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Read the Bible from start to finish, from Genesis to Revelation.
Duration: 365 days
Common English Bible (CEB)
Psalm 140-145

Psalm 140

For the music leader. A psalm of David.

140 Rescue me from evil people, Lord!
    Guard me from violent people
    who plot evil things in their hearts,
    who pick fights every single day!
They sharpen their tongues like a snake’s;
    spider poison[a] is on their lips. Selah

Protect me from the power of the wicked, Lord!
    Guard me from violent people
        who plot to trip me up!
Arrogant people have laid a trap for me with ropes.
    They’ve spread out a net alongside the road.
    They’ve set snares for me. Selah

I tell the Lord, “You are my God!
    Listen to my request for mercy, Lord!”
My Lord God, my strong saving help—
    you’ve protected my head on the day of battle.
Lord, don’t give the wicked what they want!
    Don’t allow their plans to succeed,
    or they’ll exalt themselves even more![b] Selah

Let the heads of the people surrounding me
    be covered with the trouble their own lips caused![c]
10 Let burning coals fall on them!
    Let them fall into deep pits and never get out again!
11 Let no slanderer be safe in the land.
    Let calamity hunt down violent people—and quickly![d]

12 I know that the Lord will take up the case of the poor
    and will do what is right for the needy.
13 Yes, the righteous will give thanks to your name,
    and those who do right will live in your presence.

Psalm 141

A psalm of David.

141 I cry out to you, Lord: Come to me—quickly!
    Listen to my voice when I cry out to you!
Let my prayer stand before you like incense;
    let my uplifted hands be like the evening offering.

Set a guard over my mouth, Lord;
    keep close watch over the door that is my lips.
Don’t let my heart turn aside to evil things
        so that I don’t do wicked things with evildoers,
        so I don’t taste their delicacies.

Instead, let the righteous discipline me;
    let the faithful correct me!
Let my head never reject that kind of fine oil,
    because my prayers are always against the deeds of the wicked.[e]
Their leaders will fall from jagged cliffs,
    but my words will be heard because they are pleasing.[f]
Our bones[g] have been scattered at the mouth of the grave,[h]
    just like when the ground is broken up and plowed.[i]

But my eyes are on you, my Lord God.
    I take refuge in you; don’t let me die!
Protect me from the trap they’ve set for me;
    protect me from the snares of the evildoers.
10 Let the wicked fall into their own nets—all together!—
    but let me make it through safely.

Psalm 142

A maskil[j] of David, when he was in the cave. A prayer.

142 I cry out loud for help from the Lord.
    I beg out loud for mercy from the Lord.
I pour out my concerns before God;
    I announce my distress to him.
When my spirit is weak inside me, you still know my way.
    But they’ve hidden a trap for me in the path I’m taking.
Look right beside me: See?
    No one pays attention to me.
There’s no escape for me.
    No one cares about my life.

I cry to you, Lord, for help.
    “You are my refuge,” I say.
    “You are all I have in the land of the living.”
Pay close attention to my shouting,
    because I’ve been brought down so low!
Deliver me from my oppressors
    because they’re stronger than me.
Get me out of this prison
    so I can give thanks to your name.
Then the righteous will gather all around me
    because of your good deeds to me.

Psalm 143

A psalm of David.

143 Listen to my prayer, Lord!
    Because of your faithfulness, hear my requests for mercy!
    Because of your righteousness, answer me!
Please don’t bring your servant to judgment,
    because no living thing is righteous before you.

The enemy is chasing me,[k]
    crushing my life in the dirt,
        forcing me to live in the dark
            like those who’ve been dead forever.
My spirit is weak inside me—
    inside, my mind is numb.

I remember the days long past;
    I meditate on all your deeds;
    I contemplate your handiwork.
I stretch out my hands to you;
    my whole being is like dry dirt, thirsting for you.[l] Selah

Answer me, Lord—and quickly! My breath is fading.
    Don’t hide your face from me
        or I’ll be like those going down to the pit!
Tell me all about your faithful love come morning time,
    because I trust you.
Show me the way I should go,
    because I offer my life up to you.
Deliver me from my enemies, Lord!
    I seek protection from you.[m]
10 Teach me to do what pleases you,
    because you are my God.
Guide me by your good spirit
        into good land.
11 Make me live again, Lord, for your name’s sake.
    Bring me out of distress because of your righteousness.
12 Wipe out my enemies because of your faithful love.
    Destroy everyone who attacks me,
        because I am your servant.

Psalm 144

Of David.

144 Bless the Lord, my rock,
    who taught my hands how to fight,
    who taught my fingers how to do battle!
God is my loyal one, my fortress,
    my place of safety, my rescuer,
    my shield, in whom I take refuge,
        and the one who subdues people before me.

What are human beings, Lord, that you know them at all?
    What are human beings that you even consider them?
Humans are like a puff of air;
    their days go by like a shadow.

Lord, part your skies and come down!
    Touch the mountains so they smoke!
Flash lightning and scatter the enemy!
    Shoot your arrows and defeat them!
Stretch out your hand from above!
    Rescue me and deliver me from deep water,
    from the power of strangers, whose mouths speak lies,
        and whose strong hand is a strong hand of deception!

I will sing a new song to you, God.
    I will sing praises to you on a ten-stringed harp,
10         to you—the one who gives saving help to rulers,
        and who rescues his servant David from the evil sword.
11 Rescue me and deliver me from the power of strangers,
        whose mouths speak lies,
        and whose strong hand is a strong hand of deception,
12     so that[n] our sons can grow up fully, in their youth, like plants;
    so that our daughters can be like pillars carved to decorate a palace;
13     so that our barns can be full, providing all kinds of food;
    so that our flocks can be in the thousands—
        even tens of thousands—in our fields;
14     so that our cattle can be loaded with calves;
    so that there won’t be any breach in the walls,
    no exile, no outcries in our streets!

15 The people who have it like this are truly happy!
    The people whose God is the Lord are truly happy!

Psalm 145[o]

Praise. Of David.

145 I will lift you up high, my God, the true king.
    I will bless your name forever and always.
I will bless you every day.
    I will praise your name forever and always.
The Lord is great and so worthy of praise!
    God’s greatness can’t be grasped.
One generation will praise your works to the next one,
    proclaiming your mighty acts.
They will talk all about[p] the glorious splendor of your majesty;
    I will contemplate your wondrous works.
They will speak of the power of your awesome deeds;
    I will declare your great accomplishments.
They will rave in celebration of your abundant goodness;
    they will shout joyfully about your righteousness:
    “The Lord is merciful and compassionate,
    very patient, and full of faithful love.
    The Lord is good to everyone and everything;
    God’s compassion extends to all his handiwork!”
10 All that you have made gives thanks to you, Lord;
    all your faithful ones bless you!
11 They speak of the glory of your kingdom;
    they talk all about your power,
12     to inform all human beings about God’s power
    and the majestic glory of God’s kingdom.
13 Your kingdom is a kingship that lasts forever;
    your rule endures for all generations.
The Lord is trustworthy in all that he says,
    faithful in all that he does.[q]
14 The Lord supports all who fall down,
    straightens up all who are bent low.
15 All eyes look to you, hoping,
    and you give them their food right on time,
16     opening your hand
    and satisfying the desire of every living thing.
17 The Lord is righteous in all his ways,
    faithful in all his deeds.
18 The Lord is close to everyone who calls out to him,
    to all who call out to him sincerely.
19 God shows favor to those who honor him,
    listening to their cries for help and saving them.
20 The Lord protects all who love him,
    but he destroys every wicked person.
21 My mouth will proclaim the Lord’s praise,
    and every living thing will bless God’s holy name
        forever and always.

Common English Bible (CEB)

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