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Revised Common Lectionary (Complementary)

Daily Bible readings that follow the church liturgical year, with thematically matched Old and New Testament readings.
Duration: 1245 days
Good News Translation (GNT)
Psalm 80

A Prayer for the Nation's Restoration[a]

80 (A)Listen to us, O Shepherd of Israel;
    hear us, leader of your flock.
Seated on your throne above the winged creatures,
    reveal yourself to the tribes of Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh.
Show us your strength;
    come and save us!

Bring us back, O God!
    Show us your mercy, and we will be saved!

How much longer, Lord God Almighty,
    will you be angry with your people's prayers?
You have given us sorrow to eat,
    a large cup of tears to drink.
You let the surrounding nations fight over our land;
    our enemies insult us.

Bring us back, Almighty God!
    Show us your mercy, and we will be saved!

You brought a grapevine out of Egypt;
    you drove out other nations and planted it in their land.
You cleared a place for it to grow;
    its roots went deep, and it spread out over the whole land.
10 It covered the hills with its shade;
    its branches overshadowed the giant cedars.
11 It extended its branches to the Mediterranean Sea
    and as far as the Euphrates River.
12 Why did you break down the fences around it?
    Now anyone passing by can steal its grapes;
13     wild hogs trample it down,
    and wild animals feed on it.

14 Turn to us, Almighty God!
    Look down from heaven at us;
    come and save your people!
15 Come and save this grapevine that you planted,
    this young vine you made grow so strong!

16 Our enemies have set it on fire and cut it down;
    look at them in anger and destroy them!
17 Preserve and protect the people you have chosen,
    the nation you made so strong.
18 We will never turn away from you again;
    keep us alive, and we will praise you.

19 Bring us back, Lord God Almighty.
    Show us your mercy, and we will be saved.

Isaiah 5:1-7

The Song of the Vineyard

(A)Listen while I sing you this song,
    a song of my friend and his vineyard:
My friend had a vineyard
    on a very fertile hill.
He dug the soil and cleared it of stones;
    he planted the finest vines.
He built a tower to guard them,
    dug a pit for treading the grapes.
He waited for the grapes to ripen,
    but every grape was sour.

So now my friend says, “You people who live in Jerusalem and Judah, judge between my vineyard and me. Is there anything I failed to do for it? Then why did it produce sour grapes and not the good grapes I expected?

“Here is what I am going to do to my vineyard: I will take away the hedge around it, break down the wall that protects it, and let wild animals eat it and trample it down. I will let it be overgrown with weeds. I will not trim the vines or hoe the ground; instead, I will let briers and thorns cover it. I will even forbid the clouds to let rain fall on it.”

Israel is the vineyard of the Lord Almighty;
    the people of Judah are the vines he planted.
He expected them to do what was good,
    but instead they committed murder.
He expected them to do what was right,
    but their victims cried out for justice.

Galatians 5:16-26

The Spirit and Human Nature

16 What I say is this: let the Spirit direct your lives, and you will not satisfy the desires of the human nature. 17 (A)For what our human nature wants is opposed to what the Spirit wants, and what the Spirit wants is opposed to what our human nature wants. These two are enemies, and this means that you cannot do what you want to do. 18 If the Spirit leads you, then you are not subject to the Law.

19 What human nature does is quite plain. It shows itself in immoral, filthy, and indecent actions; 20 in worship of idols and witchcraft. People become enemies and they fight; they become jealous, angry, and ambitious. They separate into parties and groups; 21 they are envious, get drunk, have orgies, and do other things like these. I warn you now as I have before: those who do these things will not possess the Kingdom of God.

22 But the Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 humility, and self-control. There is no law against such things as these. 24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus have put to death their human nature with all its passions and desires. 25 The Spirit has given us life; he must also control our lives. 26 We must not be proud or irritate one another or be jealous of one another.

Good News Translation (GNT)

Good News Translation® (Today’s English Version, Second Edition) © 1992 American Bible Society. All rights reserved. For more information about GNT, visit and