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Category Archives: Church

Celebrate Your Pastor During Clergy Appreciation Month

Does your pastor or minister know you appreciate them? Now’s your chance to let them know: October is Clergy Appreciation Month, when churchgoers are encouraged to give thanks for their pastors, ministers, and leaders. (And yes, Hallmark has cards for it…) It’s easy to take your pastor for granted, not noticing (or bothering to find […]

Filed under Church, Events

The Tweetable Pope: Catholic Resources in the Bible Gateway Store

In The Tweetable Pope: A Spiritual Revolution in 140 Characters (HarperOne, 2015), Boston Globe journalist and Catholic commentator Michael O’Loughlin (@MikeOLoughlin) opens a window into the heart and revolutionary mission of Pope Francis (@Pontifex) by examining his extensive and revelatory use of social media. If faith is to be strong and healthy, it must be […]

Filed under Bibles, Church

Bible Apps in Church: Good or Bad Idea?

[Editor’s Note: This guest post is written by Poncho Lowder (@PonchoLowder), CEO of Custom Church Apps (@BibleJournalApp).] Do you use a digital Bible during worship services? Or do you find that using an app to read Scripture during church is distracting? My company produces a custom church app platform that’s centered around digital interaction with […]

Filed under App, Church, Guest Post, Mobile

The Ministry of Leading Biblical Worship: An Interview with Jeremy Armstrong

Worship is both a noun (the formal expression of reverence and adoration for God) and a verb (to feel an adoring reverence for God). The Bible tells us to worship God (Psalm 100:2) and to hold his name in highest regard (Exodus 20:7 and Matthew 6:9). It also quotes God saying he wants our worship […]

Filed under Church, Interviews, Worship

‘The Story’ is Improving Bible Literacy in Churches: An Interview with Shelley Leith

The Story is a dynamic, powerful, and rewarding experience produced by Zondervan for churches, families, small groups, and individuals. The Story is helping people everywhere experience Scripture like never before. Carefully selected verses from the Bible are organized chronologically. From Genesis to Revelation, participants come to understand God’s story and how their stories intersect with […]

Filed under Church, Interviews, The Bible

People Overwhelmingly Use Print Bibles in Church

Whether it’s leather, hardcover, or softcover, the vast majority of Bible Gateway users responding to an online survey say they use print, not digital, versions of the Bible when they attend their worship services. Readers of the Bible Gateway Blog were asked “What edition of the Bible do you most often take to church?,” to […]

Filed under Church, Polls and Surveys

The Book of Common Prayer Remains a Force: An Interview with Alan Jacobs

[Eleanor Roosevelt’s copy of the Book of Common Prayer (courtesy of] Since its first publication in 1549 during the reign of King Henry VIII, the language of the Book of Common Prayer has saturated English culture. It’s become a venerable work that continues to touch the lives of multitudes around the world. Daily readings […]

Filed under Bible, Books, Church, History, Interviews

Why Creeds are Still a Big Deal: An Interview with Justin Holcomb

Creeds are the church’s most important statements of faith over the centuries, but are they needed today? Are they only good for public worship services or can individuals benefit from them on a day-to-day level? Rev. Dr. Justin Holcomb (@JustinHolcomb) is an Episcopal priest and a professor of theology and Christian thought at Gordon-Conwell Theological […]

Filed under Books, Church, History, Interviews

Celebrate Reformation Day!

Did you know that October 31 is one of the most significant dates in church history? No, I’m not talking about Halloween—I’m talking about Reformation Day!

Filed under Church, History

A Primer on the Christian Calendar

Do you follow the Christian calendar? I grew up attending churches that didn’t emphasize the Christian calendar, and thus remained largely unaware of it. But the church I currently attend does periodically focus on the Holy Days of the traditional church calendar—and it’s been a wonderful learning experience. After four years of attendance, I’ve begun […]

Filed under Church, Easter, Holiday, Lent