“If you obey the Lord your God and faithfully keep all his commands that I am giving you today, he will make you greater than any other nation on earth. Obey the Lord your God and all these blessings will be yours:

“The Lord will bless your towns and your fields.

“The Lord will bless you with many children, with abundant crops, and with many cattle and sheep.

“The Lord will bless your grain crops and the food you prepare from them.

“The Lord will bless everything you do.

“The Lord will defeat your enemies when they attack you. They will attack from one direction, but they will run from you in all directions.

“The Lord your God will bless your work and fill your barns with grain. He will bless you in the land that he is giving you.

“If you obey the Lord your God and do everything he commands, he will make you his own people, as he has promised. 10 Then all the peoples on earth will see that the Lord has chosen you to be his own people, and they will be afraid of you. 11 The Lord will give you many children, many cattle, and abundant crops in the land that he promised your ancestors to give you. 12 He will send rain in season from his rich storehouse in the sky and bless all your work, so that you will lend to many nations, but you will not have to borrow from any. 13 The Lord your God will make you the leader among the nations and not a follower; you will always prosper and never fail if you obey faithfully all his commands that I am giving you today. 14 But you must never disobey them in any way, or worship and serve other gods.

The Consequences of Disobedience(P)

15 “But if you disobey the Lord your God and do not faithfully keep all his commands and laws that I am giving you today, all these evil things will happen to you:

16 “The Lord will curse your towns and your fields.

17 “The Lord will curse your grain crops and the food you prepare from them.

18 “The Lord will curse you by giving you only a few children, poor crops, and few cattle and sheep.

19 “The Lord will curse everything you do.

Psalm 119:1-24

The Law of the Lord

119 Happy are those whose lives are faultless,
    who live according to the law of the Lord.
Happy are those who follow his commands,
    who obey him with all their heart.
They never do wrong;
    they walk in the Lord's ways.
Lord, you have given us your laws
    and told us to obey them faithfully.
How I hope that I shall be faithful
    in keeping your instructions!
If I pay attention to all your commands,
    then I will not be put to shame.
As I learn your righteous judgments,
    I will praise you with a pure heart.
I will obey your laws;
    never abandon me!

Obedience to the Law of the Lord

How can young people keep their lives pure?
    By obeying your commands.
10 With all my heart I try to serve you;
    keep me from disobeying your commandments.
11 I keep your law in my heart,
    so that I will not sin against you.
12 I praise you, O Lord;
    teach me your ways.
13 I will repeat aloud
    all the laws you have given.
14 I delight in following your commands
    more than in having great wealth.
15 I study your instructions;
    I examine your teachings.
16 I take pleasure in your laws;
    your commands I will not forget.

Happiness in the Law of the Lord

17 Be good to me, your servant,
    so that I may live and obey your teachings.
18 Open my eyes, so that I may see
    the wonderful truths in your law.
19 I am here on earth for just a little while;
    do not hide your commands from me.
20 My heart aches with longing;
    I want to know your judgments at all times.
21 You reprimand the proud;
    cursed are those who disobey your commands.
22 Free me from their insults and scorn,
    because I have kept your laws.
23 The rulers meet and plot against me,
    but I will study your teachings.
24 Your instructions give me pleasure;
    they are my advisers.

Isaiah 54

The Lord's Love for Israel

54 (A)Jerusalem, you have been like a childless woman,
    but now you can sing and shout for joy.
Now you will have more children
    than a woman whose husband never left her.
Make the tent you live in larger;
    lengthen its ropes and strengthen the pegs!
You will extend your boundaries on all sides;
    your people will get back the land
    that the other nations now occupy.
    Cities now deserted will be filled with people.

Do not be afraid—you will not be disgraced again;
    you will not be humiliated.
You will forget your unfaithfulness as a young wife,
    and your desperate loneliness as a widow.
Your Creator will be like a husband to you—
    the Lord Almighty is his name.
The holy God of Israel will save you—
    he is the ruler of all the world.

Israel, you are like a young wife,
    deserted by her husband and deeply distressed.
But the Lord calls you back to him and says:
“For one brief moment I left you;
    with deep love I will take you back.
I turned away angry for only a moment,
    but I will show you my love forever.”
So says the Lord who saves you.

(B)“In the time of Noah I promised
    never again to flood the earth.
Now I promise not to be angry with you again;
    I will not reprimand or punish you.
10 (C)The mountains and hills may crumble,
    but my love for you will never end;
    I will keep forever my promise of peace.”
So says the Lord who loves you.

The Future Jerusalem

11 (D)The Lord says,

“O Jerusalem, you suffering, helpless city,
    with no one to comfort you,
I will rebuild your foundations with precious stones.
12 I will build your towers with rubies,
    your gates with stones that glow like fire,
    and the wall around you with jewels.

13 (E)“I myself will teach your people
    and give them prosperity and peace.
14 Justice and right will make you strong.
    You will be safe from oppression and terror.
15 Whoever attacks you,
    does it without my consent;
whoever fights against you will fall.

16 “I create the blacksmith,
    who builds a fire and forges weapons.
I also create the soldier,
    who uses the weapons to kill.
17 But no weapon will be able to hurt you;
    you will have an answer for all who accuse you.
I will defend my servants
    and give them victory.”

The Lord has spoken.

Matthew 2

Visitors from the East

Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in Judea, during the time when Herod was king. Soon afterward, some men who studied the stars came from the East to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the baby born to be the king of the Jews? We saw his star when it came up in the east, and we have come to worship him.”

When King Herod heard about this, he was very upset, and so was everyone else in Jerusalem. He called together all the chief priests and the teachers of the Law and asked them, “Where will the Messiah be born?”

“In the town of Bethlehem in Judea,” they answered. “For this is what the prophet wrote:

(A)‘Bethlehem in the land of Judah,
    you are by no means the least of the leading cities of Judah;
for from you will come a leader
    who will guide my people Israel.’”

So Herod called the visitors from the East to a secret meeting and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. Then he sent them to Bethlehem with these instructions: “Go and make a careful search for the child; and when you find him, let me know, so that I too may go and worship him.”

9-10 And so they left, and on their way they saw the same star they had seen in the East. When they saw it, how happy they were, what joy was theirs! It went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. 11 They went into the house, and when they saw the child with his mother Mary, they knelt down and worshiped him. They brought out their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and presented them to him.

12 Then they returned to their country by another road, since God had warned them in a dream not to go back to Herod.

The Escape to Egypt

13 After they had left, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph and said, “Herod will be looking for the child in order to kill him. So get up, take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you to leave.”

14 Joseph got up, took the child and his mother, and left during the night for Egypt, 15 (B)where he stayed until Herod died. This was done to make come true what the Lord had said through the prophet, “I called my Son out of Egypt.”

The Killing of the Children

16 When Herod realized that the visitors from the East had tricked him, he was furious. He gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its neighborhood who were two years old and younger—this was done in accordance with what he had learned from the visitors about the time when the star had appeared.

17 In this way what the prophet Jeremiah had said came true:

18 (C)“A sound is heard in Ramah,
    the sound of bitter weeping.
Rachel is crying for her children;
    she refuses to be comforted,
    for they are dead.”

The Return from Egypt

19 After Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt 20 and said, “Get up, take the child and his mother, and go back to the land of Israel, because those who tried to kill the child are dead.” 21 So Joseph got up, took the child and his mother, and went back to Israel.

22 But when Joseph heard that Archelaus had succeeded his father Herod as king of Judea, he was afraid to go there. He was given more instructions in a dream, so he went to the province of Galilee 23 (D)and made his home in a town named Nazareth. And so what the prophets had said came true: “He will be called a Nazarene.”

Good News Translation (GNT)

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