Mostrando resultados 1-25 of 204 for “abraham”

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    AMALEK : Probably not the ancestor of the Amalekites mentioned in time of Abraham (Genesis 14:7)
    AMORITES : Struck down by Chedorlaomer and rescued by Abraham (Genesis 14)
    CANAANITES : Isaac forbidden by Abraham to take a wife from (Genesis 28:1)
    CHIDING : Pharaoh chides Abraham, for calling his wife his sister (Genesis 12:18,19)
    CHIDING : Abimelech chides Abraham for a like offense (Genesis 9:10)
    CONDESCENSION OF GOD : Indulges Abraham's intercession for Sodom (Genesis 18:23-33)
    CONTRACTS : Between Abraham and Abimelech, concerning wells of water (Genesis 21:25-32)
    HAGAR : A servant of Abraham and handmaiden of Sarah
    HAGAR : Given by Sarah to Abraham to be his wife (Genesis 16)