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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

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Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
Job 20-22

20 Tzofar the Na‘amati replied,

“My thoughts are pressing me to answer;
I feel such an urge to speak!
I have heard reproof that outrages me,
but a spirit past my understanding gives me a reply.

“Don’t you know that ever since time began,
ever since humans were placed on earth,
that the triumph of the wicked is always short-lived,
and the joy of the ungodly is gone in a moment?
His pride may mount to the heavens,
his head may touch the clouds;
but he will vanish completely, like his own dung —
those who used to see him will ask, ‘Where is he?’
Like a dream he flies off and is not found again;
like a vision in the night he is chased away.
The eye which once saw him will see him no more,
his place will not behold him again.
10 His children will have to pay back the poor;
his hands will restore their wealth.
11 His bones may be filled with [the vigor of] his youth,
but it will join him lying in the dust.

12 “Wickedness may taste sweet in his mouth,
he may savor and roll it around on his tongue,
13 he may linger over it and not let it go
but keep it there in his mouth —
14 yet in his stomach his food goes bad,
it works inside him like snake venom;
15 the wealth he swallows he vomits back up;
God makes him disgorge it.
16 He sucks the poison of asps,
the viper’s fangs will kill him.
17 He will not enjoy the rivers,
the streams flowing with honey and cream.
18 He will have to give back what he toiled for;
he won’t get to swallow it down —
to the degree that he acquired wealth,
he won’t get to enjoy it.

19 “For he crushed and abandoned the poor,
seizing houses he did not build,
20 because his appetite would not let him rest,
in his greed he let nothing escape;
21 nothing is left that he did not devour;
therefore his well-being will not last.
22 With all needs satisfied, he will be in distress;
the full force of misery will come over him.

23 “This is what will fill his belly! —
[God] will lay on him all his burning anger
and make it rain over him, into his insides.
24 If he flees from the weapon of iron,
the bow of bronze will pierce him through —
25 he pulls the arrow out of his back,
the shining tip comes out from his innards;
terrors come upon him.

26 “Total darkness is laid up for his treasures,
a fire fanned by no one will consume him,
and calamity awaits what is left in his tent.
27 The heavens will reveal his guilt,
and the earth will rise up against him.
28 The income of his household will be carried off;
his goods will flow away on the day of his wrath.
29 This is God’s reward for the wicked,
the heritage God decrees for him.”

21 Then Iyov responded:

“Listen carefully to my words;
let this be the comfort you give me.
Bear with me as I speak;
then, after I have spoken, you can go on mocking.

“As for me, is my complaint merely to other people?
Don’t I have grounds for being short-tempered?
Look at me, and be appalled;
cover your mouth with your hand!
Whenever I recall it, I am in shock;
my whole body shudders.

“Why do the wicked go on living,
grow old and keep increasing their power?
They see their children settled with them,
their posterity assured.
Their houses are safe, with nothing to fear;
God’s rod is not on them.
10 Their bulls are fertile without fail,
their cows get pregnant and don’t miscarry.
11 They produce flocks of babies,
and their children dance around.
12 They sing with tambourines and lyres
and rejoice to the sound of the pipe.
13 They spend their days in prosperity
and go down to the grave in peace.

14 “Yet to God they said, ‘Leave us alone!
We don’t want to know about your ways.
15 What is Shaddai, that we should serve him?
What do we gain if we pray to him?’
16 Isn’t their prosperity already theirs?
The plans of the wicked are far from me.

17 “How often is the lamp of the wicked put out?
How often does their calamity come upon them?
How often does [God] deal out pain in his anger,
18 to make them like straw in the wind,
like chaff carried off by a storm?
19 God lays up for their children
[the punishment for their] iniquity.
He should lay it on [the wicked] themselves,
so that they can feel it!
20 Let their own eyes see their own destruction
and themselves drink the wrath of Shaddai.
21 What joy can they have in their family after them,
given that their months are numbered?

22 “Can anyone teach God knowledge?
After all, he judges those who are on high.
23 One person dies in his full strength,
completely at ease and content;
24 his pails are full of milk,
and the marrow in his bones is moist.
25 Another dies with embittered heart,
never having tasted happiness.
26 They lie down alike in the dust,
and the worm covers them both.

27 “Look, I know what you are thinking
and your plans to do me wrong.
28 You ask, ‘Where is the great man’s house?
Where is the tent where the wicked once lived?’
29 Haven’t you ever questioned travelers?
Don’t you accept their testimony
30 that the evil man is saved on the day of disaster,
rescued on the day of wrath?
31 So who will confront him with his ways?
Who will repay him for what he has done?
32 For he is carried off to the grave,
people keep watch over his tomb,
33 the clods of the valley are sweet to him;
so everyone follows his example,
just as before him were countless others.

34 “Why offer me such meaningless comfort?
Of your answers, only the perfidy remains.”

22 Next Elifaz the Teimani replied:

“Can a human be of advantage to God?
Can even the wisest benefit him?
Does Shaddai gain if you are righteous?
Does he profit if you make your ways blameless?

“Is he rebuking you because you fear him?
Is this why he enters into judgment with you?
Isn’t it because your wickedness is great?
Aren’t your iniquities endless?

“For you kept your kinsmen’s goods as collateral for no reason,
you stripped the poorly clothed of what clothing they have,
you didn’t give water to the weary to drink,
you withheld food from the hungry.
As a wealthy man, an owner of land,
and as a man of rank, who lives on it,
you sent widows away empty-handed
and left the arms of orphans crushed.

10 “No wonder there are snares all around you,
and sudden terror overwhelms you,
11 or darkness , so that you can’t see,
and a flood of water that covers you up!

12 “Isn’t God in the heights of heaven,
looking [down even] on the highest stars?
13 Yet you say, ‘What does God know?
Can he see through thick darkness to judge?
14 The clouds veil him off, so that he can’t see;
he just wanders around in heaven.’

15 “Are you going to keep to the old way,
the one the wicked have trodden,
16 the ones snatched away before their time,
whose foundations a flood swept away?
17 They said to God, ‘Leave us alone!
What can Shaddai do to us?’
18 Yet he himself had filled their homes with good things!
(But the advice of the wicked is far away from me.)
19 The righteous saw this and rejoiced;
the innocent laughed them to scorn —
20 ‘Indeed, our substance has not been not cut off,
but the fire has consumed their wealth.’

21 “Learn to be at peace with [God];
in this way good will come [back] to you.
22 Please! Receive instruction from his mouth,
and take his words to heart.
23 If you return to Shaddai, you will be built up.
If you drive wickedness far from your tents,
24 if you lay your treasure down in the dust
and the gold of Ofir among the rocks in the vadis,
25 and let Shaddai be your treasure
and your sparkling silver;
26 then Shaddai will be your delight,
you will lift up your face to God;
27 you will entreat him, and he will hear you,
and you will pay what you vowed;
28 what you decide to do will succeed,
and light will shine on your path;
29 when someone is brought down, you will say, ‘It was pride,
because [God] saves the humble.’

30 “He delivers even the unclean;
so if your hands are clean, you will be delivered.”

1 Corinthians 1:1-11

From: Sha’ul, called by God’s will to be an emissary of the Messiah Yeshua; and from brother Sosthenes

To: God’s Messianic community in Corinth, consisting of those who have been set apart by Yeshua the Messiah and called to be God’s holy people — along with everyone everywhere who calls on the name of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, their Lord as well as ours:

Grace to you and shalom from God our Father and the Lord Yeshua the Messiah.

I thank my God always for you because of God’s love and kindness given to you through the Messiah Yeshua, in that you have been enriched by him in so many ways, particularly in power of speech and depth of knowledge. Indeed, the testimony about the Messiah has become firmly established in you; so that you are not lacking any spiritual gift and are eagerly awaiting the revealing of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah. He will enable you to hold out until the end and thus be blameless on the Day of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah — God is trustworthy: it was he who called you into fellowship with his Son, Yeshua the Messiah, our Lord.

10 Nevertheless, brothers, I call on you in the name of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah to agree, all of you, in what you say, and not to let yourselves remain split into factions but be restored to having a common mind and a common purpose. 11 For some of Chloe’s people have made it known to me, my brothers, that there are quarrels among you.

Psalm 40:11-17

11 (10) I did not hide your righteousness in my heart
but declared your faithfulness and salvation;
I did not conceal your grace and truth
from the great assembly.”

12 (11) Adonai, don’t withhold your mercy from me.
Let your grace and truth preserve me always.
13 (12) For numberless evils surround me;
my iniquities engulf me — I can’t even see;
there are more of them than hairs on my head,
so that my courage fails me.
14 (13) Be pleased, Adonai, to rescue me!
Adonai, hurry and help me!
15 (14) May those who seek to sweep me away
be disgraced and humiliated together.
May those who take pleasure in doing me harm
be turned back and put to confusion.
16 (15) May those who jeer at me, “Aha! Aha!”
be aghast because of their shame.

17 (16) But may all those who seek you
be glad and take joy in you.
May those who love your salvation say always,
Adonai is great and glorious!”

Proverbs 22:2-4

Rich and poor have this in common —
    Adonai made them both.

The clever see trouble coming and hide;
    the simple go on and pay the penalty.

The reward for humility is fear of Adonai,
    along with wealth, honor and life.

Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

Copyright © 1998 by David H. Stern. All rights reserved.