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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

Today's audio is from the ESV. Switch to the ESV to read along with the audio.

The Voice (VOICE)
Ezekiel 21-22

21 The word of the Eternal once again came to me with a similar message.

Eternal One: Son of man, look toward Jerusalem, and speak against My temple. Prophesy against the whole land of Israel, and tell the land of Israel what the Eternal One says: “Pay attention. I am against you. I will draw My sword from its sheath and kill both the righteous and the wicked who live within your borders. Because I am going to kill everyone, both good and evil, all flesh from south to north will feel the wrath of My sword! Then everyone all over the world will know I, the Eternal One, have drawn My sword from its sheath and do not intend to return it.”

God tells Ezekiel to act out His message. He must demonstrate what it will be like when the bad news arrives of what has happened back home in Jerusalem.

Now as for you, son of man, groan as if your heart is breaking. Groan in front of people because of your bitter agony! When they see you, they will ask you, “Why all this loud and noisy groaning?” Answer them this way: “I am groaning because of the horrible news that is coming. Every heart will melt, every hand will fall limp, every spirit will grow faint, and every knee will become as weak as water. So pay attention. The time is near! It is going to happen soon.”

So said the Eternal Lord.

The word of the Eternal came to me.

Eternal One: Son of man, prophesy, and tell them this message is from the Eternal.

    A sword! Yes, a sword—
        keenly sharpened and polished.
10     A razor-sharp blade honed to slaughter anything in its path,
        polished to flash like lightning!

    Should we celebrate My son’s scepter?
        The sword repulses every such bit of wood.

11     My sword is sent to be polished till radiant,
        comfortably wielded.
    It is keenly sharpened and brightly burnished,
        ready for the hand of the slayer.
12     Cry out and wail, son of man!
        My sword is against My people;
    It swings for all the princes of Israel.
        I have deserted them all—princes and people—to the wrath of My sword!
        Therefore, beat your thigh, Ezekiel, in front of everyone
    So they understand what a tragedy this is.
13     For the test will come;
        so what happens if the sword repulses the scepter
    And the scepter is gone?
        I, the Eternal Lord, say this to you.

14     As for you, son of man, prophesy;
        clap your hands loudly!
    Let the sword strike two, even three times!
        It is a sword honed and polished to massacre!
    This sword is ready for the great slaughter,
        coming after them on all sides.
15     Hearts will melt, and masses will fall
        because I have placed the tip of the blade at every city gate!
    Oh, this beautiful instrument flashes like lightning;
        it’s wrapped and ready for slaughter.
16     Now, My sword, thrust to the right—
        and slash to the left!
    Be ready to attack wherever the blade is turned.
17     I will clap My hands together,
        and I will cool My wrath once judgment has been executed.
    I, the Eternal One, have spoken.

18 The word of the Eternal came to me regarding Babylon’s sword.

Eternal One: 19 Son of man, mark out two roads for the sword of Babylon’s king to take. Have both roads begin in the same place. Make a signpost, and put it at the fork in the road: 20 one road leading the sword to Ammon and its capital, Rabbah; the other road leading to Judah and its fortified capital, Jerusalem. 21 The Babylonian king will stop at the fork in the road and look for a sign to see which way to go: he will shake the arrows and draw one, call to his household gods[a] for advice, and examine an animal liver.

Kings never go into battle without first looking for signs and omens. War is too risky—even for Babylon—not to have the blessings of the gods. The Babylonian king stops at the crossroads: which way should he go? So he calls for his priests to consult the gods for signs. Their mediation may be something like drawing straws. At times it involves the ancient practice of “reading” the liver of a sacrificial animal. When a king wants to make sure his decision is the correct one, he uses several forms of divination. The ancients do not believe in chance; they believe their gods are involved in orchestrating their lives and decisions. In this case, Babylon’s king happens to be correct because the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is directing him to take the road to Jerusalem.

Eternal One: 22 He reads “Jerusalem” in his right hand, so he will march first in that direction with battering rams for the gates and a command to massacre the city, sounding war cries and building siege ramps and siege walls. 23 Everyone in Jerusalem will believe the omen to be false because they had pledged loyalty to Babylon. But his actions will remind the doubters of their guilt, and they will be taken prisoners.

(to the Israelites) 24 Because you have reminded Me of your sins and once again exposed your rebellious ways, making every wicked thing you ever did obvious, you will be forcefully taken prisoner. 25 You are already dead, you wicked prince of Israel! Your hour has arrived! Your day of excruciating punishment has come! 26 This is what the Eternal Lord says: “Remove your royal turban and crown. Everything is about to change: the lowly will be brought high, and the high will be brought low. 27 Ruination! I will make a total ruin out of everything! It will remain in ruins until the one to whom it rightfully belongs arrives, and then I will hand it over to Him.”

28 But you, son of man, must preach to them what I, the Eternal Lord, have to say about the Ammonites and their insults:

    A sword! Yes, a sword
        is drawn to slaughter the Ammonites
    Honed to destroy, polished to flash like lightning.

29 “In spite of false prophesies and lying omens concerning you, the sword will slice the necks of the wicked. They are as good as dead. Their hour has come! Their day of punishment has arrived! 30 Put the sword back in its sheath. In the place where you were conceived, in the land of your origin, I will judge you with My sword of judgment. 31 I will pour out My anger over your head, I will breathe fiery wrath on you, I will give you over to barbaric men (artists of destruction who love to mutilate and kill). 32 You will become coals for a fire; Babylonian blood will flood the land, and you will be forgotten! I, the Eternal, promise this.”

Babylon’s reign of terror is short-lived. God orders the Israelites to put their swords away, go home, and wait. When the time is right, they will get what they deserve.

22 The word of the Eternal came to me.

Eternal One: Son of man, will you judge this bloody city? Will you? You must! Confront her about her shocking actions, and speak to her.

Then the Eternal Lord declared this for me to say to her:

Eternal One: You are a city of bloodshed, and your ways will come back to haunt you. You are a city of idols, making them even though they defile you. The blood you shed covers you with the heaviness of guilt. The idols you have made degraded your spirit. You have reached the end of your life, so I have made you an object of scorn to all the nations! Those near and far will mock you—city of infamy and turmoil!

Look, the princes of Israel who reside in your walls use their political power to murder. Infamous city of turmoil, your people mistreat their elders, disrespect their parents, take advantage of foreigners passing through, and treat orphans and widows with contempt. In you My holy things are desecrated and My Sabbaths are profaned. Your citizens lie and give false testimonies at capital trials, shedding innocent blood. Your people feast at lofty shrines devoted to false gods and commit lewd sexual acts. 10 In you men expose their fathers’ nakedness by having intercourse with their wives and engage in sexual relations with women who are impure because of their menstrual cycles. 11 In you one man commits unspeakable things with his neighbor’s wife, while another practices incest with his daughter-in-law or half-sister. 12 In you murder is for hire, exorbitant interests and profits are taken from the poor, neighbors are oppressed for personal gain; and in you I am forgotten.

13 I will strike My hands at your extortion and murderous ways. 14 Will you be courageous and strong when I come to deal with you? I, the Eternal One, will do what I’ve said I will do. 15 I will scatter you among the nations and disperse you throughout unfamiliar lands! I will put an end to your impurity. 16 When you have been defiled in front of the nations, you will know that I am the Eternal.

17 Then the word of the Eternal came to me with how He would judge these crimes.

Eternal One: 18 Son of man, the people of Israel have become dross to Me; all of them are the dross metals—bronze, iron, tin, and lead—left inside a furnace after silver has been refined. 19 Therefore, I, the Eternal Lord, say to them, “Because you’ve become worthless dross, I will gather you up in the middle of Jerusalem. 20-21 Just as men throw copper, iron, tin, lead, and silver into a furnace to melt the impurities away with fiery blasts, I will gather you inside My furnace called Jerusalem, and you will experience the fire of My wrath as it blows across and melts you inside that city! 22 Just as silver is melted in a furnace, you will be melted in My city. Then you will know I, the Eternal One, have poured out the fire of My wrath upon you.”

23 The word of the Eternal came to me.

Eternal One: 24 Son of man, say to her, “You are a land plagued with drought during My wrath—[not a single drop of rain has fallen from the sky][b].” 25 Her prophets[c] conspire in her midst like raging lions killing their prey; they have destroyed lives, stolen treasures and other valuable things; they have made many wives widows all over the city. 26 Her priests violate My laws and desecrate My holy things. They fail to distinguish between the sacred and profane. They no longer teach that there is a difference between pure and impure! They completely disregard My Sabbaths; as a result I am defamed among My people. 27 Her princes and officials are like a pack of wolves tearing apart their prey. They kill innocent people and ruin lives just to get what they want! 28 Her false prophets whitewash these wicked acts by claiming to receive divine visions, but they are all false! Their divination turns up only lies! They say, “This is what the Eternal Lord says . . . ,” when the Eternal Lord has not said anything to them at all. 29 Her people are full of wickedness: they are bullies and thieves; they have abused the poor and helpless; they have taken advantage of foreigners and perverted justice. 30 I searched for one man among them, a man who could build the wall and stand in the gap before Me and advocate for the land, a man who could convince Me not to destroy it; but I found no one. 31 Therefore, I will dump the fires of My fury on them, and the flames of My indignation will devour them. I will give them what they deserve.

So said the Eternal Lord.

Hebrews 10:1-17

He who embodied the sins of the world carries His own blood into the holy presence.

10 We have seen how the law is simply a shadow of the good things to come. Since it is not the perfect form of these ultimate realities, the offering year after year of these imperfect sacrifices cannot bring perfection to those who come forward to worship. If they had served this purpose, wouldn’t the repetition of these sacrifices have become unnecessary? If they had worked—and cleansed the worshipers—then one sacrifice would have taken away their consciousness of sin. But these sacrifices actually remind us that we sin again and again, year after year. In the end, the blood of bulls and of goats is powerless to take away sins. So when Jesus came into the world, He said,

Sacrifices and offerings were not what You wanted,
    but instead a body that You prepared for Me.
Burnt offerings and sin offerings
    were not what pleased You.
Then I said, “See, I have come to do Your will, God,
    as it is inscribed of Me in the scroll of the book.”[a]

Now when it says that God doesn’t want and takes no real pleasure in sacrifices, burnt offerings, and sin offerings (even though the law calls for them), and follows this with “See, I have come to do Your will,”[b] He effectively takes away the first—animal sacrifice—in order to establish the second, more perfect sacrifice. 10 By God’s will, we are made holy through the offering of the body of Jesus the Anointed once and for all time.

11 In the first covenant, every day every officiating priest stands at his post serving, offering over and over those same sacrifices that can never take away sin. 12 But after He stepped up to offer His single sacrifice for sins for all time, He sat down in the position of honor at the right hand of God. 13 Since then, He has been waiting for the day when He rests His feet on His enemies’ backs,[c] as the psalm says. 14 With one perfect offering, Jesus has perfected forever those who are being made holy, 15 as the Holy Spirit keeps testifying to us through the prophet Jeremiah. After he says,

16 “But when those days are over,” says the Eternal One, “I will make
    this kind of covenant with the people of Israel:
I will put My laws in their hearts
    and write them upon their minds,”[d]

then He adds,

17 I will erase their sins and wicked acts out of My memory
    as though they had never existed.[e]

Psalm 108

Psalm 108

A song of David.

My heart is committed, O God:
    I will sing;
I will sing praises with great affection
    and pledge my whole soul to the singing.
Wake up the harp and lyre, and strum the strings;
    I will stir the sleepy dawn from slumber!
I will stand and offer You my thanks, Eternal One, in the presence of others;
    I will sing of Your greatness among the nations no matter where I am.
For Your amazing love soars overhead far into the heavens;
    Your truth rises up to the clouds
    where passing light bends.

O God, that You would be lifted up above the heavens in the hearts of Your people
    until the whole earth knows Your glory.
Reach down and rescue those whom You love;
    pull us to safety by Your mighty right hand, and answer me.
God’s voice has been heard in His holy sanctuary:
    “I will celebrate.
    I will allocate Shechem and the Succoth Valley to My people.
Gilead belongs to Me, and so does Manasseh;
    Ephraim is the helmet that protects My head;
    Judah is the scepter through which I rule;
Moab is the washpot in which I clean Myself;
    I will throw My shoe over Edom in conquest;
    Philistia will soon hear My victory shout.”

10 But who will take me into the fortified city?
    Who will lead me into Edom?
11 Have You not turned Your back on us, O God?
    Will You stay away and not accompany our armies, O God?
12 Help us against our enemy; we need Your help!
    It’s useless to trust in the hand of man for liberation.
13 Only through God can we be successful.
    It is God alone who will defeat our enemies and bring us victory!

Proverbs 27:12

12 The astute see evil coming and take shelter,
    but the stupid plow right on and then, of course, have to pay the price.

The Voice (VOICE)

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.