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Book 3 (Psalms 73-89)

Psalm 73[a]

A psalm by Asaph.

73 Certainly God is good to Israel,[b]
and to those whose motives are pure.[c]
But as for me, my feet almost slipped;
my feet almost slid out from under me.[d]
For I envied those who are proud,
as I observed[e] the prosperity[f] of the wicked.
For they suffer no pain;[g]
their bodies[h] are strong and well fed.[i]
They are immune to the trouble common to men;
they do not suffer as other men do.[j]
Arrogance is their necklace,[k]
and violence covers them like clothing.[l]
Their prosperity causes them to do wrong;[m]
their thoughts are sinful.[n]
They mock[o] and say evil things;[p]
they proudly threaten violence.[q]
They speak as if they rule in heaven,
and lay claim to the earth.[r]
10 Therefore they have more than enough food to eat,
and even suck up the water of the sea.[s]
11 They say, “How does God know what we do?
Is the Most High aware of what goes on?”[t]
12 Take a good look. This is what the wicked are like,[u]
those who always have it so easy and get richer and richer.[v]
13 I concluded,[w] “Surely in vain I have kept my motives[x] pure
and maintained a pure lifestyle.[y]
14 I suffer all day long,
and am punished every morning.”
15 If I had publicized these thoughts,[z]
I would have betrayed your people.[aa]
16 When I tried to make sense of this,
it was troubling to me.[ab]
17 Then I entered the precincts of God’s temple,[ac]
and understood the destiny of the wicked.[ad]
18 Surely[ae] you put them in slippery places;
you bring them down[af] to ruin.
19 How desolate they become in a mere moment.
Terrifying judgments make their demise complete.[ag]
20 They are like a dream after one wakes up.[ah]
O Lord, when you awake[ai] you will despise them.[aj]
21 Yes,[ak] my spirit was bitter,[al]
and my insides felt sharp pain.[am]
22 I was ignorant[an] and lacked insight;[ao]
I was as senseless as an animal before you.[ap]
23 But I am continually with you;
you hold my right hand.
24 You guide[aq] me by your wise advice,
and then you will lead me to a position of honor.[ar]
25 Whom do I have in heaven but you?
On earth there is no one I desire but you.[as]
26 My flesh and my heart may grow weak,[at]
but God always[au] protects my heart and gives me stability.[av]
27 Yes,[aw] look! Those far from you[ax] die;
you destroy everyone who is unfaithful to you.[ay]
28 But as for me, God’s presence is all I need.[az]
I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter,
as[ba] I declare all the things you have done.

Psalm 74[bb]

A well-written song[bc] by Asaph.

74 Why, O God, have you permanently rejected us?[bd]
Why does your anger burn[be] against the sheep of your pasture?
Remember your people[bf] whom you acquired in ancient times,
whom you rescued[bg] so they could be your very own nation,[bh]
as well as Mount Zion, where you dwell.
Hurry[bi] to the permanent ruins,
and to all the damage the enemy has done to the temple.[bj]
Your enemies roar[bk] in the middle of your sanctuary;[bl]
they set up their battle flags.[bm]
They invade like lumberjacks
swinging their axes in a thick forest.[bn]
And now[bo] they are tearing down[bp] all its engravings[bq]
with axes[br] and crowbars.[bs]
They set your sanctuary on fire;
they desecrate your dwelling place by knocking it to the ground.[bt]
They say to themselves,[bu]
“We will oppress all of them.”[bv]
They burn down all the places in the land where people worship God.[bw]
We do not see any signs of God’s presence;[bx]
there are no longer any prophets,[by]
and we have no one to tell us how long this will last.[bz]
10 How long, O God, will the adversary hurl insults?
Will the enemy blaspheme your name forever?
11 Why do you remain inactive?
Intervene and destroy him.[ca]
12 But God has been my[cb] king from ancient times,
performing acts of deliverance on the earth.[cc]
13 You destroyed[cd] the sea by your strength;
you shattered the heads of the sea monster[ce] in the water.
14 You crushed the heads of Leviathan;[cf]
you fed[cg] him to the people who live along the coast.[ch]
15 You broke open the spring and the stream;[ci]
you dried up perpetually flowing rivers.[cj]
16 You established the cycle of day and night;[ck]
you put the moon[cl] and sun in place.[cm]
17 You set up all the boundaries[cn] of the earth;
you created the cycle of summer and winter.[co]
18 Remember how[cp] the enemy hurls insults, O Lord,[cq]
and how a foolish nation blasphemes your name.
19 Do not hand the life of your dove[cr] over to a wild animal.
Do not continue to disregard[cs] the lives of your oppressed people.
20 Remember your covenant promises,[ct]
for the dark regions of the earth are full of places where violence rules.[cu]
21 Do not let the afflicted be turned back in shame.
Let the oppressed and poor praise your name.[cv]
22 Rise up, O God. Defend your honor.[cw]
Remember how fools insult you all day long.[cx]
23 Do not disregard[cy] what your enemies say,[cz]
or the unceasing shouts of those who defy you.[da]

Psalm 75[db]

For the music director, according to the al-tashcheth style;[dc] a psalm of Asaph, a song.

75 We give thanks to you, O God. We give thanks.
You reveal your presence;[dd]
people tell about your amazing deeds.
God says,[de]
“At the appointed times,[df]
I judge[dg] fairly.
When the earth and all its inhabitants dissolve in fear,[dh]
I make its pillars secure.”[di] (Selah)
[dj] I say to the proud, “Do not be proud,”
and to the wicked, “Do not be so confident of victory.[dk]
Do not be so certain you have won.[dl]
Do not speak with your head held so high.[dm]
For victory does not come from the east or west,
or from the wilderness.[dn]
For God is the judge.[do]
He brings one down and exalts another.[dp]
For the Lord holds in his hand a cup
full of foaming wine mixed with spices,[dq]
and pours it out.[dr]
Surely all the wicked of the earth
will slurp it up and drink it to its very last drop.”[ds]
As for me, I will continually tell what you have done;[dt]
I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.
10 God says,[du]
“I will bring down all the power of the wicked;
the godly will be victorious.”[dv]

Psalm 76[dw]

For the music director, to be accompanied by stringed instruments; a psalm of Asaph, a song.

76 God has revealed himself in Judah;[dx]
in Israel his reputation[dy] is great.
He lives in Salem;[dz]
he dwells in Zion.[ea]
There he shattered the arrows,[eb]
the shield, the sword, and the rest of the weapons of war.[ec] (Selah)
You shine brightly and reveal your majesty,
as you descend from the hills where you killed your prey.[ed]
The bravehearted[ee] were plundered;[ef]
they “fell asleep.”[eg]
All the warriors were helpless.[eh]
At the sound of your battle cry,[ei] O God of Jacob,
both rider[ej] and horse “fell asleep.”[ek]
You are awesome! Yes, you!
Who can withstand your intense anger?[el]
From heaven you announced what their punishment would be.[em]
The earth[en] was afraid and silent
when God arose to execute judgment,
and to deliver all the oppressed of the earth. (Selah)
10 Certainly[eo] your angry judgment upon men will bring you praise;[ep]
you reveal your anger in full measure.[eq]
11 Make vows to the Lord your God and repay them.
Let all those who surround him[er] bring tribute to the awesome one.
12 He humbles princes;[es]
the kings of the earth regard him as awesome.[et]

Psalm 77[eu]

For the music director, Jeduthun; a psalm of Asaph.

77 I will cry out to God[ev] and call for help.
I will cry out to God and he will pay attention[ew] to me.
In my time of trouble I sought[ex] the Lord.
I kept my hand raised in prayer throughout the night.[ey]
I[ez] refused to be comforted.
I said, “I will remember God while I groan;
I will think about him while my strength leaves me.”[fa] (Selah)
You held my eyelids open;[fb]
I was troubled and could not speak.[fc]
I thought about the days of old,
about ancient times.[fd]
I said, “During the night I will remember the song I once sang;
I will think very carefully.”
I tried to make sense of what was happening.[fe]
I asked,[ff] “Will the Lord reject me forever?
Will he never again show me his favor?
Has his loyal love disappeared forever?
Has his promise[fg] failed forever?
Has God forgotten to be merciful?
Has his anger stifled his compassion?” (Selah)
10 Then I said, “I am sickened by the thought
that the Most High[fh] might become inactive.[fi]
11 I will remember the works of the Lord.
Yes, I will remember the amazing things you did long ago.[fj]
12 I will think about all you have done;
I will reflect upon your deeds.”
13 [fk] O God, your deeds are extraordinary.[fl]
What god can compare to our great God?[fm]
14 You are the God who does amazing things;
you have revealed your strength among the nations.
15 You delivered[fn] your people by your strength[fo]
the children of Jacob and Joseph. (Selah)
16 The waters[fp] saw you, O God,
the waters saw you and trembled.[fq]
Yes, the depths of the sea[fr] shook with fear.[fs]
17 The clouds poured down rain;[ft]
the skies thundered.[fu]
Yes, your arrows[fv] flashed about.
18 Your thunderous voice was heard in the wind;
the lightning bolts lit up the world.
The earth trembled and shook.[fw]
19 You walked through the sea;[fx]
you passed through the surging waters,[fy]
but left no footprints.[fz]
20 You led your people like a flock of sheep,
by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

Psalm 78[ga]

A well-written song[gb] by Asaph.

78 Pay attention, my people, to my instruction.
Listen to the words I speak.[gc]
I will sing a song that imparts wisdom;
I will make insightful observations about the past.[gd]
What we have heard and learned[ge]
that which our ancestors[gf] have told us—
we will not hide from their[gg] descendants.
We will tell the next generation
about the Lord’s praiseworthy acts,[gh]
about his strength and the amazing things he has done.
He established a rule[gi] in Jacob;
he set up a law in Israel.
He commanded our ancestors
to make his deeds known to their descendants,[gj]
so that the next generation, children yet to be born,
might know about them.
They will grow up and tell their descendants about them.[gk]
Then they will place their confidence in God.
They will not forget the works of God,
and they will obey[gl] his commands.
Then they will not be like their ancestors,
who were a stubborn and rebellious generation,
a generation that was not committed
and faithful to God.[gm]
The Ephraimites[gn] were armed with bows,[go]
but they retreated in the day of battle.[gp]
10 They did not keep their covenant with God,[gq]
and they refused to obey[gr] his law.
11 They forgot what he had done,[gs]
the amazing things he had shown them.
12 He did amazing things in the sight of their ancestors,
in the land of Egypt, in the region of Zoan.[gt]
13 He divided the sea and led them across it;
he made the water stand in a heap.
14 He led them with a cloud by day,
and with the light of a fire all night long.
15 He broke open rocks in the wilderness,
and gave them enough water to fill the depths of the sea.[gu]
16 He caused streams to flow from the rock,
and made the water flow like rivers.
17 Yet they continued to sin against him,
and rebelled against the Most High[gv] in the desert.
18 They willfully challenged God[gw]
by asking for food to satisfy their appetite.
19 They insulted God, saying,[gx]
“Is God really able to give us food[gy] in the wilderness?
20 Yes,[gz] he struck a rock and water flowed out;
streams gushed forth.
But can he also give us food?
Will he provide meat for his people?”
21 When[ha] the Lord heard this, he was furious.
A fire broke out against Jacob,
and his anger flared up[hb] against Israel,
22 because they did not have faith in God,
and did not trust his ability to deliver them.[hc]
23 He gave a command to the clouds above,
and opened the doors in the sky.
24 He rained down manna for them to eat;
he gave them the grain of heaven.[hd]
25 Man ate the food of the mighty ones.[he]
He sent them more than enough to eat.[hf]
26 He brought the east wind through the sky,
and by his strength led forth the south wind.
27 He rained down meat on them like dust,
birds as numerous as the sand on the seashores.[hg]
28 He caused them to fall right in the middle of their camp,
all around their homes.
29 They ate until they were beyond full;[hh]
he gave them what they desired.
30 They were not yet filled up;[hi]
their food was still in their mouths,
31 when the anger of God flared up against them.
He killed some of the strongest of them;
he brought the young men of Israel to their knees.
32 Despite all this, they continued to sin,
and did not trust him to do amazing things.[hj]
33 So he caused them to die unsatisfied[hk]
and filled with terror.[hl]
34 When he struck them down,[hm] they sought his favor;[hn]
they turned back and longed for God.
35 They remembered that God was their protector,[ho]
and that God Most High[hp] was their deliverer.[hq]
36 But they deceived him with their words,[hr]
and lied to him.[hs]
37 They were not really committed to him,[ht]
and they were unfaithful to his covenant.
38 Yet he is compassionate.
He forgives sin and does not destroy.
He often holds back his anger,
and does not stir up his fury.[hu]
39 He remembered[hv] that they were made of flesh,
and were like a wind that blows past and does not return.[hw]
40 How often they rebelled against him in the wilderness,
and insulted him[hx] in the wastelands.
41 They again challenged God,[hy]
and offended[hz] the Holy One of Israel.[ia]
42 They did not remember what he had done,[ib]
how he delivered them from the enemy,[ic]
43 when he performed his awesome deeds[id] in Egypt,
and his acts of judgment[ie] in the region of Zoan.
44 He turned their rivers into blood,
and they could not drink from their streams.
45 He sent swarms of biting insects against them,[if]
as well as frogs that overran their land.[ig]
46 He gave their crops to the grasshopper,
the fruit of their labor to the locust.
47 He destroyed their vines with hail,
and their sycamore-fig trees with driving rain.
48 He rained hail down on their cattle,[ih]
and hurled lightning bolts down on their livestock.[ii]
49 His raging anger lashed out against them.[ij]
He sent fury, rage, and trouble
as messengers who bring disaster.[ik]
50 He sent his anger in full force.[il]
He did not spare them from death;
he handed their lives over to destruction.[im]
51 He struck down all the firstborn in Egypt,
the firstfruits of their reproductive power[in] in the tents of Ham.
52 Yet he brought out his people like sheep;
he led them through the wilderness like a flock.
53 He guided them safely along, and they were not afraid;
but the sea covered their enemies.
54 He brought them to the border of his holy land,
to this mountainous land[io] that his right hand[ip] acquired.
55 He drove the nations out from before them;
he assigned them their tribal allotments[iq]
and allowed the tribes of Israel to settle down.[ir]
56 Yet they challenged and defied[is] God Most High,[it]
and did not obey[iu] his commands.[iv]
57 They were unfaithful[iw] and acted as treacherously as[ix] their ancestors;
they were as unreliable as a malfunctioning bow.[iy]
58 They made him angry with their pagan shrines,[iz]
and made him jealous with their idols.
59 God heard and was angry;
he completely rejected Israel.
60 He abandoned[ja] the sanctuary at Shiloh,
the tent where he lived among men.
61 He allowed the symbol of his strong presence to be captured;[jb]
he gave the symbol of his splendor[jc] into the hand of the enemy.[jd]
62 He delivered his people over to the sword,
and was angry with his chosen nation.[je]
63 Fire consumed their[jf] young men,
and their[jg] virgins remained unmarried.[jh]
64 Their[ji] priests fell by the sword,
but their[jj] widows did not weep.[jk]
65 But then the Lord awoke from his sleep;[jl]
he was like a warrior in a drunken rage.[jm]
66 He drove his enemies back;
he made them a permanent target for insults.[jn]
67 He rejected the tent of Joseph;
he did not choose the tribe of Ephraim.
68 He chose the tribe of Judah
and Mount Zion, which he loves.
69 He made his sanctuary as enduring as the heavens above,[jo]
as secure as the earth, which he established permanently.[jp]
70 He chose David, his servant,
and took him from the sheepfolds.
71 He took him away from following the mother sheep,[jq]
and made him the shepherd of Jacob, his people,
and of Israel, his chosen nation.[jr]
72 David[js] cared for them with pure motives;[jt]
he led them with skill.[ju]

Psalm 79[jv]

A psalm of Asaph.

79 O God, foreigners[jw] have invaded your chosen land;[jx]
they have polluted your holy temple
and turned Jerusalem into a heap of ruins.
They have given the corpses of your servants
to the birds of the sky,[jy]
the flesh of your loyal followers
to the beasts of the earth.
They have made their blood flow like water
all around Jerusalem, and there is no one to bury them.[jz]
We have become an object of disdain to our neighbors;
those who live on our borders taunt and insult us.[ka]
How long will this go on, O Lord?[kb]
Will you stay angry forever?
How long will your rage[kc] burn like fire?
Pour out your anger on the nations that do not acknowledge you,[kd]
on the kingdoms that do not pray to you.[ke]
For they have devoured Jacob
and destroyed his home.
Do not hold us accountable for the sins of earlier generations.[kf]
Quickly send your compassion our way,[kg]
for we are in serious trouble.[kh]
Help us, O God, our deliverer!
For the sake of your glorious reputation,[ki] rescue us.
Forgive our sins for the sake of your reputation.[kj]
10 Why should the nations say, “Where is their God?”
Before our very eyes may the shed blood of your servants
be avenged among the nations.[kk]
11 Listen to the painful cries of the prisoners.[kl]
Use your great strength to set free those condemned to die.[km]
12 Pay back our neighbors in full.[kn]
May they be insulted the same way they insulted you, O Lord.[ko]
13 Then we, your people, the sheep of your pasture,
will continually thank you.[kp]
We will tell coming generations of your praiseworthy acts.[kq]

Psalm 80[kr]

For the music director, according to the shushan-eduth style;[ks] a psalm of Asaph.

80 O Shepherd of Israel, pay attention,
you who lead Joseph like a flock of sheep.
You who sit enthroned above the cherubim,[kt] reveal your splendor.[ku]
In the sight of Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh reveal[kv] your power.
Come and deliver us.[kw]
O God, restore us.
Smile on us.[kx] Then we will be delivered.[ky]
O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies,[kz]
how long will you remain angry at your people while they pray to you?[la]
You have given them tears as food;[lb]
you have made them drink tears by the measure.[lc]
You have made our neighbors dislike us,[ld]
and our enemies insult us.
O God of Heaven’s Armies,[le] restore us.
Smile on us.[lf] Then we will be delivered.[lg]
You uprooted a vine[lh] from Egypt;
you drove out nations and transplanted it.
You cleared the ground for it;[li]
it took root,[lj]
and filled the land.
10 The mountains were covered by its shadow,
the highest cedars[lk] by its branches.
11 Its branches reached the Mediterranean Sea,[ll]
and its shoots the Euphrates River.[lm]
12 Why did you break down its walls,[ln]
so that all who pass by pluck its fruit?[lo]
13 The wild boars of the forest ruin it;[lp]
the insects[lq] of the field feed on it.
14 O God of Heaven’s Armies,[lr] come back.
Look down from heaven and take notice.
Take care of this vine,
15 the root[ls] your right hand planted,
the shoot you made to grow.[lt]
16 It is burned[lu] and cut down.
May those who did this die because you are displeased with them.[lv]
17 May you give support to the one you have chosen,[lw]
to the one whom you raised up for yourself.[lx]
18 Then we will not turn away from you.
Revive us and we will pray to you.[ly]
19 O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies,[lz] restore us.
Smile on us.[ma] Then we will be delivered.[mb]

Psalm 81[mc]

For the music director, according to the gittith style;[md] by Asaph.

81 Shout for joy to God, our source of strength!
Shout out to the God of Jacob!
Sing[me] a song and play the tambourine,
the pleasant-sounding harp, and the ten-stringed instrument.
Sound the ram’s horn on the day of the new moon,[mf]
and on the day of the full moon when our festival begins.[mg]
For observing the festival is a requirement for Israel;[mh]
it is an ordinance given by the God of Jacob.
He decreed it as a regulation in Joseph,
when he attacked the land of Egypt.[mi]
I heard a voice I did not recognize.[mj]
It said:[mk] “I removed the burden from his shoulder;
his hands were released from holding the basket.[ml]
In your distress you called out and I rescued you.
I answered you from a dark thundercloud.[mm]
I tested you at the waters of Meribah.[mn] (Selah)
I said,[mo] ‘Listen, my people!
I will warn[mp] you.
O Israel, if only you would obey me![mq]
There must be[mr] no other[ms] god among you.
You must not worship a foreign god.
10 I am the Lord, your God,
the one who brought you out of the land of Egypt.
Open your mouth wide and I will fill it.’
11 But my people did not obey me;[mt]
Israel did not submit to me.[mu]
12 I gave them over to their stubborn desires;[mv]
they did what seemed right to them.[mw]
13 If only my people would obey me![mx]
If only Israel would keep my commands![my]
14 Then I would quickly subdue their enemies,
and attack[mz] their adversaries.”
15 (May those who hate the Lord[na] cower in fear[nb] before him.
May they be permanently humiliated.)[nc]
16 “I would feed Israel the best wheat,[nd]
and would satisfy your appetite[ne] with honey from the rocky cliffs.”[nf]

Psalm 82[ng]

A psalm of Asaph.

82 God stands in[nh] the assembly of El;[ni]
in the midst of the gods[nj] he renders judgment.[nk]
He says,[nl] “How long will you make unjust legal decisions
and show favoritism to the wicked?[nm] (Selah)
Defend the cause of the poor and the fatherless.[nn]
Vindicate the oppressed and suffering.
Rescue the poor and needy.
Deliver them from the power[no] of the wicked.
They[np] neither know nor understand.
They stumble around[nq] in the dark,
while all the foundations of the earth crumble.[nr]
I thought,[ns] ‘You are gods;
all of you are sons of the Most High.’[nt]
Yet you will die like mortals;[nu]
you will fall like all the other rulers.”[nv]
Rise up, O God, and execute judgment on the earth!
For you own[nw] all the nations.

Psalm 83[nx]

A song, a psalm of Asaph.

83 O God, do not be silent.
Do not ignore us.[ny] Do not be inactive, O God.
For look, your enemies are making a commotion;
those who hate you are hostile.[nz]
They carefully plot[oa] against your people,
and make plans to harm[ob] the ones you cherish.[oc]
They say, “Come on, let’s annihilate them so they are no longer a nation.[od]
Then the name of Israel will be remembered no more.”
Yes,[oe] they devise a unified strategy;[of]
they form an alliance[og] against you.
It includes[oh] the tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites,
Moab and the Hagrites,[oi]
Gebal,[oj] Ammon, and Amalek,
Philistia and the inhabitants of Tyre.
Even Assyria has allied with them,
lending its strength to the descendants of Lot.[ok] (Selah)
Do to them as you did to Midian[ol]
as you did to Sisera and Jabin at the Kishon River.[om]
10 They were destroyed at Endor;[on]
their corpses were like manure[oo] on the ground.
11 Make their nobles like Oreb and Zeeb,[op]
and all their rulers like Zebah and Zalmunna,[oq]
12 who said,[or] “Let’s take over[os] the pastures of God.”
13 O my God, make them like dead thistles,[ot]
like dead weeds blown away by[ou] the wind.
14 Like the fire that burns down the forest,
or the flames that consume the mountainsides,[ov]
15 chase them with your gale winds,
and terrify[ow] them with your windstorm.
16 Cover[ox] their faces with shame,
so they might seek[oy] you,[oz] O Lord.
17 May they be humiliated and continually terrified.[pa]
May they die in shame.[pb]
18 Then they will know[pc] that you alone are the Lord,[pd]
the Most High[pe] over all the earth.

Psalm 84[pf]

For the music director, according to the gittith style;[pg] written by the Korahites, a psalm.

84 How lovely is the place where you live,[ph]
O Lord of Heaven’s Armies![pi]
I desperately want to be[pj]
in the courts of the Lord’s temple.[pk]
My heart and my entire being[pl] shout for joy
to the living God.
Even the birds find a home there,
and the swallow[pm] builds a nest,
where she can protect her young[pn]
near your altars, O Lord of Heaven’s Armies,
my King and my God.
How blessed[po] are those who live in your temple
and praise you continually. (Selah)
How blessed are those who[pp] find their strength in you,
and long to travel the roads that lead to your temple.[pq]
As they pass through the Baca Valley,[pr]
he provides a spring for them.[ps]
The rain[pt] even covers it with pools of water.[pu]
They are sustained as they travel along;[pv]
each one appears[pw] before God in Zion.
O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies,[px]
hear my prayer.
Listen, O God of Jacob. (Selah)
O God, take notice of our shield.[py]
Show concern for your chosen king.[pz]
10 Certainly[qa] spending just one day in your temple courts is better
than spending a thousand elsewhere.[qb]
I would rather stand at the entrance[qc] to the temple of my God
than live[qd] in the tents of the wicked.
11 For the Lord God is our sovereign protector.[qe]
The Lord bestows favor[qf] and honor;
he withholds no good thing from those who have integrity.[qg]
12 O Lord of Heaven’s Armies,[qh]
how blessed are those who trust in you.[qi]

Psalm 85[qj]

For the music director, written by the Korahites, a psalm.

85 O Lord, you showed favor to your land;
you restored the well-being of Jacob.[qk]
You pardoned[ql] the wrongdoing of your people;
you forgave[qm] all their sin. (Selah)
You withdrew all your fury;
you turned back from your raging anger.[qn]
Restore us, O God our deliverer.
Do not be displeased with us.[qo]
Will you stay mad at us forever?
Will you remain angry throughout future generations?[qp]
Will you not revive us once more?
Then your people will rejoice in you.
O Lord, show us your loyal love.
Bestow on us your deliverance.
I will listen to what God the Lord says.[qq]
For he will make[qr] peace with his people, his faithful followers.[qs]
Yet they must not[qt] return to their foolish ways.
Certainly his loyal followers will soon experience his deliverance;[qu]
then his splendor will again appear in our land.[qv]
10 Loyal love and faithfulness meet;[qw]
deliverance and peace greet each other with a kiss.[qx]
11 Faithfulness grows from the ground,
and deliverance looks down from the sky.[qy]
12 Yes, the Lord will bestow his good blessings,[qz]
and our land will yield[ra] its crops.
13 Deliverance goes[rb] before him,
and prepares[rc] a pathway for him.[rd]

Psalm 86[re]

A prayer of David.

86 Listen,[rf] O Lord. Answer me.
For I am oppressed and needy.
Protect me,[rg] for I am loyal.
You are my God; deliver your servant who trusts in you.
Have mercy on me,[rh] O Lord,
for I cry out to you all day long.
Make your servant[ri] glad,
for to you, O Lord, I pray.[rj]
Certainly,[rk] O Lord, you are kind[rl] and forgiving,
and show great faithfulness to all who cry out to you.
O Lord, hear my prayer.
Pay attention to my plea for mercy.
In my time of trouble I cry out to you,
for you will answer me.
None can compare to you among the gods, O Lord.
Your exploits are incomparable.[rm]
All the nations, whom you created,
will come and worship you,[rn] O Lord.
They will honor your name.
10 For you are great and do amazing things.
You alone are God.
11 O Lord, teach me how you want me to live.[ro]
Then I will obey your commands.[rp]
Make me wholeheartedly committed to you.[rq]
12 O Lord, my God, I will give you thanks with my whole heart.
I will honor your name continually.[rr]
13 For you will extend your great loyal love to me,[rs]
and will deliver my life[rt] from the depths of Sheol.[ru]
14 O God, arrogant men attack me;[rv]
a gang[rw] of ruthless men, who do not respect you, seek my life.[rx]
15 But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and merciful God.
You are patient[ry] and demonstrate great loyal love and faithfulness.[rz]
16 Turn toward me and have mercy on me.
Give your servant your strength.
Deliver this son of your female servant.[sa]
17 Show me evidence of your favor.[sb]
Then those who hate me will see it and be ashamed,[sc]
for you, O Lord, will help me and comfort me.[sd]

Psalm 87[se]

Written by the Korahites; a psalm, a song.

87 The Lord’s city is in the holy hills.[sf]
The Lord loves the gates of Zion
more than all the dwelling places of Jacob.
People say wonderful things about you,[sg]
O city of God. (Selah)
I mention Rahab[sh] and Babylon to my followers.[si]
Here are[sj] Philistia and Tyre, along with Ethiopia.[sk]
It is said of them, “This one was born there.”[sl]
But it is said of Zion’s residents,[sm]
“Each one of these[sn] was born in her,
and the Most High[so] makes her secure.”
The Lord writes in the census book of the nations,[sp]
“This one was born there.”[sq] (Selah)
As for the singers, as well as the pipers—
all of them sing within your walls.[sr]

Psalm 88[ss]

A song, a psalm written by the Korahites, for the music director, according to the machalath-leannoth style;[st] a well-written song[su] by Heman the Ezrahite.

88 O Lord God who delivers me,[sv]
by day I cry out
and at night I pray before you.[sw]
Listen to my prayer.[sx]
Pay attention[sy] to my cry for help.
For my life[sz] is filled with troubles,
and I am ready to enter Sheol.[ta]
They treat me like[tb] those who descend into the grave.[tc]
I am like a helpless man,[td]
adrift[te] among the dead,
like corpses lying in the grave,
whom you remember no more,
and who are cut off from your power.[tf]
You place me in the lowest regions of the Pit,[tg]
in the dark places, in the watery depths.
Your anger bears down on me,
and you overwhelm me with all your waves. (Selah)
You cause those who know me to keep their distance;
you make me an appalling sight to them.
I am trapped and cannot get free.[th]
My eyes grow weak because of oppression.
I call out to you, O Lord, all day long;
I spread out my hands in prayer to you.[ti]
10 Do you accomplish amazing things for the dead?
Do the departed spirits[tj] rise up and give you thanks? (Selah)
11 Is your loyal love proclaimed in the grave,
or your faithfulness in the place of the dead?[tk]
12 Are your amazing deeds experienced[tl] in the dark region,[tm]
or your deliverance in the land of oblivion?[tn]
13 As for me, I cry out to you, O Lord;
in the morning my prayer confronts you.
14 O Lord, why do you reject me,
and pay no attention to me?[to]
15 I am oppressed and have been on the verge of death since my youth.[tp]
I have been subjected to your horrors and am numb with pain.[tq]
16 Your anger overwhelms me;[tr]
your terrors destroy me.
17 They surround me like water all day long;
they join forces and encircle me.[ts]
18 You cause my friends and neighbors to keep their distance;[tt]
those who know me leave me alone in the darkness.[tu]

Psalm 89[tv]

A well-written song[tw] by Ethan the Ezrahite.

89 I will sing continually[tx] about the Lord’s faithful deeds;
to future generations I will proclaim your faithfulness.[ty]
For I say, “Loyal love is permanently established;[tz]
in the skies you set up your faithfulness.”[ua]
The Lord said,[ub]
“I have made a covenant with my chosen one;
I have made a promise on oath to David, my servant:
‘I will give you an eternal dynasty[uc]
and establish your throne throughout future generations.’”[ud] (Selah)
O Lord, the heavens[ue] praise your amazing deeds,
as well as your faithfulness in the angelic assembly.[uf]
For who in the skies can compare to the Lord?
Who is like the Lord among the heavenly beings,[ug]
a God who is honored[uh] in the great angelic assembly,[ui]
and more awesome than[uj] all who surround him?
O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies![uk]
Who is strong like you, O Lord?
Your faithfulness surrounds you.
You rule over the proud sea.[ul]
When its waves surge,[um] you calm them.
10 You crushed the Proud One[un] and killed it;[uo]
with your strong arm you scattered your enemies.
11 The heavens belong to you, as does the earth.
You made the world and all it contains.[up]
12 You created the north and the south.
Tabor and Hermon[uq] rejoice in your name.
13 Your arm is powerful,
your hand strong,
your right hand[ur] victorious.[us]
14 Equity and justice are the foundation of your throne.[ut]
Loyal love and faithfulness characterize your rule.[uu]
15 How blessed are the people who worship you![uv]
O Lord, they experience your favor.[uw]
16 They rejoice in your name all day long,
and are vindicated[ux] by your justice.
17 For you give them splendor and strength.[uy]
By your favor we are victorious.[uz]
18 For our shield[va] belongs to the Lord,
our king to the Holy One of Israel.[vb]
19 Then you[vc] spoke through a vision to your faithful followers[vd] and said:
“I have placed a young hero[ve] over a warrior;
I have raised up a young man[vf] from the people.
20 I have discovered David, my servant.
With my holy oil I have anointed him as king.[vg]
21 My hand will support him,[vh]
and my arm will strengthen him.
22 No enemy will be able to exact tribute[vi] from him;[vj]
a violent oppressor will not be able to humiliate him.[vk]
23 I will crush his enemies before him;
I will strike down those who hate him.
24 He will experience my faithfulness and loyal love,[vl]
and by my name he will win victories.[vm]
25 I will place his hand over the sea,
his right hand over the rivers.[vn]
26 He will call out to me,
‘You are my father,[vo] my God, and the protector who delivers me.’[vp]
27 I will appoint him to be my firstborn son,[vq]
the most exalted of the earth’s kings.
28 I will always extend my loyal love to him,
and my covenant with him is secure.[vr]
29 I will give him an eternal dynasty,[vs]
and make his throne as enduring as the skies above.[vt]
30 If his sons reject my law
and disobey my regulations,
31 if they break[vu] my rules
and do not keep my commandments,
32 I will punish their rebellion by beating them with a club,[vv]
their sin by inflicting them with bruises.[vw]
33 But I will not remove[vx] my loyal love from him,
nor be unfaithful to my promise.[vy]
34 I will not break[vz] my covenant
or go back on what I promised.[wa]
35 Once and for all I have vowed by my own holiness,
I will never deceive[wb] David.
36 His dynasty will last forever.[wc]
His throne will endure before me, like the sun;[wd]
37 it will remain stable, like the moon.[we]
His throne will endure like the skies.”[wf] (Selah)
38 But you have spurned[wg] and rejected him;
you are angry with your chosen king.[wh]
39 You have repudiated[wi] your covenant with your servant;[wj]
you have thrown his crown to the ground.[wk]
40 You have broken down all his[wl] walls;
you have made his strongholds a heap of ruins.
41 All who pass by[wm] have robbed him;
he has become an object of disdain to his neighbors.
42 You have allowed his adversaries to be victorious,[wn]
and all his enemies to rejoice.
43 You turn back[wo] his sword from the adversary,[wp]
and have not sustained him in battle.[wq]
44 You have brought to an end his splendor,[wr]
and have knocked[ws] his throne to the ground.
45 You have cut short his youth,[wt]
and have covered him with shame. (Selah)
46 How long, O Lord, will this last?
Will you remain hidden forever?[wu]
Will your anger continue to burn like fire?
47 Take note of my brief lifespan.[wv]
Why do you make all people so mortal?[ww]
48 No man can live on without experiencing death,
or deliver his life from the power of Sheol.[wx] (Selah)
49 Where are your earlier faithful deeds,[wy] O Lord,[wz]
the ones performed in accordance with your reliable oath to David?[xa]
50 Take note, O Lord,[xb] of the way your servants are taunted,[xc]
and of how I must bear so many insults from people.[xd]
51 Your enemies, O Lord, hurl insults;
they insult your chosen king as they dog his footsteps.[xe]
52 [xf] The Lord deserves praise[xg] forevermore!
We agree! We agree![xh]


  1. Psalm 73:1 sn Psalm 73. In this wisdom psalm the psalmist offers a personal testimony of his struggle with the age-old problem of the prosperity of the wicked. As he observed evil men prosper, he wondered if a godly lifestyle really pays off. In the midst of his discouragement, he reflected upon spiritual truths and realities. He was reminded that the prosperity of the wicked is only temporary. God will eventually vindicate his people.
  2. Psalm 73:1 tn Since the psalm appears to focus on an individual’s concerns, not the situation of Israel, this introduction may be a later addition designed to apply the psalm’s message to the entire community. To provide a better parallel with the next line, some emend the Hebrew phrase לְיִשְׂרָאֵל אֱלֹהִים (leyisra’el ʾelohim, “to Israel, God”) to אֱלֹהִים [or אֵל] לָיָּשָׁר (layyashar ʾelohim [or ʾel], “God [is good] to the upright one”).
  3. Psalm 73:1 tn Heb “to the pure of heart.”
  4. Psalm 73:2 tn The Hebrew verb normally means “to pour out,” but here it must have the nuance “to slide.”sn My feet almost slid out from under me. The language is metaphorical. As the following context makes clear, the psalmist almost “slipped” in a spiritual sense. As he began to question God’s justice, the psalmist came close to abandoning his faith.
  5. Psalm 73:3 tn The imperfect verbal form here depicts the action as continuing in a past time frame.
  6. Psalm 73:3 tn Heb “peace” (שָׁלוֹם, shalom).
  7. Psalm 73:4 tn In Isa 58:6, the only other occurrence of this word in the OT, the term refers to “bonds” or “ropes.” In Ps 73:4 it is used metaphorically of pain and suffering that restricts one’s enjoyment of life.
  8. Psalm 73:4 tn Or “bellies.”
  9. Psalm 73:4 tc Or “fat.” The MT of v. 4 reads as follows: “for there are no pains at their death, and fat [is] their body.” Since a reference to the death of the wicked seems incongruous in the immediate context (note v. 5) and premature in the argument of the psalm (see vv. 18-20, 27), some prefer to emend the text by redividing it. The term לְמוֹתָם (lemotam, “at their death”) is changed to לָמוֹ תָּם (lamo tam, “[there are no pains] to them, strong [and fat are their bodies]”). The term תָּם (tam, “complete; sound”) is used of physical beauty in Song 5:2; 6:9. This emendation is the basis for the present translation. However, in defense of the MT (the traditional Hebrew text), one may point to an Aramaic inscription from Nerab which views a painful death as a curse and a nonpainful death in one’s old age as a sign of divine favor. See ANET 661.
  10. Psalm 73:5 tn Heb “in the trouble of man they are not, and with mankind they are not afflicted.”
  11. Psalm 73:6 sn Arrogance is their necklace. The metaphor suggests that their arrogance is something the wicked “wear” proudly. It draws attention to them, just as a beautiful necklace does to its owner.
  12. Psalm 73:6 tn Heb “a garment of violence covers them.” The metaphor suggests that violence is habitual for the wicked. They “wear” it like clothing; when one looks at them, violence is what one sees.
  13. Psalm 73:7 tc The MT reads “it goes out from fatness their eye,” which might be paraphrased, “their eye protrudes [or “bulges”] because of fatness.” This in turn might refer to their greed; their eyes “bug out” when they see rich food or produce (the noun חֵלֶב [khelev, “fatness”] sometimes refers to such food or produce). However, when used with the verb יָצָא (yatsaʾ, “go out”) the preposition מִן (“from”) more naturally indicates source. For this reason it is preferable to emend עֵינֵמוֹ (ʿenemo, “their eye”) to עֲוֹנָמוֹ, (ʿavonamo, “their sin”) and read, “and their sin proceeds forth from fatness,” that is, their prosperity gives rise to their sinful attitudes. If one follows this textual reading, another interpretive option is to take חֵלֶב (“fatness”) in the sense of “unreceptive, insensitive” (see its use in Ps 17:10). In this case, the sin of the wicked proceeds forth from their spiritual insensitivity.
  14. Psalm 73:7 tn Heb “the thoughts of [their] heart [i.e., mind] cross over” (i.e., violate God’s moral boundary, see Ps 17:3).
  15. Psalm 73:8 tn The verb מוּק (muq, “mock”) occurs only here in the OT.
  16. Psalm 73:8 tn Heb “and speak with evil.”
  17. Psalm 73:8 tn Heb “oppression from an elevated place they speak.” The traditional accentuation of the MT places “oppression” with the preceding line. In this case, one might translate, “they mock and speak with evil [of] oppression, from an elevated place [i.e., “proudly”] they speak.” By placing “oppression” with what follows, one achieves better poetic balance in the parallelism.
  18. Psalm 73:9 tn Heb “they set in heaven their mouth, and their tongue walks through the earth.” The meaning of the text is uncertain. Perhaps the idea is that they lay claim to heaven (i.e., speak as if they were ruling in heaven) and move through the earth declaring their superiority and exerting their influence. Some take the preposition ב (bet) the first line as adversative and translate, “they set their mouth against heaven,” that is, they defy God.
  19. Psalm 73:10 tc Heb “therefore his people return [so Qere (marginal reading); Kethib (consonantal text) has “he brings back”] to here, and waters of abundance are sucked up by them.” The traditional Hebrew text (MT) defies explanation. The present translation reflects M. Dahood’s proposed emendations (Psalms [AB], 2:190) and reads the Hebrew text as follows: לָכֵן יִשְׂבְעוּם לֶחֶם וּמֵי מָלֵא יָמֹצּוּ לָמוֹ (“therefore they are filled with food, and waters of abundance they suck up for themselves”). The reading יִשְׂבְעוּם לֶחֶם (yisveʿum lekhem, “they are filled with food”) assumes (1) an emendation of יָשִׁיב עַמּוֹ (yashiv ʿammo, “he will bring back his people”) to יִשְׂבְעוּם (yisveʿum, “they will be filled”; a Qal imperfect third masculine plural form from שָׂבַע [savaʿ] with enclitic mem [ם]), and (2) an emendation of הֲלֹם (halom, “to here”) to לֶחֶם (“food”). The expression “be filled/fill with food” appears elsewhere at least ten times (see Ps 132:15, for example). In the second line the Niphal form יִמָּצוּ (yimmatsu, derived from מָצָה, matsah, “drain”) is emended to a Qal form יָמֹצּוּ (yamotsu), derived from מָצַץ (matsats, “to suck”). In Isa 66:11 the verbs שָׂבַע (savaʿ; proposed in Ps 73:10a) and מָצַץ (proposed in Ps 73:10b) are parallel. The point of the emended text is this: Because they are seemingly sovereign (v. 9), they become greedy and grab up everything they need and more.
  20. Psalm 73:11 tn Heb “How does God know? Is there knowledge with the Most High?” They appear to be practical atheists, who acknowledge God’s existence and sovereignty in theory, but deny his involvement in the world (see Pss 10:4, 11; 14:1).
  21. Psalm 73:12 tn Heb “Look, these [are] the wicked.”
  22. Psalm 73:12 tn Heb “the ones who are always at ease [who] increase wealth.”
  23. Psalm 73:13 tn The words “I concluded” are supplied in the translation. It is apparent that vv. 13-14 reflect the psalmist’s thoughts at an earlier time (see vv. 2-3), prior to the spiritual awakening he describes in vv. 17-28.
  24. Psalm 73:13 tn Heb “heart,” viewed here as the seat of one’s thoughts and motives.
  25. Psalm 73:13 tn Heb “and washed my hands in innocence.” The psalmist uses an image from cultic ritual to picture his moral lifestyle. The reference to “hands” suggests actions.
  26. Psalm 73:15 tn Heb “If I had said, ‘I will speak out like this.’”
  27. Psalm 73:15 tn Heb “look, the generation of your sons I would have betrayed.” The phrase “generation of your [i.e., God’s] sons” occurs only here in the OT. Some equate the phrase with “generation of the godly” (Ps 14:5), “generation of the ones seeking him” (Ps 24:6), and “generation of the upright” (Ps 112:2). In Deut 14:1 the Israelites are referred to as God’s “sons.” Perhaps the psalmist refers here to those who are “Israelites” in the true sense because of their loyalty to God (note the juxtaposition of “Israel” with “the pure in heart” in v. 1).
  28. Psalm 73:16 tn Heb “and [when] I pondered to understand this, troubling it [was] in my eyes.”
  29. Psalm 73:17 tn The plural of the term מִקְדָּשׁ (miqdash) probably refers to the temple precincts (see Ps 68:35; Jer 51:51).
  30. Psalm 73:17 tn Heb “I discerned their end.” At the temple the psalmist perhaps received an oracle of deliverance announcing his vindication and the demise of the wicked (see Ps 12) or heard songs of confidence (for example, Ps 11), wisdom psalms (for example, Pss 1, 37), and hymns (for example, Ps 112) that describe the eventual downfall of the proud and wealthy.
  31. Psalm 73:18 tn The use of the Hebrew term אַךְ (ʾakh, “surely”) here literarily counteracts its use in v. 13. The repetition draws attention to the contrast between the two statements, the first of which expresses the psalmist’s earlier despair and the second his newly discovered confidence.
  32. Psalm 73:18 tn Heb “cause them to fall.”
  33. Psalm 73:19 tn Heb “they come to an end, they are finished, from terrors.”
  34. Psalm 73:20 tn Heb “like a dream from awakening.” They lack any real substance; their prosperity will last for only a brief time.
  35. Psalm 73:20 sn When you awake. The psalmist compares God’s inactivity to sleep and the time of God’s judgment to his awakening from sleep.
  36. Psalm 73:20 tn Heb “you will despise their form.” The Hebrew term צֶלֶם (tselem, “form; image”) also suggests their short-lived nature. Rather than having real substance, they are like the mere images that populate one’s dreams. Note the similar use of the term in Ps 39:6.
  37. Psalm 73:21 tn Or perhaps “when.”
  38. Psalm 73:21 tn The imperfect verbal form here describes a continuing attitude in a past time frame.
  39. Psalm 73:21 tn Heb “and [in] my kidneys I was pierced.” The imperfect verbal form here describes a continuing condition in a past time frame.
  40. Psalm 73:22 tn Or “brutish, stupid.”
  41. Psalm 73:22 tn Heb “and I was not knowing.”
  42. Psalm 73:22 tn Heb “an animal I was with you.”
  43. Psalm 73:24 tn The imperfect verbal form here suggests this is the psalmist’s ongoing experience.
  44. Psalm 73:24 tn Heb “and afterward [to] glory you will take me.” Some interpreters view this as the psalmist’s confidence in an afterlife in God’s presence and understand כָּבוֹד (kavod) as a metonymic reference to God’s presence in heaven. But this seems unlikely in the present context. The psalmist anticipates a time of vindication, when the wicked are destroyed and he is honored by God for his godly life style. The verb לָקַח (laqakh, “take”) here carries the nuance “lead, guide, conduct,” as in Num 23:14, 27-28; Josh 24:3 and Prov 24:11.
  45. Psalm 73:25 tn Heb “Who [is there] for me in heaven? And besides you I do not desire [anyone] in the earth.” The psalmist uses a merism (heaven/earth) to emphasize that God is the sole object of his desire and worship in the entire universe.
  46. Psalm 73:26 tn The Hebrew verb כָלָה (khalah, “to fail; to grow weak”) does not refer here to physical death per se, but to the physical weakness that sometimes precedes death (see Job 33:21; Pss 71:9; 143:7; Prov 5:11).
  47. Psalm 73:26 tn Or “forever.”
  48. Psalm 73:26 tn Heb “is the rocky summit of my heart and my portion.” The psalmist compares the Lord to a rocky summit where one could go for protection and to landed property, which was foundational to economic stability in ancient Israel.
  49. Psalm 73:27 tn Or “for.”
  50. Psalm 73:27 sn The following line defines the phrase far from you in a spiritual sense. Those “far” from God are those who are unfaithful and disloyal to him.
  51. Psalm 73:27 tn Heb “everyone who commits adultery from you.”
  52. Psalm 73:28 tn Heb “but as for me, the nearness of God for me [is] good.”
  53. Psalm 73:28 tn The infinitive construct with ל (lamed) is understood here as indicating an attendant circumstance. Another option is to take it as indicating purpose (“so that I might declare”) or result (“with the result that I declare”).
  54. Psalm 74:1 sn Psalm 74. The psalmist, who has just experienced the devastation of the Babylonian invasion of Jerusalem in 586 b.c., asks God to consider Israel’s sufferings and intervene on behalf of his people. He describes the ruined temple, recalls God’s mighty deeds in the past, begs for mercy, and calls for judgment upon God’s enemies.
  55. Psalm 74:1 tn The meaning of the Hebrew term מַשְׂכִּיל (maskil) is uncertain. The word is derived from a verb meaning “to be prudent; to be wise.” Various options are: “a contemplative song,” “a song imparting moral wisdom,” or “a skillful [i.e., well-written] song.” The term occurs in the superscriptions of Pss 32, 42, 44, 45, 52-55, 74, 78, 88, 89, and 142, as well as in Ps 47:7.
  56. Psalm 74:1 sn The psalmist does not really believe God has permanently rejected his people or he would not pray as he does in this psalm. But this initial question reflects his emotional response to what he sees and is overstated for the sake of emphasis. The severity of divine judgment gives the appearance that God has permanently abandoned his people.
  57. Psalm 74:1 tn Heb “smoke.” The picture is that of a fire that continues to smolder.
  58. Psalm 74:2 tn Heb “your assembly,” which pictures God’s people as an assembled community.
  59. Psalm 74:2 tn Heb “redeemed.” The verb “redeem” casts God in the role of a leader who protects members of his extended family in times of need and crisis (see Ps 19:14).
  60. Psalm 74:2 tn Heb “the tribe of your inheritance” (see Jer 10:16; 51:19).
  61. Psalm 74:3 tn Heb “lift up your steps to,” which may mean “run, hurry.”
  62. Psalm 74:3 tn Heb “everything [the] enemy has damaged in the holy place.”
  63. Psalm 74:4 tn This verb is often used of a lion’s roar, so the psalmist may be comparing the enemy to a raging, devouring lion.
  64. Psalm 74:4 tn Heb “your meeting place.”
  65. Psalm 74:4 tn Heb “they set up their banners [as] banners.” The Hebrew noun אוֹת (ʾot, “sign”) here refers to the enemy army’s battle flags and banners (see Num 2:12).
  66. Psalm 74:5 tn Heb “it is known like one bringing upwards, in a thicket of wood, axes.” The Babylonian invaders destroyed the woodwork in the temple.
  67. Psalm 74:6 tn This is the reading of the Qere (marginal reading). The Kethib (consonantal text) has “and a time.”
  68. Psalm 74:6 tn The imperfect verbal form vividly describes the act as underway.
  69. Psalm 74:6 tn Heb “its engravings together.”
  70. Psalm 74:6 tn This Hebrew noun occurs only here in the OT (see H. R. Cohen, Biblical Hapax Legomena [SBLDS], 49-50).
  71. Psalm 74:6 tn This Hebrew noun occurs only here in the OT. An Akkadian cognate refers to a “pickaxe” (cf. NEB “hatchet and pick”; NIV “axes and hatchets”; NRSV “hatchets and hammers”).
  72. Psalm 74:7 tn Heb “to the ground they desecrate the dwelling place of your name.”
  73. Psalm 74:8 tn Heb “in their heart.”
  74. Psalm 74:8 tc Heb “[?] altogether.” The Hebrew form נִינָם (ninam) is problematic. It could be understood as the noun נִין (nin, “offspring”) but the statement “their offspring altogether” would make no sense here. C. A. Briggs and E. G. Briggs (Psalms [ICC], 2:159) emends יָחַד (yakhad, “altogether”) to יָחִיד (yakhid, “alone”) and translate “let their offspring be solitary” (i.e., exiled). Another option is to understand the form as a Qal imperfect first common plural from יָנָה (yanah, “to oppress”) with a third masculine plural pronominal suffix, “we will oppress them.” However, this verb, when used in the finite form, always appears in the Hiphil. Therefore, it is preferable to emend the form to the Hiphil נוֹנֵם (nonem, “we will oppress them”).
  75. Psalm 74:8 tn Heb “they burn down all the meeting places of God in the land.”
  76. Psalm 74:9 tn Heb “our signs we do not see.” Because of the reference to a prophet in the next line, it is likely that the “signs” in view here include the evidence of God’s presence as typically revealed through the prophets. These could include miraculous acts performed by the prophets (see, for example, Isa 38:7-8) or object lessons which they acted out (see, for example, Isa 20:3).
  77. Psalm 74:9 tn Heb “there is not still a prophet.”
  78. Psalm 74:9 tn Heb “and [there is] not with us one who knows how long.”
  79. Psalm 74:11 tn Heb “Why do you draw back your hand, even your right hand? From the midst of your chest, destroy!” The psalmist pictures God as having placed his right hand (symbolic of activity and strength) inside his robe against his chest. He prays that God would pull his hand out from under his robe and use it to destroy the enemy.
  80. Psalm 74:12 tn The psalmist speaks as Israel’s representative here.
  81. Psalm 74:12 tn Heb “in the midst of the earth.”
  82. Psalm 74:13 tn The derivation and meaning of the Polel verb form פּוֹרַרְתָּ (porarta) are uncertain. The form may be related to an Akkadian cognate meaning “break, shatter,” though the biblical Hebrew cognate of this verb always appears in the Hiphil or Hophal stem. BDB 830 s.v. II פָּרַר suggests a homonym here, meaning “to split; to divide.” A Hitpolel form of a root פָּרַר (parar) appears in Isa 24:19 with the meaning “to shake violently.”
  83. Psalm 74:13 tn The Hebrew text has the plural form, “sea monsters” (cf. NRSV “dragons”), but it is likely that an original enclitic mem has been misunderstood as a plural ending. The imagery of the mythological sea monster is utilized here. See the note on “Leviathan” in v. 14.
  84. Psalm 74:14 sn You crushed the heads of Leviathan. The imagery of vv. 13-14 originates in West Semitic mythology. The description of Leviathan should be compared with the following excerpts from Ugaritic mythological texts: (1) “Was not the dragon [Ugaritic tnn, cognate with Hebrew תַּנִין (tanin), translated “sea monster” in v. 13] vanquished and captured? I did destroy the wriggling [Ugaritic ʿqltn, cognate to Hebrew עֲקַלָּתוֹן (ʿaqallaton), translated “squirming” in Isa 27:1] serpent, the tyrant with seven heads” (note the use of the plural “heads” here and in v. 13). (See CTA 3.iii.38-39 in G. R. Driver, Canaanite Myths and Legends, 50.) (2) “For all that you smote Leviathan the slippery [Ugaritic brḥ, cognate to Hebrew בָּרִחַ (bariakh), translated “fast moving” in Isa 27:1] serpent, [and] made an end of the wriggling serpent, the tyrant with seven heads” (See CTA 5.i.1-3 in G. R. Driver, Canaanite Myths and Legends, 68.) In the myths Leviathan is a sea creature that symbolizes the destructive water of the sea and, in turn, the forces of chaos that threaten the established order. In the OT, the battle with the sea motif is applied to Yahweh’s victories over the forces of chaos at creation and in history (see Pss 74:13-14; 77:16-20; 89:9-10; Isa 51:9-10). Yahweh’s subjugation of the waters of chaos is related to his kingship (see Pss 29:3, 10; 93:3-4). Isa 27:1 applies imagery from Canaanite mythology to Yahweh’s eschatological victory over his enemies. Apocalyptic literature employs the imagery as well. The beasts of Dan 7 emerge from the sea, while Rev 13 speaks of a seven-headed beast coming from the sea. Here in Ps 74:13-14 the primary referent is unclear. The psalmist may be describing God’s creation of the world (note vv. 16-17 and see Ps 89:9-12), when he brought order out of a watery mass, or the exodus (see Isa 51:9-10), when he created Israel by destroying the Egyptians in the waters of the sea.
  85. Psalm 74:14 tn The prefixed verbal form is understood as a preterite in this narrational context.
  86. Psalm 74:14 sn You fed him to the people. This pictures the fragments of Leviathan’s dead corpse washing up on shore and being devoured by those who find them. If the exodus is in view, then it may allude to the bodies of the dead Egyptians which washed up on the shore of the Red Sea (see Exod 14:30).
  87. Psalm 74:15 sn You broke open the spring and the stream. Perhaps this alludes to the way in which God provided water for the Israelites as they traveled in the wilderness following the exodus (see Ps 78:15-16, 20; 105:41).
  88. Psalm 74:15 sn Perpetually flowing rivers are rivers that contain water year round, unlike the seasonal streams that flow only during the rainy season. Perhaps the psalmist here alludes to the drying up of the Jordan River when the Israelites entered the land of Canaan under Joshua (see Josh 3-4).
  89. Psalm 74:16 tn Heb “To you [is] day, also to you [is] night.”
  90. Psalm 74:16 tn Heb “[the] light.” Following the reference to “day and night” and in combination with “sun,” it is likely that the Hebrew term מָאוֹר (maʾor, “light”) refers here to the moon.
  91. Psalm 74:16 tn Heb “you established [the] light and [the] sun.”
  92. Psalm 74:17 tn This would appear to refer to geographical boundaries, such as mountains, rivers, and seacoasts. However, since the day-night cycle has just been mentioned (v. 16) and the next line speaks of the seasons, it is possible that “boundaries” here refers to the divisions of the seasons. See C. A. Briggs and E. G. Briggs, Psalms (ICC), 2:156.
  93. Psalm 74:17 tn Heb “summer and winter, you, you formed them.”
  94. Psalm 74:18 tn Heb “remember this.”
  95. Psalm 74:18 tn Or “[how] the enemy insults the Lord.”
  96. Psalm 74:19 sn Your dove. The psalmist compares weak and vulnerable Israel to a helpless dove.
  97. Psalm 74:19 tn Heb “do not forget forever.”
  98. Psalm 74:20 tc Heb “look at the covenant.” The LXX reads “your covenant,” which seems to assume a second person pronominal suffix, which would be written with ך (kaf). The suffix may have been accidentally omitted by haplography. Note that the following word, כִּי (ki), begins with כ (kaf) .
  99. Psalm 74:20 tn Heb “for the dark places of the earth are full of dwelling places of violence.” The “dark regions” are probably the lands where the people have been exiled (see C. A. Briggs and E. G. Briggs, Psalms [ICC], 2:157). In some contexts “dark regions” refers to Sheol (Ps 88:6) or to hiding places likened to Sheol (Ps 143:3; Lam 3:6).
  100. Psalm 74:21 sn Let the oppressed and poor praise your name. The statement is metonymic. The point is this: May the oppressed be delivered from their enemies. Then they will have ample reason to praise God’s name.
  101. Psalm 74:22 tn Or “defend your cause.”
  102. Psalm 74:22 tn Heb “remember your reproach from a fool all the day.”
  103. Psalm 74:23 tn Or “forget.”
  104. Psalm 74:23 tn Heb “the voice of your enemies.”
  105. Psalm 74:23 tn Heb “the roar of those who rise up against you, which ascends continually.”
  106. Psalm 75:1 sn Psalm 75. The psalmist celebrates God’s just rule, which guarantees that the godly will be vindicated and the wicked destroyed.
  107. Psalm 75:1 tn Heb “do not destroy.” Perhaps this refers to a particular style of music, a tune title, or a musical instrument. These words also appear in the superscription to Pss 57-59.
  108. Psalm 75:1 tn Heb “and near [is] your name.”
  109. Psalm 75:2 tn The words “God says” are not in the Hebrew text, but are supplied in the translation to clarify that God speaks in vv. 2-3.
  110. Psalm 75:2 tn Heb “when I take an appointed time.”
  111. Psalm 75:2 tn Heb “I, [in] fairness, I judge.” The statement is understood in a generalizing sense; God typically executes fair judgment as he governs the world. One could take this as referring to an anticipated (future) judgment, “I will judge.”
  112. Psalm 75:3 tn Heb “melt.”
  113. Psalm 75:3 tn The statement is understood in a generalizing sense; God typically prevents the world from being overrun by chaos. One could take this as referring to an anticipated event, “I will make its pillars secure.”
  114. Psalm 75:4 tn The identity of the speaker in vv. 4-6 is unclear. The present translation assumes that the psalmist, who also speaks in vv. 7-9 (where God/the Lord is spoken of in the third person) here addresses the proud and warns them of God’s judgment. The presence of כִּי (ki, “for”) at the beginning of both vv. 6-7 seems to indicate that vv. 4-9 are a unit. However, there is no formal indication of a new speaker in v. 4 (or in v. 10, where God appears to speak). Another option is to see God speaking in vv. 2-6 and v. 10 and to take only vv. 7-9 as the words of the psalmist. In this case one must interpret כִּי at the beginning of v. 7 in an asseverative or emphatic sense (“surely; indeed”).
  115. Psalm 75:4 tn Heb “do not lift up a horn.” The horn of an ox underlies the metaphor (see Deut 33:17; 1 Kgs 22:11; Ps 92:10). The horn of the wild ox is frequently a metaphor for military strength; the idiom “exalt/lift up the horn” signifies military victory (see 1 Sam 2:10; Pss 89:17, 24; 92:10; Lam 2:17). Here the idiom seems to refer to an arrogant attitude that assumes victory has been achieved.
  116. Psalm 75:5 tn Heb “do not lift up on high your horn.”
  117. Psalm 75:5 tn Heb “[do not] speak with unrestrained neck.” The negative particle is understood in this line by ellipsis (note the preceding line).sn The image behind the language of vv. 4-5 is that of a powerful wild ox that confidently raises its head before its enemies.
  118. Psalm 75:6 tn Heb “for not from the east or from the west, and not from the wilderness of the mountains.” If one follows this reading the sentence is elliptical. One must supply “does help come,” or some comparable statement. However, it is possible to take הָרִים (harim) as a Hiphil infinitive from רוּם (rum), the same verb used in vv. 4-5 of “lifting up” a horn. In this case one may translate the form as “victory.” In this case the point is that victory does not come from alliances with other nations.
  119. Psalm 75:7 tn Or “judges.”
  120. Psalm 75:7 tn The imperfects here emphasize the generalizing nature of the statement.
  121. Psalm 75:8 tn Heb “for a cup [is] in the hand of the Lord, and wine foams, it is full of a spiced drink.” The noun מֶסֶךְ (mesekh) refers to a “mixture” of wine and spices.
  122. Psalm 75:8 tn Heb “and he pours out from this.”
  123. Psalm 75:8 tn Heb “surely its dregs they slurp up and drink, all the wicked of the earth.”sn The psalmist pictures God as forcing the wicked to gulp down an intoxicating drink that will leave them stunned and vulnerable. Divine judgment is also depicted this way in Ps 60:3; Isa 51:17-23; Hab 2:16.
  124. Psalm 75:9 tn Heb “I will declare forever.” The object needs to be supplied; God’s just judgment is in view.
  125. Psalm 75:10 tn The words “God says” are not in the Hebrew text. They are supplied in the translation to clarify that God speaks in v. 10.
  126. Psalm 75:10 tn Heb “and all the horns of the wicked I will cut off, the horns of the godly will be lifted up.” The imagery of the wild ox’s horn is once more utilized (see vv. 4-5).
  127. Psalm 76:1 sn Psalm 76. The psalmist depicts God as a mighty warrior who destroys Israel’s enemies.
  128. Psalm 76:1 tn Or “God is known in Judah.”
  129. Psalm 76:1 tn Heb “name,” which here stands metonymically for God’s reputation.
  130. Psalm 76:2 sn Salem is a shorter name for Jerusalem (see Gen 14:18).
  131. Psalm 76:2 tn Heb “and his place of refuge is in Salem, and his lair in Zion.” God may be likened here to a lion (see v. 4).
  132. Psalm 76:3 tn Heb “flames of the bow,” i.e., arrows.
  133. Psalm 76:3 tn Heb “shield and sword and battle.” “Battle” probably here stands by metonymy for the weapons of war in This verse may allude to the miraculous defeat of the Assyrians in 701 b.c. (see Isa 36-37).
  134. Psalm 76:4 tn Heb “radiant [are] you, majestic from the hills of prey.” God is depicted as a victorious king and as a lion that has killed its victims.
  135. Psalm 76:5 tn Heb “strong of heart.” In Isa 46:12, the only other text where this phrase appears, it refers to those who are stubborn, but here it seems to describe brave warriors (see the next line).
  136. Psalm 76:5 tn The verb is a rare Aramaized form of the Hitpolel (see GKC 149 §54.a, n. 2); the root is שָׁלַל (shalal, “to plunder”).
  137. Psalm 76:5 tn Heb “they slept [in] their sleep.” “Sleep” here refers to the “sleep” of death. A number of modern translations take the phrase to refer to something less than death, however: NASB “cast into a deep sleep”; NEB “fall senseless”; NIV “lie still”; NRSV “lay stunned.”
  138. Psalm 76:5 tn Heb “and all the men of strength did not find their hands.”
  139. Psalm 76:6 tn Heb “from your shout.” The noun is derived from the Hebrew verb גָּעַר (gaʿar), which is often understood to mean “rebuke.” In some cases it is apparent that scolding or threatening is in view (see Gen 37:10; Ruth 2:16; Zech 3:2). However, in militaristic contexts this translation is inadequate, for the verb refers in this setting to the warrior’s battle cry, which terrifies and paralyzes the enemy. See A. Caquot, TDOT 3:53, and note the use of the verb in Pss 68:30; 106:9; Nah 1:4, as well as the related noun in Job 26:11; Pss 9:5; 18:15; 104:7; Isa 50:2; 51:20; 66:15.
  140. Psalm 76:6 tn Or “chariot,” but even so the term is metonymic for the charioteer.
  141. Psalm 76:6 tn Heb “he fell asleep, and [the] chariot and [the] horse.” Once again (see v. 5) “sleep” refers here to the “sleep” of death.
  142. Psalm 76:7 tc Heb “and who can stand before you from the time of your anger?” The Hebrew expression מֵאָז (meʾaz, “from the time of”) is better emended to מֵאֹז (meʾoz, “from [i.e., “because of”] the strength of your anger”; see Ps 90:11).
  143. Psalm 76:8 tn Heb “a [legal] decision,” or “sentence.”
  144. Psalm 76:8 tn “The earth” stands here by metonymy for its inhabitants.
  145. Psalm 76:10 tn Or “for.”
  146. Psalm 76:10 tn Heb “the anger of men will praise you.” This could mean that men’s anger (subjective genitive), when punished by God, will bring him praise, but this interpretation does not harmonize well with the next line. The translation assumes that God’s anger is in view here (see v. 7) and that “men” is an objective genitive. God’s angry judgment against men brings him praise because it reveals his power and majesty (see vv. 1-4).
  147. Psalm 76:10 tn Heb “the rest of anger you put on.” The meaning of the statement is not entirely clear. Perhaps the idea is that God, as he prepares for battle, girds himself with every last ounce of his anger, as if it were a weapon.
  148. Psalm 76:11 tn The phrase “all those who surround him” may refer to the surrounding nations (v. 12 may favor this), but in Ps 89:7 the phrase refers to God’s heavenly assembly.
  149. Psalm 76:12 tn Heb “he reduces the spirit of princes.” According to HALOT 148 s.v. II בצר, the Hebrew verb בָּצַר (batsar) is here a hapax legomenon meaning “reduce, humble.” The statement is generalizing, with the imperfect tense highlighting God’s typical behavior.
  150. Psalm 76:12 tn Heb “[he is] awesome to the kings of the earth.”
  151. Psalm 77:1 sn Psalm 77. The psalmist recalls how he suffered through a time of doubt, but tells how he found encouragement and hope as he recalled the way in which God delivered Israel at the Red Sea.
  152. Psalm 77:1 tn Heb “my voice to God.” The Hebrew verb קָרָא (qaraʾ, “to call out; to cry out”) should probably be understood by ellipsis (see Ps 3:4) both here and in the following (parallel) line.
  153. Psalm 77:1 tn The perfect with vav (ו) consecutive is best taken as future here (although some translations render this as a past tense; cf. NEB, NIV). The psalmist expresses his confidence that God will respond to his prayer. This mood of confidence seems premature (see vv. 3-4), but v. 1 probably reflects the psalmist’s attitude at the end of the prayer (see vv. 13-20). Having opened with an affirmation of confidence, he then retraces how he gained confidence during his trial (see vv. 2-12).
  154. Psalm 77:2 tn Here the psalmist refers back to the very recent past, when he began to pray for divine help.
  155. Psalm 77:2 tn Heb “my hand [at] night was extended and was not growing numb.” The verb נָגַר (nagar), which can mean “flow” in certain contexts, here has the nuance “be extended.” The imperfect form (תָפוּג, tafug, “to be numb”) is used here to describe continuous action in the past.
  156. Psalm 77:2 tn Or “my soul.” The Hebrew term נֶפֶשׁ (nefesh) with a pronominal suffix is often equivalent to a pronoun, especially in poetry (see BDB 660 s.v. נֶפֶשׁ 4.a).
  157. Psalm 77:3 tn Heb “I will remember God and I will groan, I will reflect and my spirit will grow faint.” The first three verbs are cohortatives, the last a perfect with vav (ו) consecutive. The psalmist’s statement in v. 4 could be understood as concurrent with v. 1, or, more likely, as a quotation of what he had said earlier as he prayed to God (see v. 2). The words “I said” are supplied in the translation at the beginning of the verse to reflect this interpretation (see v. 10).
  158. Psalm 77:4 tn Heb “you held fast the guards of my eyes.” The “guards of the eyes” apparently refers to his eyelids. The psalmist seems to be saying that God would not bring him relief, which would have allowed him to shut his eyes and get some sleep (see v. 2).
  159. Psalm 77:4 tn The imperfect is used in the second clause to emphasize that this was an ongoing condition in the past.
  160. Psalm 77:5 tn Heb “the years of antiquity.”
  161. Psalm 77:6 tn Heb “I will remember my song in the night, with my heart I will reflect. And my spirit searched.” As in v. 4, the words of v. 6a are understood as what the psalmist said earlier. Consequently the words “I said” are supplied in the translation for clarification (see v. 10). The prefixed verbal form with vav (ו) consecutive at the beginning of the final line is taken as sequential to the perfect “I thought” in v. 6.
  162. Psalm 77:7 tn As in vv. 4 and 6a, the words of vv. 7-9 are understood as a quotation of what the psalmist said earlier. Therefore the words “I asked” are supplied in the translation for clarification.
  163. Psalm 77:8 tn Heb “word,” which may refer here to God’s word of promise (note the reference to “loyal love” in the preceding line).
  164. Psalm 77:10 sn The divine title “Most High” (עֶלְיוֹן, ʿelyon) pictures God as the exalted ruler of the universe who vindicates the innocent and judges the wicked. See especially Pss 7:17; 9:2; 18:13; 21:7; 47:2.
  165. Psalm 77:10 tc Heb “And I said, ‘This is my wounding, the changing of the right hand of the Most High.’” The form חַלּוֹתִי (khalloti) appears to be a Qal infinitive construct (with a first person singular pronominal suffix) from the verbal root חָלַל (khalal, “to pierce; to wound”). The present translation assumes an emendation to חֲלוֹתִי (khaloti), a Qal infinitive construct (with a first person singular pronominal suffix) from the verbחָלָה (khalah, “be sick, weak”). The form שְׁנוֹת (shenot) is understood as a Qal infinitive construct from שָׁנָה (shanah, “to change”) rather than a plural noun form, “years” (see v. 5). “Right hand” here symbolizes by metonymy God’s power and activity. The psalmist observes that his real problem is theological in nature. His experience suggests that the sovereign Lord has abandoned him and become inactive. However, this goes against the grain of his most cherished beliefs.
  166. Psalm 77:11 tn Heb “yes, I will remember from old your wonders.”sn The psalmist refuses to allow skepticism to win out. God has revealed himself to his people in tangible, incontrovertible ways in the past and the psalmist vows to remember the historical record as a source of hope for the future.
  167. Psalm 77:13 sn Verses 13-20 are the content of the psalmist’s reflection (see vv. 11-12). As he thought about God’s work in Israel’s past, he reached the place where he could confidently cry out for God’s help (see v. 1).
  168. Psalm 77:13 tn Heb “O God, in holiness [is] your way.” God’s “way” here refers to his actions. “Holiness” is used here in the sense of “set apart, unique,” rather than in a moral/ethical sense. As the next line and the next verse emphasize, God’s deeds are incomparable and set him apart as the one true God.
  169. Psalm 77:13 tn Heb “Who [is] a great god like God?” The rhetorical question assumes the answer, “No one!”
  170. Psalm 77:15 tn Or “redeemed.”
  171. Psalm 77:15 tn Heb “with [your] arm.”
  172. Psalm 77:16 tn The waters of the Red Sea are here personified; they are portrayed as seeing God and fearing him.
  173. Psalm 77:16 tn The prefixed verbal form may be taken as a preterite or as an imperfect with past progressive force.
  174. Psalm 77:16 tn The words “of the sea” are supplied in the translation for stylistic reasons.
  175. Psalm 77:16 tn The prefixed verbal form may be taken as a preterite or as an imperfect with past progressive force.
  176. Psalm 77:17 tn Heb “water.”
  177. Psalm 77:17 tn Heb “a sound the clouds gave.”
  178. Psalm 77:17 tn The lightning accompanying the storm is portrayed as the Lord’s “arrows” (see v. 18).
  179. Psalm 77:18 tn The prefixed verbal form may be taken as a preterite or as an imperfect with past progressive Verses 16-18 depict the Lord coming in the storm to battle his enemies and subdue the sea. There is no record of such a storm in the historical account of the Red Sea crossing. The language the psalmist uses here is stereotypical and originates in Canaanite myth, where the storm god Baal subdues the sea in his quest for kingship. The psalmist has employed the stereotypical imagery to portray the exodus vividly and at the same time affirm that it is not Baal who subdues the sea, but Yahweh.
  180. Psalm 77:19 tn Heb “in the sea [was] your way.”
  181. Psalm 77:19 tn Heb “and your paths [were] in the mighty waters.”
  182. Psalm 77:19 tn Heb “and your footprints were not known.”
  183. Psalm 78:1 sn Psalm 78. The author of this lengthy didactic psalm rehearses Israel’s history. He praises God for his power, goodness and patience, but also reminds his audience that sin angers God and prompts his judgment. In the conclusion to the psalm the author elevates Jerusalem as God’s chosen city and David as his chosen king.
  184. Psalm 78:1 tn The meaning of the Hebrew term מַשְׂכִּיל (maskil) is uncertain. See the note on the phrase “well-written song” in the superscription of Ps 74.
  185. Psalm 78:1 tn Heb “Turn your ear to the words of my mouth.”
  186. Psalm 78:2 tn Heb “I will open with a wise saying my mouth, I will utter insightful sayings from long ago.” Elsewhere the Hebrew word pair חִידָה + מָשָׁל (mashal + khidah) refers to a taunt song (Hab 2:6), a parable (Ezek 17:2), proverbial sayings (Prov 1:6), and an insightful song that reflects on the mortality of humankind and the ultimate inability of riches to prevent death (Ps 49:4).
  187. Psalm 78:3 tn Or “known.”
  188. Psalm 78:3 tn Heb “fathers” (also in vv. 5, 8, 12, 57).
  189. Psalm 78:4 tn The pronominal suffix refers back to the “fathers” (“our ancestors,” v. 3).
  190. Psalm 78:4 tn Heb “to a following generation telling the praises of the Lord.” “Praises” stand by metonymy for the mighty acts that prompt worship. Cf. Ps 9:14.
  191. Psalm 78:5 tn The Hebrew noun עֵדוּת (ʿedut) refers here to God’s command that the older generation teach their children about God’s mighty deeds in the nation’s history (see Exod 10:2; Deut 4:9; 6:20-25).
  192. Psalm 78:5 tn Heb “which he commanded our fathers to make them known to their sons.” The plural suffix “them” probably refers back to the Lord’s mighty deeds (see vv. 3-4).
  193. Psalm 78:6 tn Heb “in order that they might know, a following generation, sons [who] will be born, they will arise and will tell to their sons.”
  194. Psalm 78:7 tn Heb “keep.”
  195. Psalm 78:8 tn Heb “a generation that did not make firm its heart and whose spirit was not faithful with God.” The expression “make firm the heart” means “to be committed, devoted” (see 1 Sam 7:3).
  196. Psalm 78:9 tn Heb “the sons of Ephraim.” Ephraim probably stands here by synecdoche (part for whole) for the northern kingdom of Israel.
  197. Psalm 78:9 tn Heb “ones armed, shooters of bow.” It is possible that the term נוֹשְׁקֵי (nosheqey, “ones armed [with]”) is an interpretive gloss for the rare רוֹמֵי (rome, “shooters of”; on the latter see BDB 941 s.v. I רָמָה). The phrase נוֹשְׁקֵי קֶשֶׁת (nosheqe qeshet, “ones armed with a bow”) appears in 1 Chr 12:2; 2 Chr 17:17.
  198. Psalm 78:9 sn They retreated. This could refer to the northern tribes’ failure to conquer completely their allotted territory (see Judg 1), or it could refer generally to the typical consequence (military defeat) of their sin (see vv. 10-11).
  199. Psalm 78:10 tn Heb “the covenant of God.”
  200. Psalm 78:10 tn Heb “walk in.”
  201. Psalm 78:11 tn Heb “his deeds.”
  202. Psalm 78:12 sn The region of Zoan was located in the Egyptian delta, where the enslaved Israelites lived (see Num 13:22; Isa 19:11, 13; 30:4; Ezek 30:14).
  203. Psalm 78:15 tn Heb “and caused them to drink, like the depths, abundantly.”
  204. Psalm 78:17 sn The divine title “Most High” (עֶלְיוֹן ʿelyon) pictures God as the exalted ruler of the universe who vindicates the innocent and judges the wicked. See especially Pss 7:17; 9:2; 18:13; 21:7; 47:2.
  205. Psalm 78:18 tn Heb “and they tested God in their heart.” The “heart” is viewed here as the center of their volition.
  206. Psalm 78:19 tn Heb “they spoke against God, they said.”
  207. Psalm 78:19 tn Heb “to arrange a table [for food].”
  208. Psalm 78:20 tn Heb “look.”
  209. Psalm 78:21 tn Heb “therefore.”
  210. Psalm 78:21 tn Heb “and also anger went up.”
  211. Psalm 78:22 tn Heb “and they did not trust his deliverance.”
  212. Psalm 78:24 sn Manna was apparently shaped like a seed (Exod 16:31), perhaps explaining why it is here compared to grain.
  213. Psalm 78:25 sn Because of the reference to “heaven” in the preceding verse, it is likely that mighty ones refers here to the angels of heaven. The LXX translates “angels” here, as do a number of modern translations (NEB, NIV, NRSV).
  214. Psalm 78:25 tn Heb “provision he sent to them to satisfaction.”
  215. Psalm 78:27 tn Heb “and like the sand of the seas winged birds.”
  216. Psalm 78:29 tn Heb “and they ate and were extremely filled.” The verb שָׂבַע (savaʿ, “be satisfied, full”) is often used of eating and/or drinking one’s fill, to have had fully enough and want no more. See BDB 959 s.v. שָׂבַע. In some cases it means to have had more than enough of something (cf. Prov 25:17; Isa 1:11). Here the use of מְאֹד (meʾod, “very”) and the context of the account indicate they felt filled beyond capacity.
  217. Psalm 78:30 tn Heb “they were not separated from their desire.”
  218. Psalm 78:32 tn Heb “and did not believe in his amazing deeds.”
  219. Psalm 78:33 tn Heb “and he ended in vanity their days.”
  220. Psalm 78:33 tn Heb “and their years in terror.”
  221. Psalm 78:34 tn Or “killed them,” that is, killed large numbers of them.
  222. Psalm 78:34 tn Heb “they sought him.”
  223. Psalm 78:35 tn Heb “my high rocky summit.”
  224. Psalm 78:35 sn The divine title “Most High” (עֶלְיוֹן ʿelyon) pictures God as the exalted ruler of the universe who vindicates the innocent and judges the wicked. See especially Pss 7:17; 9:2; 18:13; 21:7; 47:2.
  225. Psalm 78:35 tn Heb “redeemer”
  226. Psalm 78:36 tn Heb “with their mouth.”
  227. Psalm 78:36 tn Heb “and with their tongue they lied to him.”
  228. Psalm 78:37 tn Heb “and their heart was not firm with him.”
  229. Psalm 78:38 tn One could translate v. 38 in the past tense (“he was compassionate…forgave sin and did not destroy…held back his anger, and did not stir up his fury”), but the imperfect verbal forms are probably best understood as generalizing. Verse 38 steps back briefly from the narrational summary of Israel’s history and lays the theological basis for v. 39, which focuses on God’s mercy toward sinful Israel.
  230. Psalm 78:39 tn The prefixed verbal form with vav (ו) consecutive signals a return to the narrative.
  231. Psalm 78:39 tn Heb “and he remembered that they [were] flesh, a wind [that] goes and does not return.”
  232. Psalm 78:40 tn Or “caused him pain.”
  233. Psalm 78:41 tn Heb “and they returned and tested God.” The Hebrew verb שׁוּב (shuv, “to return”) is used here in an adverbial sense to indicate that an earlier action was repeated.
  234. Psalm 78:41 tn Or “wounded, hurt.” The verb occurs only here in the OT.
  235. Psalm 78:41 sn The basic sense of the word “holy” is “set apart from that which is commonplace, special, unique.” The Lord’s holiness is first and foremost his transcendent sovereignty as the ruler of the world. He is “set apart” from the world over which he rules. At the same time his holiness encompasses his moral authority, which derives from his royal position. As king he has the right to dictate to his subjects how they are to live; indeed his very own character sets the standard for proper behavior. This expression is a common title for the Lord in the book of Isaiah.
  236. Psalm 78:42 tn Heb “his hand,” symbolizing his saving activity and strength, as the next line makes clear.
  237. Psalm 78:42 tn Heb “[the] day [in] which he ransomed them from [the] enemy.”
  238. Psalm 78:43 tn Or “signs” (see Ps 65:8).
  239. Psalm 78:43 tn Or “portents, omens” (see Ps 71:7). The Egyptian plagues are referred to here (see vv. 44-51).
  240. Psalm 78:45 tn Heb “and he sent an insect swarm against them and it devoured them.”
  241. Psalm 78:45 tn Heb “and a swarm of frogs and it destroyed them.”
  242. Psalm 78:48 tn Heb “and he turned over to the hail their cattle.”
  243. Psalm 78:48 tn Heb “and their livestock to the flames.” “Flames” here refer to the lightning bolts that accompanied the storm.
  244. Psalm 78:49 tn Heb “he sent against them the rage of his anger.” The phrase “rage of his anger” employs an appositional genitive. Synonyms are joined in a construct relationship to emphasize the single idea. For a detailed discussion of the grammatical point with numerous examples, see Y. Avishur, “Pairs of Synonymous Words in the Construct State (and in Appositional Hendiadys) in Biblical Hebrew,” Semitics 2 (1971): 17-81.
  245. Psalm 78:49 tn Heb “fury and indignation and trouble, a sending of messengers of disaster.”
  246. Psalm 78:50 tn Heb “he leveled a path for his anger.” There were no obstacles to impede its progress; it moved swiftly and destructively.
  247. Psalm 78:50 tn Or perhaps “[the] plague.”
  248. Psalm 78:51 tn Heb “the beginning of strength.” If retained, the plural form אוֹנִים (ʾonim, “strength”) probably indicates degree (“great strength”), but many ancient witnesses read “their strength,” which presupposes an emendation to אֹנָם (ʾonam; singular form of the noun with third masculine plural pronominal suffix).
  249. Psalm 78:54 tn Heb “this mountain.” The whole land of Canaan seems to be referred to here. In Exod 15:17 the promised land is called the “mountain of your [i.e., God’s] inheritance.”
  250. Psalm 78:54 tn The “right hand” here symbolizes God’s military strength (see v. 55).
  251. Psalm 78:55 tn Heb “he caused to fall [to] them with a measuring line an inheritance.”
  252. Psalm 78:55 tn Heb “and caused the tribes of Israel to settle down in their tents.”
  253. Psalm 78:56 tn Or “tested and rebelled against.”
  254. Psalm 78:56 sn The divine title “Most High” (עֶלְיוֹן ʿelyon) pictures God as the exalted ruler of the universe who vindicates the innocent and judges the wicked. See especially Pss 7:17; 9:2; 18:13; 21:7; 47:2.
  255. Psalm 78:56 tn Or “keep.”
  256. Psalm 78:56 tn Heb “his testimonies” (see Ps 25:10).
  257. Psalm 78:57 tn Heb “they turned back.”
  258. Psalm 78:57 tn Or “acted treacherously like.”
  259. Psalm 78:57 tn Heb “they turned aside like a deceitful bow.”
  260. Psalm 78:58 tn Traditionally, “high places.”
  261. Psalm 78:60 tn Or “rejected.”
  262. Psalm 78:61 tn Heb “and he gave to captivity his strength.” The expression “his strength” refers metonymically to the ark of the covenant, which was housed in the tabernacle at Shiloh.
  263. Psalm 78:61 tn Heb “and his splendor into the hand of an enemy.” The expression “his splendor” also refers metonymically to the ark of the covenant.
  264. Psalm 78:61 sn Verses 60-61 refer to the Philistines’ capture of the ark in the days of Eli (1 Sam 4:1-11).
  265. Psalm 78:62 tn Heb “his inheritance.”
  266. Psalm 78:63 tn Heb “his.” The singular pronominal suffix is collective, referring back to God’s “people” (v. 62).
  267. Psalm 78:63 tn Heb “his.” The singular pronominal suffix is collective, referring back to God’s “people” (v. 62).
  268. Psalm 78:63 tn Heb “were not praised,” that is, in wedding songs. The young men died in masses, leaving no husbands for the young women.
  269. Psalm 78:64 tn Heb “his.” The singular pronominal suffix is collective, referring back to God’s “people” (v. 62).
  270. Psalm 78:64 tn Heb “his.” The singular pronominal suffix is collective, referring back to God’s “people” (v. 62).
  271. Psalm 78:64 sn Because of the invading army and the ensuing panic, the priests’ widows had no time to carry out the normal mourning rites.
  272. Psalm 78:65 tn Heb “and the master awoke like one sleeping.” The Lord’s apparent inactivity during the time of judgment is compared to sleep.
  273. Psalm 78:65 tn Heb “like a warrior overcome with wine.” The Hebrew verb רוּן (run, “overcome”) occurs only here in the OT. The phrase “overcome with wine” could picture a drunken warrior controlled by his emotions and passions (as in the present translation), or it could refer to a warrior who awakes from a drunken stupor.
  274. Psalm 78:66 tn Heb “a permanent reproach he made them.”
  275. Psalm 78:69 tc Heb “and he built like the exalting [ones] his sanctuary.” The phrase כְּמוֹ־רָמִים (kemo ramim, “like the exalting [ones]”) is a poetic form of the comparative preposition followed by a participial form of the verb רוּם (rum, “be exalted”). The text should be emended to כִּמְרֹמִים (kimromim, “like the [heavenly] heights”). See Ps 148:1, where “heights” refers to the heavens above.
  276. Psalm 78:69 tn Heb “like the earth, [which] he established permanently.” The feminine singular suffix on the Hebrew verb יָסַד (yasad, “to establish”) refers to the grammatically feminine noun “earth.”
  277. Psalm 78:71 tn Heb “from after the ewes he brought him.”
  278. Psalm 78:71 tn Heb “to shepherd Jacob, his people, and Israel, his inheritance.”
  279. Psalm 78:72 tn Heb “He”; the referent (David, God’s chosen king, mentioned in v. 70) has been specified in the translation for clarity.
  280. Psalm 78:72 tn Heb “and he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart.”
  281. Psalm 78:72 tn Heb “and with the understanding of his hands he led them.”
  282. Psalm 79:1 sn Psalm 79. The author laments how the invading nations have destroyed the temple and city of Jerusalem. He asks God to forgive his people and to pour out his vengeance on those who have mistreated them.
  283. Psalm 79:1 tn Or “nations.”
  284. Psalm 79:1 tn Heb “have come into your inheritance.”
  285. Psalm 79:2 tn Heb “[as] food for the birds of the sky.”
  286. Psalm 79:3 tn Heb “they have poured out their blood like water, all around Jerusalem, and there is no one burying.”
  287. Psalm 79:4 tn Heb “an [object of] taunting and [of] mockery to those around us.” See Ps 44:13.
  288. Psalm 79:5 tn Heb “How long, O Lord?”
  289. Psalm 79:5 tn Or “jealous anger.”
  290. Psalm 79:6 tn Heb “which do not know you.” Here the Hebrew term “know” means “acknowledge the authority of.”
  291. Psalm 79:6 sn The kingdoms that do not pray to you. The people of these kingdoms pray to other gods, not the Lord, because they do not recognize his authority over them.
  292. Psalm 79:8 tn Heb “do not remember against us sins, former.” Some understand “former” as an attributive adjective modifying sins, “former [i.e., chronologically prior] sins” (see BDB 911 s.v. רִאשׁוֹן). The present translation assumes that רִאשֹׁנִים (riʾshonim, “former”) here refers to those who lived formerly, that is, the people’s ancestors (see Lam 5:7). The word is used in this way in Lev 26:45; Deut 19:14 and Eccl 1:11.
  293. Psalm 79:8 tn Heb “may your compassion quickly confront us.” The prefixed verbal form is understood as a jussive, indicating a tone of prayer.
  294. Psalm 79:8 tn Heb “for we are very low.”
  295. Psalm 79:9 tn Heb “the glory of your name.” Here and in the following line “name” stands metonymically for God’s reputation.
  296. Psalm 79:9 tn Heb “your name.”
  297. Psalm 79:10 tn Heb “may it be known among the nations, to our eyes, the vengeance of the shed blood of your servants.”
  298. Psalm 79:11 tn Heb “may the painful cry of the prisoner come before you.”
  299. Psalm 79:11 tn Heb “according to the greatness of your arm leave the sons of death.” God’s “arm” here symbolizes his strength to deliver. The verbal form הוֹתֵר (hoter) is a Hiphil imperative from יָתַר (yatar, “to remain; to be left over”). Here it must mean “to leave over; to preserve.” However, it is preferable to emend the form to הַתֵּר (hatter), a Hiphil imperative from נָתַר (natar, “be free”). The Hiphil form is used in Ps 105:20 of Pharaoh freeing Joseph from prison. The phrase “sons of death” (see also Ps 102:21) is idiomatic for those condemned to die.
  300. Psalm 79:12 tn Heb “Return to our neighbors sevenfold into their lap.” The number seven is used rhetorically to express the thorough nature of the action. For other rhetorical/figurative uses of the Hebrew phrase שִׁבְעָתַיִם (shivʿatayim, “seven times”) see Gen 4:15, 24; Ps 12:6; Prov 6:31; Isa 30:26.
  301. Psalm 79:12 tn Heb “their reproach with which they reproached you, O Lord.”
  302. Psalm 79:13 tn Or (hyperbolically) “will thank you forever.”
  303. Psalm 79:13 tn Heb “to a generation and a generation we will report your praise.” Here “praise” stands by metonymy for the mighty acts that prompt worship. Cf. Ps 9:14.
  304. Psalm 80:1 sn Psalm 80. The psalmist laments Israel’s demise and asks the Lord to show favor toward his people, as he did in earlier times.
  305. Psalm 80:1 tn The Hebrew expression shushan-eduth means “lily of the testimony.” It may refer to a particular music style or to a tune title. See the superscription to Ps 60.
  306. Psalm 80:1 sn Cherubim are winged angels. As depicted in the OT, they possess both human and animal (lion, ox, and eagle) characteristics (see Ezek 1:10; 10:14, 21; 41:18). They are pictured as winged creatures (Exod 25:20; 37:9; 1 Kgs 6:24-27; Ezek 10:8, 19) and serve as the very throne of God when the ark of the covenant is in view (Ps 99:1; see Num 7:89; 1 Sam 4:4; 2 Sam 6:2; 2 Kgs 19:15). The picture of the Lord seated on the cherubim suggests they might be used by him as a vehicle, a function they carry out in Ezek 1:22-28 (the “living creatures” mentioned here are identified as cherubim in Ezek 10:20). In Ps 18:10 the image of a cherub serves to personify the wind.
  307. Psalm 80:1 tn Heb “shine forth.”sn Reveal your splendor. The psalmist may allude to Deut 33:2, where God “shines forth” from Sinai and comes to superintend Moses’ blessing of the tribes.
  308. Psalm 80:2 tn Heb “stir up”; “arouse.”
  309. Psalm 80:2 tn Heb “come for our deliverance.”
  310. Psalm 80:3 tn The idiom “cause your face to shine” probably refers to a smile (see Eccl 8:1), which in turn suggests favor and blessing (see Num 6:25; Pss 4:6; 31:16; 44:3; 67:1; 89:15; Dan 9:17).
  311. Psalm 80:3 tn Heb “cause your face to shine in order that we may be delivered.” After the imperative, the cohortative with prefixed vav (ו) indicates purpose/result.
  312. Psalm 80:4 tn HebLord, God, hosts.” One expects the construct form אֱלֹהֵי (ʾelohe) before צְבָאוֹת (tsevaʾot; “hosts”; see Ps 89:9), but יְהוָה אֱלֹהִים (yehvah ʾelohim) precedes צְבָאוֹת (tsevaʾot) in Pss 59:5 and 84:8 as well. In this context the term “hosts” has been rendered “Heaven’s Armies.”
  313. Psalm 80:4 tn Heb “How long will you remain angry during the prayer of your people.” Some take the preposition ב (bet) in an adversative sense here (“at/against the prayer of your people”), but the temporal sense is preferable. The psalmist expects persistent prayer to pacify God.
  314. Psalm 80:5 tn Heb “you have fed them the food of tears.”
  315. Psalm 80:5 tn Heb “[by] the third part [of a measure].” The Hebrew term שָׁלִישׁ (shalish, “third part [of a measure]”) occurs only here and in Isa 40:12.
  316. Psalm 80:6 tn Heb “you have made us an object of contention to our neighbors.”
  317. Psalm 80:7 tn Heb “O God, hosts.” One expects the construct form אֱלֹהֵי before צְבָאוֹת (tsevaʾot, “hosts”; see Ps 89:9), but יְהוָה אֱלֹהִים (yehvah ʾelohim) precedes צְבָאוֹת (tsevaʾot) in Pss 59:5 and 84:8 as well. See also v. 4 for a similar construction.
  318. Psalm 80:7 tn The idiom “cause your face to shine” probably refers to a smile (see Eccl 8:1), which in turn suggests favor and blessing (see Num 6:25; Pss 4:6; 31:16; 44:3; 67:1; 89:15; Dan 9:17).
  319. Psalm 80:7 tn Heb “cause your face to shine in order that we may be delivered.” After the imperative, the cohortative with prefixed vav (ו) indicates purpose/result.
  320. Psalm 80:8 sn The vine is here a metaphor for Israel (see Ezek 17:6-10; Hos 10:1).
  321. Psalm 80:9 tn Heb “you cleared away before it.”
  322. Psalm 80:9 tn Heb “and it took root [with] its roots.”
  323. Psalm 80:10 tn Heb “cedars of God.” The divine name אֵל (ʾel, “God”) is here used in an idiomatic manner to indicate the superlative.
  324. Psalm 80:11 tn Heb “to [the] sea.” The “sea” refers here to the Mediterranean Sea.
  325. Psalm 80:11 tn Heb “to [the] river.” The “river” is the Euphrates River in Mesopotamia. Israel expanded both to the west and to the east.
  326. Psalm 80:12 sn The protective walls of the metaphorical vineyard are in view here (see Isa 5:5).
  327. Psalm 80:12 tn Heb “pluck it.”
  328. Psalm 80:13 tn The Hebrew verb כִּרְסֵם (kirsem, “to eat away; to ruin”) occurs only here in the OT.
  329. Psalm 80:13 tn The precise referent of the Hebrew word translated “insects,” which occurs only here and in Ps 50:11, is uncertain. Aramaic, Arabic, and Akkadian cognates refer to insects, such as locusts or crickets.
  330. Psalm 80:14 tn Heb “O God, hosts.” One expects the construct form אֱלֹהֵי before צְבָאוֹת (tsevaʾot, “hosts”; see Ps 89:9), but יְהוָה אֱלֹהִים (yehvah ʾelohim) precedes צְבָאוֹת (tsevaʾot) in Pss 59:5 and 84:8 as well. See also vv. 4, 7 for a similar construction.
  331. Psalm 80:15 tn The form וְכַנָּה (vekhannah, “and a root”) is understood as וְכַנָּהּ (vekhannah), taking the ה (he) at the end as the third feminine singular pronominal suffix הּ (he with mappiq is hard “h”) rather than as the noun ending (see HALOT 483 s.v. III כֵּן). Elsewhere the noun refers to a pedestal or base, most often for the wash basin between the tabernacle and the altar. Translations here vary as “root” (NIV), “shoot” (NASB), “stock” (ASV, ESV, RSV), or the contextually driven “vineyard” (KJV).
  332. Psalm 80:15 tn Heb “and upon a son you strengthened for yourself.” In this context, where the extended metaphor of the vine dominates, בֵּן (ben, “son”) probably refers to the shoots that grow from the vine. Cf. Gen 49:22.
  333. Psalm 80:16 tn Heb “burned with fire.”
  334. Psalm 80:16 tn Heb “because of the rebuke of your face they perish.”
  335. Psalm 80:17 tn Heb “may your hand be upon the man of your right hand.” The referent of the otherwise unattested phrase “man of your right hand,” is unclear. It may refer to the nation collectively as a man. (See the note on the word “yourself” in v. 17b.)
  336. Psalm 80:17 tn Heb “upon the son of man you strengthened for yourself.” In its only other use in the Book of Psalms, the phrase “son of man” refers to the human race in general (see Ps 8:4). Here the phrase may refer to the nation collectively as a man. Note the use of the statement “you strengthened for yourself” both here and in v. 15, where the “son” (i.e., the branch of the vine) refers to Israel.
  337. Psalm 80:18 tn Heb “and in your name we will call.”
  338. Psalm 80:19 tn Heb “O Lord, God, hosts.” One expects the construct form אֱלֹהֵי before צְבָאוֹת (tsevaʾot, “hosts”; see Ps 89:9), but יְהוָה אֱלֹהִים (yehvah ʾelohim) precedes צְבָאוֹת (tsevaʾot) in Pss 59:5 and 84:8 as well. See also vv. 4, 7, 14 for a similar construction.
  339. Psalm 80:19 tn The idiom “cause your face to shine” probably refers to a smile (see Eccl 8:1), which in turn suggests favor and blessing (see Num 6:25; Pss 4:6; 31:16; 44:3; 67:1; 89:15; Dan 9:17).
  340. Psalm 80:19 tn Heb “cause your face to shine in order that we may be delivered.” After the imperative, the cohortative with prefixed vav (ו) indicates purpose/result.
  341. Psalm 81:1 sn Psalm 81. The psalmist calls God’s people to assemble for a festival and then proclaims God’s message to them. The divine speech (vv. 6-16) recalls how God delivered the people from Egypt, reminds Israel of their rebellious past, expresses God’s desire for his people to obey him, and promises divine protection in exchange for obedience.
  342. Psalm 81:1 tn The precise meaning of the Hebrew term הַגִּתִּית (haggittit) is uncertain; it probably refers to a musical style or instrument. See the superscription to Ps 8.
  343. Psalm 81:2 tn Heb “lift up.”
  344. Psalm 81:3 tn Heb “at the new moon.”sn New moon festivals were a monthly ritual in Israel (see R. de Vaux, Ancient Israel, 469-70). In this context the New Moon festival of the seventh month, when the Feast of Tabernacles was celebrated (note the reference to a “festival” in the next line), may be in view.
  345. Psalm 81:3 tn Heb “at the full moon on the day of our festival.” The Hebrew word כֶּסֶה (keseh) is an alternate spelling of כֶּסֶא (keseʾ, “full moon”).sn The festival in view is probably the Feast of Tabernacles (Booths), which began on the fifteenth day of the seventh month when the moon was full. See Lev 23:34; Num 29:12.
  346. Psalm 81:4 tn Heb “because a statute for Israel [is] it.”
  347. Psalm 81:5 tn Heb “in his going out against the land of Egypt.” This apparently refers to the general time period of Israel’s exodus from Egypt. The LXX reads, “from Egypt,” in which case “Joseph” (see the preceding line) would be the subject of the verb, “when he [Joseph = Israel] left Egypt.”
  348. Psalm 81:5 tn Heb “a lip I did not know, I heard.” Here the term “lip” probably stands for speech or a voice. Apparently the psalmist speaks here and refers to God’s voice, whose speech is recorded in the following verses.
  349. Psalm 81:6 tn The words “It said” are not included in the Hebrew text. They are supplied in the translation for clarification.
  350. Psalm 81:6 sn I removed the burden. The Lord speaks metaphorically of how he delivered his people from Egyptian bondage. The reference to a basket/burden probably alludes to the hard labor of the Israelites in Egypt, where they had to carry loads of bricks (see Exod 1:14).
  351. Psalm 81:7 tn Heb “I answered you in the hidden place of thunder.” This may allude to God’s self-revelation at Mount Sinai, where he appeared in a dark cloud accompanied by thunder (see Exod 19:16).
  352. Psalm 81:7 sn The name Meribah means “strife.” Two separate but similar incidents at the place called Meribah are recorded in the Pentateuch (Exod 17:1-7; Num 20:1-13). In both cases the Israelites complained about lack of water and the Lord miraculously provided for them.
  353. Psalm 81:8 tn The words “I said” are supplied in the translation for clarification. Verses 8-10 appear to recall what the Lord commanded the generation of Israelites that experienced the events described in v. 7. Note the statement in v. 11, “my people did not listen to me.”
  354. Psalm 81:8 tn Or perhaps “command.”
  355. Psalm 81:8 tn The Hebrew particle אִם (ʾim, “if”) and following prefixed verbal form here express a wish (GKC 321 §109.b). Note that the apodosis (the “then” clause of the conditional sentence) is suppressed.
  356. Psalm 81:9 tn The imperfect verbal forms in v. 9 have a modal function, expressing what is obligatory.
  357. Psalm 81:9 tn Heb “different”; “illicit.”
  358. Psalm 81:11 tn Heb “did not listen to my voice.”
  359. Psalm 81:11 tn The Hebrew expression אָבָה לִי (ʾavah li) means “submit to me” (see Deut 13:8).
  360. Psalm 81:12 tn Heb “and I sent him away in the stubbornness of their heart.”
  361. Psalm 81:12 tn Heb “they walked in their counsel.” The prefixed verbal form is either preterite (“walked”) or a customary imperfect (“were walking”).
  362. Psalm 81:13 tn Heb “if only my people were listening to me.” The Hebrew particle לוּ (lu, “if not”) introduces a purely hypothetical or contrary to fact condition (see 2 Sam 18:12).
  363. Psalm 81:13 tn Heb “[and if only] Israel would walk in my ways.”
  364. Psalm 81:14 tn Heb “turn my hand against.” The idiom “turn the hand against” has the nuance of “strike with the hand, attack” (see Isa 1:25; Ezek 38:12; Amos 1:8; Zech 13:7).
  365. Psalm 81:15 tn “Those who hate the Lord” are also mentioned in 2 Chr 19:2 and Ps 139:21.
  366. Psalm 81:15 tn See Deut 33:29; Ps 66:3 for other uses of the verb כָּחַשׁ (kakhash) in the sense “cower in fear.” In Ps 18:44 the verb seems to carry the nuance “to be weak; to be powerless” (see also Ps 109:24). The prefixed verbal form is taken as a jussive, parallel to the jussive form in the next line.
  367. Psalm 81:15 tc Heb “and may their time be forever.” The Hebrew term עִתָּם (ʿittam, “their time”) must refer here to the “time” of the demise and humiliation of those who hate the Lord. Some propose an emendation to בַּעֲתָתָם (baʿatatam) or בִּעֻתָם (biʿutam; “their terror”; i.e., “may their terror last forever”), but the omission of bet (ב) in the present Hebrew text is difficult to explain, making the proposed emendation The verb form at the beginning of the line is jussive, indicating that this is a prayer. The translation assumes that v. 15 is a parenthetical “curse” offered by the psalmist. Having heard the reference to Israel’s enemies (v. 14), the psalmist inserts this prayer, reminding the Lord that they are God’s enemies as well.
  368. Psalm 81:16 tn Heb “and he fed him from the best of the wheat.” The Hebrew text has a third person form of the preterite with a vav (ו) consecutive attached. However, it is preferable, in light of the use of the first person in v. 14 and in the next line, to emend the verb to a first person form and understand the vav as conjunctive, continuing the apodosis of the conditional sentence of vv. 13-14. The third masculine singular pronominal suffix refers to Israel, as in v. I would feed. After the parenthetical “curse” in v. 15, the Lord’s speech continues here.
  369. Psalm 81:16 tn Heb “you.” The second person singular pronominal suffix refers to Israel, as in vv. 7-10.
  370. Psalm 81:16 sn The language in this verse, particularly the references to wheat and honey, is reminiscent of Deut 32:13-14.
  371. Psalm 82:1 sn Psalm 82. The psalmist pictures God standing in the “assembly of El” where he accuses the “gods” of failing to promote justice on earth. God pronounces sentence upon them, announcing that they will die like men. Having witnessed the scene, the psalmist then asks God to establish his just rule over the earth.
  372. Psalm 82:1 tn Or “presides over.”
  373. Psalm 82:1 tn The phrase עֲדַת אֵל (ʿadat ʾel, “assembly of El”) appears only here in the OT. (1) Some understand “El” to refer to God himself. In this case he is pictured presiding over his own heavenly assembly. (2) Others take אֵל as a superlative here (“God stands in the great assembly”), as in Pss 36:6 and 80:10. (3) The present translation assumes this is a reference to the Canaanite high god El, who presided over the Canaanite divine assembly. (See Isa 14:13, where El’s assembly is called “the stars of El.”) In the Ugaritic myths the phrase ʿdt ʾilm refers to the “assembly of the gods,” who congregate in King Kirtu’s house, where Baal asks El to bless Kirtu’s house (see G. R. Driver, Canaanite Myths and Legends, 91). If the Canaanite divine assembly is referred to here in Ps 82:1, then the psalm must be understood as a bold polemic against Canaanite religion. Israel’s God invades El’s assembly, denounces its gods as failing to uphold justice, and announces their coming demise. For an interpretation of the psalm along these lines, see W. VanGemeren, “Psalms,” EBC 5:533-36.
  374. Psalm 82:1 sn The present translation assumes that the Hebrew term אֱלֹהִים (ʾelohim, “gods”) here refers to the pagan gods who supposedly comprise El’s assembly according to Canaanite religion. Those who reject the polemical view of the psalm prefer to see the referent as human judges or rulers (אֱלֹהִים sometimes refers to officials appointed by God, see Exod 21:6; 22:8-9; Ps 45:6) or as angelic beings (אֱלֹהִים sometimes refers to angelic beings, see Gen 3:5; Ps 8:5).
  375. Psalm 82:1 sn The picture of God rendering judgment among the gods clearly depicts his sovereign authority as universal king (see v. 8, where the psalmist boldly affirms this truth).
  376. Psalm 82:2 tn The words “he says” are supplied in the translation to indicate that the following speech is God’s judicial decision (see v. 1).
  377. Psalm 82:2 tn Heb “and the face of the wicked lift up.”
  378. Psalm 82:3 tn The Hebrew noun יָתוֹם (yatom) refers to one who has lost his father (not necessarily his mother, see Ps 109:9). Because they were so vulnerable and were frequently exploited, fatherless children are often mentioned as epitomizing the oppressed (see Pss 10:14; 68:5; 94:6; 146:9; as well as Job 6:27; 22:9; 24:3, 9; 29:12; 31:17, 21).
  379. Psalm 82:4 tn Heb “hand.”
  380. Psalm 82:5 sn Having addressed the defendants, God now speaks to those who are observing the trial, referring to the gods in the third person.
  381. Psalm 82:5 tn Heb “walk.” The Hitpael stem indicates iterative action, picturing these ignorant “judges” as stumbling around in the darkness.
  382. Psalm 82:5 sn These gods, though responsible for justice, neglect their duty. Their self-imposed ignorance (which the psalmist compares to stumbling around in the dark) results in widespread injustice, which threatens the social order of the world (the meaning of the phrase all the foundations of the earth crumble).
  383. Psalm 82:6 tn Heb “said.”
  384. Psalm 82:6 sn Normally in the OT the title Most High belongs to the God of Israel, but in this context, where the mythological overtones are so strong, it probably refers to the Canaanite high god El (see v. 1, as well as Isa 14:13).
  385. Psalm 82:7 tn Heb “men.” The point in the context is mortality, however, not You will die like mortals. For the concept of a god losing immortality and dying, see Isa 14:12-15, which alludes to a pagan myth in which the petty god “Shining One, son of the Dawn,” is hurled into Sheol for his hubris.
  386. Psalm 82:7 tn Heb “like one of the rulers.” The comparison does not necessarily imply that they are not rulers. The expression “like one of” can sometimes mean “as one of” (Gen 49:16; Obad 11) or “as any other of” (Judg 16:7, 11).
  387. Psalm 82:8 tn The translation assumes that the Qal of נָחַל (nakhal) here means “to own; to possess,” and that the imperfect emphasizes a general truth. Another option is to translate the verb as future, “for you will take possession of all the nations” (cf. NIV “all the nations are your inheritance”).
  388. Psalm 83:1 sn Psalm 83. The psalmist asks God to deliver Israel from the attacks of foreign nations. Recalling how God defeated Israel’s enemies in the days of Deborah and Gideon, he prays that the hostile nations would be humiliated.
  389. Psalm 83:1 tn Heb “do not be deaf.”
  390. Psalm 83:2 tn Heb “lift up [their] head[s].” The phrase “lift up [the] head” here means “to threaten; to be hostile,” as in Judg 8:28.
  391. Psalm 83:3 tn Heb “they make crafty a plot.”
  392. Psalm 83:3 tn Heb “and consult together against.”
  393. Psalm 83:3 tn The passive participle of the Hebrew verb צָפַן (tsafan, “to hide”) is used here in the sense of “treasured; cherished.”
  394. Psalm 83:4 tn Heb “we will cause them to disappear from [being] a nation.”
  395. Psalm 83:5 tn Or “for.”
  396. Psalm 83:5 tn Heb “they consult [with] a heart together.”
  397. Psalm 83:5 tn Heb “cut a covenant.”
  398. Psalm 83:6 tn The words “it includes” are supplied in the translation for stylistic reasons.
  399. Psalm 83:6 sn The Hagrites are also mentioned in 1 Chr 5:10, 19-20.
  400. Psalm 83:7 sn Some identify Gebal with the Phoenician coastal city of Byblos (see Ezek 27:9, where the name is spelled differently), though others locate this site south of the Dead Sea (see BDB 148 s.v. גְּבַל; HALOT 174 s.v. גְּבַל).
  401. Psalm 83:8 tn Heb “they are an arm for the sons of Lot.” The “arm” is here a symbol of military The descendants of Lot were the Moabites and Ammonites.
  402. Psalm 83:9 tn Heb “do to them like Midian.”
  403. Psalm 83:9 sn The psalmist alludes here to Gideon’s victory over the Midianites (see Judg 7-8) and to Barak’s victory over Jabin’s army, which was led by his general Sisera (Judg 4-5).
  404. Psalm 83:10 sn Endor is not mentioned in the accounts of Gideon’s or Barak’s victories, but both battles took place in the general vicinity of the town. (See Y. Aharoni and M. Avi-Yonah, The Macmillan Bible Atlas, 46, 54.) Because Sisera and Jabin are mentioned in v. 9b, many understand them to be the subject of the verbs in v. 10, though they relate v. 10 to Gideon’s victory, which is referred to in v. 9a, 11. (See, for example, Y. Aharoni, The Land of the Bible, 263.)
  405. Psalm 83:10 tn Heb “they were manure.” In addition to this passage, corpses are compared to manure in 2 Kgs 9:37; Jer 8:2; 9:21; 16:4; 25:33.
  406. Psalm 83:11 sn Oreb and Zeeb were the generals of the Midianite army that was defeated by Gideon. The Ephraimites captured and executed both of them and sent their heads to Gideon (Judg 7:24-25).
  407. Psalm 83:11 sn Zebah and Zalmunna were the Midianite kings. Gideon captured them and executed them (Judg 8:1-21).
  408. Psalm 83:12 tn The translation assumes that “Zebah and Zalmunna” are the antecedents of the relative pronoun (“who [said]”). Another option is to take “their nobles…all their rulers” as the antecedent and to translate, “those who say.”
  409. Psalm 83:12 tn Heb “let’s take possession for ourselves.”
  410. Psalm 83:13 tn Or “tumbleweed.” The Hebrew noun גַּלְגַּל (galgal) refers to a “wheel” or, metaphorically, to a whirling wind (see Ps 77:18). If taken in the latter sense here, one could understand the term as a metonymical reference to dust blown by a whirlwind (cf. NRSV “like whirling dust”). However, HALOT 190 s.v. II גַּלְגַּל understands the noun as a homonym referring to a “dead thistle” here and in Isa 17:13. The parallel line, which refers to קַשׁ (qash, “chaff”), favors this interpretation.
  411. Psalm 83:13 tn Heb “before.”
  412. Psalm 83:14 sn The imagery of fire and flames suggests unrelenting, destructive judgment.
  413. Psalm 83:15 tn The two imperfect verbal forms in v. 15 express the psalmist’s wish or prayer.
  414. Psalm 83:16 tn Heb “fill.”
  415. Psalm 83:16 tn After the preceding imperative, the prefixed verbal form with prefixed vav (ו) indicates purpose or result (“then they will seek”).
  416. Psalm 83:16 tn Heb “your name,” which stands here for God’s person.
  417. Psalm 83:17 tn Heb “and may they be terrified to perpetuity.” The Hebrew expression עֲדֵי־עַד (ʿade ʿad, “to perpetuity”) can mean “forevermore” (see Pss 92:7; 132:12, 14), but here it may be used hyperbolically, for the psalmist asks that the experience of judgment might lead the nations to recognize (v. 18) and even to seek (v. 16) God.
  418. Psalm 83:17 tn Heb “may they be ashamed and perish.” The four prefixed verbal forms in this verse are understood as jussives. The psalmist concludes his prayer with an imprecation, calling severe judgment down on his enemies. The strong language of the imprecation seems to run contrary to the positive outcome of divine judgment envisioned in v. 16b. Perhaps the language of v. 17 is overstated for effect. Another option is that v. 16b expresses an ideal, while the strong imprecation of vv. 17-18 anticipates reality. It would be nice if the defeated nations actually pursued a relationship with God, but if judgment does not bring them to that point, the psalmist asks that they be annihilated so that they might at least be forced to acknowledge God’s power.
  419. Psalm 83:18 tn After the preceding jussives (v. 17), the prefixed verbal form with prefixed vav (ו) indicates purpose (“so that they may know”) or result.
  420. Psalm 83:18 tn Heb “that you, your name [is] the Lord, you alone.”
  421. Psalm 83:18 sn The divine title “Most High” (עֶלְיוֹן ʿelyon) pictures God as the exalted ruler of the universe who vindicates the innocent and judges the wicked. See especially Pss 7:17; 9:2; 18:13; 21:7; 47:2.
  422. Psalm 84:1 sn Psalm 84. The psalmist expresses his desire to be in God’s presence in the Jerusalem temple, for the Lord is the protector of his people.
  423. Psalm 84:1 tn The precise meaning of the Hebrew term הַגִּתִּית (haggittit) is uncertain; it probably refers to a musical style or instrument.
  424. Psalm 84:1 tn Or “your dwelling place[s].” The plural form of the noun may indicate degree or quality; this is the Lord’s special dwelling place (see Pss 43:3; 46:4; 132:5, 7).
  425. Psalm 84:1 tn Traditionally, “Lord of hosts.” The title draws attention to God’s sovereign position (see Ps 69:6).
  426. Psalm 84:2 tn Heb “my soul longs, it even pines for.”
  427. Psalm 84:2 tn Heb “the courts of the Lord” (see Ps 65:4).
  428. Psalm 84:2 tn Heb “my flesh,” which stands for his whole person and being.
  429. Psalm 84:3 tn The word translated “swallow” occurs only here and in Prov 26:2.
  430. Psalm 84:3 tn Heb “even a bird finds a home, and a swallow a nest for herself, [in] which she places her young.”sn The psalmist here romanticizes the temple as a place of refuge and safety. As he thinks of the birds nesting near its roof, he envisions them finding protection in God’s presence.
  431. Psalm 84:4 tn The Hebrew noun is an abstract plural. The word often refers metonymically to the happiness that God-given security and prosperity produce (see v. 12 and Pss 1:1; 2:12; 34:9; 41:1; 65:4; 89:15; 106:3; 112:1; 127:5; 128:1; 144:15).
  432. Psalm 84:5 tn Heb “[Oh] the happiness [of] the man.” Hebrew literature often assumes and reflects the male-oriented perspective of ancient Israelite society. The principle stated here was certainly applicable to all people, regardless of their gender or age. To facilitate modern application, we translate the gender and age specific “man” with the plural “those.” The individual referred to in v. 5a is representative of followers of God, as the use of plural forms in vv. 5b-7 indicates.
  433. Psalm 84:5 tn Heb “roads [are] in their heart[s].” The roads are here those that lead to Zion (see v. 7).
  434. Psalm 84:6 tn The translation assumes that the Hebrew phrase עֵמֶק הַבָּכָא (ʿemeq habbakhaʾ) is the name of an otherwise unknown arid valley through which pilgrims to Jerusalem passed. The term בָּכָא (bakhaʾ) may be the name of a particular type of plant or shrub that grew in this valley. O. Borowski (Agriculture in Iron Age Israel, 130) suggests it is the black mulberry. Some take the phrase as purely metaphorical and relate בָּכָא to the root בָּכָה (bakhah, “to weep”). In this case one might translate, “the valley of weeping” or “the valley of affliction.”
  435. Psalm 84:6 tc The MT reads “a spring they make it,” but this makes little sense. Many medieval Hebrew mss, as well as the LXX, understand God to be the subject and the valley to be the object, “he [God] makes it [the valley] [into] a spring.”
  436. Psalm 84:6 tn This rare word may refer to the early (or autumn) rains (see Joel 2:23).
  437. Psalm 84:6 tc The MT reads בְּרָכוֹת (berakhot, “blessings”) but the preceding reference to a “spring” favors an emendation to בְּרֵכוֹת (berekhot, “pools”).sn Pools of water. Because water is so necessary for life, it makes an apt symbol for divine favor and blessing. As the pilgrims traveled to Jerusalem, God provided for their physical needs and gave them a token of his favor and of the blessings awaiting them at the temple.
  438. Psalm 84:7 tn Heb “they go from strength to strength.” The phrase “from strength to strength” occurs only here in the OT. With a verb of motion, the expression “from [common noun] to [same common noun]” normally suggests movement from one point to another or through successive points (see Num 36:7; 1 Chr 16:20; 17:5; Ps 105:13; Jer 25:32). Ps 84:7 may be emphasizing that the pilgrims move successively from one “place of strength” to another as they travel toward Jerusalem. All along the way they find adequate provisions and renewed energy for the trip.
  439. Psalm 84:7 tn The psalmist returns to the singular (see v. 5a), which he uses in either a representative or distributive (“each one”) sense.
  440. Psalm 84:8 tn HebLord, God, hosts.” One expects the construct form אֱלֹהֵי before צְבָאוֹת (tsevaʾot, “hosts”; see Ps 89:9) but יְהוָה אֱלֹהִים (yehvah ʾelohim) precedes צְבָאוֹת in Pss 59:5 and 80:4, 19 as well.
  441. Psalm 84:9 tn The phrase “our shield” refers metaphorically to the Davidic king, who, as God’s vice-regent, was the human protector of the people. Note the parallelism with “your anointed one” here and with “our king” in Ps 89:18.
  442. Psalm 84:9 tn Heb “look [on] the face of your anointed one.” The Hebrew phrase מְשִׁיחֶךָ (meshikhekha, “your anointed one”) refers here to the Davidic king (see Pss 2:2; 18:50; 20:6; 28:8; 89:38, 51; 132:10, 17).
  443. Psalm 84:10 tn Or “for.”
  444. Psalm 84:10 tn Heb “better is a day in your courts than a thousand [spent elsewhere].”
  445. Psalm 84:10 tn Heb “I choose being at the entrance of the house of my God over living in the tents of the wicked.” The verb סָפַף (safaf) appears only here in the OT; it is derived from the noun סַף (saf, “threshold”). Traditionally some have interpreted this as a reference to being a doorkeeper at the temple, though some understand it to mean “lie as a beggar at the entrance to the temple” (see HALOT 765 s.v. ספף).
  446. Psalm 84:10 tn The verb דּוּר (dur, “to live”) occurs only here in the OT.
  447. Psalm 84:11 tn Heb “[is] a sun and a shield.” The epithet “sun,” though rarely used of Israel’s God in the OT, was a well-attested royal title in the ancient Near East. For several examples from Ugaritic texts, the Amarna letters, and Assyrian royal inscriptions, see R. B. Chisholm, “An Exegetical and Theological Study of Psalm 18/2 Samuel 22” (Th.D. diss., Dallas Theological Seminary, 1983), 131, n. 2.
  448. Psalm 84:11 tn Or “grace.”
  449. Psalm 84:11 tn Heb “he does not withhold good to those walking in integrity.”
  450. Psalm 84:12 tn Traditionally “Lord of hosts.”
  451. Psalm 84:12 tn Heb “[Oh] the happiness [of] the man [who] trusts in you.” Hebrew literature often assumes and reflects the male-oriented perspective of ancient Israelite society. The principle stated here is certainly applicable to all people, regardless of their gender or age. To facilitate modern application, we translate the gender and age specific “man” with the plural “those.” The individual referred to here is representative of all followers of God, as the use of the plural form in v. 12b indicates.
  452. Psalm 85:1 sn Psalm 85. God’s people recall how he forgave their sins in the past, pray that he might now restore them to his favor, and anticipate renewed blessings.
  453. Psalm 85:1 tn Heb “you turned with a turning [toward] Jacob.” The Hebrew term שְׁבוּת (shevut) is apparently a cognate accusative of שׁוּב (shuv). See Pss 14:7; 53:6.
  454. Psalm 85:2 tn Heb “lifted up.”
  455. Psalm 85:2 tn Heb “covered over.”
  456. Psalm 85:3 tn Heb “the rage of your anger.” The phrase “rage of your anger” employs an appositional genitive. Synonyms are joined in a construct relationship to emphasize the single idea. For a detailed discussion of the grammatical point with numerous examples, see Y. Avishur, “Pairs of Synonymous Words in the Construct State (and in Appositional Hendiadys) in Biblical Hebrew,” Semitics 2 (1971): 17-81. See Pss 69:24; 78:49.
  457. Psalm 85:4 tn Heb “break your displeasure with us.” Some prefer to emend הָפֵר (hafer, “break”) to הָסֵר (haser, “turn aside”).
  458. Psalm 85:5 tn Heb “Will your anger stretch to a generation and a generation?”
  459. Psalm 85:8 sn I will listen. Having asked for the Lord’s favor, the psalmist (who here represents the nation) anticipates a divine word of assurance.
  460. Psalm 85:8 tn Heb “speak.” The idiom “speak peace” refers to establishing or maintaining peaceful relations with someone (see Gen 37:4; Zech 9:10; cf. Ps 122:8).
  461. Psalm 85:8 tn Heb “to his people and to his faithful followers.” The translation assumes that “his people” and “his faithful followers” are viewed as identical here.
  462. Psalm 85:8 tn Or “yet let them not.” After the negative particle אֵל (ʾel), the prefixed verbal form is jussive, indicating the speaker’s desire or wish.
  463. Psalm 85:9 tn Heb “certainly his deliverance [is] near to those who fear him.”
  464. Psalm 85:9 tn Heb “to dwell, glory, in our land.” “Glory” is the subject of the infinitive. The infinitive with ל (lamed), “to dwell,” probably indicates result here (“then”). When God delivers his people and renews his relationship with them, he will once more reveal his royal splendor in the land.
  465. Psalm 85:10 tn The psalmist probably uses the perfect verbal forms in v. 10 in a dramatic or rhetorical manner, describing what he anticipates as if it were already occurring or had already occurred.
  466. Psalm 85:10 sn Deliverance and peace greet each other with a kiss. The psalmist personifies these abstract qualities to emphasize that God’s loyal love and faithfulness will yield deliverance and peace for his people.
  467. Psalm 85:11 sn The psalmist already sees undeniable signs of God’s faithfulness and expects deliverance to arrive soon.
  468. Psalm 85:12 tn Heb “what is good.”
  469. Psalm 85:12 tn Both “bestow” and “yield” translate the same Hebrew verb (נָתַן, natan). The repetition of the word emphasizes that agricultural prosperity is the direct result of divine blessing.
  470. Psalm 85:13 tn Or “will go.”
  471. Psalm 85:13 tn Or “will prepare.”
  472. Psalm 85:13 tn Heb “and it prepares for a way his footsteps.” Some suggest emending וְיָשֵׂם (veyasem, “and prepares”) to וְשָׁלוֹם (veshalom, “and peace”) since “deliverance” and “peace” are closely related earlier in v. 13. This could be translated, “and peace [goes ahead, making] a pathway for his footsteps” (cf. NEB).
  473. Psalm 86:1 sn Psalm 86. The psalmist appeals to God’s mercy as he asks for deliverance from his enemies.
  474. Psalm 86:1 tn Heb “turn your ear.”
  475. Psalm 86:2 tn Heb “my life.”
  476. Psalm 86:3 tn Or “show me favor.”
  477. Psalm 86:4 tn Heb “the soul of your servant.”
  478. Psalm 86:4 tn Heb “I lift up my soul.”
  479. Psalm 86:5 tn Or “for.”
  480. Psalm 86:5 tn Heb “good.”
  481. Psalm 86:8 tn Heb “and there are none like your acts.”
  482. Psalm 86:9 tn Or “bow down before you.”
  483. Psalm 86:11 tn Heb “teach me your way.” The Lord’s “way” refers here to the moral principles he expects the psalmist to follow. See Pss 25:4; 27:11.
  484. Psalm 86:11 tn Heb “I will walk in your truth.” The Lord’s commandments are referred to as “truth” here because they are a trustworthy and accurate expression of the divine will. See Ps 25:5.
  485. Psalm 86:11 tn Heb “Bind my heart to the fearing of your name.” The verb translated “bind” occurs only here in the Piel stem. It appears twice in the Qal, meaning “be joined” in both cases (Gen 49:6; Isa 14:20). To “fear” God’s name means to have a healthy respect for him which in turn motivates one to obey his commands (see Pss 61:5; 102:15).
  486. Psalm 86:12 tn Or “forever.”
  487. Psalm 86:13 tn Heb “for your loyal love [is] great over me.”
  488. Psalm 86:13 tn Or “for he will have delivered my life.” The verb form indicates a future perfect here.
  489. Psalm 86:13 tn Or “lower Sheol.”
  490. Psalm 86:14 tn Heb “rise up against me.”
  491. Psalm 86:14 tn Or “assembly.”
  492. Psalm 86:14 tn Heb “seek my life and do not set you before them.” See Ps 54:3.
  493. Psalm 86:15 tn Heb “slow to anger.”
  494. Psalm 86:15 tn Heb “and great of loyal love and faithfulness.”sn The psalmist’s confession of faith in this verse echoes Exod 34:6.
  495. Psalm 86:16 tn Heb “the son of your female servant.” The phrase “son of a female servant” (see also Ps 116:16) is used of a son born to a secondary wife or concubine (Exod 23:12). In some cases the child’s father is the master of the house (see Gen 21:10, 13; Judg 9:18). The phrase may be used metaphorically and idiomatically to emphasize the psalmist’s humility before the Lord and his status as the Lord’s servant. Or it may be a reference to the psalmist’s own mother who also was a servant of the Lord.
  496. Psalm 86:17 tn Heb “Work with me a sign for good.” The expression “work a sign” also occurs in Judg 6:17.
  497. Psalm 86:17 tn After the imperative in the preceding line (“work”), the prefixed verb forms with prefixed vav (ו) conjunctive indicate purpose or result.
  498. Psalm 86:17 tn The perfect verbal forms are understood here as dramatic/rhetorical, expressing the psalmist’s certitude that such a sign from the Lord will be followed by his intervention. Another option is to understand the forms as future perfects (“for you, O Lord, will have helped me and comforted me”).
  499. Psalm 87:1 sn Psalm 87. The psalmist celebrates the Lord’s presence in Zion and the special status of its citizens.
  500. Psalm 87:1 tn Heb “his foundation [is] in the hills of holiness.” The expression “his foundation” refers here by metonymy to the Lord’s dwelling place in Zion. The “hills” are the ones surrounding Zion (see Pss 125:2; 133:3).
  501. Psalm 87:3 tn Heb “glorious things are spoken about you.” The translation assumes this is a general reference to compliments paid to Zion by those who live within her walls and by those who live in the surrounding areas and lands. Another option is that this refers to a prophetic oracle about the city’s glorious future. In this case one could translate, “wonderful things are announced concerning you.”
  502. Psalm 87:4 snRahab,” which means “proud one,” is used here as a title for Egypt (see Isa 30:7).
  503. Psalm 87:4 tn Heb “to those who know me” (see Ps 36:10). Apparently the Lord speaks here. The verbal construction (the Hiphil of זָכַר, zakhar, “remember” followed by the preposition ל [lamed] with a substantive) is rare, but the prepositional phrase is best understood as indicating the recipient of the announcement (see Jer 4:16). Some take the preposition in the sense of “among” and translate, “among those who know me” (cf. NEB, NIV, NRSV). In this case these foreigners are viewed as the Lord’s people and the psalm is interpreted as anticipating a time when all nations will worship the Lord (see Ps 86:9) and be considered citizens of Zion.
  504. Psalm 87:4 tn Heb “Look.”
  505. Psalm 87:4 tn Heb “Cush.”
  506. Psalm 87:4 tn Heb “and this one was born there.” The words “It is said of them” are not in the Hebrew text, but are supplied for clarification and stylistic purposes (see v. 5). Those advocating the universalistic interpretation understand “there” as referring to Zion, but it seems more likely that the adverb refers to the nations just mentioned. The foreigners are identified by their native lands.
  507. Psalm 87:5 tn Heb “and of Zion it is said.” Another option is to translate, “and to Zion it is said.” In collocation with the Niphal of אָמַר (ʾamar), the preposition ל (lamed) can introduce the recipient of the statement (see Josh 2:2; Jer 4:11; Hos 1:10; Zeph 3:16), carry the nuance “concerning, of” (see Num 23:23), or mean “be named” (see Isa 4:3; 62:4).
  508. Psalm 87:5 tn Heb “a man and a man.” The idiom also appears in Esth 1:8. The translation assumes that the phrase refers to each of Zion’s residents, in contrast to the foreigners mentioned in v. 4. Those advocating the universalistic interpretation understand this as a reference to each of the nations, including those mentioned in v. 4.
  509. Psalm 87:5 sn The divine title “Most High” (עֶלְיוֹן ʿelyon) pictures God as the exalted ruler of the universe who vindicates the innocent and judges the wicked. See especially Pss 7:17; 9:2; 18:13; 21:7; 47:2.
  510. Psalm 87:6 tn Heb “the Lord records in the writing of the nations.”
  511. Psalm 87:6 tn As noted in v. 4, the translation assumes a contrast between “there” (the various foreign lands) and “in her” (Zion). In contrast to foreigners, the citizens of Zion have special status because of their birthplace (v. 5). In this case vv. 4 and 6 form a structural frame around v. 5.
  512. Psalm 87:7 tc Heb “and singers, like pipers, all my springs [are] in you.” The participial form חֹלְלִים (kholelim) appears to be from a denominative verb meaning “play the pipe,” though some derive the form from חוּל (khul, “dance”). In this case the duplicated ל (lamed) requires an emendation to מְחֹלְלִים (mekholelim, “a Polel form). The words are addressed to Zion. As it stands, the Hebrew text makes little, if any, sense. “Springs” are often taken here as a symbol of divine blessing and life”), but this reading does not relate to the preceding line in any apparent way. The present translation assumes an emendation of כָּל־מַעְיָנַי (kol maʿyanay, “all my springs”) to כֻּלָּם עָנוּ (kullam ʿanu, “all of them sing,” with the form עָנוּ being derived from עָנָה, ʿanah, “sing”).
  513. Psalm 88:1 sn Psalm 88. The psalmist cries out in pain to the Lord, begging him for relief from his intense and constant suffering. The psalmist regards God as the ultimate cause of his distress, but nevertheless clings to God in hope.
  514. Psalm 88:1 tn The Hebrew phrase מָחֲלַת לְעַנּוֹת (makhalat leʿannot) may mean “illness to afflict.” Perhaps it refers to a particular style of music, a tune title, or a musical instrument. The term מָחֲלַת also appears in the superscription of Ps 53.
  515. Psalm 88:1 tn The meaning of the Hebrew term מַשְׂכִּיל (maskil) is uncertain. The word is derived from a verb meaning “to be prudent; to be wise.” Various options are: “a contemplative song,” “a song imparting moral wisdom,” or “a skillful [i.e., well-written] song.” The term occurs in the superscriptions of Pss 32, 42, 44, 45, 52-55, 74, 78, 88, 89, and 142, as well as in Ps 47:7.
  516. Psalm 88:1 tn Heb “O Lord God of my deliverance.” In light of the content of the psalm, this reference to God as the one who delivers seems overly positive. For this reason some assume dittography of the י (yod) and emend the text from אֱלֹהֵי יְשׁוּעָתִי (ʾelohe yeshuʿati) to אֱלֹהַי שִׁוַּעְתִּי (ʾelohay shivvaʿtiy, “[O Lord] my God, I cry out”). See v. 13.
  517. Psalm 88:1 tn Heb “[by] day I cry out, in the night before you.”
  518. Psalm 88:2 tn Heb “may my prayer come before you.” The prefixed verbal form is understood as a jussive, indicating the psalmist’s desire or prayer.
  519. Psalm 88:2 tn Heb “turn your ear.”
  520. Psalm 88:3 tn Or “my soul.”
  521. Psalm 88:3 tn Heb “and my life approaches Sheol.”
  522. Psalm 88:4 tn Heb “I am considered with.”
  523. Psalm 88:4 tn Heb “the pit.” The noun בּוֹר (bor, “pit,” “cistern”) is sometimes used of the grave and/or the realm of the dead.
  524. Psalm 88:4 tn Heb “I am like a man [for whom] there is no help.”
  525. Psalm 88:5 tn Heb “set free.”
  526. Psalm 88:5 tn Heb “from your hand.”
  527. Psalm 88:6 tn The noun בּוֹר (bor, “pit,” “cistern”) is sometimes used of the grave and/or the realm of the dead. See v. 4.
  528. Psalm 88:8 tn Heb “[I am] confined and I cannot go out.”
  529. Psalm 88:9 tn Heb “I spread out my hands to you.” Spreading out the hands toward God was a prayer gesture (see Exod 9:29, 33; 1 Kgs 8:22, 38; 2 Chr 6:12-13, 29; Ezra 9:15; Job 11:13; Isa 1:15). The words “in prayer” have been supplied in the translation to clarify this.
  530. Psalm 88:10 tn Heb “Rephaim,” a term that refers to those who occupy the land of the dead (see Isa 14:9; 26:14, 19).
  531. Psalm 88:11 tn Heb “in Abaddon,” a name for Sheol. The noun is derived from a verbal root meaning “to perish,” “to die.”
  532. Psalm 88:12 tn Heb “known.”
  533. Psalm 88:12 tn Heb “darkness,” here a title for Sheol.
  534. Psalm 88:12 tn Heb “forgetfulness.” The noun, which occurs only here in the OT, is derived from a verbal root meaning “to forget.”sn The rhetorical questions in vv. 10-12 expect the answer, “Of course not!”
  535. Psalm 88:14 tn Heb “[why] do you hide your face from me?”
  536. Psalm 88:15 tn Heb “and am dying from youth.”
  537. Psalm 88:15 tn Heb “I carry your horrors [?].” The meaning of the Hebrew form אָפוּנָה (ʾafunah), which occurs only here in the OT, is unclear. It may be an adverb meaning “very much” (BDB 67 s.v.), though some prefer to emend the text to אָפוּגָה (ʾafugah, “I am numb”) from the verb פוּג (pug; see Pss 38:8; 77:2).
  538. Psalm 88:16 tn Heb “passes over me.”
  539. Psalm 88:17 tn Heb “they encircle me together.”
  540. Psalm 88:18 tn Heb “you cause to be far from me friend and neighbor.”
  541. Psalm 88:18 tn Heb “those known by me, darkness.”
  542. Psalm 89:1 sn Psalm 89. The psalmist praises God as the sovereign creator of the world. He recalls God’s covenant with David, but then laments that the promises of the covenant remain unrealized. The covenant promised the Davidic king military victories, but the king has now been subjected to humiliating defeat.
  543. Psalm 89:1 tn The meaning of the Hebrew term מַשְׂכִּיל (maskil) is uncertain. See the note on the phrase “well-written song” in the superscription of Ps 88.
  544. Psalm 89:1 tn Or “forever.”
  545. Psalm 89:1 tn Heb “to a generation and a generation I will make known your faithfulness with my mouth.”
  546. Psalm 89:2 tn Heb “built.”
  547. Psalm 89:2 sn You set up your faithfulness. This may allude to the Lord’s heavenly throne, which symbolizes his just rule and from which the Lord decrees his unconditional promises (see vv. 8, 14).
  548. Psalm 89:3 tn The words “the Lord said” are supplied in the translation for clarification. It is clear that the words of vv. 3-4 are spoken by the Lord, in contrast to vv. 1-2, which are spoken by the psalmist.
  549. Psalm 89:4 tn Heb “forever I will establish your offspring.”
  550. Psalm 89:4 tn Heb “and I will build to a generation and a generation your throne.”
  551. Psalm 89:5 tn As the following context makes clear, the personified “heavens” here stand by metonymy for the angelic beings that surround God’s heavenly throne.
  552. Psalm 89:5 tn Heb “in the assembly of the holy ones.” The phrase “holy ones” sometimes refers to God’s people (Ps 34:9) or to their priestly leaders (2 Chr 35:3), but here it refers to God’s heavenly assembly and the angels that surround his throne (see vv. 6-7).
  553. Psalm 89:6 tn Heb “sons of gods”; or “sons of God.” Though אֵלִים (ʾelim) is vocalized as a plural form (“gods”) in the Hebrew text, it is likely that the final mem (ם) is actually enclitic rather than a plural marker. In this case one may read “God.” Some, following a Qumran text and the LXX, also propose the phrase occurred in the original text of Deut 32:8. The phrase בְנֵי אֵלִים (vene ʾelim, “sons of gods” or “sons of God”) occurs only here and in Ps 29:1. Since the “sons of gods/God” are here associated with “the assembly of the holy ones” and “council of the holy ones,” the heavenly assembly (comprised of so-called “angels” and other supernatural beings) appears to be in view. See Job 5:1; 15:15 and Zech 14:5, where these supernatural beings are referred to as “holy ones.” In Canaanite mythological texts the divine council of the high god El is called “the sons of El.” The OT apparently uses the Canaanite phrase, applying it to the supernatural beings that surround the Lord’s heavenly throne.
  554. Psalm 89:7 tn Heb “feared.”
  555. Psalm 89:7 tn Heb “in the great assembly of the holy ones.”
  556. Psalm 89:7 tn Or perhaps “feared by.”
  557. Psalm 89:8 tn Traditionally “God of hosts.” The title here pictures the Lord as enthroned in the midst of the angelic hosts of heaven.
  558. Psalm 89:9 tn Heb “the majesty of the sea.”
  559. Psalm 89:9 tn Heb “rise up.”
  560. Psalm 89:10 tn Heb “Rahab.” The name “Rahab” means “proud one.” Since it is sometimes used of Egypt (see Ps 87:4; Isa 30:7), the passage may allude to the exodus. However, the name is also used of the sea (or the mythological sea creature) which symbolizes the disruptive forces of the world that seek to replace order with chaos (see Job 9:13; 26:12). Isa 51:9 appears to combine the mythological and historical referents. The association of Rahab with the sea in Ps 89 (see v. 9) suggests that the name carries symbolic force in this context. In this case the passage may allude to creation (see vv. 11-12), when God overcame the great deep and brought order out of chaos.
  561. Psalm 89:10 tn Heb “like one fatally wounded.”
  562. Psalm 89:11 tn Heb “the world and its fullness, you established them.”
  563. Psalm 89:12 sn Tabor and Hermon were two of the most prominent mountains in Palestine.
  564. Psalm 89:13 sn The Lord’s arm, hand, and right hand all symbolize his activities, especially his exploits in war.
  565. Psalm 89:13 tn Heb “is lifted up.” The idiom “the right hand is lifted up” refers to victorious military deeds (see Pss 89:42; 118:16).
  566. Psalm 89:14 sn The Lord’s throne symbolizes his kingship.
  567. Psalm 89:14 tn Heb “are in front of your face.” The idiom can mean “confront” (Ps 17:13) or “meet, enter the presence of” (Ps 95:2).
  568. Psalm 89:15 tn Heb “who know the shout.” “Shout” here refers to the shouts of the Lord’s worshipers (see Pss 27:6; 33:3; 47:5).
  569. Psalm 89:15 tn Heb “in the light of your face they walk.” The idiom “light of your face” probably refers to a smile (see Eccl 8:1), which in turn suggests favor and blessing (see Num 6:25; Pss 4:6; 31:16; 44:3; 67:1; 80:3, 7, 19; Dan 9:17).
  570. Psalm 89:16 tn Heb “are lifted up.”
  571. Psalm 89:17 tn Heb “for the splendor of their strength [is] you.”
  572. Psalm 89:17 tn Heb “you lift up our horn,” or if one follows the marginal reading (Qere), “our horn is lifted up.” The horn of an ox underlies the metaphor (see Deut 33:17; 1 Kgs 22:11; Ps 92:10). The horn of the wild ox is frequently a metaphor for military strength; the idiom “exalt/lift up the horn” signifies military victory (see 1 Sam 2:10; Pss 75:10; 89:24; 92:10; Lam 2:17).
  573. Psalm 89:18 tn The phrase “our shield” refers metaphorically to the Davidic king, who, as God’s vice-regent, was the human protector of the people. Note the parallelism with “our king” here and with “your anointed one” in Ps 84:9.
  574. Psalm 89:18 sn The basic sense of the word “holy” is “set apart from that which is commonplace, special, unique.” The Lord’s holiness is first and foremost his transcendent sovereignty as the ruler of the world. He is “set apart” from the world over which he rules. At the same time his holiness encompasses his moral authority, which derives from his royal position. As king he has the right to dictate to his subjects how they are to live; indeed his very own character sets the standard for proper behavior. This expression is a common title for the Lord in the book of Isaiah.
  575. Psalm 89:19 tn The pronoun “you” refers to the Lord, who is addressed here. The quotation that follows further develops the announcement of vv. 3-4.
  576. Psalm 89:19 tc Many medieval mss read the singular here, “your faithful follower.” In this case the statement refers directly to Nathan’s oracle to David (see 2 Sam 7:17).
  577. Psalm 89:19 tc The MT reads עֵזֶר (ʿezer, “help, strength”), thus “I have placed help on a warrior,” which might effectively mean “I have strengthened a warrior.” The BHS note suggests reading נֵזֶר (nezer, “crown”), similar to the sentiment of anointing in the next verse. HALOT suggests reading עֹזֶר (ʿozer, “hero”) based on an Ugaritic cognate which means “young man, hero, warrior” (HALOT 811 s.v. II עזר). Craigie treats it similarly, taking עזר as “lad/boy/stripling,” parallel to “young man” in the next line, and seeing either David and Saul or David and Goliath as the historical referent (P. C. Craigie, Psalms [WBC], 19:410).
  578. Psalm 89:19 tn Or perhaps “a chosen one.”
  579. Psalm 89:20 tn The words “as king” are supplied in the translation for clarification, indicating that a royal anointing is in view.
  580. Psalm 89:21 tn Heb “with whom my hand will be firm.”
  581. Psalm 89:22 tn Heb “an enemy will not exact tribute.” The imperfect is understood in a modal sense, indicating capability or potential.
  582. Psalm 89:22 tn The translation understands the Hiphil of נָשַׁא (nashaʾ) in the sense of “act as a creditor.” This may allude to the practice of a conqueror forcing his subjects to pay tribute in exchange for “protection.” Another option is to take the verb from a homonymic verbal root meaning “to deceive,” “to trick.” Still another option is to emend the form to יִשָּׂא (yissaʾ), a Qal imperfect from נָאַשׂ (naʾas, “rise up”) and to translate “an enemy will not rise up against him” (see M. Dahood, Psalms [AB], 2:317).
  583. Psalm 89:22 tn Heb “and a son of violence will not oppress him.” The imperfect is understood in a modal sense, indicating capability or potential. The reference to a “son of violence” echoes the language of God’s promise to David in 2 Sam 7:10 (see also 1 Chr 17:9).
  584. Psalm 89:24 tn Heb “and my faithfulness and my loyal love [will be] with him.”
  585. Psalm 89:24 tn Heb “and by my name his horn will be lifted up.” The horn of an ox underlies the metaphor (see Deut 33:17; 1 Kgs 22:11; Ps 92:10). The horn of the wild ox is frequently a metaphor for military strength; the idiom “exalt/lift up the horn” signifies military victory (see 1 Sam 2:10; Pss 75:10; 92:10; Lam 2:17).
  586. Psalm 89:25 tn Some identify “the sea” as the Mediterranean and “the rivers” as the Euphrates and its tributaries. However, it is more likely that “the sea” and “the rivers” are symbols for hostile powers that oppose God and the king (see v. 9, as well as Ps 93:3-4).
  587. Psalm 89:26 sn You are my father. The Davidic king was viewed as God’s “son” (see 2 Sam 7:14; Ps 2:7). The idiom reflects ancient Near Eastern adoption language associated with covenants of grant, by which a lord would reward a faithful subject by elevating him to special status, referred to as “sonship.” Like a son, the faithful subject received an “inheritance,” viewed as an unconditional, eternal gift. Such gifts usually took the form of land and/or an enduring dynasty. See M. Weinfeld, “The Covenant of Grant in the Old Testament and in the Ancient Near East,” JAOS 90 (1970): 184-203, for general discussion and some striking extra-biblical parallels.
  588. Psalm 89:26 tn Heb “the rocky summit of my deliverance.”
  589. Psalm 89:27 sn The firstborn son typically had special status and received special privileges.
  590. Psalm 89:28 tn Heb “forever I will keep for him my loyal love and will make my covenant secure for him.”
  591. Psalm 89:29 tn Heb “and I will set in place forever his offspring.”
  592. Psalm 89:29 tn Heb “and his throne like the days of the heavens.”
  593. Psalm 89:31 tn Or “desecrate.”
  594. Psalm 89:32 tn Heb “I will punish with a club their rebellion.”sn Despite the harsh image of beating…with a club, the language reflects a father-son relationship (see v. 30; 2 Sam 7:14). According to Proverbs, a שֵׁבֶט (shevet, “club”) was sometimes utilized to administer corporal punishment to rebellious children (see Prov 13:24; 22:15; 23:13-14; 29:15).
  595. Psalm 89:32 tn Heb “with blows their sin.”
  596. Psalm 89:33 tn Heb “break”; “make ineffectual.” Some prefer to emend אָפִיר (ʾafir; the Hiphil of פָּרַר, parar, “to break”) to אָסִיר (ʾasir; the Hiphil of סוּר, sur, “to turn aside”), a verb that appears in 2 Sam 7:15.
  597. Psalm 89:33 tn Heb “and I will not deal falsely with my faithfulness.”
  598. Psalm 89:34 tn Or “desecrate.”
  599. Psalm 89:34 tn Heb “and what proceeds out of my lips I will not alter.”
  600. Psalm 89:35 tn Or “lie to.”
  601. Psalm 89:36 tn Heb “his offspring forever will be.”
  602. Psalm 89:36 tn Heb “and his throne like the sun before me.”
  603. Psalm 89:37 tn Heb “like the moon it will be established forever.”
  604. Psalm 89:37 tn Heb “and a witness in the sky, secure.” Scholars have offered a variety of opinions as to the identity of the “witness” referred to here, none of which is very convincing. It is preferable to join וְעֵד (veʿed) to עוֹלָם (ʿolam) in the preceding line and translate the commonly attested phrase עוֹלָם וְעֵד (“forever”). In this case one may translate the second line, “[it] will be secure like the skies.” Another option (the one reflected in the present translation) is to take עד as a rare noun meaning “throne” or “dais.” This noun is attested in Ugaritic; see, for example, CTA 16 vi 22-23, where ksi (= כִּסֵּא, kisseʾ, “throne”) and ʿd (= עד, “dais”) appear as synonyms in the poetic parallelism (see G. R. Driver, Canaanite Myths and Legends, 91). Emending בַּשַּׁחַק (bashakhaq, “in the heavens”) to כַּשַׁחַק (kashakhaq, “like the heavens”)—bet/kaf (כ/ב) confusion is widely attested—one can then read “[his] throne like the heavens [is] firm/stable.” Verse 29 refers to the enduring nature of the heavens, while Job 37:18 speaks of God spreading out the heavens (שְׁחָקִים, shekhaqim) and compares their strength to a bronze mirror. Ps 89:29 uses the term שָׁמַיִם (shamayim, “skies”) which frequently appears in parallelism to שְׁחָקִים.
  605. Psalm 89:38 tn The Hebrew construction (conjunction + pronoun, followed by the verb) draws attention to the contrast between what follows and what precedes.
  606. Psalm 89:38 tn Heb “your anointed one.” The Hebrew phrase מְשִׁיחֶךָ (meshikhekha, “your anointed one”) refers here to the Davidic king (see Pss 2:2; 18:50; 20:6; 28:8; 84:9; 132:10, 17).
  607. Psalm 89:39 tn The Hebrew verb appears only here and in Lam 2:7.
  608. Psalm 89:39 tn Heb “the covenant of your servant.”
  609. Psalm 89:39 tn Heb “you dishonor [or “desecrate”] on the ground his crown.”
  610. Psalm 89:40 tn The king here represents the land and cities over which he rules.
  611. Psalm 89:41 tn Heb “all the passersby on the road.”
  612. Psalm 89:42 tn Heb “you have lifted up the right hand of his adversaries.” The idiom “the right hand is lifted up” refers to victorious military deeds (see Pss 89:13; 118:16).
  613. Psalm 89:43 tn The perfect verbal form predominates in vv. 38-45. The use of the imperfect in this one instance may be for rhetorical effect. The psalmist briefly lapses into dramatic mode, describing the king’s military defeat as if it were happening before his very eyes.
  614. Psalm 89:43 tc Heb “you turn back, rocky summit, his sword.” The Hebrew term צוּר (tsur, “rocky summit”) makes no sense here, unless it is a divine title understood as vocative, “you turn back, O Rocky Summit, his sword.” Some emend the form to צֹר (tsor, “flint”) on the basis of Josh 5:2, which uses the phrase חַרְבוֹת צֻרִים (kharvot tsurim, “flint knives”). The noun צֹר (tsor, “flint”) can then be taken as “flint-like edge,” indicating the sharpness of the sword. Others emend the form to אָחוֹר (ʾakhor, “backward”) or to מִצַּר (mitsar, “from the adversary”). The present translation reflects the latter, assuming an original reading תָּשִׁיב מִצָּר חַרְבּוֹ (tashiv mitsar kharbo), which was changed to תָּשִׁיב צָר חַרְבּוֹ (tashiv tsar kharbo) by virtual haplography (confusion of bet/mem is well-attested) with צָר (tsar, “adversary”) then being misinterpreted as צוּר in the later tradition.
  615. Psalm 89:43 tn Heb “and you have not caused him to stand in the battle.”
  616. Psalm 89:44 tc Rather than the MT’s מִטְּהָרוֹ (mitteharo, “from his splendor”), the text should be read without the dagesh as מִטְהָרוֹ (mitharo, “his splendor”) or possibly as מַטֵּה טְהָרוֹ (matteh teharo, “the staff of his splendor”).
  617. Psalm 89:44 tn The Hebrew verb מָגַר (magar) occurs only here and perhaps in Ezek 21:17.
  618. Psalm 89:45 tn Heb “the days of his youth” (see as well Job 33:25).
  619. Psalm 89:46 tn Heb “How long, O Lord, will hide yourself forever?”
  620. Psalm 89:47 tn Heb “remember me, what is [my] lifespan.” The Hebrew term חֶלֶד (kheled) is also used of one’s lifespan in Ps 39:5. Because the Hebrew text is so awkward here, some prefer to emend it to read מֶה חָדֵל אָנִי (meh khadel ʾani, “[remember] how transient [that is, “short-lived”] I am”; see Ps 39:4).
  621. Psalm 89:47 tn Heb “For what emptiness do you create all the sons of mankind?” In this context the term שָׁוְא (shavʾ) refers to mankind’s mortal nature and the brevity of life (see vv. 45, 48).
  622. Psalm 89:48 tn Heb “Who [is] the man [who] can live and not see death, [who] can deliver his life from the hand of Sheol?” The rhetorical question anticipates the answer, “No one!”
  623. Psalm 89:49 sn The Lord’s faithful deeds are also mentioned in Pss 17:7 and 25:6.
  624. Psalm 89:49 tc Many medieval Hebrew mss read here יְהוָה (yehvah, “the Lord”).
  625. Psalm 89:49 tn Heb “[which] you swore on oath to David by your faithfulness.”
  626. Psalm 89:50 tc Many medieval Hebrew mss read here יְהוָה (yehvah, “the Lord”).
  627. Psalm 89:50 tn Heb “remember, O Lord, the taunt against your servants.” Many medieval Hebrew mss read the singular here, “your servant” (that is, the psalmist).
  628. Psalm 89:50 tn Heb “my lifting up in my arms [or “against my chest”] all of the many, peoples.” The term רַבִּים (rabbim, “many”) makes no apparent sense here. For this reason some emend the text to רִבֵי (rive, “attacks by”), a defectively written plural construct form of רִיב (riv, “dispute; quarrel”).
  629. Psalm 89:51 tn Heb “[by] which your enemies, O Lord, taunt, [by] which they taunt [at] the heels of your anointed one.”
  630. Psalm 89:52 sn The final verse of Ps 89, v. 52, is a conclusion to this third “book” (or major editorial division) of the Psalter. Similar statements appear at or near the end of each of the first, second and fourth “books” of the Psalter (see Pss 41:13; 72:18-19; 106:48, respectively).
  631. Psalm 89:52 tn Heb “[be] blessed.” See Pss 18:46; 28:6; 31:21.
  632. Psalm 89:52 tn Heb “surely and surely” (אָמֵן וְאָמֵן [ʾamen veʾamen], i.e., “Amen and amen”). This is probably a congregational response to the immediately preceding statement about the propriety of praising God; thus it has been translated “We agree! We agree!”

Book 3 (Psalms 73-89)

Psalm 73[a]

A psalm by Asaph.

73 Certainly God is good to Israel,[b]
and to those whose motives are pure.[c]
But as for me, my feet almost slipped;
my feet almost slid out from under me.[d]
For I envied those who are proud,
as I observed[e] the prosperity[f] of the wicked.
For they suffer no pain;[g]
their bodies[h] are strong and well fed.[i]
They are immune to the trouble common to men;
they do not suffer as other men do.[j]
Arrogance is their necklace,[k]
and violence covers them like clothing.[l]
Their prosperity causes them to do wrong;[m]
their thoughts are sinful.[n]
They mock[o] and say evil things;[p]
they proudly threaten violence.[q]
They speak as if they rule in heaven,
and lay claim to the earth.[r]
10 Therefore they have more than enough food to eat,
and even suck up the water of the sea.[s]
11 They say, “How does God know what we do?
Is the Most High aware of what goes on?”[t]
12 Take a good look. This is what the wicked are like,[u]
those who always have it so easy and get richer and richer.[v]
13 I concluded,[w] “Surely in vain I have kept my motives[x] pure
and maintained a pure lifestyle.[y]
14 I suffer all day long,
and am punished every morning.”
15 If I had publicized these thoughts,[z]
I would have betrayed your people.[aa]
16 When I tried to make sense of this,
it was troubling to me.[ab]
17 Then I entered the precincts of God’s temple,[ac]
and understood the destiny of the wicked.[ad]
18 Surely[ae] you put them in slippery places;
you bring them down[af] to ruin.
19 How desolate they become in a mere moment.
Terrifying judgments make their demise complete.[ag]
20 They are like a dream after one wakes up.[ah]
O Lord, when you awake[ai] you will despise them.[aj]
21 Yes,[ak] my spirit was bitter,[al]
and my insides felt sharp pain.[am]
22 I was ignorant[an] and lacked insight;[ao]
I was as senseless as an animal before you.[ap]
23 But I am continually with you;
you hold my right hand.
24 You guide[aq] me by your wise advice,
and then you will lead me to a position of honor.[ar]
25 Whom do I have in heaven but you?
On earth there is no one I desire but you.[as]
26 My flesh and my heart may grow weak,[at]
but God always[au] protects my heart and gives me stability.[av]
27 Yes,[aw] look! Those far from you[ax] die;
you destroy everyone who is unfaithful to you.[ay]
28 But as for me, God’s presence is all I need.[az]
I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter,
as[ba] I declare all the things you have done.

Psalm 74[bb]

A well-written song[bc] by Asaph.

74 Why, O God, have you permanently rejected us?[bd]
Why does your anger burn[be] against the sheep of your pasture?
Remember your people[bf] whom you acquired in ancient times,
whom you rescued[bg] so they could be your very own nation,[bh]
as well as Mount Zion, where you dwell.
Hurry[bi] to the permanent ruins,
and to all the damage the enemy has done to the temple.[bj]
Your enemies roar[bk] in the middle of your sanctuary;[bl]
they set up their battle flags.[bm]
They invade like lumberjacks
swinging their axes in a thick forest.[bn]
And now[bo] they are tearing down[bp] all its engravings[bq]
with axes[br] and crowbars.[bs]
They set your sanctuary on fire;
they desecrate your dwelling place by knocking it to the ground.[bt]
They say to themselves,[bu]
“We will oppress all of them.”[bv]
They burn down all the places in the land where people worship God.[bw]
We do not see any signs of God’s presence;[bx]
there are no longer any prophets,[by]
and we have no one to tell us how long this will last.[bz]
10 How long, O God, will the adversary hurl insults?
Will the enemy blaspheme your name forever?
11 Why do you remain inactive?
Intervene and destroy him.[ca]
12 But God has been my[cb] king from ancient times,
performing acts of deliverance on the earth.[cc]
13 You destroyed[cd] the sea by your strength;
you shattered the heads of the sea monster[ce] in the water.
14 You crushed the heads of Leviathan;[cf]
you fed[cg] him to the people who live along the coast.[ch]
15 You broke open the spring and the stream;[ci]
you dried up perpetually flowing rivers.[cj]
16 You established the cycle of day and night;[ck]
you put the moon[cl] and sun in place.[cm]
17 You set up all the boundaries[cn] of the earth;
you created the cycle of summer and winter.[co]
18 Remember how[cp] the enemy hurls insults, O Lord,[cq]
and how a foolish nation blasphemes your name.
19 Do not hand the life of your dove[cr] over to a wild animal.
Do not continue to disregard[cs] the lives of your oppressed people.
20 Remember your covenant promises,[ct]
for the dark regions of the earth are full of places where violence rules.[cu]
21 Do not let the afflicted be turned back in shame.
Let the oppressed and poor praise your name.[cv]
22 Rise up, O God. Defend your honor.[cw]
Remember how fools insult you all day long.[cx]
23 Do not disregard[cy] what your enemies say,[cz]
or the unceasing shouts of those who defy you.[da]

Psalm 75[db]

For the music director, according to the al-tashcheth style;[dc] a psalm of Asaph, a song.

75 We give thanks to you, O God. We give thanks.
You reveal your presence;[dd]
people tell about your amazing deeds.
God says,[de]
“At the appointed times,[df]
I judge[dg] fairly.
When the earth and all its inhabitants dissolve in fear,[dh]
I make its pillars secure.”[di] (Selah)
[dj] I say to the proud, “Do not be proud,”
and to the wicked, “Do not be so confident of victory.[dk]
Do not be so certain you have won.[dl]
Do not speak with your head held so high.[dm]
For victory does not come from the east or west,
or from the wilderness.[dn]
For God is the judge.[do]
He brings one down and exalts another.[dp]
For the Lord holds in his hand a cup
full of foaming wine mixed with spices,[dq]
and pours it out.[dr]
Surely all the wicked of the earth
will slurp it up and drink it to its very last drop.”[ds]
As for me, I will continually tell what you have done;[dt]
I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.
10 God says,[du]
“I will bring down all the power of the wicked;
the godly will be victorious.”[dv]

Psalm 76[dw]

For the music director, to be accompanied by stringed instruments; a psalm of Asaph, a song.

76 God has revealed himself in Judah;[dx]
in Israel his reputation[dy] is great.
He lives in Salem;[dz]
he dwells in Zion.[ea]
There he shattered the arrows,[eb]
the shield, the sword, and the rest of the weapons of war.[ec] (Selah)
You shine brightly and reveal your majesty,
as you descend from the hills where you killed your prey.[ed]
The bravehearted[ee] were plundered;[ef]
they “fell asleep.”[eg]
All the warriors were helpless.[eh]
At the sound of your battle cry,[ei] O God of Jacob,
both rider[ej] and horse “fell asleep.”[ek]
You are awesome! Yes, you!
Who can withstand your intense anger?[el]
From heaven you announced what their punishment would be.[em]
The earth[en] was afraid and silent
when God arose to execute judgment,
and to deliver all the oppressed of the earth. (Selah)
10 Certainly[eo] your angry judgment upon men will bring you praise;[ep]
you reveal your anger in full measure.[eq]
11 Make vows to the Lord your God and repay them.
Let all those who surround him[er] bring tribute to the awesome one.
12 He humbles princes;[es]
the kings of the earth regard him as awesome.[et]

Psalm 77[eu]

For the music director, Jeduthun; a psalm of Asaph.

77 I will cry out to God[ev] and call for help.
I will cry out to God and he will pay attention[ew] to me.
In my time of trouble I sought[ex] the Lord.
I kept my hand raised in prayer throughout the night.[ey]
I[ez] refused to be comforted.
I said, “I will remember God while I groan;
I will think about him while my strength leaves me.”[fa] (Selah)
You held my eyelids open;[fb]
I was troubled and could not speak.[fc]
I thought about the days of old,
about ancient times.[fd]
I said, “During the night I will remember the song I once sang;
I will think very carefully.”
I tried to make sense of what was happening.[fe]
I asked,[ff] “Will the Lord reject me forever?
Will he never again show me his favor?
Has his loyal love disappeared forever?
Has his promise[fg] failed forever?
Has God forgotten to be merciful?
Has his anger stifled his compassion?” (Selah)
10 Then I said, “I am sickened by the thought
that the Most High[fh] might become inactive.[fi]
11 I will remember the works of the Lord.
Yes, I will remember the amazing things you did long ago.[fj]
12 I will think about all you have done;
I will reflect upon your deeds.”
13 [fk] O God, your deeds are extraordinary.[fl]
What god can compare to our great God?[fm]
14 You are the God who does amazing things;
you have revealed your strength among the nations.
15 You delivered[fn] your people by your strength[fo]
the children of Jacob and Joseph. (Selah)
16 The waters[fp] saw you, O God,
the waters saw you and trembled.[fq]
Yes, the depths of the sea[fr] shook with fear.[fs]
17 The clouds poured down rain;[ft]
the skies thundered.[fu]
Yes, your arrows[fv] flashed about.
18 Your thunderous voice was heard in the wind;
the lightning bolts lit up the world.
The earth trembled and shook.[fw]
19 You walked through the sea;[fx]
you passed through the surging waters,[fy]
but left no footprints.[fz]
20 You led your people like a flock of sheep,
by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

Psalm 78[ga]

A well-written song[gb] by Asaph.

78 Pay attention, my people, to my instruction.
Listen to the words I speak.[gc]
I will sing a song that imparts wisdom;
I will make insightful observations about the past.[gd]
What we have heard and learned[ge]
that which our ancestors[gf] have told us—
we will not hide from their[gg] descendants.
We will tell the next generation
about the Lord’s praiseworthy acts,[gh]
about his strength and the amazing things he has done.
He established a rule[gi] in Jacob;
he set up a law in Israel.
He commanded our ancestors
to make his deeds known to their descendants,[gj]
so that the next generation, children yet to be born,
might know about them.
They will grow up and tell their descendants about them.[gk]
Then they will place their confidence in God.
They will not forget the works of God,
and they will obey[gl] his commands.
Then they will not be like their ancestors,
who were a stubborn and rebellious generation,
a generation that was not committed
and faithful to God.[gm]
The Ephraimites[gn] were armed with bows,[go]
but they retreated in the day of battle.[gp]
10 They did not keep their covenant with God,[gq]
and they refused to obey[gr] his law.
11 They forgot what he had done,[gs]
the amazing things he had shown them.
12 He did amazing things in the sight of their ancestors,
in the land of Egypt, in the region of Zoan.[gt]
13 He divided the sea and led them across it;
he made the water stand in a heap.
14 He led them with a cloud by day,
and with the light of a fire all night long.
15 He broke open rocks in the wilderness,
and gave them enough water to fill the depths of the sea.[gu]
16 He caused streams to flow from the rock,
and made the water flow like rivers.
17 Yet they continued to sin against him,
and rebelled against the Most High[gv] in the desert.
18 They willfully challenged God[gw]
by asking for food to satisfy their appetite.
19 They insulted God, saying,[gx]
“Is God really able to give us food[gy] in the wilderness?
20 Yes,[gz] he struck a rock and water flowed out;
streams gushed forth.
But can he also give us food?
Will he provide meat for his people?”
21 When[ha] the Lord heard this, he was furious.
A fire broke out against Jacob,
and his anger flared up[hb] against Israel,
22 because they did not have faith in God,
and did not trust his ability to deliver them.[hc]
23 He gave a command to the clouds above,
and opened the doors in the sky.
24 He rained down manna for them to eat;
he gave them the grain of heaven.[hd]
25 Man ate the food of the mighty ones.[he]
He sent them more than enough to eat.[hf]
26 He brought the east wind through the sky,
and by his strength led forth the south wind.
27 He rained down meat on them like dust,
birds as numerous as the sand on the seashores.[hg]
28 He caused them to fall right in the middle of their camp,
all around their homes.
29 They ate until they were beyond full;[hh]
he gave them what they desired.
30 They were not yet filled up;[hi]
their food was still in their mouths,
31 when the anger of God flared up against them.
He killed some of the strongest of them;
he brought the young men of Israel to their knees.
32 Despite all this, they continued to sin,
and did not trust him to do amazing things.[hj]
33 So he caused them to die unsatisfied[hk]
and filled with terror.[hl]
34 When he struck them down,[hm] they sought his favor;[hn]
they turned back and longed for God.
35 They remembered that God was their protector,[ho]
and that God Most High[hp] was their deliverer.[hq]
36 But they deceived him with their words,[hr]
and lied to him.[hs]
37 They were not really committed to him,[ht]
and they were unfaithful to his covenant.
38 Yet he is compassionate.
He forgives sin and does not destroy.
He often holds back his anger,
and does not stir up his fury.[hu]
39 He remembered[hv] that they were made of flesh,
and were like a wind that blows past and does not return.[hw]
40 How often they rebelled against him in the wilderness,
and insulted him[hx] in the wastelands.
41 They again challenged God,[hy]
and offended[hz] the Holy One of Israel.[ia]
42 They did not remember what he had done,[ib]
how he delivered them from the enemy,[ic]
43 when he performed his awesome deeds[id] in Egypt,
and his acts of judgment[ie] in the region of Zoan.
44 He turned their rivers into blood,
and they could not drink from their streams.
45 He sent swarms of biting insects against them,[if]
as well as frogs that overran their land.[ig]
46 He gave their crops to the grasshopper,
the fruit of their labor to the locust.
47 He destroyed their vines with hail,
and their sycamore-fig trees with driving rain.
48 He rained hail down on their cattle,[ih]
and hurled lightning bolts down on their livestock.[ii]
49 His raging anger lashed out against them.[ij]
He sent fury, rage, and trouble
as messengers who bring disaster.[ik]


  1. Psalm 73:1 sn Psalm 73. In this wisdom psalm the psalmist offers a personal testimony of his struggle with the age-old problem of the prosperity of the wicked. As he observed evil men prosper, he wondered if a godly lifestyle really pays off. In the midst of his discouragement, he reflected upon spiritual truths and realities. He was reminded that the prosperity of the wicked is only temporary. God will eventually vindicate his people.
  2. Psalm 73:1 tn Since the psalm appears to focus on an individual’s concerns, not the situation of Israel, this introduction may be a later addition designed to apply the psalm’s message to the entire community. To provide a better parallel with the next line, some emend the Hebrew phrase לְיִשְׂרָאֵל אֱלֹהִים (leyisra’el ʾelohim, “to Israel, God”) to אֱלֹהִים [or אֵל] לָיָּשָׁר (layyashar ʾelohim [or ʾel], “God [is good] to the upright one”).
  3. Psalm 73:1 tn Heb “to the pure of heart.”
  4. Psalm 73:2 tn The Hebrew verb normally means “to pour out,” but here it must have the nuance “to slide.”sn My feet almost slid out from under me. The language is metaphorical. As the following context makes clear, the psalmist almost “slipped” in a spiritual sense. As he began to question God’s justice, the psalmist came close to abandoning his faith.
  5. Psalm 73:3 tn The imperfect verbal form here depicts the action as continuing in a past time frame.
  6. Psalm 73:3 tn Heb “peace” (שָׁלוֹם, shalom).
  7. Psalm 73:4 tn In Isa 58:6, the only other occurrence of this word in the OT, the term refers to “bonds” or “ropes.” In Ps 73:4 it is used metaphorically of pain and suffering that restricts one’s enjoyment of life.
  8. Psalm 73:4 tn Or “bellies.”
  9. Psalm 73:4 tc Or “fat.” The MT of v. 4 reads as follows: “for there are no pains at their death, and fat [is] their body.” Since a reference to the death of the wicked seems incongruous in the immediate context (note v. 5) and premature in the argument of the psalm (see vv. 18-20, 27), some prefer to emend the text by redividing it. The term לְמוֹתָם (lemotam, “at their death”) is changed to לָמוֹ תָּם (lamo tam, “[there are no pains] to them, strong [and fat are their bodies]”). The term תָּם (tam, “complete; sound”) is used of physical beauty in Song 5:2; 6:9. This emendation is the basis for the present translation. However, in defense of the MT (the traditional Hebrew text), one may point to an Aramaic inscription from Nerab which views a painful death as a curse and a nonpainful death in one’s old age as a sign of divine favor. See ANET 661.
  10. Psalm 73:5 tn Heb “in the trouble of man they are not, and with mankind they are not afflicted.”
  11. Psalm 73:6 sn Arrogance is their necklace. The metaphor suggests that their arrogance is something the wicked “wear” proudly. It draws attention to them, just as a beautiful necklace does to its owner.
  12. Psalm 73:6 tn Heb “a garment of violence covers them.” The metaphor suggests that violence is habitual for the wicked. They “wear” it like clothing; when one looks at them, violence is what one sees.
  13. Psalm 73:7 tc The MT reads “it goes out from fatness their eye,” which might be paraphrased, “their eye protrudes [or “bulges”] because of fatness.” This in turn might refer to their greed; their eyes “bug out” when they see rich food or produce (the noun חֵלֶב [khelev, “fatness”] sometimes refers to such food or produce). However, when used with the verb יָצָא (yatsaʾ, “go out”) the preposition מִן (“from”) more naturally indicates source. For this reason it is preferable to emend עֵינֵמוֹ (ʿenemo, “their eye”) to עֲוֹנָמוֹ, (ʿavonamo, “their sin”) and read, “and their sin proceeds forth from fatness,” that is, their prosperity gives rise to their sinful attitudes. If one follows this textual reading, another interpretive option is to take חֵלֶב (“fatness”) in the sense of “unreceptive, insensitive” (see its use in Ps 17:10). In this case, the sin of the wicked proceeds forth from their spiritual insensitivity.
  14. Psalm 73:7 tn Heb “the thoughts of [their] heart [i.e., mind] cross over” (i.e., violate God’s moral boundary, see Ps 17:3).
  15. Psalm 73:8 tn The verb מוּק (muq, “mock”) occurs only here in the OT.
  16. Psalm 73:8 tn Heb “and speak with evil.”
  17. Psalm 73:8 tn Heb “oppression from an elevated place they speak.” The traditional accentuation of the MT places “oppression” with the preceding line. In this case, one might translate, “they mock and speak with evil [of] oppression, from an elevated place [i.e., “proudly”] they speak.” By placing “oppression” with what follows, one achieves better poetic balance in the parallelism.
  18. Psalm 73:9 tn Heb “they set in heaven their mouth, and their tongue walks through the earth.” The meaning of the text is uncertain. Perhaps the idea is that they lay claim to heaven (i.e., speak as if they were ruling in heaven) and move through the earth declaring their superiority and exerting their influence. Some take the preposition ב (bet) the first line as adversative and translate, “they set their mouth against heaven,” that is, they defy God.
  19. Psalm 73:10 tc Heb “therefore his people return [so Qere (marginal reading); Kethib (consonantal text) has “he brings back”] to here, and waters of abundance are sucked up by them.” The traditional Hebrew text (MT) defies explanation. The present translation reflects M. Dahood’s proposed emendations (Psalms [AB], 2:190) and reads the Hebrew text as follows: לָכֵן יִשְׂבְעוּם לֶחֶם וּמֵי מָלֵא יָמֹצּוּ לָמוֹ (“therefore they are filled with food, and waters of abundance they suck up for themselves”). The reading יִשְׂבְעוּם לֶחֶם (yisveʿum lekhem, “they are filled with food”) assumes (1) an emendation of יָשִׁיב עַמּוֹ (yashiv ʿammo, “he will bring back his people”) to יִשְׂבְעוּם (yisveʿum, “they will be filled”; a Qal imperfect third masculine plural form from שָׂבַע [savaʿ] with enclitic mem [ם]), and (2) an emendation of הֲלֹם (halom, “to here”) to לֶחֶם (“food”). The expression “be filled/fill with food” appears elsewhere at least ten times (see Ps 132:15, for example). In the second line the Niphal form יִמָּצוּ (yimmatsu, derived from מָצָה, matsah, “drain”) is emended to a Qal form יָמֹצּוּ (yamotsu), derived from מָצַץ (matsats, “to suck”). In Isa 66:11 the verbs שָׂבַע (savaʿ; proposed in Ps 73:10a) and מָצַץ (proposed in Ps 73:10b) are parallel. The point of the emended text is this: Because they are seemingly sovereign (v. 9), they become greedy and grab up everything they need and more.
  20. Psalm 73:11 tn Heb “How does God know? Is there knowledge with the Most High?” They appear to be practical atheists, who acknowledge God’s existence and sovereignty in theory, but deny his involvement in the world (see Pss 10:4, 11; 14:1).
  21. Psalm 73:12 tn Heb “Look, these [are] the wicked.”
  22. Psalm 73:12 tn Heb “the ones who are always at ease [who] increase wealth.”
  23. Psalm 73:13 tn The words “I concluded” are supplied in the translation. It is apparent that vv. 13-14 reflect the psalmist’s thoughts at an earlier time (see vv. 2-3), prior to the spiritual awakening he describes in vv. 17-28.
  24. Psalm 73:13 tn Heb “heart,” viewed here as the seat of one’s thoughts and motives.
  25. Psalm 73:13 tn Heb “and washed my hands in innocence.” The psalmist uses an image from cultic ritual to picture his moral lifestyle. The reference to “hands” suggests actions.
  26. Psalm 73:15 tn Heb “If I had said, ‘I will speak out like this.’”
  27. Psalm 73:15 tn Heb “look, the generation of your sons I would have betrayed.” The phrase “generation of your [i.e., God’s] sons” occurs only here in the OT. Some equate the phrase with “generation of the godly” (Ps 14:5), “generation of the ones seeking him” (Ps 24:6), and “generation of the upright” (Ps 112:2). In Deut 14:1 the Israelites are referred to as God’s “sons.” Perhaps the psalmist refers here to those who are “Israelites” in the true sense because of their loyalty to God (note the juxtaposition of “Israel” with “the pure in heart” in v. 1).
  28. Psalm 73:16 tn Heb “and [when] I pondered to understand this, troubling it [was] in my eyes.”
  29. Psalm 73:17 tn The plural of the term מִקְדָּשׁ (miqdash) probably refers to the temple precincts (see Ps 68:35; Jer 51:51).
  30. Psalm 73:17 tn Heb “I discerned their end.” At the temple the psalmist perhaps received an oracle of deliverance announcing his vindication and the demise of the wicked (see Ps 12) or heard songs of confidence (for example, Ps 11), wisdom psalms (for example, Pss 1, 37), and hymns (for example, Ps 112) that describe the eventual downfall of the proud and wealthy.
  31. Psalm 73:18 tn The use of the Hebrew term אַךְ (ʾakh, “surely”) here literarily counteracts its use in v. 13. The repetition draws attention to the contrast between the two statements, the first of which expresses the psalmist’s earlier despair and the second his newly discovered confidence.
  32. Psalm 73:18 tn Heb “cause them to fall.”
  33. Psalm 73:19 tn Heb “they come to an end, they are finished, from terrors.”
  34. Psalm 73:20 tn Heb “like a dream from awakening.” They lack any real substance; their prosperity will last for only a brief time.
  35. Psalm 73:20 sn When you awake. The psalmist compares God’s inactivity to sleep and the time of God’s judgment to his awakening from sleep.
  36. Psalm 73:20 tn Heb “you will despise their form.” The Hebrew term צֶלֶם (tselem, “form; image”) also suggests their short-lived nature. Rather than having real substance, they are like the mere images that populate one’s dreams. Note the similar use of the term in Ps 39:6.
  37. Psalm 73:21 tn Or perhaps “when.”
  38. Psalm 73:21 tn The imperfect verbal form here describes a continuing attitude in a past time frame.
  39. Psalm 73:21 tn Heb “and [in] my kidneys I was pierced.” The imperfect verbal form here describes a continuing condition in a past time frame.
  40. Psalm 73:22 tn Or “brutish, stupid.”
  41. Psalm 73:22 tn Heb “and I was not knowing.”
  42. Psalm 73:22 tn Heb “an animal I was with you.”
  43. Psalm 73:24 tn The imperfect verbal form here suggests this is the psalmist’s ongoing experience.
  44. Psalm 73:24 tn Heb “and afterward [to] glory you will take me.” Some interpreters view this as the psalmist’s confidence in an afterlife in God’s presence and understand כָּבוֹד (kavod) as a metonymic reference to God’s presence in heaven. But this seems unlikely in the present context. The psalmist anticipates a time of vindication, when the wicked are destroyed and he is honored by God for his godly life style. The verb לָקַח (laqakh, “take”) here carries the nuance “lead, guide, conduct,” as in Num 23:14, 27-28; Josh 24:3 and Prov 24:11.
  45. Psalm 73:25 tn Heb “Who [is there] for me in heaven? And besides you I do not desire [anyone] in the earth.” The psalmist uses a merism (heaven/earth) to emphasize that God is the sole object of his desire and worship in the entire universe.
  46. Psalm 73:26 tn The Hebrew verb כָלָה (khalah, “to fail; to grow weak”) does not refer here to physical death per se, but to the physical weakness that sometimes precedes death (see Job 33:21; Pss 71:9; 143:7; Prov 5:11).
  47. Psalm 73:26 tn Or “forever.”
  48. Psalm 73:26 tn Heb “is the rocky summit of my heart and my portion.” The psalmist compares the Lord to a rocky summit where one could go for protection and to landed property, which was foundational to economic stability in ancient Israel.
  49. Psalm 73:27 tn Or “for.”
  50. Psalm 73:27 sn The following line defines the phrase far from you in a spiritual sense. Those “far” from God are those who are unfaithful and disloyal to him.
  51. Psalm 73:27 tn Heb “everyone who commits adultery from you.”
  52. Psalm 73:28 tn Heb “but as for me, the nearness of God for me [is] good.”
  53. Psalm 73:28 tn The infinitive construct with ל (lamed) is understood here as indicating an attendant circumstance. Another option is to take it as indicating purpose (“so that I might declare”) or result (“with the result that I declare”).
  54. Psalm 74:1 sn Psalm 74. The psalmist, who has just experienced the devastation of the Babylonian invasion of Jerusalem in 586 b.c., asks God to consider Israel’s sufferings and intervene on behalf of his people. He describes the ruined temple, recalls God’s mighty deeds in the past, begs for mercy, and calls for judgment upon God’s enemies.
  55. Psalm 74:1 tn The meaning of the Hebrew term מַשְׂכִּיל (maskil) is uncertain. The word is derived from a verb meaning “to be prudent; to be wise.” Various options are: “a contemplative song,” “a song imparting moral wisdom,” or “a skillful [i.e., well-written] song.” The term occurs in the superscriptions of Pss 32, 42, 44, 45, 52-55, 74, 78, 88, 89, and 142, as well as in Ps 47:7.
  56. Psalm 74:1 sn The psalmist does not really believe God has permanently rejected his people or he would not pray as he does in this psalm. But this initial question reflects his emotional response to what he sees and is overstated for the sake of emphasis. The severity of divine judgment gives the appearance that God has permanently abandoned his people.
  57. Psalm 74:1 tn Heb “smoke.” The picture is that of a fire that continues to smolder.
  58. Psalm 74:2 tn Heb “your assembly,” which pictures God’s people as an assembled community.
  59. Psalm 74:2 tn Heb “redeemed.” The verb “redeem” casts God in the role of a leader who protects members of his extended family in times of need and crisis (see Ps 19:14).
  60. Psalm 74:2 tn Heb “the tribe of your inheritance” (see Jer 10:16; 51:19).
  61. Psalm 74:3 tn Heb “lift up your steps to,” which may mean “run, hurry.”
  62. Psalm 74:3 tn Heb “everything [the] enemy has damaged in the holy place.”
  63. Psalm 74:4 tn This verb is often used of a lion’s roar, so the psalmist may be comparing the enemy to a raging, devouring lion.
  64. Psalm 74:4 tn Heb “your meeting place.”
  65. Psalm 74:4 tn Heb “they set up their banners [as] banners.” The Hebrew noun אוֹת (ʾot, “sign”) here refers to the enemy army’s battle flags and banners (see Num 2:12).
  66. Psalm 74:5 tn Heb “it is known like one bringing upwards, in a thicket of wood, axes.” The Babylonian invaders destroyed the woodwork in the temple.
  67. Psalm 74:6 tn This is the reading of the Qere (marginal reading). The Kethib (consonantal text) has “and a time.”
  68. Psalm 74:6 tn The imperfect verbal form vividly describes the act as underway.
  69. Psalm 74:6 tn Heb “its engravings together.”
  70. Psalm 74:6 tn This Hebrew noun occurs only here in the OT (see H. R. Cohen, Biblical Hapax Legomena [SBLDS], 49-50).
  71. Psalm 74:6 tn This Hebrew noun occurs only here in the OT. An Akkadian cognate refers to a “pickaxe” (cf. NEB “hatchet and pick”; NIV “axes and hatchets”; NRSV “hatchets and hammers”).
  72. Psalm 74:7 tn Heb “to the ground they desecrate the dwelling place of your name.”
  73. Psalm 74:8 tn Heb “in their heart.”
  74. Psalm 74:8 tc Heb “[?] altogether.” The Hebrew form נִינָם (ninam) is problematic. It could be understood as the noun נִין (nin, “offspring”) but the statement “their offspring altogether” would make no sense here. C. A. Briggs and E. G. Briggs (Psalms [ICC], 2:159) emends יָחַד (yakhad, “altogether”) to יָחִיד (yakhid, “alone”) and translate “let their offspring be solitary” (i.e., exiled). Another option is to understand the form as a Qal imperfect first common plural from יָנָה (yanah, “to oppress”) with a third masculine plural pronominal suffix, “we will oppress them.” However, this verb, when used in the finite form, always appears in the Hiphil. Therefore, it is preferable to emend the form to the Hiphil נוֹנֵם (nonem, “we will oppress them”).
  75. Psalm 74:8 tn Heb “they burn down all the meeting places of God in the land.”
  76. Psalm 74:9 tn Heb “our signs we do not see.” Because of the reference to a prophet in the next line, it is likely that the “signs” in view here include the evidence of God’s presence as typically revealed through the prophets. These could include miraculous acts performed by the prophets (see, for example, Isa 38:7-8) or object lessons which they acted out (see, for example, Isa 20:3).
  77. Psalm 74:9 tn Heb “there is not still a prophet.”
  78. Psalm 74:9 tn Heb “and [there is] not with us one who knows how long.”
  79. Psalm 74:11 tn Heb “Why do you draw back your hand, even your right hand? From the midst of your chest, destroy!” The psalmist pictures God as having placed his right hand (symbolic of activity and strength) inside his robe against his chest. He prays that God would pull his hand out from under his robe and use it to destroy the enemy.
  80. Psalm 74:12 tn The psalmist speaks as Israel’s representative here.
  81. Psalm 74:12 tn Heb “in the midst of the earth.”
  82. Psalm 74:13 tn The derivation and meaning of the Polel verb form פּוֹרַרְתָּ (porarta) are uncertain. The form may be related to an Akkadian cognate meaning “break, shatter,” though the biblical Hebrew cognate of this verb always appears in the Hiphil or Hophal stem. BDB 830 s.v. II פָּרַר suggests a homonym here, meaning “to split; to divide.” A Hitpolel form of a root פָּרַר (parar) appears in Isa 24:19 with the meaning “to shake violently.”
  83. Psalm 74:13 tn The Hebrew text has the plural form, “sea monsters” (cf. NRSV “dragons”), but it is likely that an original enclitic mem has been misunderstood as a plural ending. The imagery of the mythological sea monster is utilized here. See the note on “Leviathan” in v. 14.
  84. Psalm 74:14 sn You crushed the heads of Leviathan. The imagery of vv. 13-14 originates in West Semitic mythology. The description of Leviathan should be compared with the following excerpts from Ugaritic mythological texts: (1) “Was not the dragon [Ugaritic tnn, cognate with Hebrew תַּנִין (tanin), translated “sea monster” in v. 13] vanquished and captured? I did destroy the wriggling [Ugaritic ʿqltn, cognate to Hebrew עֲקַלָּתוֹן (ʿaqallaton), translated “squirming” in Isa 27:1] serpent, the tyrant with seven heads” (note the use of the plural “heads” here and in v. 13). (See CTA 3.iii.38-39 in G. R. Driver, Canaanite Myths and Legends, 50.) (2) “For all that you smote Leviathan the slippery [Ugaritic brḥ, cognate to Hebrew בָּרִחַ (bariakh), translated “fast moving” in Isa 27:1] serpent, [and] made an end of the wriggling serpent, the tyrant with seven heads” (See CTA 5.i.1-3 in G. R. Driver, Canaanite Myths and Legends, 68.) In the myths Leviathan is a sea creature that symbolizes the destructive water of the sea and, in turn, the forces of chaos that threaten the established order. In the OT, the battle with the sea motif is applied to Yahweh’s victories over the forces of chaos at creation and in history (see Pss 74:13-14; 77:16-20; 89:9-10; Isa 51:9-10). Yahweh’s subjugation of the waters of chaos is related to his kingship (see Pss 29:3, 10; 93:3-4). Isa 27:1 applies imagery from Canaanite mythology to Yahweh’s eschatological victory over his enemies. Apocalyptic literature employs the imagery as well. The beasts of Dan 7 emerge from the sea, while Rev 13 speaks of a seven-headed beast coming from the sea. Here in Ps 74:13-14 the primary referent is unclear. The psalmist may be describing God’s creation of the world (note vv. 16-17 and see Ps 89:9-12), when he brought order out of a watery mass, or the exodus (see Isa 51:9-10), when he created Israel by destroying the Egyptians in the waters of the sea.
  85. Psalm 74:14 tn The prefixed verbal form is understood as a preterite in this narrational context.
  86. Psalm 74:14 sn You fed him to the people. This pictures the fragments of Leviathan’s dead corpse washing up on shore and being devoured by those who find them. If the exodus is in view, then it may allude to the bodies of the dead Egyptians which washed up on the shore of the Red Sea (see Exod 14:30).
  87. Psalm 74:15 sn You broke open the spring and the stream. Perhaps this alludes to the way in which God provided water for the Israelites as they traveled in the wilderness following the exodus (see Ps 78:15-16, 20; 105:41).
  88. Psalm 74:15 sn Perpetually flowing rivers are rivers that contain water year round, unlike the seasonal streams that flow only during the rainy season. Perhaps the psalmist here alludes to the drying up of the Jordan River when the Israelites entered the land of Canaan under Joshua (see Josh 3-4).
  89. Psalm 74:16 tn Heb “To you [is] day, also to you [is] night.”
  90. Psalm 74:16 tn Heb “[the] light.” Following the reference to “day and night” and in combination with “sun,” it is likely that the Hebrew term מָאוֹר (maʾor, “light”) refers here to the moon.
  91. Psalm 74:16 tn Heb “you established [the] light and [the] sun.”
  92. Psalm 74:17 tn This would appear to refer to geographical boundaries, such as mountains, rivers, and seacoasts. However, since the day-night cycle has just been mentioned (v. 16) and the next line speaks of the seasons, it is possible that “boundaries” here refers to the divisions of the seasons. See C. A. Briggs and E. G. Briggs, Psalms (ICC), 2:156.
  93. Psalm 74:17 tn Heb “summer and winter, you, you formed them.”
  94. Psalm 74:18 tn Heb “remember this.”
  95. Psalm 74:18 tn Or “[how] the enemy insults the Lord.”
  96. Psalm 74:19 sn Your dove. The psalmist compares weak and vulnerable Israel to a helpless dove.
  97. Psalm 74:19 tn Heb “do not forget forever.”
  98. Psalm 74:20 tc Heb “look at the covenant.” The LXX reads “your covenant,” which seems to assume a second person pronominal suffix, which would be written with ך (kaf). The suffix may have been accidentally omitted by haplography. Note that the following word, כִּי (ki), begins with כ (kaf) .
  99. Psalm 74:20 tn Heb “for the dark places of the earth are full of dwelling places of violence.” The “dark regions” are probably the lands where the people have been exiled (see C. A. Briggs and E. G. Briggs, Psalms [ICC], 2:157). In some contexts “dark regions” refers to Sheol (Ps 88:6) or to hiding places likened to Sheol (Ps 143:3; Lam 3:6).
  100. Psalm 74:21 sn Let the oppressed and poor praise your name. The statement is metonymic. The point is this: May the oppressed be delivered from their enemies. Then they will have ample reason to praise God’s name.
  101. Psalm 74:22 tn Or “defend your cause.”
  102. Psalm 74:22 tn Heb “remember your reproach from a fool all the day.”
  103. Psalm 74:23 tn Or “forget.”
  104. Psalm 74:23 tn Heb “the voice of your enemies.”
  105. Psalm 74:23 tn Heb “the roar of those who rise up against you, which ascends continually.”
  106. Psalm 75:1 sn Psalm 75. The psalmist celebrates God’s just rule, which guarantees that the godly will be vindicated and the wicked destroyed.
  107. Psalm 75:1 tn Heb “do not destroy.” Perhaps this refers to a particular style of music, a tune title, or a musical instrument. These words also appear in the superscription to Pss 57-59.
  108. Psalm 75:1 tn Heb “and near [is] your name.”
  109. Psalm 75:2 tn The words “God says” are not in the Hebrew text, but are supplied in the translation to clarify that God speaks in vv. 2-3.
  110. Psalm 75:2 tn Heb “when I take an appointed time.”
  111. Psalm 75:2 tn Heb “I, [in] fairness, I judge.” The statement is understood in a generalizing sense; God typically executes fair judgment as he governs the world. One could take this as referring to an anticipated (future) judgment, “I will judge.”
  112. Psalm 75:3 tn Heb “melt.”
  113. Psalm 75:3 tn The statement is understood in a generalizing sense; God typically prevents the world from being overrun by chaos. One could take this as referring to an anticipated event, “I will make its pillars secure.”
  114. Psalm 75:4 tn The identity of the speaker in vv. 4-6 is unclear. The present translation assumes that the psalmist, who also speaks in vv. 7-9 (where God/the Lord is spoken of in the third person) here addresses the proud and warns them of God’s judgment. The presence of כִּי (ki, “for”) at the beginning of both vv. 6-7 seems to indicate that vv. 4-9 are a unit. However, there is no formal indication of a new speaker in v. 4 (or in v. 10, where God appears to speak). Another option is to see God speaking in vv. 2-6 and v. 10 and to take only vv. 7-9 as the words of the psalmist. In this case one must interpret כִּי at the beginning of v. 7 in an asseverative or emphatic sense (“surely; indeed”).
  115. Psalm 75:4 tn Heb “do not lift up a horn.” The horn of an ox underlies the metaphor (see Deut 33:17; 1 Kgs 22:11; Ps 92:10). The horn of the wild ox is frequently a metaphor for military strength; the idiom “exalt/lift up the horn” signifies military victory (see 1 Sam 2:10; Pss 89:17, 24; 92:10; Lam 2:17). Here the idiom seems to refer to an arrogant attitude that assumes victory has been achieved.
  116. Psalm 75:5 tn Heb “do not lift up on high your horn.”
  117. Psalm 75:5 tn Heb “[do not] speak with unrestrained neck.” The negative particle is understood in this line by ellipsis (note the preceding line).sn The image behind the language of vv. 4-5 is that of a powerful wild ox that confidently raises its head before its enemies.
  118. Psalm 75:6 tn Heb “for not from the east or from the west, and not from the wilderness of the mountains.” If one follows this reading the sentence is elliptical. One must supply “does help come,” or some comparable statement. However, it is possible to take הָרִים (harim) as a Hiphil infinitive from רוּם (rum), the same verb used in vv. 4-5 of “lifting up” a horn. In this case one may translate the form as “victory.” In this case the point is that victory does not come from alliances with other nations.
  119. Psalm 75:7 tn Or “judges.”
  120. Psalm 75:7 tn The imperfects here emphasize the generalizing nature of the statement.
  121. Psalm 75:8 tn Heb “for a cup [is] in the hand of the Lord, and wine foams, it is full of a spiced drink.” The noun מֶסֶךְ (mesekh) refers to a “mixture” of wine and spices.
  122. Psalm 75:8 tn Heb “and he pours out from this.”
  123. Psalm 75:8 tn Heb “surely its dregs they slurp up and drink, all the wicked of the earth.”sn The psalmist pictures God as forcing the wicked to gulp down an intoxicating drink that will leave them stunned and vulnerable. Divine judgment is also depicted this way in Ps 60:3; Isa 51:17-23; Hab 2:16.
  124. Psalm 75:9 tn Heb “I will declare forever.” The object needs to be supplied; God’s just judgment is in view.
  125. Psalm 75:10 tn The words “God says” are not in the Hebrew text. They are supplied in the translation to clarify that God speaks in v. 10.
  126. Psalm 75:10 tn Heb “and all the horns of the wicked I will cut off, the horns of the godly will be lifted up.” The imagery of the wild ox’s horn is once more utilized (see vv. 4-5).
  127. Psalm 76:1 sn Psalm 76. The psalmist depicts God as a mighty warrior who destroys Israel’s enemies.
  128. Psalm 76:1 tn Or “God is known in Judah.”
  129. Psalm 76:1 tn Heb “name,” which here stands metonymically for God’s reputation.
  130. Psalm 76:2 sn Salem is a shorter name for Jerusalem (see Gen 14:18).
  131. Psalm 76:2 tn Heb “and his place of refuge is in Salem, and his lair in Zion.” God may be likened here to a lion (see v. 4).
  132. Psalm 76:3 tn Heb “flames of the bow,” i.e., arrows.
  133. Psalm 76:3 tn Heb “shield and sword and battle.” “Battle” probably here stands by metonymy for the weapons of war in This verse may allude to the miraculous defeat of the Assyrians in 701 b.c. (see Isa 36-37).
  134. Psalm 76:4 tn Heb “radiant [are] you, majestic from the hills of prey.” God is depicted as a victorious king and as a lion that has killed its victims.
  135. Psalm 76:5 tn Heb “strong of heart.” In Isa 46:12, the only other text where this phrase appears, it refers to those who are stubborn, but here it seems to describe brave warriors (see the next line).
  136. Psalm 76:5 tn The verb is a rare Aramaized form of the Hitpolel (see GKC 149 §54.a, n. 2); the root is שָׁלַל (shalal, “to plunder”).
  137. Psalm 76:5 tn Heb “they slept [in] their sleep.” “Sleep” here refers to the “sleep” of death. A number of modern translations take the phrase to refer to something less than death, however: NASB “cast into a deep sleep”; NEB “fall senseless”; NIV “lie still”; NRSV “lay stunned.”
  138. Psalm 76:5 tn Heb “and all the men of strength did not find their hands.”
  139. Psalm 76:6 tn Heb “from your shout.” The noun is derived from the Hebrew verb גָּעַר (gaʿar), which is often understood to mean “rebuke.” In some cases it is apparent that scolding or threatening is in view (see Gen 37:10; Ruth 2:16; Zech 3:2). However, in militaristic contexts this translation is inadequate, for the verb refers in this setting to the warrior’s battle cry, which terrifies and paralyzes the enemy. See A. Caquot, TDOT 3:53, and note the use of the verb in Pss 68:30; 106:9; Nah 1:4, as well as the related noun in Job 26:11; Pss 9:5; 18:15; 104:7; Isa 50:2; 51:20; 66:15.
  140. Psalm 76:6 tn Or “chariot,” but even so the term is metonymic for the charioteer.
  141. Psalm 76:6 tn Heb “he fell asleep, and [the] chariot and [the] horse.” Once again (see v. 5) “sleep” refers here to the “sleep” of death.
  142. Psalm 76:7 tc Heb “and who can stand before you from the time of your anger?” The Hebrew expression מֵאָז (meʾaz, “from the time of”) is better emended to מֵאֹז (meʾoz, “from [i.e., “because of”] the strength of your anger”; see Ps 90:11).
  143. Psalm 76:8 tn Heb “a [legal] decision,” or “sentence.”
  144. Psalm 76:8 tn “The earth” stands here by metonymy for its inhabitants.
  145. Psalm 76:10 tn Or “for.”
  146. Psalm 76:10 tn Heb “the anger of men will praise you.” This could mean that men’s anger (subjective genitive), when punished by God, will bring him praise, but this interpretation does not harmonize well with the next line. The translation assumes that God’s anger is in view here (see v. 7) and that “men” is an objective genitive. God’s angry judgment against men brings him praise because it reveals his power and majesty (see vv. 1-4).
  147. Psalm 76:10 tn Heb “the rest of anger you put on.” The meaning of the statement is not entirely clear. Perhaps the idea is that God, as he prepares for battle, girds himself with every last ounce of his anger, as if it were a weapon.
  148. Psalm 76:11 tn The phrase “all those who surround him” may refer to the surrounding nations (v. 12 may favor this), but in Ps 89:7 the phrase refers to God’s heavenly assembly.
  149. Psalm 76:12 tn Heb “he reduces the spirit of princes.” According to HALOT 148 s.v. II בצר, the Hebrew verb בָּצַר (batsar) is here a hapax legomenon meaning “reduce, humble.” The statement is generalizing, with the imperfect tense highlighting God’s typical behavior.
  150. Psalm 76:12 tn Heb “[he is] awesome to the kings of the earth.”
  151. Psalm 77:1 sn Psalm 77. The psalmist recalls how he suffered through a time of doubt, but tells how he found encouragement and hope as he recalled the way in which God delivered Israel at the Red Sea.
  152. Psalm 77:1 tn Heb “my voice to God.” The Hebrew verb קָרָא (qaraʾ, “to call out; to cry out”) should probably be understood by ellipsis (see Ps 3:4) both here and in the following (parallel) line.
  153. Psalm 77:1 tn The perfect with vav (ו) consecutive is best taken as future here (although some translations render this as a past tense; cf. NEB, NIV). The psalmist expresses his confidence that God will respond to his prayer. This mood of confidence seems premature (see vv. 3-4), but v. 1 probably reflects the psalmist’s attitude at the end of the prayer (see vv. 13-20). Having opened with an affirmation of confidence, he then retraces how he gained confidence during his trial (see vv. 2-12).
  154. Psalm 77:2 tn Here the psalmist refers back to the very recent past, when he began to pray for divine help.
  155. Psalm 77:2 tn Heb “my hand [at] night was extended and was not growing numb.” The verb נָגַר (nagar), which can mean “flow” in certain contexts, here has the nuance “be extended.” The imperfect form (תָפוּג, tafug, “to be numb”) is used here to describe continuous action in the past.
  156. Psalm 77:2 tn Or “my soul.” The Hebrew term נֶפֶשׁ (nefesh) with a pronominal suffix is often equivalent to a pronoun, especially in poetry (see BDB 660 s.v. נֶפֶשׁ 4.a).
  157. Psalm 77:3 tn Heb “I will remember God and I will groan, I will reflect and my spirit will grow faint.” The first three verbs are cohortatives, the last a perfect with vav (ו) consecutive. The psalmist’s statement in v. 4 could be understood as concurrent with v. 1, or, more likely, as a quotation of what he had said earlier as he prayed to God (see v. 2). The words “I said” are supplied in the translation at the beginning of the verse to reflect this interpretation (see v. 10).
  158. Psalm 77:4 tn Heb “you held fast the guards of my eyes.” The “guards of the eyes” apparently refers to his eyelids. The psalmist seems to be saying that God would not bring him relief, which would have allowed him to shut his eyes and get some sleep (see v. 2).
  159. Psalm 77:4 tn The imperfect is used in the second clause to emphasize that this was an ongoing condition in the past.
  160. Psalm 77:5 tn Heb “the years of antiquity.”
  161. Psalm 77:6 tn Heb “I will remember my song in the night, with my heart I will reflect. And my spirit searched.” As in v. 4, the words of v. 6a are understood as what the psalmist said earlier. Consequently the words “I said” are supplied in the translation for clarification (see v. 10). The prefixed verbal form with vav (ו) consecutive at the beginning of the final line is taken as sequential to the perfect “I thought” in v. 6.
  162. Psalm 77:7 tn As in vv. 4 and 6a, the words of vv. 7-9 are understood as a quotation of what the psalmist said earlier. Therefore the words “I asked” are supplied in the translation for clarification.
  163. Psalm 77:8 tn Heb “word,” which may refer here to God’s word of promise (note the reference to “loyal love” in the preceding line).
  164. Psalm 77:10 sn The divine title “Most High” (עֶלְיוֹן, ʿelyon) pictures God as the exalted ruler of the universe who vindicates the innocent and judges the wicked. See especially Pss 7:17; 9:2; 18:13; 21:7; 47:2.
  165. Psalm 77:10 tc Heb “And I said, ‘This is my wounding, the changing of the right hand of the Most High.’” The form חַלּוֹתִי (khalloti) appears to be a Qal infinitive construct (with a first person singular pronominal suffix) from the verbal root חָלַל (khalal, “to pierce; to wound”). The present translation assumes an emendation to חֲלוֹתִי (khaloti), a Qal infinitive construct (with a first person singular pronominal suffix) from the verbחָלָה (khalah, “be sick, weak”). The form שְׁנוֹת (shenot) is understood as a Qal infinitive construct from שָׁנָה (shanah, “to change”) rather than a plural noun form, “years” (see v. 5). “Right hand” here symbolizes by metonymy God’s power and activity. The psalmist observes that his real problem is theological in nature. His experience suggests that the sovereign Lord has abandoned him and become inactive. However, this goes against the grain of his most cherished beliefs.
  166. Psalm 77:11 tn Heb “yes, I will remember from old your wonders.”sn The psalmist refuses to allow skepticism to win out. God has revealed himself to his people in tangible, incontrovertible ways in the past and the psalmist vows to remember the historical record as a source of hope for the future.
  167. Psalm 77:13 sn Verses 13-20 are the content of the psalmist’s reflection (see vv. 11-12). As he thought about God’s work in Israel’s past, he reached the place where he could confidently cry out for God’s help (see v. 1).
  168. Psalm 77:13 tn Heb “O God, in holiness [is] your way.” God’s “way” here refers to his actions. “Holiness” is used here in the sense of “set apart, unique,” rather than in a moral/ethical sense. As the next line and the next verse emphasize, God’s deeds are incomparable and set him apart as the one true God.
  169. Psalm 77:13 tn Heb “Who [is] a great god like God?” The rhetorical question assumes the answer, “No one!”
  170. Psalm 77:15 tn Or “redeemed.”
  171. Psalm 77:15 tn Heb “with [your] arm.”
  172. Psalm 77:16 tn The waters of the Red Sea are here personified; they are portrayed as seeing God and fearing him.
  173. Psalm 77:16 tn The prefixed verbal form may be taken as a preterite or as an imperfect with past progressive force.
  174. Psalm 77:16 tn The words “of the sea” are supplied in the translation for stylistic reasons.
  175. Psalm 77:16 tn The prefixed verbal form may be taken as a preterite or as an imperfect with past progressive force.
  176. Psalm 77:17 tn Heb “water.”
  177. Psalm 77:17 tn Heb “a sound the clouds gave.”
  178. Psalm 77:17 tn The lightning accompanying the storm is portrayed as the Lord’s “arrows” (see v. 18).
  179. Psalm 77:18 tn The prefixed verbal form may be taken as a preterite or as an imperfect with past progressive Verses 16-18 depict the Lord coming in the storm to battle his enemies and subdue the sea. There is no record of such a storm in the historical account of the Red Sea crossing. The language the psalmist uses here is stereotypical and originates in Canaanite myth, where the storm god Baal subdues the sea in his quest for kingship. The psalmist has employed the stereotypical imagery to portray the exodus vividly and at the same time affirm that it is not Baal who subdues the sea, but Yahweh.
  180. Psalm 77:19 tn Heb “in the sea [was] your way.”
  181. Psalm 77:19 tn Heb “and your paths [were] in the mighty waters.”
  182. Psalm 77:19 tn Heb “and your footprints were not known.”
  183. Psalm 78:1 sn Psalm 78. The author of this lengthy didactic psalm rehearses Israel’s history. He praises God for his power, goodness and patience, but also reminds his audience that sin angers God and prompts his judgment. In the conclusion to the psalm the author elevates Jerusalem as God’s chosen city and David as his chosen king.
  184. Psalm 78:1 tn The meaning of the Hebrew term מַשְׂכִּיל (maskil) is uncertain. See the note on the phrase “well-written song” in the superscription of Ps 74.
  185. Psalm 78:1 tn Heb “Turn your ear to the words of my mouth.”
  186. Psalm 78:2 tn Heb “I will open with a wise saying my mouth, I will utter insightful sayings from long ago.” Elsewhere the Hebrew word pair חִידָה + מָשָׁל (mashal + khidah) refers to a taunt song (Hab 2:6), a parable (Ezek 17:2), proverbial sayings (Prov 1:6), and an insightful song that reflects on the mortality of humankind and the ultimate inability of riches to prevent death (Ps 49:4).
  187. Psalm 78:3 tn Or “known.”
  188. Psalm 78:3 tn Heb “fathers” (also in vv. 5, 8, 12, 57).
  189. Psalm 78:4 tn The pronominal suffix refers back to the “fathers” (“our ancestors,” v. 3).
  190. Psalm 78:4 tn Heb “to a following generation telling the praises of the Lord.” “Praises” stand by metonymy for the mighty acts that prompt worship. Cf. Ps 9:14.
  191. Psalm 78:5 tn The Hebrew noun עֵדוּת (ʿedut) refers here to God’s command that the older generation teach their children about God’s mighty deeds in the nation’s history (see Exod 10:2; Deut 4:9; 6:20-25).
  192. Psalm 78:5 tn Heb “which he commanded our fathers to make them known to their sons.” The plural suffix “them” probably refers back to the Lord’s mighty deeds (see vv. 3-4).
  193. Psalm 78:6 tn Heb “in order that they might know, a following generation, sons [who] will be born, they will arise and will tell to their sons.”
  194. Psalm 78:7 tn Heb “keep.”
  195. Psalm 78:8 tn Heb “a generation that did not make firm its heart and whose spirit was not faithful with God.” The expression “make firm the heart” means “to be committed, devoted” (see 1 Sam 7:3).
  196. Psalm 78:9 tn Heb “the sons of Ephraim.” Ephraim probably stands here by synecdoche (part for whole) for the northern kingdom of Israel.
  197. Psalm 78:9 tn Heb “ones armed, shooters of bow.” It is possible that the term נוֹשְׁקֵי (nosheqey, “ones armed [with]”) is an interpretive gloss for the rare רוֹמֵי (rome, “shooters of”; on the latter see BDB 941 s.v. I רָמָה). The phrase נוֹשְׁקֵי קֶשֶׁת (nosheqe qeshet, “ones armed with a bow”) appears in 1 Chr 12:2; 2 Chr 17:17.
  198. Psalm 78:9 sn They retreated. This could refer to the northern tribes’ failure to conquer completely their allotted territory (see Judg 1), or it could refer generally to the typical consequence (military defeat) of their sin (see vv. 10-11).
  199. Psalm 78:10 tn Heb “the covenant of God.”
  200. Psalm 78:10 tn Heb “walk in.”
  201. Psalm 78:11 tn Heb “his deeds.”
  202. Psalm 78:12 sn The region of Zoan was located in the Egyptian delta, where the enslaved Israelites lived (see Num 13:22; Isa 19:11, 13; 30:4; Ezek 30:14).
  203. Psalm 78:15 tn Heb “and caused them to drink, like the depths, abundantly.”
  204. Psalm 78:17 sn The divine title “Most High” (עֶלְיוֹן ʿelyon) pictures God as the exalted ruler of the universe who vindicates the innocent and judges the wicked. See especially Pss 7:17; 9:2; 18:13; 21:7; 47:2.
  205. Psalm 78:18 tn Heb “and they tested God in their heart.” The “heart” is viewed here as the center of their volition.
  206. Psalm 78:19 tn Heb “they spoke against God, they said.”
  207. Psalm 78:19 tn Heb “to arrange a table [for food].”
  208. Psalm 78:20 tn Heb “look.”
  209. Psalm 78:21 tn Heb “therefore.”
  210. Psalm 78:21 tn Heb “and also anger went up.”
  211. Psalm 78:22 tn Heb “and they did not trust his deliverance.”
  212. Psalm 78:24 sn Manna was apparently shaped like a seed (Exod 16:31), perhaps explaining why it is here compared to grain.
  213. Psalm 78:25 sn Because of the reference to “heaven” in the preceding verse, it is likely that mighty ones refers here to the angels of heaven. The LXX translates “angels” here, as do a number of modern translations (NEB, NIV, NRSV).
  214. Psalm 78:25 tn Heb “provision he sent to them to satisfaction.”
  215. Psalm 78:27 tn Heb “and like the sand of the seas winged birds.”
  216. Psalm 78:29 tn Heb “and they ate and were extremely filled.” The verb שָׂבַע (savaʿ, “be satisfied, full”) is often used of eating and/or drinking one’s fill, to have had fully enough and want no more. See BDB 959 s.v. שָׂבַע. In some cases it means to have had more than enough of something (cf. Prov 25:17; Isa 1:11). Here the use of מְאֹד (meʾod, “very”) and the context of the account indicate they felt filled beyond capacity.
  217. Psalm 78:30 tn Heb “they were not separated from their desire.”
  218. Psalm 78:32 tn Heb “and did not believe in his amazing deeds.”
  219. Psalm 78:33 tn Heb “and he ended in vanity their days.”
  220. Psalm 78:33 tn Heb “and their years in terror.”
  221. Psalm 78:34 tn Or “killed them,” that is, killed large numbers of them.
  222. Psalm 78:34 tn Heb “they sought him.”
  223. Psalm 78:35 tn Heb “my high rocky summit.”
  224. Psalm 78:35 sn The divine title “Most High” (עֶלְיוֹן ʿelyon) pictures God as the exalted ruler of the universe who vindicates the innocent and judges the wicked. See especially Pss 7:17; 9:2; 18:13; 21:7; 47:2.
  225. Psalm 78:35 tn Heb “redeemer”
  226. Psalm 78:36 tn Heb “with their mouth.”
  227. Psalm 78:36 tn Heb “and with their tongue they lied to him.”
  228. Psalm 78:37 tn Heb “and their heart was not firm with him.”
  229. Psalm 78:38 tn One could translate v. 38 in the past tense (“he was compassionate…forgave sin and did not destroy…held back his anger, and did not stir up his fury”), but the imperfect verbal forms are probably best understood as generalizing. Verse 38 steps back briefly from the narrational summary of Israel’s history and lays the theological basis for v. 39, which focuses on God’s mercy toward sinful Israel.
  230. Psalm 78:39 tn The prefixed verbal form with vav (ו) consecutive signals a return to the narrative.
  231. Psalm 78:39 tn Heb “and he remembered that they [were] flesh, a wind [that] goes and does not return.”
  232. Psalm 78:40 tn Or “caused him pain.”
  233. Psalm 78:41 tn Heb “and they returned and tested God.” The Hebrew verb שׁוּב (shuv, “to return”) is used here in an adverbial sense to indicate that an earlier action was repeated.
  234. Psalm 78:41 tn Or “wounded, hurt.” The verb occurs only here in the OT.
  235. Psalm 78:41 sn The basic sense of the word “holy” is “set apart from that which is commonplace, special, unique.” The Lord’s holiness is first and foremost his transcendent sovereignty as the ruler of the world. He is “set apart” from the world over which he rules. At the same time his holiness encompasses his moral authority, which derives from his royal position. As king he has the right to dictate to his subjects how they are to live; indeed his very own character sets the standard for proper behavior. This expression is a common title for the Lord in the book of Isaiah.
  236. Psalm 78:42 tn Heb “his hand,” symbolizing his saving activity and strength, as the next line makes clear.
  237. Psalm 78:42 tn Heb “[the] day [in] which he ransomed them from [the] enemy.”
  238. Psalm 78:43 tn Or “signs” (see Ps 65:8).
  239. Psalm 78:43 tn Or “portents, omens” (see Ps 71:7). The Egyptian plagues are referred to here (see vv. 44-51).
  240. Psalm 78:45 tn Heb “and he sent an insect swarm against them and it devoured them.”
  241. Psalm 78:45 tn Heb “and a swarm of frogs and it destroyed them.”
  242. Psalm 78:48 tn Heb “and he turned over to the hail their cattle.”
  243. Psalm 78:48 tn Heb “and their livestock to the flames.” “Flames” here refer to the lightning bolts that accompanied the storm.
  244. Psalm 78:49 tn Heb “he sent against them the rage of his anger.” The phrase “rage of his anger” employs an appositional genitive. Synonyms are joined in a construct relationship to emphasize the single idea. For a detailed discussion of the grammatical point with numerous examples, see Y. Avishur, “Pairs of Synonymous Words in the Construct State (and in Appositional Hendiadys) in Biblical Hebrew,” Semitics 2 (1971): 17-81.
  245. Psalm 78:49 tn Heb “fury and indignation and trouble, a sending of messengers of disaster.”