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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

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Names of God Bible (NOG)
Joshua 7:16-9:2

16 Joshua got up early in the morning. He had Israel come forward by tribes. The tribe of Judah was selected. 17 Then he had the families of Judah come forward, and the family of Zerah was selected. Then he had the family of Zerah come forward man by man, and Zabdi was selected. 18 Then he had Zabdi’s household come forward man by man, and Achan was selected. Achan from the tribe of Judah was the son of Carmi, grandson of Zabdi, and great-grandson of Zerah.

19 Joshua said to Achan, “Son, give honor and praise to Yahweh Elohim of Israel! Tell me what you have done. Don’t hide anything from me.”

20 Then Achan answered Joshua, “It’s true. I have sinned against Yahweh Elohim of Israel. This is what I did: 21 I saw a fine robe from Babylonia, five pounds of silver, and a bar of gold weighing about one pound among the loot. I wanted them, so I took them. You will find them buried inside my tent with the silver beneath them.”

22 Joshua sent messengers, and they ran to the tent. The loot was buried inside with the silver beneath it. 23 They took the loot from the tent and brought it to Joshua and all the people of Israel. Then they laid it out in the presence of Yahweh.

24 Joshua and all Israel took Achan (son of Zerah), the silver, the robe, the bar of gold, his sons and daughters, his cattle, his donkeys, his sheep, and his tent—everything he had—and brought them to the valley of Achor [Disaster].

25 Then Joshua said, “Why did you bring this disaster on us? Yahweh will bring disaster on you today!” And all Israel stoned Achan and his family to death. Then they burned the bodies and piled stones over them. 26 They made such a large pile of stones over Achan that it is still there today. Then Yahweh withdrew his burning anger. For this reason that place is still called the valley of Achor today.

Israel’s Victory at Ai

Yahweh said to Joshua, “Don’t be terrified or afraid. Take all the troops with you, and march against Ai. I am about to hand the king of Ai, his people, city, and land over to you. You will do the same thing to Ai and its king that you did to Jericho and its king. However, you may take its loot and livestock for yourselves. Set an ambush behind the city.”

So Joshua and all the soldiers started to march against Ai. Joshua picked 30,000 of his best soldiers and sent them out at night with these orders: “Set an ambush behind the city. Don’t go very far away from the city. Everyone must be ready. I’ll approach the city with the rest of the troops. When they come out to attack us as they did the first time, we will run away from them. They’ll come out after us, and we will lure them away from the city. They’ll say, ‘They’re running away from us just like the first time.’ As we run away from them, you come out of hiding and capture the city. Yahweh your Elohim will hand it over to you. When you have captured the city, set it on fire. Do what Yahweh says. These are your orders.”

So Joshua sent them out, and they hid. They took their position west of Ai, between Bethel and Ai. Joshua spent the night with the troops.

10 Joshua got up early in the morning and assembled the troops. Then he and the leaders of Israel led the army to Ai. 11 All the troops with him marched until they were near the city. They camped north of Ai with the ravine between them and Ai.

12 Joshua had taken about five thousand men and had them hide between Bethel and Ai, west of the city. 13 All the troops were positioned. The main camp was north of the city, and the other troops were hiding west of the city. That night Joshua went down into the middle of the valley.

14 When the king of Ai saw the main camp, he and all his troops got up early in the morning. They rushed out toward the plains to meet Israel for battle, just where Joshua expected. However, the king didn’t know there were troops behind the city waiting to attack him.

15 Joshua and all Israel pretended to be defeated. They ran away toward the desert. 16 All the troops in the city were called out to chase them. As they chased Joshua, they were lured away from the city. 17 Not one man was left in Ai or Bethel; they all went after Israel. So the city was left unprotected as they chased Israel.

18 Then Yahweh said to Joshua, “Hold out the spear in your hand toward the city, because I am handing Ai over to you.” So Joshua held out his spear. 19 The men who were hiding got up as soon as he stretched out his hand. They entered the city, captured it, and quickly set it on fire. 20 When the men of Ai looked back, they could see the city going up in smoke. They had no place to go, since the Israelites, who had been running toward the desert, had now turned back on them. 21 When Joshua and all Israel saw that the men who had been hiding had captured the city and that it was going up in smoke, they turned and attacked the men of Ai. 22 The men who had captured the city also came out and attacked them. The men of Ai were caught between the battle lines of Israel. So Israel attacked them on both sides. None of them survived or escaped. 23 But they captured the king of Ai alive and brought him to Joshua.

24 Israel had finished killing all the inhabitants of Ai in the fields and in the desert where they had been pursued. They put them all to death; not one person survived. Then the Israelites went back to Ai and killed everyone left there. 25 Twelve thousand men and women from Ai died that day. 26 Joshua did not lower his hand holding the spear until he had completely destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai. 27 Israel took the loot and the livestock of that city for themselves, as Yahweh had commanded Joshua. 28 So Joshua burned Ai and made it a deserted mound of ruins.[a] It is still in ruins today.

29 Joshua hung the king of Ai’s dead body on a pole and left him there until evening. When the sun went down, Joshua gave the order to take his body down. They threw it in the entrance of the city and made a large pile of stones over it. That pile is still there today.

The Lord Renews His Promise with Israel

30 At that time Joshua built an altar on Mount Ebal to Yahweh Elohim of Israel. 31 He built an altar with uncut stones on which no iron chisels had been used. This was as Yahweh’s servant Moses had commanded the people of Israel in the Book of Moses’ Teachings. They made burnt offerings to Yahweh and sacrificed fellowship offerings on the altar. 32 There in front of the people of Israel he wrote on stone slabs a copy of the Teachings which Moses had written down.

33 All the people of Israel, whether foreigners or native Israelites, the leaders, officers, and judges were standing on opposite sides of the ark. They faced the Levitical priests who carried the ark of Yahweh’s promise. Half of the people were in front of Mount Gerizim and the other half in front of Mount Ebal. Right from the beginning, Yahweh’s servant Moses had commanded the priests to bless the people of Israel this way. 34 Afterwards, Joshua read all the Teachings—the blessings and curses—as they had all been written down by Moses. 35 Joshua read Moses’ Teachings in front of the whole assembly of Israel, including women, children, and foreigners living among them. He did not leave out one word from everything Moses had commanded.

The People from Gibeon Deceive Joshua

When all the kings west of the Jordan River heard about these events, they joined together to fight Joshua and Israel. (They were the kings in the mountains, the foothills, and along the whole Mediterranean coast as far as Lebanon, the kings of the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites.)[b]

Luke 16:1-18

Jesus Speaks about Dishonesty

16 Then Yeshua said to his disciples, “A rich man had a business manager. The manager was accused of wasting the rich man’s property. So the rich man called for his manager and said to him, ‘What’s this I hear about you? Let me examine your books. It’s obvious that you can’t manage my property any longer.’

“The manager thought, ‘What should I do? My master is taking my job away from me. I’m not strong enough to dig, and I’m ashamed to beg. I know what I’ll do so that people will welcome me into their homes when I’ve lost my job.’

“So the manager called for each one of his master’s debtors. He said to the first, ‘How much do you owe my master?’

“The debtor replied, ‘Eight hundred gallons of olive oil.’

“The manager told him, ‘Take my master’s ledger. Quick! Sit down, and write “four hundred!” ’

“Then he asked another debtor, ‘How much do you owe?’

“The debtor replied, ‘A thousand bushels of wheat.’

“The manager told him, ‘Take the ledger, and write “eight hundred!” ’

“The master praised the dishonest manager for being so clever. Worldly people are more clever than spiritually-minded people when it comes to dealing with others.”

Yeshua continued, “I’m telling you that although wealth is often used in dishonest ways, you should use it to make friends for yourselves. When life is over, you will be welcomed into an eternal home. 10 Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with a lot. Whoever is dishonest with very little is dishonest with a lot. 11 Therefore, if you can’t be trusted with wealth that is often used dishonestly, who will trust you with wealth that is real? 12 If you can’t be trusted with someone else’s wealth, who will give you your own?

13 “A servant cannot serve two masters. He will hate the first master and love the second, or he will be devoted to the first and despise the second. You cannot serve God and wealth.”

14 The Pharisees, who love money, heard all this and were making sarcastic remarks about him. 15 So Yeshua said to them, “You try to justify your actions in front of people. But God knows what’s in your hearts. What is important to humans is disgusting to God.

16 “Moses’ Teachings and the Prophets were in force until the time of John. Since that time, people have been telling the Good News about the kingdom of God, and everyone is trying to force their way into it. 17 It is easier for the earth and the heavens to disappear than to drop a comma from the Scriptures.

18 “Any man who divorces his wife to marry another woman is committing adultery. The man who marries a woman divorced in this way is committing adultery.

Psalm 82

Psalm 82

A psalm by Asaph.

Elohim takes his place in his own assembly.
    He pronounces judgment among the gods:
“How long are you going to judge unfairly?
    How long are you going to side with wicked people?” Selah

Defend weak people and orphans.
    Protect the rights of the oppressed and the poor.
Rescue weak and needy people.
    Help them escape the power of wicked people.

Wicked people do not know or understand anything.
    As they walk around in the dark,
        all the foundations of the earth shake.
I said, “You are gods.
    You are all sons of Elyon.
        You will certainly die like humans
            and fall like any prince.”

Arise, O Elohim!
    Judge the earth, because all the nations belong to you.

Proverbs 13:2-3

A person eats well as a result of his speaking ability,
    but the appetite of treacherous people craves violence.
Whoever controls his mouth protects his own life.
    Whoever has a big mouth comes to ruin.

Names of God Bible (NOG)

The Names of God Bible (without notes) © 2011 by Baker Publishing Group.