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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

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Modern English Version (MEV)
Amos 7-9

Plague of Locusts

This is what the Lord God showed me: He was forming a plague of locusts when the latter growth was beginning to sprout up, the latter growth after the king’s reaping. When they had finished devouring the foliage of the land, I said, “O Lord God, please forgive. How can Jacob survive? For he is small.”

The Lord relented concerning this:

“It shall not be,” said the Lord.


This is what the Lord God showed me: The Lord God was calling for a judgment by fire. It was consuming the great deep and was devouring the fields. I said, “O Lord God, please stop. How can Jacob survive? For he is small.”

The Lord relented concerning this:

“This also shall not be,” said the Lord God.

Plumb Line

This is what He showed me: The Lord was standing by a wall made using a plumb line, with a plumb line in His hand. The Lord said to me, “Amos, what do you see?”

And I said, “A plumb line.”

Then the Lord said, “See, I am putting a plumb line in the midst of My people Israel. I will forgive them no more.

The high places of Isaac will be destroyed,
    the sanctuaries of Israel will be laid waste,
    and I will rise against the house of Jeroboam with the sword.”

The Priest Tries to Banish Amos

10 Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent a message to Jeroboam king of Israel, saying, “Amos has conspired against you at the very center of the house of Israel. The country cannot endure all his words. 11 For this is what Amos said:

‘Jeroboam will die by the sword,
    and Israel will surely be exiled
    away from its land.’ ”

12 So Amaziah said to Amos, “O seer, go, flee back to the land of Judah. Earn your sustenance there, and prophesy there. 13 But do not prophesy any more at Bethel, for it is the king’s sanctuary and a royal temple.”

14 But Amos answered Amaziah: “I am no prophet, and I am no prophet’s disciple. Rather, I am a herdsman and a dresser of sycamore trees. 15 But the Lord took me away from the flock, and the Lord said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to My people Israel.’ 16 Now therefore hear the word of the Lord: You say,

‘Do not prophesy against Israel,
    and do not preach against the house of Isaac.’

17 “Therefore thus says the Lord:

‘Your wife will be a prostitute in the city,
    your sons and daughters will fall by the sword,
and your land will be divided by measuring line;
    you yourself will die in an unclean land;
and Israel will surely go into exile
    away from its land.’ ”

Basket of Fruit

This is what the Lord God showed me: a basket of summer fruit. He said, “Amos, what do you see?”

And I said, “A basket of summer fruit.”

Then the Lord said to me, “The end has come upon My people Israel. I will forgive them no more.

“The songs of the temple shall become wailings on that day,” says the Lord God. “The corpses shall be many, cast down everywhere. Hush!”

Against the Greedy

Hear this, you who trample on the needy
    to make the poor of the land fail,


“When will the New Moon be over,
    so that we may sell grain?
And the Sabbath,
    that we may open the wheat sales,
making the ephah[a] too small,
    and the shekel[b] too heavy,
    cheating with dishonest scales,
that we may buy the poor for silver,
    the needy for a pair of sandals,
    and sell the refuse as wheat?”

The Lord has sworn by the pride of Jacob: Surely I will never forget any of their deeds.

Will not the land tremble because of this,
    and everyone mourn who lives on it?
It will all rise up like the Nile,
    and be tossed around, then sink
    like the Nile of Egypt.

On that day, says the Lord God,

I will make the sun go down at noon,
    and darken the earth in mid-daylight;
10 I will turn your feasts into mourning,
    and all your songs into dirges;
I will put sackcloth upon all loins,
    and baldness on every head;
I will make it like the mourning for an only child,
    and its end like a bitter day.

11 The time is coming, says the Lord God,
    when I will send a famine on the land,
not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water,
    but of hearing the words of the Lord.
12 They will wander from sea to sea,
    and from north to east;
they will run back and forth to seek the word of the Lord,
    but they will not find it.

13 On that day

the beautiful maidens and the young men
    will faint with thirst.
14 Those who swear by Ashimah of Samaria, and say,
    “By the life of your god, O Dan,”
    and, “By the life of the way of Beersheba”—
they shall fall
    and never rise again.

Destruction of the Sanctuary

I saw the Lord standing upon the altar, and He said:

Strike the capitals
    so that the thresholds shake;
break them off onto the heads of all of them.
    Those who remain I will slay with the sword.
Not one of them will get away;
    not one fugitive will survive.
Though they dig down to Sheol,
    from there My hand will capture them;
though they climb up to the heavens,
    from there I will bring them down;
though they hide on the top of Carmel,
    from there I will search and catch them;
though they hide from My sight on the bottom of the sea,
    from there will I command the serpent to bite them;
and though they go into captivity before their enemies,
    from there will I command the sword to slay them.

I will set My eyes upon them
    for evil and not for good.

The Lord God of Hosts,
    He who touches the earth and it melts,
    and all who live on it mourn;
it all rises up like the Nile,
    and subsides like the river of Egypt;
who builds His chambers in the heavens,
    and founds His vault over the earth;
who summons the waters of the sea,
    and pours them out upon the surface of the earth—
    the Lord is His name.

Are you not like the Ethiopians to Me,
    O children of Israel?
    says the Lord.
Did I not bring Israel up from the land of Egypt,
    but also the Philistines from Caphtor,
    and the Arameans from Kir?

The eyes of the Lord God
    are upon the sinful kingdom,
and I will destroy it
    from off the face of the earth,
though I will not completely destroy
    the house of Jacob,
    says the Lord.
See, I am giving the command,
    and I will sift the house of Israel
    among all the nations,
as one sifts with a sieve,
    and not a pebble falls to the ground.
10 All the sinners of My people
    will die by the sword,
those who say,
    “Never will disaster reach or overtake us.”

Restoration of the Davidic Kingdom

11 On that day will I raise up
    the hut of David that is fallen;
I will close up its breached walls,
    raise up its ruins,
    and rebuild it as in the days of old;
12 that they may possess the remnant of Edom,
    and of all the nations called by My name,
    says the Lord who will do this.

13 Indeed, the days are coming, says the Lord,

when the plowman will overtake the one who is reaping,
    and the treader of grapes the one who is sowing the seed;
the mountains will drip sweet wine,
    and all the hills will flow with it.
14 I will restore the fortunes of My people Israel;
    they will rebuild the ruined cities and inhabit them;
they will plant vineyards and drink their wine;
    they will make gardens and eat their fruit.
15 I will plant them upon their land,
    and no more will they be uprooted
    out of their land which I have given them.
    The Lord your God has spoken.

Revelation 3:7-22

The Message to Philadelphia

“To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write:

“He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens, says these things: I know your works. Look! I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it. For you have a little strength, and have kept My word, and have not denied My name. Listen! I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie. Listen! I will make them come and worship before your feet and to know that I have loved you. 10 Because you have kept My word of patience, I also will keep you from the hour of temptation which shall come upon the entire world, to test those who dwell on the earth.

11 “Look, I am coming quickly. Hold firmly what you have, so that no one may take your crown. 12 He who overcomes will I make a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God, and My own new name. 13 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

The Message to Laodicea

14 “To the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write:

“The Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God, says these things: 15 I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were cold or hot. 16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spit you out of My mouth. 17 For you say, ‘I am rich, and have stored up goods, and have need of nothing,’ yet do not realize that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. 18 I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined by fire, that you may be rich, and white garments, that you may be dressed, that the shame of your nakedness may not appear, and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.

19 “Those whom I love, I rebuke and discipline. Therefore be zealous and repent. 20 Listen! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me.

21 “To him who overcomes will I grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. 22 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

Psalm 131

Psalm 131

A Song of Ascents. Of David.

Lord, my heart is not haughty,
    my eyes are not raised too high.
I have not striven for enormities,
    for things too wonderful for me.
I composed and quieted my desire,
    like a child given suck by his mother;
    like a child who sucks is my desire within me.

Let Israel hope in the Lord
    from now and forever.

Proverbs 29:23

23 A man’s pride will bring him low,
    but honor will uphold the humble in spirit.

Modern English Version (MEV)

The Holy Bible, Modern English Version. Copyright © 2014 by Military Bible Association. Published and distributed by Charisma House.