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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

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Names of God Bible (NOG)
Nehemiah 8:1-9:21

The Public Reading of Moses’ Teachings

When the seventh month came, all the people gathered together in the courtyard in front of Water Gate. They told Ezra the scribe to bring the Book of Moses’ Teachings, which Yahweh had commanded Israel to follow. Then Ezra the priest brought the Teachings in front of the assembly. This included men, women, and any children who could understand what they heard. This took place on the first day of the seventh month. From daybreak until noon, he read from it in the courtyard in front of Water Gate to the men, women, and children who could understand it. All the people listened to the Book of Moses’ Teachings.

Ezra the scribe stood on a raised wooden platform made for this occasion. Mattithiah, Shema, Anaiah, Uriah, Hilkiah, and Maaseiah stood beside him on his right. Pedaiah, Mishael, Malchiah, Hashum, Hashbaddanah, Zechariah, and Meshullam stood beside him on his left. Ezra, standing higher than all the other people, opened the book in front of all the people. As he opened it, all the people stood up. Ezra thanked Yahweh, the great Elohim. All the people responded, “Amen! Amen!” as they raised their hands and then bowed with their faces to the ground and worshiped Yahweh. The Levites—Jeshua, Bani, Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodiah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, and Pelaiah—explained the Teachings to the people while they were standing there. They read the Book of Elohim’s Teachings clearly and explained the meaning so that the people could understand what was read.

Then Nehemiah the governor, Ezra the priest and scribe, and the Levites who taught the people told them, “This is a holy day for Yahweh your Elohim. Don’t mourn or cry.” All the people were crying as they listened to the reading of God’s Teachings. 10 Then he told them, “Go, eat rich foods, drink sweet drinks, and send portions to those who cannot provide for themselves. Today is a holy day for Adonay. Don’t be sad because the joy you have in Yahweh is your strength.” 11 So the Levites calmed all the people by saying, “Listen. Today is a holy day. Don’t be sad.”

12 Then all the people went to eat and drink and to send portions. They had a big, joyful celebration because they understood the words that had been explained to them.

The Festival of Booths Is Observed

13 On the second day the leaders of the families of all the people, including the priests and the Levites, met with Ezra the scribe to study the words of God’s Teachings. 14 They found written in the Teachings that Yahweh had given an order through Moses that the people of Israel should live in booths during a festival in the seventh month. 15 They should announce this command and send this message throughout all their cities and Jerusalem: “Go to the mountains, and get branches—olive and wild olive, myrtle, palm, and other thick-leaved branches—to make booths as it is written.”

16 So the people went to get branches to make booths for themselves. Some made booths on their roofs, others in their courtyards, in the courtyards of Elohim’s temple, in the open area by Water Gate, or in the open area at Ephraim Gate.

17 The whole assembly that had come back from exile made booths and lived in them. From the time of Jeshua (son of Nun) to that day, the people of Israel had not done this. There was a big, joyful celebration. 18 Day by day, from the first day of the festival to the last day, Ezra continued to read from the Book of Elohim’s Teachings. The people celebrated the festival for seven days, and on the eighth day, they had a closing festival assembly in accordance with the regulations.

A Day of Fasting and Confession

When the Israelites assembled on the twenty-fourth day of this month, they fasted, wore sackcloth, and threw dirt on their heads. Those who were descendants of Israel separated themselves from all foreigners. They stood and confessed their sins as well as the wicked things their ancestors had done. They stood in their places, and for one-fourth of the day, they listened as the Book of the Teachings of Yahweh their Elohim was read, and for another fourth of the day, they confessed their sins and worshiped Yahweh their Elohim.

A Day of Prayer

Then Jeshua, Bani, Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, Bani, and Chanani stood on the stairs built for the Levites and cried loudly to Yahweh their Elohim. Then the Levites—Jeshua, Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabneiah, Sherebiah, Hodiah, Shebaniah, and Pethahiah—said, “Stand up, and thank Yahweh your Elohim:


From everlasting to everlasting your glorious name is praised
    and lifted high above all blessing and praise.
You alone are Yahweh.
You made heaven, the highest heaven, with all its armies.
You made the earth and everything on it,
    the seas and everything in them.
You give life to them all, and the armies of heaven worship you.


You are Yahweh, the Elohim who chose Abram
    and took him from Ur of the Chaldeans
        and gave him the name Abraham.
You found that his heart was faithful to you.
You made a promise[a] to him to give the land of the Canaanites, Hittites,
    Amorites, Perizzites, Jebusites, and Girgashites to his descendants.
You kept your promise because you are fair.

The Exodus

You saw how our ancestors suffered in Egypt,
    and you heard them crying at the Red Sea.
10 You performed miraculous signs and did amazing things to Pharaoh
    and all his servants and all the people in his land
        because you knew how arrogantly
            they were treating our ancestors.
You made a name for yourself, a name which remains to this day.
11 You divided the sea in front of them
    so that they could walk through the sea on dry ground.
You threw into deep water those who pursued your people
    as someone throws a stone into raging water.

Wandering in the Wilderness

12 You led them during the day by a column of smoke
    and during the night by a column of fire to give them light
        to see the way they should go.
13 You came from heaven to Mount Sinai
    and spoke with them from heaven.
You gave them fair rules, trustworthy teachings,
    and good laws and commandments.
14 You taught them about your holy day of worship.
You gave them commandments, laws, and teachings
    through your servant Moses.
15 You gave them bread from heaven to satisfy their hunger
    and made water flow from a rock to quench their thirst.
You told them to take possession of the land
    that you swore you would give them.
16 But they—our own ancestors—acted arrogantly.
    They became stubborn and wouldn’t obey your commands.
17 They refused to listen.
    They forgot the miracles you performed for them.
    They became stubborn and appointed a leader
        to take them back to slavery in Egypt.
But you are a forgiving Elohim,
    one who is compassionate, merciful, patient,
        and always ready to forgive.
You never abandoned them,
18 even when they made a metal statue of a calf for themselves
    and said, ‘This is your god who took you out of Egypt.’
They committed outrageous sins.
19 But because of your endless compassion,
    you didn’t abandon them in the desert.
        The column of smoke didn’t leave them during the day,
            but it led them on their way.
        The column of fire didn’t leave them during the night,
            but it gave them light to see the way they should go.
20 You gave them your good Ruach to teach them.
You didn’t keep your manna to yourself.
You gave them water to quench their thirst.
21 You provided for them in the desert for 40 years,
    and they had everything they needed.
Their clothes didn’t wear out, and their feet didn’t swell.

1 Corinthians 9:1-18

Paul’s Right to Be Paid for His Work as an Apostle

Don’t you agree that I’m a free man? Don’t you agree that I’m an apostle? Haven’t I seen Yeshua our Lord? Aren’t you the result of my work for the Lord? If I’m not an apostle to other people, at least I’m an apostle to you. You are the seal which proves that I am the Lord’s apostle. This is how I defend myself to those who cross-examine me. Don’t we have the right to eat and drink? Don’t we have the right to take our wives along with us like the other apostles, the Lord’s brothers, and Cephas[a] do? Or is it only Barnabas and I who don’t have any rights, except to find work to support ourselves?

Does a soldier ever serve in the army at his own expense? Does anyone plant a vineyard and not eat the grapes? Does anyone take care of a flock and not drink milk from the sheep? Am I merely stating some human rule? Don’t Moses’ Teachings say the same thing? Moses’ Teachings say, “Never muzzle an ox when it is threshing[b] grain.” God’s concern isn’t for oxen. 10 Isn’t he speaking entirely for our benefit? This was written for our benefit so that the person who plows or threshes should expect to receive a share of the crop. 11 If we have planted the spiritual seed that has been of benefit to you, is it too much if we receive part of the harvest from your earthly goods? 12 If others have the right to expect this from you, don’t we deserve even more? But we haven’t used our rights. Instead, we would put up with anything in order not to hinder the Good News of Christ in any way.

13 Don’t you realize that those who work at the temple get their food from the temple? Don’t those who help at the altar get a share of what is on the altar? 14 In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who spread the Good News should earn their living from the Good News.

15 I haven’t used any of these rights, and I haven’t written this in order to use them now. I would rather die than have anyone turn my bragging into meaningless words. 16 If I spread the Good News, I have nothing to brag about because I have an obligation to do this. How horrible it will be for me if I don’t spread the Good News! 17 If I spread the Good News willingly, I’ll have a reward. But if I spread the Good News unwillingly, I’m only doing what I’ve been entrusted to do.

18 So what is my reward? It is to spread the Good News free of charge. In that way I won’t use the rights that belong to those who spread the Good News.

Psalm 33:12-22

12 Blessed is the nation whose Elohim is Yahweh.
    Blessed are the people he has chosen as his own.

13 Yahweh looks down from heaven.
    He sees all of Adam’s descendants.
14 From the place where he sits enthroned,
    he looks down upon all who live on earth.
15 The one who formed their hearts
    understands everything they do.

16 No king achieves a victory with a large army.
    No warrior rescues himself by his own great strength.
17 Horses are not a guarantee for victory.
    Their great strength cannot help someone escape.
18 Yahweh’s eyes are on those who fear him,
    on those who wait with hope for his mercy
19 to rescue their souls from death
    and keep them alive during a famine.

20 We wait for Yahweh.
    He is our help and our Magen.
21 In him our hearts find joy.
    In his holy name we trust.
22 Let your mercy rest on us, O Yahweh,
    since we wait with hope for you.

Proverbs 21:11-12

11 When a mocker is punished, a gullible person becomes wise,
    and when a wise person is instructed, he gains knowledge.
12 A righteous person wisely considers the house of a wicked person.
    He throws wicked people into disasters.

Names of God Bible (NOG)

The Names of God Bible (without notes) © 2011 by Baker Publishing Group.