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Revised Common Lectionary (Complementary)

Daily Bible readings that follow the church liturgical year, with thematically matched Old and New Testament readings.
Duration: 1245 days
Good News Translation (GNT)
Psalm 135

A Hymn of Praise

135 Praise the Lord!

Praise his name, you servants of the Lord,
    who stand in the Lord's house,
    in the Temple of our God.
Praise the Lord, because he is good;
    sing praises to his name, because he is kind.[a]
He chose Jacob for himself,
    the people of Israel for his own.

I know that our Lord is great,
    greater than all the gods.
He does whatever he wishes
    in heaven and on earth,
    in the seas and in the depths below.
He brings storm clouds from the ends of the earth;
    he makes lightning for the storms,
    and he brings out the wind from his storeroom.

In Egypt he killed all the first-born
    of people and animals alike.
There he performed miracles and wonders
    to punish the king and all his officials.
10 He destroyed many nations
    and killed powerful kings:
11 Sihon, king of the Amorites,
    Og, king of Bashan,
    and all the kings in Canaan.
12 He gave their lands to his people;
    he gave them to Israel.

13 Lord, you will always be proclaimed as God;
    all generations will remember you.
14 The Lord will defend his people;
    he will take pity on his servants.

15 (A)The gods of the nations are made of silver and gold;
    they are formed by human hands.
16 They have mouths, but cannot speak,
    and eyes, but cannot see.
17 They have ears, but cannot hear;
    they are not even able to breathe.
18 May all who made them and who trust in them
    become[b] like the idols they have made!

19 Praise the Lord, people of Israel;
    praise him, you priests of God!
20 Praise the Lord, you Levites;
    praise him, all you that worship him!
21 Praise the Lord in Zion,
    in Jerusalem, his home.

Praise the Lord!

Isaiah 26:1-15

God Will Give His People Victory

26 A day is coming when the people will sing this song in the land of Judah:

Our city is strong!
God himself defends its walls!
Open the city gates
    and let the faithful nation enter,
    the nation whose people do what is right.
You, Lord, give perfect peace
    to those who keep their purpose firm
    and put their trust in you.
Trust in the Lord forever;
    he will always protect us.
He has humbled those who were proud;
    he destroyed the strong city they lived in,
    and sent its walls crashing into the dust.
Those who were oppressed walk over it now
    and trample it under their feet.

Lord, you make the path smooth for good people;
    the road they travel is level.
We follow your will and put our hope in you;
    you are all that we desire.
At night I long for you with all my heart;
    when you judge the earth and its people,
    they will all learn what justice is.
10 Even though you are kind to the wicked,
    they never learn to do what is right.
Even here in a land of righteous people
    they still do wrong;
    they refuse to recognize your greatness.
11 (A)Your enemies do not know that you will punish them.
Lord, put them to shame and let them suffer;
    let them suffer the punishment you have prepared.
Show them how much you love your people.

12 You will give us prosperity, Lord;
    everything that we achieve
    is the result of what you do.[a]
13 Lord our God, we have been ruled by others,
    but you alone are our Lord.
14 Now they are dead and will not live again;
    their ghosts will not rise,
    for you have punished them and destroyed them.
No one remembers them any more.
15 Lord, you have made our nation grow,
    enlarging its territory on every side;
    and this has brought you honor.

Mark 12:18-27

The Question about Rising from Death(A)

18 (B)Then some Sadducees, who say that people will not rise from death, came to Jesus and said, 19 (C)“Teacher, Moses wrote this law for us: ‘If a man dies and leaves a wife but no children, that man's brother must marry the widow so that they can have children who will be considered the dead man's children.’ 20 Once there were seven brothers; the oldest got married and died without having children. 21 Then the second one married the woman, and he also died without having children. The same thing happened to the third brother, 22 and then to the rest: all seven brothers married the woman and died without having children. Last of all, the woman died. 23 Now, when all the dead rise to life on the day of resurrection, whose wife will she be? All seven of them had married her.”

24 Jesus answered them, “How wrong you are! And do you know why? It is because you don't know the Scriptures or God's power. 25 For when the dead rise to life, they will be like the angels in heaven and will not marry. 26 (D)Now, as for the dead being raised: haven't you ever read in the Book of Moses the passage about the burning bush? There it is written that God said to Moses, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ 27 He is the God of the living, not of the dead. You are completely wrong!”

Good News Translation (GNT)

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