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M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan

The classic M'Cheyne plan--read the Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms or Gospels every day.
Duration: 365 days
Good News Translation (GNT)
Leviticus 6

(A)The Lord gave the following regulations to Moses. An offering is to be made if any of you sin against the Lord by refusing to return what another Israelite has left as a deposit or by stealing something from him or by cheating him or by lying about something that has been lost and swearing that you did not find it. 4-5 When you sin in any of these ways, you must repay whatever you got by dishonest means. On the day you are found guilty, you must repay the owner in full, plus an additional 20 percent. You shall bring to the priest as your repayment offering to the Lord a male sheep or goat without any defects. Its value is to be determined according to the official standard. The priest shall offer the sacrifice for your sin, and you will be forgiven.

Sacrifices Burned Whole

The Lord commanded Moses to give Aaron and his sons the following regulations for burnt offerings. A burnt offering is to be left on the altar all night long, and the fire is to be kept burning. 10 Then the priest, wearing his linen robe and linen shorts, shall remove the greasy ashes left on the altar and put them at the side of the altar. 11 Then he shall change his clothes and take the ashes outside the camp to a ritually clean place. 12 The fire on the altar must be kept burning and never allowed to go out. Every morning the priest shall put firewood on it, arrange the burnt offering on it, and burn the fat of the fellowship offering. 13 The fire must always be kept burning on the altar and never allowed to go out.

Grain Offerings

14 The following are the regulations for grain offerings. An Aaronite priest shall present the grain offering to the Lord in front of the altar. 15 Then he shall take a handful of the flour and oil, and the incense on it, and burn it on the altar as a token that all of it has been offered to the Lord. The odor of this offering is pleasing to the Lord. 16-17 The priests shall eat the rest of it. It shall be made into bread baked without yeast and eaten in a holy place, the courtyard of the Tent of the Lord's presence. The Lord has given it to the priests as their part of the food offerings. It is very holy, like the sin offerings and the repayment offerings. 18 For all time to come any of the male descendants of Aaron may eat it as their continuing share of the food offered to the Lord. Anyone else who touches a food offering will be harmed by the power of its holiness.

19 The Lord gave Moses the following regulations 20 for the ordination of an Aaronite priest. On the day he is ordained, he shall present as an offering to the Lord two pounds of flour (the same amount as the daily grain offering), half in the morning and half in the evening. 21 It is to be mixed with oil and cooked on a griddle and then crumbled and presented as a grain offering, an odor pleasing to the Lord. 22 For all time to come this offering is to be made by every descendant of Aaron who is serving as High Priest. It shall be completely burned as a sacrifice to the Lord. 23 No part of a grain offering that a priest makes may be eaten; all of it must be burned.

Sin Offerings

24 The Lord commanded Moses 25 to give Aaron and his sons the following regulations for sin offerings. The animal for a sin offering shall be killed on the north side of the altar, where the animals for the burnt offerings are killed. This is a very holy offering. 26 The priest who sacrifices the animal shall eat it in a holy place, the courtyard of the Tent of the Lord's presence. 27 Anyone or anything that touches the flesh of the animal will be harmed by the power of its holiness. If any article of clothing is spattered with the animal's blood, it must be washed in a holy place. 28 Any clay pot in which the meat is boiled must be broken, and if a metal pot is used, it must be scrubbed and rinsed with water. 29 Any male of the priestly families may eat this offering; it is very holy. 30 But if any of the blood is brought into the Tent and used in the ritual to take away sin, the animal must not be eaten; it must be burned.

Psalm 5-6

A Prayer for Protection[a]

Listen to my words, O Lord,
    and hear my sighs.
Listen to my cry for help,
    my God and king!

I pray to you, O Lord;
    you hear my voice in the morning;
at sunrise I offer my prayer[b]
    and wait for your answer.

You are not a God who is pleased with wrongdoing;
    you allow no evil in your presence.
You cannot stand the sight of the proud;
    you hate all wicked people.
You destroy all liars
    and despise violent, deceitful people.

But because of your great love
    I can come into your house;
I can worship in your holy Temple
    and bow down to you in reverence.
Lord, I have so many enemies!
    Lead me to do your will;
    make your way plain for me to follow.

(A)What my enemies say can never be trusted;
    they only want to destroy.
Their words are flattering and smooth,
    but full of deadly deceit.
10 Condemn and punish them, O God;
    may their own plots cause their ruin.
Drive them out of your presence
    because of their many sins
    and their rebellion against you.

11 But all who find safety in you will rejoice;
    they can always sing for joy.
Protect those who love you;
    because of you they are truly happy.
12 You bless those who obey you, Lord;
    your love protects them like a shield.

A Prayer for Help in Time of Trouble[c]

(B)Lord, don't be angry and rebuke me!
    Don't punish me in your anger!
I am worn out, O Lord; have pity on me!
    Give me strength; I am completely exhausted
    and my whole being is deeply troubled.
How long, O Lord, will you wait to help me?

Come and save me, Lord;
    in your mercy rescue me from death.
In the world of the dead you are not remembered;
    no one can praise you there.

I am worn out with grief;
    every night my bed is damp from my weeping;
    my pillow is soaked with tears.
I can hardly see;
    my eyes are so swollen
    from the weeping caused by my enemies.

(C)Keep away from me, you evil people!
The Lord hears my weeping;
    he listens to my cry for help
    and will answer my prayer.
10 My enemies will know the bitter shame of defeat;
    in sudden confusion they will be driven away.

Proverbs 21

21 The Lord controls the mind of a king as easily as he directs the course of a stream.

You may think that everything you do is right, but remember that the Lord judges your motives.

Do what is right and fair; that pleases the Lord more than bringing him sacrifices.

Wicked people are controlled by their conceit and arrogance, and this is sinful.

Plan carefully and you will have plenty; if you act too quickly, you will never have enough.

The riches you get by dishonesty soon disappear, but not before they lead you into the jaws of death.

The wicked are doomed by their own violence; they refuse to do what is right.

Guilty people walk a crooked path; the innocent do what is right.

(A)Better to live on the roof than share the house with a nagging wife.

10 Wicked people are always hungry for evil; they have no mercy on anyone.

11 When someone who is conceited gets his punishment, even an unthinking person learns a lesson. One who is wise will learn from what he is taught.

12 God, the righteous one, knows what goes on in the homes of the wicked, and he will bring the wicked down to ruin.

13 If you refuse to listen to the cry of the poor, your own cry for help will not be heard.

14 If someone is angry with you, a gift given secretly will calm him down.

15 When justice is done, good people are happy, but evil people are brought to despair.

16 Death is waiting for anyone who wanders away from good sense.

17 Indulging in luxuries, wine, and rich food will never make you wealthy.

18 The wicked bring on themselves the suffering they try to cause good people.

19 Better to live out in the desert than with a nagging, complaining wife.

20 Wise people live in wealth and luxury, but stupid people spend their money as fast as they get it.

21 Be kind and honest and you will live a long life; others will respect you and treat you fairly.

22 A shrewd general can take a city defended by strong men, and destroy the walls they relied on.

23 If you want to stay out of trouble, be careful what you say.

24 Show me a conceited person and I will show you someone who is arrogant, proud, and inconsiderate.

25 Lazy people who refuse to work are only killing themselves; 26 all they do is think about what they would like to have. The righteous, however, can give, and give generously.

27 (B)The Lord hates it when wicked people offer him sacrifices, especially if they do it from evil motives.

28 The testimony of a liar is not believed, but the word of someone who thinks matters through is accepted.

29 Righteous people are sure of themselves; the wicked have to pretend as best they can.

30 Human wisdom, brilliance, insight—they are of no help if the Lord is against you.

31 You can get horses ready for battle, but it is the Lord who gives victory.

Colossians 4

(A)Masters, be fair and just in the way you treat your slaves. Remember that you too have a Master in heaven.


Be persistent in prayer, and keep alert as you pray, giving thanks to God. At the same time pray also for us, so that God will give us a good opportunity to preach his message about the secret of Christ. For that is why I am now in prison. Pray, then, that I may speak, as I should, in such a way as to make it clear.

(B)Be wise in the way you act toward those who are not believers, making good use of every opportunity you have. (C)Your speech should always be pleasant and interesting, and you should know how to give the right answer to everyone.

Final Greetings

(D)Our dear friend Tychicus, who is a faithful worker and fellow servant in the Lord's work, will give you all the news about me. That is why I am sending him to you, in order to cheer you up by telling you how all of us are getting along. (E)With him goes Onesimus, that dear and faithful friend, who belongs to your group. They will tell you everything that is happening here.

10 (F)Aristarchus, who is in prison with me, sends you greetings, and so does Mark, the cousin of Barnabas. (You have already received instructions to welcome Mark if he comes your way.) 11 Joshua, also called Justus, sends greetings too. These three are the only Jewish believers who work with me for the Kingdom of God, and they have been a great help to me.

12 (G)Greetings from Epaphras, another member of your group and a servant of Christ Jesus. He always prays fervently for you, asking God to make you stand firm, as mature and fully convinced Christians, in complete obedience to God's will. 13 I can personally testify to his hard work for you and for the people in Laodicea and Hierapolis. 14 (H)Luke, our dear doctor, and Demas send you their greetings.

15 Give our best wishes to the believers in Laodicea and to Nympha and the church that meets in her house.[a] 16 After you read this letter, make sure that it is read also in the church at Laodicea. At the same time, you are to read the letter that the believers in Laodicea will send you. 17 (I)And tell Archippus, “Be sure to finish the task you were given in the Lord's service.”

18 With my own hand I write this: Greetings from Paul Do not forget my chains!

May God's grace be with you.

Good News Translation (GNT)

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