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Revised Common Lectionary (Semicontinuous)

Daily Bible readings that follow the church liturgical year, with sequential stories told across multiple weeks.
Duration: 1245 days
New English Translation (NET)
Psalm 125

Psalm 125[a]

A song of ascents.[b]

125 Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion,
which cannot be moved and will endure forever.
As the mountains surround Jerusalem,
so the Lord surrounds his people,
now and forevermore.
Indeed,[c] the scepter of a wicked king[d] will not settle[e]
upon the allotted land of the godly.
Otherwise the godly
might do what is wrong.[f]
Do good, O Lord, to those who are good,
to the morally upright.[g]
As for those who are bent on traveling a sinful path,[h]
may the Lord remove them,[i] along with those who behave wickedly.[j]
May Israel experience peace.[k]

Proverbs 4:10-27

10 Listen, my child,[a] and accept my words,
so that[b] the years of your life will be many.[c]
11 I hereby guide you[d] in the way of wisdom
and I lead you in upright paths.[e]
12 When you walk, your steps[f] will not be hampered,[g]
and when you run,[h] you will not stumble.
13 Hold on to instruction,[i] do not let it go;
protect it,[j] because it is your life.
14 Do not enter the path of the wicked
or walk[k] in the way of those who are evil.
15 Avoid it, do not go on it;
turn away from it, and go on.[l]
16 For they cannot sleep[m] unless they cause harm;[n]
they are robbed of sleep[o] until they make someone stumble.[p]
17 Indeed they have eaten[q] bread gained from wickedness[r]
and drink[s] wine obtained from violence.[t]
18 But the path of the righteous is like the bright morning light,[u]
growing brighter and brighter[v] until full day.[w]
19 The way of the wicked is like gloomy darkness;
they do not know what they stumble over.[x]

20 My child, pay attention to my words;
listen attentively[y] to my sayings.
21 Do not let them depart[z] from your sight,
guard[aa] them within your heart;[ab]
22 for they are life to those who find them
and healing to one’s entire body.[ac]
23 Guard your heart[ad] with all vigilance,[ae]
for from it are the sources[af] of life.
24 Remove perverse speech[ag] from your mouth;[ah]
keep devious talk far from your lips.[ai]
25 Let your eyes look directly[aj] in front of you
and let your gaze[ak] look straight before you.
26 Make the path for your feet[al] level,[am]
so that[an] all your ways may be established.[ao]
27 Do not turn[ap] to the right or to the left;
turn yourself[aq] away from evil.[ar]

Romans 2:12-16

12 For all who have sinned apart from the law[a] will also perish apart from the law, and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law. 13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous before God, but those who do the law will be declared righteous.[b] 14 For whenever the Gentiles,[c] who do not have the law, do by nature[d] the things required by the law,[e] these who do not have the law are a law to themselves. 15 They[f] show that the work of the law is written[g] in their hearts, as their conscience bears witness and their conflicting thoughts accuse or else defend[h] them,[i] 16 on the day when God will judge[j] the secrets of human hearts,[k] according to my gospel[l] through Christ Jesus.

New English Translation (NET)

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