Dee 78 Psalm

Ne Auflea von Asaf.

O mien Folkj, horjch no mien Jesats; beajcht june Uare dol no dee Wead ut mien Mul.

Ekj woa mien Mul opmoake enn en Jlikjnes; ekj woa dunkle Räd fonn Joare trigj jäwe,

dee wie jeheat un jewist habe, un onnse Fodasch onns fetalt habe.

Wie woare dee nijch fonn onnse Säns festäakje, däm Herr Gott siene Preise bekaunt to moake to daut komendet Jeschaljcht; jo, siene Macht un siene wunndafolle Woakje dee Hee jedone haft.

Dan Hee haft en Zeijchnes oppjehäft enn Joakopp, un en Jesats enn Iesrael jesat; daut Hee onnse Fodasch aunkommendeare deed daut see dee sulle to äare Säns ennleare,

soo daut daut komendet Jeschlajcht weete mucht; Säns sele jebaure woare, un dee sele oppstone un äare Säns ennleare,

soo daut see äa Hop muchte enn Gott habe, un nijch Gott siene Woakje fejäte, oba siene Jesatse hoole.

En dee sele nijch soo senne aus äare Fodasch, en oppsternootsch un jäajenaun Jeschlajcht dee äare Hoate nich reed muake; jo, äa Jeist wea nijch Tru to Gott.

Dee Efraim Säns weare reed met Flitsboage, doch dreide sikj sikj romm enn dän Krijchsdach.

10 Dee hilde nijch Gott sien Bunt, un wudde nijch enn sien Jesats waundle.

11 Un see fegaute fonn siene Woakje un siene Wunndasch dee Hee to an jewäse haud.

12 Hee deed Wunndasch wirkje fer äare Fodasch enn daut Iejipte Launt, daut Zoan Felt.

13 Hee deed dän See utaneen deele, un see jinje derjch; en Hee muak dee Wotasch enn en Klompe stone.

14 Un Hee leid dän bie Dach met ne Wolkj, un derjch dee gaunse Nacht met en Lijcht fonn Fia.

15 Hee spoold dee Steene enne Wiltnes un jeef an to drinkje, soo aus fonn groote Äweschwaminj.

16 Un Hee brocht Streem ut dän Steen, un muak dee Wotasch rut rande enn en stoakja folla Stroom.

17 Un doch deede see meeha jäajen am sindje, däm Aulahejchsta enn to oajre enne Wiltnes.

18 Un see stalde Gott oppe Proow enn äa Hoat enn däm daut see no Äte fruage fa äare Seele.

19 Un dee räde jäajen Gott un säde: "Kaun Gott en Desch oppsate enne Wiltnes?"

20 See! Hee schluach dän Steen un daut Wota rand rut, un dee groote Wotastreem poaschte rut. Kaun Hee uk Broot jaewe? Woat hee Fleesch häastale fa sien Folk?

21 Doaromm head dee Herr Gott un Hee wea oajalijch; un soo wea en Fia aunjestekjt jäajen Joakopp, un Oaja kjeem uk opp jäajen Iesrael,

22 wiels see nijch enn Gott jleewde, un deede nijch enn sien Radunk truhe;

23 un hee deed dee scheene Wolkje bowe aunkommendeare; un muak dee Himels Däare op;

24 un hee deed Mauna opp an räajne tom äte; un hee jeef Jeträajd to an fonne Himels.

25 Mensche aute daut Broot fonn däm Majchtja; hee schekjt an Äte bott dee foll weare.

26 Hee mauk en Oostwint blose enne Himels; un hee leid dän Siedwint derjch siene Macht.

27 Un hee räajend Fleesch opp an soo aus Stoff, un Fäajel met Flijchte soo aus daut Saunt aum Mäa.

28 Un hee muak dän rauf faule medd enn daut Loaga, runt omm dee Tselte.

29 Un soo aute see, un worde foll; Hee brocht to an fa äa eajna Janka.

30 Dee weare nijch aufjeschnäde fonn äa Janka, daut Äte wea noch enn äare Miele,

31 un Gott sien Oaja kjeem opp an un muak dee fatste fonn an doot, un Hee schluach dee scheenste enn Iesrael.

32 Enn aul dit deede see doch noch sindje, un jleewde nijch enn siene wunndafolle Woakje,

33 un hee deed äare Doag fetäare enn nuslooset, un äare Joare enn haustja Schrakj.

34 Aus hee an doot muak, donn sochte see Am, un see dreide un sochte fa Gott.

35 Un soo behilde see daut Gott äa groota Steen wea, un dee Aulahejchsta äa Rada.

36 Oba see schmeijchelde am met äa Mul, un luage to am met äare Leppe.

37 Dan äa Hoat wea nijch staunthauft met Am, un dee weare nijch Tru enn sien Bunt.

38 Oba Hee deed enn sien Erboarme fa an betole un deed an nijch fenijchte; un Hee dreid sien Oaja wajch fonn an, un deed sien grootet Oaja nijch oppräaje.

39 Dan Hee behilt daut dee Fleesch weare, en Odem daut fejeit en nijch trigj kjemt.

40 Woo foaken weare dee onnjehuarsaum enne Wiltnes, un deede am beleidje enne Wiltnes.

41 Jo, see dreide trigj un deede Gott feseakje, un Iesrael äa Heilja.

42 Dee behilde nijch siene Haunt enn dän Dach aus heee an rade deed fonn äa Fient;

43 dee siene Teakjens bewees enn Iejipte, un siene Wunndasch enn daut Zoan Felt.

44 Hee dreid äare Riefasch to Bloot, dee Wotastreem uk soo daut see nijch drinkje kunne.

45 Hee schekjt Schwoarm Fleaje jäajen an, un dee deede dän oppschlucke; un uk Pogge, un dee deede an fenijchte.

46 He äwajeef äare Arnt to dee Rüp, un äare Oabeit to dee Heischrakj.

47 Hee deed äare Wienranke ommbrinje met Hoagel, un äare Mülbäa Beem met Glodies.

48 Hee äwajeef äa Fee opp to dän Hoagel, un äare Häad to Blitstrole.

49 Hee schekjt dän Hett fonn sien Oaja opp an, grootet Oaja un Wutt un Trubbel, ne Menj Enjel dee Weedoag aunreede deede.

50 Hee muak en jlikja Stijch fa sien Oaja, hee hilt äare Seel nijch trigj fonn daen Doot, oba äwajeef äa Laewe to dee Ploag.

51 Un Hee schluach aul dee Easchtjebuarne enn Iejipte, dee easchte Frucht fonn daut Stoakjet enn Ham äare Tselte.

52 Donn muak Hee sien eajnet Folkj rut gone soo aus Schop; un Hee leid dän enne Wiltness soo aus ne Häad.

53 Un Hee leid dän sejchalijch ferwauts, un see haude kjeen Forjcht; oba deed äare Fiend bedakje met Wota.

54 Un Hee brocht dän bott dee Jrens fonn siene Heilje Städ; dis Boajch dän siene rajchte Haunt jekräaje haud.

55 En hee schmeet dee Natsjoone rut fer an, un derjch ne Lienje muak Hee dän faule fa en Ieejendom; un Hee jeef daut to Iesrael daut see doabenne wone kunne.

56 Un doch deede see am utproowe un deede däm Aulahejchste ennoajre; un see hilde nijch siene Fäaschrefte;

57 Oba dreide sikj trigj un weare nijch Tru krakjt soo aus äare Fodasch; see wonge auntsied soo aus en lestfolla Boage.

58 Dan dee oajade Am enn met äare huage Staede, un deede Am ennreitse to Aufgonnst met äare Jetta.

59 Aus Gott daut head, wea Hee oajalijch, un Hee schmeet Iesrael wiet auf;

60 soo daut hee dee Schielo Fesaumlunjs Staed feleet, Hee wond enn en Tselt mank Mensche,

61 un äwajeef siene Macht no Jefangenschoft, un siene Harlijchkjeit enn dee Fiend äare Henj.

62 Hee jeef sien Folkj uk to daut Schweat, un wea oajalijch met sien Oawgoot.

63 Daut Fia brennd siene junje Mana opp, un dee eentletsje Maeakjes worde nijch jepreist.

64 Siene Prieste folle derjch daut Schweat; un äare Wätfrues kunne nijch hiele.

65 Donn wuak dee Herr opp soo aus eena dee schleep; soo aus en majchtja Maun dee schrijcht met Wien;

66 un Hee juach siene Fiend trigjaun; hee brocht dän no ne Schaund oone Enj.

67 Un hee neem daut Joosef Fesaumlunjshus nijch aun; un Hee deed daut Efraim Jeschaljcht nijch wäle;

68 Oba wäld daut Judah Jeschlajcht, daen Zion Boajch dän Hee leef haud.

69 Un Hee bud sien Aundachtshus soo aus dee huage Städe; soo aus dee Ead daut hee opp eewijch jejrint haft.

70 Hee wäld uk Doft, sien Deena, un neem am fonn daut Schophock;

71 Hee brocht am enenn fonn dee Muttaschop; Hee brocht am Joakopp un sien Folkj to feede, un Iesrael sien Oawgoot.

72 Soo deed hee an foodre enn daut Truet fonn sien Hoat, un deed an derjch siene Fäijchkjeit leide.

Psalm 78

A maskil[a] of Asaph.

My people, hear my teaching;(A)
    listen to the words of my mouth.
I will open my mouth with a parable;(B)
    I will utter hidden things, things from of old—
things we have heard and known,
    things our ancestors have told us.(C)
We will not hide them from their descendants;(D)
    we will tell the next generation(E)
the praiseworthy deeds(F) of the Lord,
    his power, and the wonders(G) he has done.
He decreed statutes(H) for Jacob(I)
    and established the law in Israel,
which he commanded our ancestors
    to teach their children,
so the next generation would know them,
    even the children yet to be born,(J)
    and they in turn would tell their children.
Then they would put their trust in God
    and would not forget(K) his deeds
    but would keep his commands.(L)
They would not be like their ancestors(M)
    a stubborn(N) and rebellious(O) generation,
whose hearts were not loyal to God,
    whose spirits were not faithful to him.

The men of Ephraim, though armed with bows,(P)
    turned back on the day of battle;(Q)
10 they did not keep God’s covenant(R)
    and refused to live by his law.(S)
11 They forgot what he had done,(T)
    the wonders he had shown them.
12 He did miracles(U) in the sight of their ancestors
    in the land of Egypt,(V) in the region of Zoan.(W)
13 He divided the sea(X) and led them through;
    he made the water stand up like a wall.(Y)
14 He guided them with the cloud by day
    and with light from the fire all night.(Z)
15 He split the rocks(AA) in the wilderness
    and gave them water as abundant as the seas;
16 he brought streams out of a rocky crag
    and made water flow down like rivers.

17 But they continued to sin(AB) against him,
    rebelling in the wilderness against the Most High.
18 They willfully put God to the test(AC)
    by demanding the food they craved.(AD)
19 They spoke against God;(AE)
    they said, “Can God really
    spread a table in the wilderness?
20 True, he struck the rock,
    and water gushed out,(AF)
    streams flowed abundantly,
but can he also give us bread?
    Can he supply meat(AG) for his people?”
21 When the Lord heard them, he was furious;
    his fire broke out(AH) against Jacob,
    and his wrath rose against Israel,
22 for they did not believe in God
    or trust(AI) in his deliverance.
23 Yet he gave a command to the skies above
    and opened the doors of the heavens;(AJ)
24 he rained down manna(AK) for the people to eat,
    he gave them the grain of heaven.
25 Human beings ate the bread of angels;
    he sent them all the food they could eat.
26 He let loose the east wind(AL) from the heavens
    and by his power made the south wind blow.
27 He rained meat down on them like dust,
    birds(AM) like sand on the seashore.
28 He made them come down inside their camp,
    all around their tents.
29 They ate till they were gorged—(AN)
    he had given them what they craved.
30 But before they turned from what they craved,
    even while the food was still in their mouths,(AO)
31 God’s anger rose against them;
    he put to death the sturdiest(AP) among them,
    cutting down the young men of Israel.

32 In spite of all this, they kept on sinning;(AQ)
    in spite of his wonders,(AR) they did not believe.(AS)
33 So he ended their days in futility(AT)
    and their years in terror.
34 Whenever God slew them, they would seek(AU) him;
    they eagerly turned to him again.
35 They remembered that God was their Rock,(AV)
    that God Most High was their Redeemer.(AW)
36 But then they would flatter him with their mouths,(AX)
    lying to him with their tongues;
37 their hearts were not loyal(AY) to him,
    they were not faithful to his covenant.
38 Yet he was merciful;(AZ)
    he forgave(BA) their iniquities(BB)
    and did not destroy them.
Time after time he restrained his anger(BC)
    and did not stir up his full wrath.
39 He remembered that they were but flesh,(BD)
    a passing breeze(BE) that does not return.

40 How often they rebelled(BF) against him in the wilderness(BG)
    and grieved him(BH) in the wasteland!
41 Again and again they put God to the test;(BI)
    they vexed the Holy One of Israel.(BJ)
42 They did not remember(BK) his power—
    the day he redeemed them from the oppressor,(BL)
43 the day he displayed his signs(BM) in Egypt,
    his wonders(BN) in the region of Zoan.
44 He turned their river into blood;(BO)
    they could not drink from their streams.
45 He sent swarms of flies(BP) that devoured them,
    and frogs(BQ) that devastated them.
46 He gave their crops to the grasshopper,(BR)
    their produce to the locust.(BS)
47 He destroyed their vines with hail(BT)
    and their sycamore-figs with sleet.
48 He gave over their cattle to the hail,
    their livestock(BU) to bolts of lightning.
49 He unleashed against them his hot anger,(BV)
    his wrath, indignation and hostility—
    a band of destroying angels.(BW)
50 He prepared a path for his anger;
    he did not spare them from death
    but gave them over to the plague.
51 He struck down all the firstborn of Egypt,(BX)
    the firstfruits of manhood in the tents of Ham.(BY)
52 But he brought his people out like a flock;(BZ)
    he led them like sheep through the wilderness.
53 He guided them safely, so they were unafraid;
    but the sea engulfed(CA) their enemies.(CB)
54 And so he brought them to the border of his holy land,
    to the hill country his right hand(CC) had taken.
55 He drove out nations(CD) before them
    and allotted their lands to them as an inheritance;(CE)
    he settled the tribes of Israel in their homes.

56 But they put God to the test
    and rebelled against the Most High;
    they did not keep his statutes.
57 Like their ancestors(CF) they were disloyal and faithless,
    as unreliable as a faulty bow.(CG)
58 They angered him(CH) with their high places;(CI)
    they aroused his jealousy with their idols.(CJ)
59 When God heard(CK) them, he was furious;(CL)
    he rejected Israel(CM) completely.
60 He abandoned the tabernacle of Shiloh,(CN)
    the tent he had set up among humans.(CO)
61 He sent the ark of his might(CP) into captivity,(CQ)
    his splendor into the hands of the enemy.
62 He gave his people over to the sword;(CR)
    he was furious with his inheritance.(CS)
63 Fire consumed(CT) their young men,
    and their young women had no wedding songs;(CU)
64 their priests were put to the sword,(CV)
    and their widows could not weep.

65 Then the Lord awoke as from sleep,(CW)
    as a warrior wakes from the stupor of wine.
66 He beat back his enemies;
    he put them to everlasting shame.(CX)
67 Then he rejected the tents of Joseph,
    he did not choose the tribe of Ephraim;(CY)
68 but he chose the tribe of Judah,(CZ)
    Mount Zion,(DA) which he loved.
69 He built his sanctuary(DB) like the heights,
    like the earth that he established forever.
70 He chose David(DC) his servant
    and took him from the sheep pens;
71 from tending the sheep(DD) he brought him
    to be the shepherd(DE) of his people Jacob,
    of Israel his inheritance.
72 And David shepherded them with integrity of heart;(DF)
    with skillful hands he led them.


  1. Psalm 78:1 Title: Probably a literary or musical term