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Publisher: Wycliffe
Version Information
Jacalteco, Eastern (jac), one of 50+ Mayan languages still spoken in Guatemala today. The Eastern Jacalteco language is spoken by approximately 30,000 people in the mountainous northwestern area of Guatemala. The people are mostly subsistence farmers.
28 | SAN MATEO12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728 |
16 | SAN MARCOS12345678910111213141516 |
24 | SAN LUCAS123456789101112131415161718192021222324 |
21 | SAN JUAN123456789101112131415161718192021 |
28 | HECHOS12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728 |
16 | ROMANOS12345678910111213141516 |
16 | 1 CORINTIOS12345678910111213141516 |
13 | 2 CORINTIOS12345678910111213 |
6 | GÁLATAS123456 |
6 | EFESIOS123456 |
4 | FILIPENSES1234 |
4 | COLOSENSES1234 |
6 | 1 TIMOTEO123456 |
4 | 2 TIMOTEO1234 |
3 | TITO123 |
1 | FILEMÓN1 |
13 | HEBREOS12345678910111213 |
5 | SANTIAGO12345 |
5 | 1 PEDRO12345 |
3 | 2 PEDRO123 |
5 | 1 JUAN12345 |
1 | 2 JUAN1 |
1 | 3 JUAN1 |
1 | JUDAS1 |
22 | APOCALIPSIS12345678910111213141516171819202122 |
Copyright Information
Copyright 1996 Wycliffe.
This translation may be quoted in any form (written, visual, electronic or audio) up to and inclusive of five hundred (500) verses without the express written permission of the publisher, providing the verses quoted do not amount to a complete book of the Bible nor do the verses quoted account for more than 25 percent (25%) or more of the total text of the work in which they are quoted.
About Wycliffe Bible Translators International
Language | Version | Available Versions |
Kaqchikel (CKW) – Cakchiquel Occidental 1 | Cakchiquel Occidental (CKW) | NT |
Hawai‘i Pidgin (HWC) 1 | Hawai‘i Pidgin (HWP) | NT |
Jakaltek (JAC) – Jacalteco, Oriental 1 | Jacalteco, Oriental (JAC) | NT |
Kekchi (KEK) – Kekchi 1 | Kekchi (KEK) | NT |
Mam (MVC) – Mam, Central 1 | Mam, Central (MVC) | NT |
Mam (MVJ) – Mam, Todos Santos 1 | Mam de Todos Santos Chuchumatán (MVJ) | NT |
K'iche' (QUT) – Quiché, Centro Occidenta 1 | Quiché, Centro Occidental (QUT) | NT |
Uspanteko (USP) – Uspanteco 1 | Uspanteco (USP) | NT |