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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

Today's audio is from the ESV. Switch to the ESV to read along with the audio.

Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
Job 34-36

34 Elihu continued speaking:

“Hear my words, you sages!
Listen to me, you who know so much!
For the ear tests words,
just as the palate tastes food.
Let’s choose for ourselves what is just;
let’s decide among ourselves what is good.
For Iyov says, ‘I am in the right,
but God is denying me justice.
Against justice, I am considered a liar;
my wound is mortal, though I committed no crime.’

“Is there a man like Iyov,
who drinks in scoffing like water,
who keeps company with evildoers
and goes with wicked men,
since he thinks, ‘It profits a person nothing
to be in accord with God’?

10 “So listen to me, you men with sense!
Far be it from God to do anything wicked!
11 For he pays people back for what they do
and sees that each gets what his conduct deserves.
12 It is certain that God does nothing wicked;
Shaddai will not pervert justice.
13 Did someone else put him in charge of the earth?
Who else established the entire world?
14 If he were to take back man’s heart to himself,
if he gathered to himself his spirit and breath;
15 all flesh would instantly perish,
everyone would return to dust.

16 “If you have any sense, [Iyov,] hear this;
listen to what I am saying.
17-18 Should a hater of justice be in control?
If you wouldn’t tell a king, ‘You’re a scoundrel!’
or nobles, ‘You are wicked men!’
then you shouldn’t condemn the Just and Mighty One,
19 who is neither partial toward princes
nor favors the rich over the poor,
since they all are the work of his hands.
20 They may die in a moment, in the middle of the night —
the people are shaken and pass away,
the mighty are removed without human hands.
21 For he keeps watch on a person’s ways;
he sees his every step.
22 There is no darkness, no death-like gloom,
where wrongdoers can hide;
23 for he doesn’t give warning to people
when they must appear before God in judgment.
24 He shatters the mighty without needing to investigate
and sets up others in their place.
25 Therefore, aware of what they are doing,
he overturns them by night, and they are crushed.
26 He strikes them as if they were common criminals
in the open sight of others,
27 because they turned away from following him
and gave no thought to any of his ways,
28 thereby bringing before him the cries of the poor;
and he hears the cries of the oppressed.

29 “But if God is silent, who can accuse him;
if he hides his face, who can see him?
He may do this to nations and persons alike,
30 so that godless men will not become kings,
and the people will not be lured into traps.

31 “For has anyone said to God,
‘I have been chastised without having offended;
32 teach me what I have failed to see;
and if I have done wrong, I will do it no more’?
33 Must his rewards meet your approval?
Well, you are the one who doesn’t like them,
so you, not I, should pick the alternative;
come on, say what you think!
34 Intelligent people will tell me,
every wise man who hears me will say,
35 ‘Iyov is speaking without thinking;
his words lack discernment.’

36 “I wish Iyov would be kept on trial forever,
because he answers like wicked men.
37 For now to his sin he adds rebellion;
he [mockingly] claps his hands among us
and keeps adding to his words against God.”

35 Elihu went on to say:

“Are you so convinced you are right,
that you say, ‘I am more just than God’?
For you ask what advantage it is to you,
‘How do I gain from not sinning?’

“Here is my answer to you,
to you and to your friends:
Look at the heavens and see;
observe the skies, high above you.
If you sin, how do you hurt him?
If your crimes are many, how do you affect him?
If you are righteous, what do you give him?
What benefit does he get from you?
Your wickedness can affect only others like you,
and your righteousness only other human beings.
People cry out from under many oppressions;
they cry for help from under the fist of the mighty.
10 But no one asks, ‘Where is God my maker,
who causes glad songs to ring out at night,
11 who teaches us more than he teaches wild animals
and makes us wiser than the birds in the air?’
12 They may cry out, but no one answers,
because of evil men’s pride.
13 For God will not listen to empty cries;
Shaddai pays no attention to them.
14 All the more when you say that you don’t see him!
Just be patient; he’s considering the matter.
15 But now, just because he doesn’t get angry and punish,
does it mean he doesn’t know what arrogance is?
16 So Iyov is being futile when he opens his mouth;
he is piling up words without knowledge.”

36 Elihu added:

“Bear with me a little, and I will show you
that there is more to say on God’s behalf.
I may search far and wide for my arguments,
but I will ascribe righteousness to God my maker.
For the fact is that my words are true;
you have with you a man whose views are pure.

“Look, God is powerful and despises no one,
powerful in his strength of understanding.
He does not preserve the lives of the wicked,
but he gives justice to the poor.
He does not withdraw his eyes from the righteous;
but when he sets kings on their throne forever,
they may become proud;
if, then, they are bound in chains,
held in oppressive cords,
he shows them the results of their doings,
the crimes caused by their pride.
10 He sounds a warning in their ears
and orders them to repent of their evil.

11 “If they pay attention and obey him,
they spend their days in prosperity;
their years pass pleasantly.
12 But if they don’t pay attention,
they perish by the sword
and die without learning their lesson.
13 The godless in heart cherish their anger,
not crying for help when he binds them.
14 Their soul perishes in their youth,
and their life becomes depraved.

15 “God, with his affliction,
delivers the afflicted;
and he gets their attention
by pressing on them.
16 Indeed [Iyov], he is drawing you
away from distress
to an untroubled open place,
with rich food on your table.
17 But the judgment on the wicked
applies fully to you,
judgment and condemnation
take hold [of them].
18 For beware of wrath
when abundance entices you;
don’t let a big bribe
turn you aside.
19 Will your great wealth help you?
or all your efforts, no matter how strong?
20 Don’t desire the night,
when people suddenly die.
21 Be careful; turn away from wrongdoing;
for because of this, you have been tested by affliction.

22 “Look, God is exalted in his strength;
who is a teacher like him?
23 Who ever prescribed his course for him?
Who ever said, ‘What you are doing is wrong’?
24 Remember, rather, to magnify his work,
of which many have sung.
25 Everyone has seen it,
[but] humans see it [only] from a distance.
26 Look, God is great, beyond what we can know;
the number of his years is uncountable.

27 “He makes the droplets of water,
which condense into rain from his mist.
28 The clouds pour it down
upon humankind in abundance.
29 Can anyone fathom the spreading of the clouds,
or the crashes that come from his canopy?
30 See how he scatters his lightning over it
and covers the roots of the sea.
31 By these things he judges the people
and also gives food in plenty.
32 He gathers the lightning into his hands
and commands it to strike the target.
33 Its crashing announces its presence
and apprises the cattle of what is coming.

2 Corinthians 4:1-12

God has shown us such mercy that we do not lose courage as we do the work he has given us. Indeed, we refuse to make use of shameful underhanded methods, employing deception or distorting God’s message. On the contrary, by making very clear what the truth is, we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God. So if indeed our Good News is veiled, it is veiled only to those in the process of being lost. They do not come to trust because the god of the ‘olam hazeh has blinded their minds, in order to prevent them from seeing the light shining from the Good News about the glory of the Messiah, who is the image of God. For what we are proclaiming is not ourselves, but the Messiah Yeshua as Lord, with ourselves as slaves for you because of Yeshua. For it is the God who once said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” who has made his light shine in our hearts, the light of the knowledge of God’s glory shining in the face of the Messiah Yeshua.

But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it will be evident that such overwhelming power comes from God and not from us. We have all kinds of troubles, but we are not crushed; we are perplexed, yet not in despair; persecuted, yet not abandoned; knocked down, yet not destroyed. 10 We always carry in our bodies the dying of Yeshua, so that the life of Yeshua may be manifested in our bodies too. 11 For we who are alive are always being handed over to death for Yeshua’s sake, so that Yeshua’s life also might be manifested in our mortal bodies. 12 Thus death is at work in us but life in you.

Psalm 44:1-8

44 (0) For the leader. By the descendants of Korach. A maskil:

(1) God, we heard it with our ears;
our fathers told us about it —
a deed which you did in their days,
back in days of old.
(2) With your hand you drove out nations
to plant them in [the land],
you crushed peoples
to make room for them.

(3) For not by their own swords
did they conquer the land,
nor did their own arm
give them victory;
rather, it was your right hand,
your arm and the light of your face;
because you favored them.
(4) God, you are my king;
command complete victory for Ya‘akov.

(5) Through you we pushed away our foes,
through your name we trampled down our assailants.
(6) For I don’t rely on my bow,
nor can my sword give me victory.
(7) No, you saved us from our adversaries;
you put to shame those who hate us.

Proverbs 22:10-12

10 Throw the scoffer out, and quarreling goes too;
    strife and insults cease.

11 He who loves the pure-hearted and is gracious in speech
    will have the king as his friend.

12 The eyes of Adonai protect [the man with] knowledge,
    but he overturns the plans of a traitor.

Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

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