Topical Index search results chevron-right "sabbath%2C+%22seventh+day%22"
Showing results 1-25 of 88 for “sabbath, "seventh day"”

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    CIRCUMCISION : Rite of, observed on the Sabbath ( 1 John 7:23)
    DAY : Sabbath day's journey, about two-thousand paces (Acts 1:12)
    ETHANIM : (The seventh month (October))
    GOAT : Regulations of Mosaic law required that a baby goat should not be killed for food before it was eight days old (Leviticus 22:27)
    HIN : A measure for liquids, and containing one-sixth or one-seventh of a bath. Jewish authorities disagree as to the exact capacity. Probably equivalent to about one gallon one quart, or one gallon and a half-quart (Exodus 29:40; Leviticus 19:36;23:13)
    ISRAEL : Zimri, seven days
    JOEL : One of the twelve minor prophets, probably lived in the days of Uzziah (Joel 1:1; Acts 2:16)
    LAND : To rest every seventh year for the benefit of the poor people (Exodus 23:11)
    MEASURE : A Sabbath day's journey, two thousand paces (Acts 1:12)
    MOURNING : The Egyptians mourned for Jacob for seventy days (Genesis 50:1-3)
    MOURNING : The Israelites mourned for Aaron for thirty days (Numbers 20:29)