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Revised Common Lectionary (Complementary)

Daily Bible readings that follow the church liturgical year, with thematically matched Old and New Testament readings.
Duration: 1245 days
Good News Translation (GNT)
Psalm 80

A Prayer for the Nation's Restoration[a]

80 (A)Listen to us, O Shepherd of Israel;
    hear us, leader of your flock.
Seated on your throne above the winged creatures,
    reveal yourself to the tribes of Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh.
Show us your strength;
    come and save us!

Bring us back, O God!
    Show us your mercy, and we will be saved!

How much longer, Lord God Almighty,
    will you be angry with your people's prayers?
You have given us sorrow to eat,
    a large cup of tears to drink.
You let the surrounding nations fight over our land;
    our enemies insult us.

Bring us back, Almighty God!
    Show us your mercy, and we will be saved!

You brought a grapevine out of Egypt;
    you drove out other nations and planted it in their land.
You cleared a place for it to grow;
    its roots went deep, and it spread out over the whole land.
10 It covered the hills with its shade;
    its branches overshadowed the giant cedars.
11 It extended its branches to the Mediterranean Sea
    and as far as the Euphrates River.
12 Why did you break down the fences around it?
    Now anyone passing by can steal its grapes;
13     wild hogs trample it down,
    and wild animals feed on it.

14 Turn to us, Almighty God!
    Look down from heaven at us;
    come and save your people!
15 Come and save this grapevine that you planted,
    this young vine you made grow so strong!

16 Our enemies have set it on fire and cut it down;
    look at them in anger and destroy them!
17 Preserve and protect the people you have chosen,
    the nation you made so strong.
18 We will never turn away from you again;
    keep us alive, and we will praise you.

19 Bring us back, Lord God Almighty.
    Show us your mercy, and we will be saved.

Isaiah 32:9-20

Judgment and Restoration

You women who live an easy life, free from worries, listen to what I am saying. 10 You may be satisfied now, but this time next year you will be in despair because there will be no grapes for you to gather. 11 You have been living an easy life, free from worries; but now, tremble with fear! Strip off your clothes and tie rags around your waist. 12 Beat your breasts in grief because the fertile fields and the vineyards have been destroyed, 13 and thorn bushes and briers are growing on my people's land. Weep for all the houses where people were happy and for the city that was full of life. 14 Even the palace will be abandoned and the capital city totally deserted. Homes and the forts that guarded them will be in ruins forever. Wild donkeys will roam there, and sheep will find pasture there.

15 But once more God will send us his spirit. The wasteland will become fertile, and fields will produce rich crops. 16 Everywhere in the land righteousness and justice will be done. 17 Because everyone will do what is right, there will be peace and security forever. 18 God's people will be free from worries, and their homes peaceful and safe. 19 (But hail will fall on the forests, and the city will be torn down.) 20 How happy everyone will be with plenty of water for the crops and safe pasture everywhere for the donkeys and cattle.

James 3:17-18

17 But the wisdom from above is pure first of all; it is also peaceful, gentle, and friendly; it is full of compassion and produces a harvest of good deeds; it is free from prejudice and hypocrisy. 18 And goodness is the harvest that is produced from the seeds the peacemakers plant in peace.

Good News Translation (GNT)

Good News Translation® (Today’s English Version, Second Edition) © 1992 American Bible Society. All rights reserved. For more information about GNT, visit and