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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

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Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV)
Hosea 10-14

10 Israel was a spreading[a] vine.
He produced fruit for himself.
    The more fruit he produced, the more altars he made.
    The richer the land became, the richer he made his sacred memorial stones.

Their hearts are insincere,[b]
    so now they will suffer for their guilt.
    The Lord will break down their altars
    and destroy their sacred memorial stones.

Kings Cannot Save You

Certainly now they will say, “We have no king
    because we did not fear the Lord,
    but what could such a king do for us anyway?”
They speak empty words.
    With empty oaths, they make agreements.
    That is why disputes sprout like poisonous weeds in the furrows of a field.
The inhabitants of Samaria will be terrified because of the calf[c] of Beth Aven.
    Yes, its people will mourn over it,
    and its idolatrous priests will cry out over it,
    over its lost glory, because it has gone into exile.
It will be carried to Assyria as tribute to the Great King.[d]
    Ephraim will be gripped with shame,
    and Israel will be ashamed of its own idol.[e]
Samaria, like her king, will be carried off
    like a twig on the surface of the water.
The high places of Aven, the sin of Israel, will become unusable.
    Thorns and thistles will grow on their altars.
    They will say to the mountains, “Cover us!”
    and to the hills, “Fall on us!”

Learn the Lesson of Gibeah

Israel, you have sinned ever since the days of Gibeah,
    where the evildoers took their stand.
    The war against the evildoers caught up with them at Gibeah, did it not?
10 When I see fit, I will discipline them.[f]
    Peoples will be gathered against them
        to bind them for their double guilt.[g]

11 Ephraim is a trained heifer that loves to thresh.
    I will put a yoke on her beautiful neck.[h]
    I will harness Ephraim.
    Judah will plow.
    Jacob will break up the ground.
12 Sow righteousness for yourselves,
    and reap mercy.
    Break up your fallow ground.
    It is time to seek the Lord,
    until he comes and rains righteousness on you.
13 You have plowed wickedness.
    You have reaped injustice.
    You have eaten the fruit of your lies,
    because you trusted in your own way,
    in the large number of your strong warriors.
14 Therefore the roar of battle will rise against your people,
    and all your fortresses will be destroyed,
    as Shalman[i] devastated Beth Arbel on the day of battle.
    Mothers were dashed to the ground with their children.
15 This is what will be done to you, Bethel,
    because of your great wickedness.
    At dawn the king of Israel will be completely destroyed.

God’s Love for Israel

11 When Israel was a child, I loved him,
and out of Egypt I called my son.

The more I called to them,
    the more they went away from me.[j]
    They kept sacrificing to the Baals
    and burning incense to idols.
Yet I was the one who taught Ephraim to walk.
    I took them in my arms,[k]
    but they did not realize that it was I who healed them.
I drew them with cords suitable for a man,[l] with ropes of love.
    For them I became like someone who lifts a yoke off their neck,
    and I bent down to feed them.

They will not[m] return into the land of Egypt.
    Instead, an Assyrian will be their king,
    because they refused to repent.
The sword will slash against their cities.
    It will destroy the bars of their gates,
    and it will devour them because of their plans.

My people are determined to turn away from me.
    Though they call him the Most High, he certainly will not exalt them.

How can I give you up, Ephraim?
    How can I hand you over, Israel?
    How can I make you like Admah?
    How can I treat you like Zeboiim?[n]
    My heart is changed inside me.
    All my compassion is stirred up.
I will not carry out my burning anger.
    I will not destroy Ephraim again,
    because I am God, and not man, the Holy One among you.
    I will not enter a city.[o]
10 They will follow the Lord.
    He will roar like a lion.
    Yes, he will roar, and his children will come trembling from the west.
11 They will come trembling like a bird from Egypt,
    and like a dove from the land of Assyria.
    I will settle them in their houses, declares the Lord.

Israel Must Repent

12 Ephraim surrounds me with falsehood,
    and the house of Israel with deceit.
    Judah still strays from[p] God,
    even from the Holy One, who is faithful.[q]

12 Ephraim feeds on wind
and chases the east wind all day.
    He multiplies lies and violence.
    They make a treaty with Assyria,
    and olive oil is carried to Egypt.
The Lord has a case against Judah.
    He will deal with Jacob according to his ways.
    According to his deeds he will repay him.
In the womb Jacob grasped his brother by the heel,
    and when he was a grown man, he struggled with God.
He wrestled with the Angel and prevailed.
    He wept and sought his favor.
    He found him at Bethel, and there he spoke with him,[r]
namely, with the Lord, the God of Armies.
    The Lord is the name by which he is to be remembered!
So return to your God.
    Observe mercy and justice,
    and wait for your God continually.

A merchant has fraudulent scales in his hand.
    He loves to defraud others.
Ephraim said, “Surely I have become rich.
    I have secured wealth for myself.
    Among all my possessions no one will find anything that makes me guilty of sin.”

But I have been the Lord your God from the time you left the land of Egypt.
    I will make you dwell in tents again,
    as in the days of the appointed festival.[s]
10 I have spoken to the prophets.
    I have given numerous visions.
    I taught meaningful lessons through the prophets.
11 Since Gilead is wicked,
    it is certain that they are worthless.
    In Gilgal they sacrifice bulls.
    Yes, their altars are like piles of stones in the furrows of a field.
12 Jacob fled to the territory of Aram.
    Israel worked as a servant to get a wife,
    and for a wife, he took care of sheep.
13 By a prophet, the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt,
    and by a prophet he took care of Israel.
14 Ephraim has provoked bitter anger.
    Therefore his Lord will leave him bloodied by his guilt
    and bring his disgrace back on him.

Repentance or Disaster?

13 When Ephraim spoke, people would tremble.
He was highly honored in Israel,
    but he became guilty through worshipping Baal, so he died.
Now they sin more and more.
    They make cast images for themselves,
    idols skillfully made from their silver,
    all of them the work of craftsmen.
    It is said about them, “The ones who sacrifice are humans who kiss calves!”[t]
Therefore they will be like morning mist,
    and like early dew that passes away,
    like chaff that is blown away from the threshing floor,
    and like smoke from a chimney.
But I have been the Lord your God since you left the land of Egypt.
    You must not acknowledge any god except me.
    There is no Savior except me.
I took care of you in the wilderness,
    in a land burned by drought.
When they had pasture, they were satisfied.
    When they were satisfied, their hearts became arrogant.
    That is why they have forgotten me.
So I will be like a lion to them.
    Like a leopard, I will lurk along the path.
I will come upon them like a bear robbed of her cubs.
    I will tear the cover off their hearts.
    Then I will devour them like a lioness.
    The wild animals will rip them apart.
This is what has destroyed you, Israel:
    the fact that you are against me, against your helper.[u]
10 So where is your king, so that he may save you in all your cities,
    and your judges, whom you requested, saying, “Give me a king and officials”?
11 I gave you a king in my anger,
    and I took him away in my wrath.
12 The guilt of Ephraim is wrapped up.
    His sin is stored up.
13 Labor pains will come for him,
    but he is not a wise son,
    for when the time arrives,
    he is not ready to be born.

14 I will ransom them from the power of the grave![v]
    I will redeem them from death!
    Death, where are your plagues?
    Grave, where is your destruction?

    Compassion will be hidden from my eyes.
15 Although he flourishes as a son among brothers,[w]
    an east wind will come.
    The breath[x] of the Lord is coming up from the wilderness.
    His spring will become dry.
    His fountain will be dried up.
    His treasury will be plundered of every precious article.
16 Samaria will be found guilty,
    because she rebelled against her God.
    The people will fall by the sword.
    Their little children will be dashed to the ground,
    and their pregnant women will be ripped open.[y]

Return to the Lord!

14 Israel, return to the Lord your God,
for you have stumbled because of your guilt.
Take words with you[z] and return to the Lord.
    Say to him, “Forgive all our guilt,
    and receive us graciously,
    and let us present the fruit of our lips as bulls.[aa]
Assyria cannot save us.
    We will not ride on horses.
    We will no longer call the work of our hands our gods!
    For in you the fatherless child finds compassion.”

I will cure them of their unfaithfulness.
    I will love them freely,
    for my anger has turned away from them.
I will be refreshing like dew to Israel.
    It will blossom like a lily.
    It will take root like a cedar of Lebanon.
Its young shoots will sprout.
    Its beauty will be like an olive tree.
    Its fragrance like a cedar of Lebanon.
Those who live in Israel’s shade will once again grow grain.
    They will blossom like a grape vine.
    Its fame will be like the wine of Lebanon.
Ephraim, how much more do I have to put up with from idols?
    I am the one who has answered, and I look after him.
    I am like a fresh fir tree.
    Your fruit comes from me.

Who is wise? Let him understand these things.
    Who is discerning? Let him know them.
    For the ways of the Lord are right,
    and the righteous walk in them,
    but the rebellious stumble in them.



Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James,

To those who are called, who are loved[a] in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ:

Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.

Ungodly Teachers Who Slipped In Secretly

Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you concerning the salvation we share, I felt it was necessary for me to write, to urge you to continue to contend for the faith that was delivered to the saints once and for all. For certain individuals slipped in secretly, about whom it was written some time ago that they are condemned. They are ungodly people who turn the grace of our God into a license for sin and deny our only Master[b] and Lord, Jesus Christ.

I want to remind you, though you already know all these things, that after the Lord[c] rescued his people out of the land of Egypt, he later destroyed those who did not believe. And the angels who did not keep their position of authority but left their own dwelling place behind—God has kept them in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day. Like Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, who in a similar way indulged in extreme sexual immorality and pursued homosexual perversion,[d] they serve as an example of those who are going to suffer the punishment of eternal fire.

Yet, in the very same way, these dreamers are defiling the flesh, despising authority, and blaspheming glorious ones. But when the archangel Michael was disputing with the Devil and arguing about the body of Moses, he did not dare to bring a blasphemous condemnation against him. Instead he said, “The Lord rebuke you!”

10 But these people do not understand what they are blaspheming. They are being destroyed by the very things that they know by instinct (like unreasoning animals). 11 Woe to them! They have gone the way of Cain. They have abandoned themselves for hire to the error of Balaam. They perished in Korah’s rebellion.

12 These people are filthy stains on[e] your love feasts when they eat with you without fear, shepherding themselves. They are clouds without rain, being driven along by the winds. They are autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots. 13 They are wild waves of the sea piling up the foam of their own shame. They are wandering stars for whom the gloom of darkness has been reserved for eternity.

14 Enoch, the seventh from Adam, also prophesied about these people, saying, “Look, the Lord is going to come with tens of thousands of his holy ones, 15 to execute judgment against all of them and to convict every soul concerning all their ungodly deeds, which they did in an ungodly way, and concerning all the harsh words that ungodly sinners spoke against him.” 16 These are discontented grumblers, who walk according to their lusts, and their mouths speak boastful things as they flatter others to take advantage of them.

Keep Yourselves in God’s Love

17 But you, dear friends, remember the words that were spoken earlier by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. 18 They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers who follow their own ungodly lusts.”[f] 19 These are the people who cause divisions. They are worldly because they do not have the Spirit.

20 But you, dear friends, continue to build yourselves up in your most holy faith as you keep praying in the Holy Spirit. 21 Keep yourselves in God’s love as you continue to wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, which results in eternal life. 22 Show mercy to those who are wavering.[g] 23 Save others by snatching them out of the fire. Show mercy to still others with fear,[h] hating even the clothing that is stained by the flesh.

24 Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you faultless in the presence of his glory with great joy, 25 to the only[i] God, our Savior, be glory, majesty, power, and authority through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all time, now, and to all eternity. Amen.

Psalm 127

Psalm 127

The Lord Builds the House

A song of the ascents. By Solomon.

The Lord Builds the House

If the Lord does not build the house,
    it is useless for the builders to work hard over it.
If the Lord does not watch over the city,
    it is useless for the watchman to stand guard.
It is useless for you to get up early and to work late,
worrying about bread to eat,
because God grants sleep to the one he loves.[a]
Indeed, children are a heritage from the Lord.
The fruit of the womb is a reward from him.
Sons born during one’s youth are like arrows
    in the hand of a warrior.
How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame
    when they dispute with enemies at the city gate.[b]

Proverbs 29:15-17

15 A rod used for discipline gives wisdom,
but an undisciplined child disgraces his mother.
16 When the wicked increase, sin increases,
but the righteous will see their downfall.
17 Discipline your son, and he will give you rest.
He will give delight to your soul.

Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV)

The Holy Bible, Evangelical Heritage Version®, EHV®, © 2019 Wartburg Project, Inc. All rights reserved.