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Blog / God’s Justice Bible at The Justice Conference

God’s Justice Bible at The Justice Conference

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The annual Justice Conference (#justice16) was held in Chicago, Illinois in June. Its vision is to serve the discovery of ideas, celebrate the beauty of justice, and foster a community of people who live justice together.

During the conference, a commissioning service was held for the new NIV God’s Justice: The Holy Bible (Zondervan, 2016) (Bible website).

[Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, God’s Justice: The Holy Bible—An Interview with Tim Stafford]

Buy your copy of NIV God's Justice: The Holy Bible in the Bible Gateway Store

God’s justice—his “setting things right”—is a foundational principle of the Bible. His plan for justice to triumph is traced from Genesis to Revelation, and as a theme it forms the backbone of Scripture.

Designed to inform and inspire, NIV God’s Justice: The Holy Bible carefully addresses the timeless and universal issues around injustice. Written by a team of 57 international scholars and writers who bring a global perspective to these issues, NIV God’s Justice: The Holy Bible is designed to fire readers’ passion for social justice and take positive steps to bring justice issues to light in their own circle of influence. The writers come from every continent, representing organizations such as the International Justice Mission, Compassion and World Vision. Well-Known UK and US contributors include Kirsh Kandiah, Tim Stafford, Andy Crouch, Ron Sider, and Joel Edwards. Their study notes are on passages that speak to the problems of injustice in the world (governmental oppression, human trafficking, slavery, financial inequality, and more) and how God’s overall plan is to restore his creation.

Watch the complete playlist from which the above videos are taken.

Watch 7 brief videos on the subject: Why Justice Matters to God

Below is a 7-day devotional reading and prayer guide created to support the family and friends of loved ones answering God’s call of discipleship—devotions based on NIV God’s Justice: The Holy Bible :

Below is “See God’s Heart. Be His Hands.” This is a 20-day series of devotions preparing you to go on a mission trip. For many people, the unknowns of travel and the uncertainties of encountering other cultures may be frightening. This series aims to focus your thinking away from anxiety or uncertainty, and toward the confidence and assurance you can gain from God’s perspective. This reading plan was written by Christianity Today editor-at-large Tim Stafford

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Filed under Bible, Culture, Discipleship, Editions, Video