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Read the Bible from start to finish, from Genesis to Revelation.
Duration: 365 days
Common English Bible (CEB)
Proverbs 1-3

Purpose of Proverbs

The proverbs of Solomon, King David’s son, from Israel:
Their purpose is to teach wisdom and discipline,
    to help one understand wise sayings.
They provide insightful instruction,
    which is righteous, just, and full of integrity.
They make the naive mature,
    the young knowledgeable and discreet.
The wise hear them and grow in wisdom;
    those with understanding gain guidance.
They help one understand proverbs and difficult sayings,
    the words of the wise, and their puzzles.
Wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord,
    but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Avoid evil associations

Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction;
    don’t neglect your mother’s teaching;
        for they are a graceful wreath on your head,
        and beads for your neck.
10 My son, don’t let sinners entice you.
    Don’t go
11     when they say:
        “Come with us.
        Let’s set up a deadly ambush.
        Let’s secretly wait for the innocent just for fun.
12         Let’s swallow up the living like the grave[a]
        whole, like those who go down into the pit.
13         We’ll find all sorts of precious wealth;
        we’ll fill our houses with plunder.
14         Throw in your lot with us;
        we’ll share our money.”
15 My son, don’t go on the path with them;
    keep your feet from their way,
16     because their feet run to evil;
            they hurry to spill blood.
17 It’s useless to cast a net
    in the sight of a bird.
18 But these sinners set up a deadly ambush;
    they lie in wait for their own lives.
19 These are the ways of all who seek unjust gain;
    it costs them their lives.

Listen to “Woman Wisdom”

20 Wisdom shouts in the street;
    in the public square she raises her voice.
21 Above the noisy crowd, she calls out.
    At the entrances of the city gates, she has her say:
22 “How long will you clueless people love your naïveté,
    mockers hold their mocking dear,
    and fools hate knowledge?
23 You should respond when I correct you.
    Look, I’ll pour out my spirit on you.
    I’ll reveal my words to you.
24 I invited you, but you rejected me;
    I stretched out my hand to you,
    but you paid no attention.
25 You ignored all my advice,
    and you didn’t want me to correct you.
26 So I’ll laugh at your disaster;
    I’ll make fun of you when dread comes over you,
27         when terror hits you like a hurricane,
        and your disaster comes in like a tornado,
        when distress and oppression overcome you.
28 Then they will call me, but I won’t answer;
    they will seek me, but won’t find me
29         because they hated knowledge
        and didn’t choose the fear of the Lord.
30 They didn’t want my advice;
    they rejected all my corrections.
31 They will eat from the fruit of their way,
    and they’ll be full of their own schemes.
32 The immature will die because they turn away;
    smugness will destroy fools.
33 Those who obey me will dwell securely,
    untroubled by the dread of harm.”

Benefits of wisdom

My son, accept my words
    and store up my commands.
Turn your ear toward wisdom,
    and stretch your mind toward understanding.
Call out for insight,
    and cry aloud for understanding.
Seek it like silver;
    search for it like hidden treasure.
Then you will understand the fear of the Lord,
    and discover the knowledge of God.
The Lord gives wisdom;
    from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
He reserves ability for those with integrity.
    He is a shield for those who live a blameless life.
He protects the paths of justice
    and guards the way of those who are loyal to him.
Then you will understand righteousness and justice,
    as well as integrity, every good course.
10 Wisdom will enter your mind,
    and knowledge will fill you with delight.
11 Discretion will guard you;
    understanding will protect you.
12 Wisdom will rescue you from the evil path,
    from people who twist their words.
13 They forsake the way of integrity
    and go on obscure paths.
14 They enjoy doing evil,
    rejoicing in their twisted evil.
15 Their paths are confused;
    they get lost on their way.
16 Wisdom will rescue you from the mysterious woman,
    from the foreign woman with her slick words.
17 She leaves behind the partner of her youth;
    she even forgets her covenant with God.
18 Her house sinks down to death,
    and her paths go down to the shadowy dead.
19 All those who go to her will never return;
    they will never again reach the ways of the living.
20 So you should stay on the path of good people,
    guarding the road of the righteous.
21 Those who have integrity will dwell in the land;
    the innocent will remain in it.
22 But the wicked will be cut off from the land,
    and the treacherous will be ripped up.

Trust in the Lord

My son, don’t forget my instruction.
    Let your heart guard my commands,
    because they will help you live a long time
    and provide you with well-being.
Don’t let loyalty and faithfulness leave you.
    Bind them on your neck;
    write them on the tablet of your heart.
Then you will find favor and approval
    in the eyes of God and humanity.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
    don’t rely on your own intelligence.
Know him in all your paths,
    and he will keep your ways straight.
Don’t consider yourself wise.
    Fear the Lord and turn away from evil.
Then your body[b] will be healthy
    and your bones strengthened.
Honor the Lord with your wealth
    and with the first of all your crops.
10 Then your barns will be filled with plenty,
    and your vats will burst with wine.
11 Don’t reject the instruction of the Lord, my son;
    don’t despise his correction.
12 The Lord loves those he corrects,
    just like a father who treats his son with favor.

Value of wisdom

13 Happy are those who find wisdom
    and those who gain understanding.
14 Her profit is better than silver,
    and her gain better than gold.
15 Her value exceeds pearls;
    all you desire can’t compare with her.
16 In her right hand is a long life;
    in her left are wealth and honor.
17 Her ways are pleasant;
    all her paths are peaceful.
18 She is a tree of life to those who embrace her;
    those who hold her tight are happy.
19 The Lord laid the foundations of the earth with wisdom,
    establishing the heavens with understanding.
20 With his knowledge, the watery depths burst open,
    and the skies drop dew.

Integrity of wisdom

21 My son, don’t let them slip from your eyes;
    hold on to sound judgment and discretion.
22 They will be life for your whole being,
    and an ornament for your neck.
23 Then you will walk safely on your path,
    and your foot won’t stumble.
24 If you lie down, you won’t be terrified.
    When you lie down, your sleep will be pleasant.
25 Don’t fear sudden terror
    or the ruin that comes to the wicked.
26 The Lord will be your confidence;
    he will guard your feet from being snared.
27 Don’t withhold good from someone who deserves it,
    when it is in your power to do so.
28 Don’t say to your neighbor, “Go and come back;
    I’ll give it to you tomorrow,” when you have it.
29 Don’t plan to harm your neighbor
    who trusts and lives near you.
30 Don’t accuse anyone without reason,
    when they haven’t harmed you.
31 Don’t envy violent people
    or choose any of their ways.
32 Devious people are detestable to the Lord,
    but the virtuous are his close friends.
33 The Lord’s curse is on the house of the wicked,
    but he blesses the home of the righteous.
34 He mocks mockers,
    but he shows favor to the humble.
35 The wise gain respect,
    but fools receive shame.

Common English Bible (CEB)

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