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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

Today's audio is from the CSB. Switch to the CSB to read along with the audio.

Names of God Bible (NOG)
Deuteronomy 29-30

Israel’s Past, Present, and Future

29 [a]These are the terms of the promise[b] that Yahweh commanded Moses to give to the Israelites in Moab. This was in addition to the promise Yahweh gave them at Mount Horeb.

Moses summoned all the people of Israel and said to them:

You’ve seen with your own eyes everything that Yahweh did in Egypt to Pharaoh, to all his officials, and to his whole country. You also saw those terrible plagues, those miraculous signs, and those spectacular, amazing things. But to this day Yahweh hasn’t given you a mind that understands, eyes that see, or ears that hear. For 40 years I led you through the desert. During that time your clothes and shoes never wore out. You ate no bread and drank no wine or liquor. I did this so that you would know that I am Yahweh your Elohim.

When you came to this place, King Sihon of Heshbon and King Og of Bashan came out to fight us, but we defeated them. We took their land and gave it to the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half of the tribe of Manasseh as their property. Faithfully obey the terms of this promise. Then you will be successful in everything you do.

10 All of you are standing here today in the presence of Yahweh your Elohim. The heads of your tribes,[c] your leaders, your officers, and all the men of Israel are here. 11 Your children, your wives, and the foreigners who cut wood and carry water in your camp are also here. 12 You are ready to accept the terms and conditions of the promise that Yahweh your Elohim is giving you today. 13 With this promise Yahweh your Elohim will confirm today that you are his people and that he is your Elohim. This is what he told you, and this is what he promised your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with an oath. 14 You aren’t the only people to receive this promise and its conditions. 15 It is for those of you who are standing here with us today in the presence of Yahweh our Elohim and also for those who are not here today.

16 You know how we lived in Egypt and how we passed through other countries on our way here. 17 You saw their disgusting gods and idols made of wood, stone, silver, and gold. 18 Make sure there is no man, woman, family, or tribe among you today who turns from Yahweh our Elohim to worship the gods of those nations. Make sure that no one among you is the source of this kind of bitter poison.

19 Someone may hear the conditions of this promise. He may think that he is so blessed that he can say, “I’ll be safe even if I go my own stubborn way. After all, the Lord would never sweep away well-watered ground along with dry[d] ground.” 20 Yahweh will never be willing to forgive that person, because Yahweh’s burning anger will smolder against him. All the curses described in this book will happen to him. Yahweh will erase every memory of that person’s name from the earth. 21 And Yahweh will single him out from all the tribes of Israel for disaster based on all the conditions of the promise written in this Book of the Teachings.

22 Then the next generation of your children and foreigners who come from distant countries will see the plagues that have happened in this land and the diseases Yahweh sent here. 23 They will see all the soil poisoned with sulfur and salt. Nothing will be planted. Nothing will be growing. There will be no plants in sight. It will be as desolate as Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim, cities Yahweh destroyed in fierce anger. 24 Then all the other nations in the world will ask, “Why has Yahweh done this to their land? Why is he so angry?”

25 The answer will be, “Because they abandoned the promise of Yahweh Elohim of their ancestors. He made this promise to them when he brought them out of Egypt. 26 They worshiped other gods and bowed down to them. These were gods they never heard of, gods Yahweh didn’t permit them to have. 27 So Yahweh became angry with this land and brought on it all the curses described in this book. 28 In his fierce anger and fury Yahweh uprooted these people from their land and deported them to another country, where they still are today.”

29 Some things are hidden. They belong to Yahweh our Elohim. But the things that have been revealed in these teachings belong to us and to our children forever. We must obey every word of these teachings.

30 All these blessings and curses I have spoken about will happen to you. Take them to heart when you are among all the nations where Yahweh your Elohim will scatter you. If you and your children return to Yahweh your Elohim and obey him with all your heart and with all your soul, doing everything I command you today, he will restore your fortunes. He will have mercy on you and gather you from all the nations of the world where Yahweh your Elohim will scatter you. Even if you are scattered to the most distant country in the world, Yahweh your Elohim will gather you and bring you back from there. Yahweh your Elohim will bring you to the land your ancestors owned. You will take possession of it, and Yahweh will make you more prosperous and numerous than your ancestors were.

Yahweh your Elohim will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants. You will love Yahweh your Elohim with all your heart and with all your soul, and you will live. Then Yahweh your Elohim will put all these curses on your enemies, those who hate you and persecute you. You will again obey Yahweh and follow all his commands that I’m giving you today. Yahweh your Elohim will give you many blessings in everything you do: You will have many children. Your animals will have many offspring. Your soil will produce many crops. Yahweh will again delight in making you as prosperous as he made your ancestors. 10 He will do this if you obey Yahweh your Elohim and follow his commands and laws that are written in this Book of Teachings and return to Yahweh your Elohim with all your heart and with all your soul.

11 This command I’m giving you today isn’t too hard for you or beyond your reach. 12 It’s not in heaven. You don’t have to ask, “Who will go to heaven to get this command for us so that we can hear it and obey it?” 13 This command isn’t on the other side of the sea. You don’t have to ask, “Who will cross the sea to get it for us so that we can hear it and obey it?” 14 No, these words are very near you. They’re in your mouth and in your heart so that you will obey them.

Choose between Life and Death

15 Today I offer you life and prosperity or death and destruction. 16 This is what I’m commanding you today: Love Yahweh your Elohim, follow his directions, and obey his commands, laws, and rules. Then you will live, your population will increase, and Yahweh your Elohim will bless you in the land that you’re about to enter and take possession of.

17 But your hearts might turn away, and you might not listen. You might be tempted to bow down to other gods and worship them. 18 If you do, I tell you today that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live for a long time in the land that you’re going to take possession of when you cross the Jordan River.

19 I call on heaven and earth as witnesses today that I have offered you life or death, blessings or curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants will live. 20 Love Yahweh your Elohim, obey him, and be loyal to him. This will be your way of life, and it will mean a long life for you[e] in the land that Yahweh swore to give to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Luke 11:37-12:7

Jesus Criticizes Some Jewish Leaders

37 After Yeshua spoke, a Pharisee invited him to have lunch at his house. So Yeshua accepted the invitation. 38 The Pharisee was surprised to see that Yeshua didn’t wash before the meal.

39 The Lord said to him, “You Pharisees clean the outside of cups and dishes. But inside you are full of greed and evil. 40 You fools! Didn’t the one who made the outside make the inside too? 41 Give what is inside as a gift to the poor, and then everything will be clean[a] for you.

42 “How horrible it will be for you Pharisees! You give God one-tenth of your mint, spices, and every garden herb. But you have ignored justice and the love of God. You should have done these things without ignoring the others.

43 “How horrible it will be for you Pharisees! You love to sit in the front seats in the synagogues and to be greeted in the marketplaces. 44 How horrible it will be for you! You are like unmarked graves. People walk on them without knowing what they are.”

45 One of the experts in Moses’ Teachings said to him, “Teacher, when you talk this way, you insult us too.”

46 Yeshua said, “How horrible it will be for you experts in Moses’ Teachings! You burden people with loads that are hard to carry. But you won’t lift a finger to carry any of these loads.

47 “How horrible it will be for you! You build the monuments for the prophets. But it was your ancestors who murdered them. 48 So you are witnesses and approve of what your ancestors did. They murdered the prophets for whom you build monuments. 49 That’s why the Wisdom of God said, ‘I will send them prophets and apostles. They will murder some of those prophets and apostles and persecute others.’ 50 So the people living now will be charged with the murder of every prophet since the world was made. 51 This includes the murders from Abel to Zechariah, who was killed between the altar and the temple. Yes, I can guarantee this truth: The people living today will be held responsible for this.

52 “How horrible it will be for you experts in Moses’ Teachings! You have taken away the key that unlocks knowledge. You haven’t gained entrance into knowledge yourselves, and you’ve kept out those who wanted to enter.”

53 When Yeshua left, the experts in Moses’ Teachings and the Pharisees held a terrible grudge against him. They questioned him about many things 54 and watched him closely to trap him in something he might say.

Jesus Speaks to His Disciples

12 Meanwhile, thousands of people had gathered. They were so crowded that they stepped on each other. Yeshua spoke to his disciples and said, “Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees. I’m talking about their hypocrisy. Nothing has been covered that will not be exposed. Whatever is secret will be made known. Whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight. Whatever you have whispered in private rooms will be shouted from the housetops.

“My friends, I can guarantee that you don’t need to be afraid of those who kill the body. After that they can’t do anything more. I’ll show you the one you should be afraid of. Be afraid of the one who has the power to throw you into hell after killing you. I’m warning you to be afraid of him.

“Aren’t five sparrows sold for two cents? God doesn’t forget any of them. Even every hair on your head has been counted. Don’t be afraid! You are worth more than many sparrows.

Psalm 78:1-31

Psalm 78

A maskil by Asaph.

Open your ears to my teachings, my people.
    Turn your ears to the words from my mouth.
I will open my mouth to illustrate points.
    I will explain what has been hidden long ago,
        things that we have heard and known about,
        things that our parents have told us.
            We will not hide them from our children.
            We will tell the next generation
                about Yahweh’s power and great deeds
                    and the miraculous things he has done.

He established written instructions for Jacob’s people.
    He gave his teachings to Israel.
    He commanded our ancestors to make them known to their children
so that the next generation would know them.
    Children yet to be born would learn them.
        They will grow up and tell their children
            to trust Elohim, to remember what he has done,
                and to obey his commands.
        Then they will not be like their ancestors,
            a stubborn and rebellious generation.
                Their hearts were not loyal.
                Their spirits were not faithful to El.

The men of Ephraim, well-equipped with bows and arrows,
    turned and ran on the day of battle.
10 They had not been faithful to Elohim’s promise.[a]
    They refused to follow his teachings.
11 They forgot what he had done—
    the miracles that he had shown them.

12 In front of their ancestors he performed miracles
    in the land of Egypt, in the fields of Zoan.
13 He divided the sea and led them through it.
    He made the waters stand up like a wall.
14 He guided them by a cloud during the day
    and by a fiery light throughout the night.
15 He split rocks in the desert.
    He gave them plenty to drink, an ocean of water.
16 He made streams come out of a rock.
    He made the water flow like rivers.

17 They continued to sin against him,
    to rebel in the desert against Elyon.
18 They deliberately tested Elohim by demanding the food they craved.
19 They spoke against Elohim by saying,
    “Can El prepare a banquet in the desert?
20 True, he did strike a rock,
    and water did gush out,
        and the streams did overflow.
    But can he also give us bread or provide us, his people, with meat?”

21 When Yahweh heard this, he became furious.
    His fire burned against Jacob
        and his anger flared up at Israel
22 because they did not believe Elohim
    or trust him to save them.

23 In spite of that, he commanded the clouds above
    and opened the doors of heaven.
24 He rained manna down on them to eat
    and gave them grain from heaven.
25 Humans ate the bread of the mighty ones,
    and Elohim sent them plenty of food.

26 He made the east wind blow in the heavens
    and guided the south wind with his might.
27 He rained meat down on them like dust,
    birds like the sand on the seashore.
28 He made the birds fall in the middle of his camp,
    all around his dwelling place.

29 They ate more than enough.
    He gave them what they wanted,
30 but they still wanted more.
    While the food was still in their mouths,
31 the anger of Elohim flared up against them.
    He killed their strongest men
    and slaughtered the best young men in Israel.

Proverbs 12:19-20

19 The word of truth lasts forever,
    but lies last only a moment.
20 Deceit is in the heart of those who plan evil,
    but joy belongs to those who advise peace.

Names of God Bible (NOG)

The Names of God Bible (without notes) © 2011 by Baker Publishing Group.