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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

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Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
Nehemiah 3:15-5:13

15 Shalun the son of Kol-Hozeh, leader of the district of Mitzpah, repaired the Fountain Gate; he rebuilt it, covered it and set up its doors, along with its bolts and bars; he also rebuilt the wall of the Pool of Shelach, by the royal garden, as far as the stairs that go down from the City of David. 16 After him Nechemyah the son of Azbuk, leader of half the district of Beit-Tzur, made repairs from the place opposite the tombs of David as far as the artificial pool and the soldiers’ barracks. 17 After him the L’vi’im made repairs: Rechum the son of Bani; next to him Hashavyah, leader of half the district of Ke‘ilah, made repairs for his district. 18 After him their colleagues, Bavai the son of Henadad, leader of half the district of Ke‘ilah, made repairs. 19 Next to him ‘Ezer the son of Yeshua, leader of Mitzpah, made repairs on another section, opposite the ascent to the armory at the Angle. 20 After him Barukh the son of Zakkai worked diligently making repairs on another section, from the Angle to the door of the house of Elyashiv the cohen hagadol. 21 After him M’remot the son of Uriyah made repairs on another section, from the door of the house of Elyashiv to the end of the house of Elyashiv. 22 After him the cohanim from the plain made repairs. 23 After them Binyamin and Hashuv made repairs opposite their house. After them ‘Azaryah the son of Ma‘aseiyah, the son of ‘Ananyah, made repairs next to his house. 24 After him Binui the son of Henadad repaired another section, from the house of ‘Azaryah to the Angle and to the Corner. 25 Palal the son of Uzai made repairs opposite the Angle and the tower that projects out from the upper part of the royal palace near the Courtyard of the Guard.

After him P’dayah the son of Par‘osh made repairs 26 (since the temple servants were living in the ‘Ofel) as far as opposite the Water Gate to the east and the tower that projects out. 27 After him the men from T’koa repaired another section, opposite the great tower that projects out and on to the wall of the ‘Ofel.

28 Above the Horse Gate the cohanim made repairs, each one opposite his own house. 29 After them Tzadok the son of Immer made repairs opposite his house. After him Sh’ma‘yah the son of Sh’khanyah, the keeper of the East Gate, made repairs. 30 After him Hananyah the son of Shelemyah and Hanun the sixth son of Tzalaf made repairs on another section. After him Meshulam the son of Berekhyah made repairs opposite his own room.

31 After him Malkiyah, one of the goldsmiths, made repairs as far as the house of the temple servants and the merchants, opposite the Mustering Gate and on to the upper room at the corner. 32 Finally, between the upper room at the corner and the Sheep Gate the goldsmiths and merchants made repairs.

33 (4:1) But when Sanvalat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, he was furious. Greatly enraged, he ridiculed the Judeans; 34 (4:2) before his kinsmen and the army of Shomron he said, “What are these pathetic Judeans doing? Are they going to rebuild anything they want? Are they going to sacrifice? Are they going to finish today? Are they going to recover useful stones from the piles of rubble, burned rubble at that?” 35 (4:3) Toviyah the ‘Amoni was with him, and he said, “Whatever they’re building, why, if even a fox went up it, he’d knock their stone wall down!”

36 (4:4) Our God, listen! We are being treated with contempt. Turn back their jeers on their own heads; give them over to be plundered in a land of exile. 37 (4:5) Don’t cover their guilt, don’t let their sin be wiped out from before you; because they have insulted the builders to their face.

38 (4:6) So we kept building the wall, which was soon joined together and completed to half its height all the way around; because the people worked with a will.

(7) But when Sanvalat, Toviyah, the Arabs, the ‘Amonim and the Ashdodim heard that the repairs on the walls of Yerushalayim were going forward, and the breaks were being filled in, they became very angry. (8) All of them together plotted to come and fight against Yerushalayim and thus throw us into confusion. (9) However, we prayed to our God and, because of them, organized a watch against them day and night. (10) Y’hudah was saying, “The strength of the people who carry loads away is starting to fail, and there is so much rubble that we can’t build the wall.” (11) Our enemies were saying, “They won’t know or see anything, until we have already infiltrated them and begun killing them and stopping the work.” (12) And even the Judeans living near them came and must have said to us ten times, “From every place you must come back to us.”

(13) So in the lower parts of the space behind the wall, I stationed men according to their families, with their swords, spears and bows. (14) After inspecting them, I stood up and addressed the nobles, leaders and the rest of the people: “Don’t be afraid of them! Remember Adonai, who is great and fearful; and fight for your brothers, sons, daughters, wives and homes.” (15) When our enemies heard that the plot was known to us, and God had foiled their plans, we all returned to the wall, everyone to his work. 10 (16) From then on, half of my men would do the work; and half of them held the spears, shields, bows and armor; while the leaders stood guard behind the entire house of Y’hudah, 11 (17) as they continued building the wall. Those who carried loads held their loads with one hand and carried a weapon in the other. 12 (18) As for the construction-workers, each one had his sword sheathed at his side; that is how they built. The man to sound the alarm on the shofar stayed with me. 13 (19) I said to the nobles, the leaders and the rest of the people, “This is a great work, and it is spread out; we are separated on the wall, one far from another. 14 (20) But wherever you are, when you hear the sound of the shofar, come to that place, to us. Our God will fight for us!”

15 (21) So we kept doing the work. Half of them held spears from daybreak until the stars appeared. 16 (22) Also at that time I told the people, “Let everyone with a servant stay the night within Yerushalayim, so that at night they can be a guard for us, even as they work during the day.” 17 (23) I, my kinsmen, my servants and my bodyguards never took off our clothes, and everyone who went to get water took his weapon.

Then there arose a great outcry from the common people and their wives against their brothers the [wealthier] Judeans. Some of them said, “Counting our sons and daughters, there are a lot of us! Allow us to get grain for them, so that we can eat and stay alive.” There were also some who said, “We are mortgaging our fields, vineyards and homes in order to buy grain, because of the famine.” Yet others said, “We have borrowed money for the king’s taxes against our fields and vineyards. Now our flesh is no different from the flesh of our kinsmen, and our children are the same as their children; yet we are bringing our sons and daughters into bondage as slaves. Some of our daughters have gone into slavery already, and it’s beyond our power to do anything about it, because other men have our fields and vineyards.”

When I heard their outcry and the reasons for it, I became very angry. I thought the matter over and then took issue with the nobles and rulers. I charged them, “You are lending against pledges, everyone to his brother”; and I summoned a great assembly to deal with them. I said to them, “We, to the limit of our ability, have redeemed our brothers the Judeans who sold themselves to the pagans. Now you are selling your own brothers, and we will have to buy them back!” They stayed silent; they couldn’t think of anything to say. I also said, “What you are doing is not good! You should be living in fear of our God, so that our pagan enemies won’t have grounds for deriding us. 10 Moreover, my brothers and my servants, I too have loaned them money and grain. Please, let’s stop making it so burdensome to go into debt. 11 Please! Today! Give them back their fields, vineyards, olive groves and homes; also the hundred pieces of silver and the grain, wine and olive oil you demand from them as interest.”

12 They answered, “We will give it back. We will require nothing from them. Yes, we will do it, just as you say.” Then I called the cohanim and took an oath from them that they would do as they had promised. 13 Shaking out the fold in my garment, I said, “May God thus shake every man from his house and from his work who fails to live up to this promise — may he be shaken out like this and made empty.” The whole assembly said, “Amen!” and praised Adonai; and the people did as they had promised.

1 Corinthians 7:25-40

25 Now the question about the unmarried: I do not have a command from the Lord, but I offer an opinion as one who by the Lord’s mercy is worthy to be trusted. 26 I suppose that in a time of stress like the present it is good for a person to stay as he is. 27 That means that if a man has a wife, he should not seek to be free of her; and if he is unmarried, he should not look for a wife. 28 But if you marry you do not sin, and if a girl marries she does not sin. It is just that those who get married will have the normal problems of married life, and I would rather spare you. 29 What I am saying, brothers, is that there is not much time left: from now on a man with a wife should live as if he had none — 30 and those who are sad should live as if they weren’t, those who are happy as if they weren’t, 31 and those who deal in worldly affairs as if not engrossed in them — because the present scheme of things in this world won’t last much longer. 32 What I want is for you to be free of concern. An unmarried man concerns himself with the Lord’s affairs, 33 with how to please the Lord; but the married man concerns himself with the world’s affairs, with how to please his wife; 34 and he finds himself split. Likewise the woman who is no longer married or the girl who has never been married concerns herself with the Lord’s affairs, with how to be holy both physically and spiritually; but the married woman concerns herself with the world’s affairs, with how to please her husband. 35 I am telling you this for your own benefit, not to put restrictions on you — I am simply concerned that you live in a proper manner and serve the Lord with undivided devotion.

36 Now if a man thinks he is behaving dishonorably by treating his fiancée this way, and if there is strong sexual desire, so that marriage is what ought to happen; then let him do what he wants — he is not sinning: let them get married. 37 But if a man has firmly made up his mind, being under no compulsion but having complete control over his will, if he has decided within himself to keep his fiancée a virgin, he will be doing well. 38 So the man who marries his fiancée will do well, and the man who doesn’t marry will do better.

39 A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives, but if the husband dies she is free to marry anyone she wishes, provided he is a believer in the Lord. 40 However, in my opinion, she will be happier if she remains unmarried, and in saying this I think I have God’s Spirit.

Psalm 32

32 (0) By David. A maskil:

(1) How blessed are those whose offense is forgiven,
those whose sin is covered!
How blessed those to whom Adonai imputes no guilt,
in whose spirit is no deceit!

When I kept silent, my bones wasted away
because of my groaning all day long;
day and night your hand was heavy on me;
the sap in me dried up as in a summer drought. (Selah)

When I acknowledged my sin to you,
when I stopped concealing my guilt,
and said, “I will confess my offenses to Adonai”;
then you, you forgave the guilt of my sin. (Selah)

This is what everyone faithful should pray
at a time when you can be found.
Then, when the floodwaters are raging,
they will not reach to him.

You are a hiding-place for me,
you will keep me from distress;
you will surround me
with songs of deliverance. (Selah)

“I will instruct and teach you
in this way that you are to go;
I will give you counsel;
my eyes will be watching you.”

Don’t be like a horse or mule
that has no understanding,
that has to be curbed with bit and bridle,
or else it won’t come near you.

10 Many are the torments of the wicked,
but grace surrounds those who trust in Adonai.
11 Be glad in Adonai; rejoice, you righteous!
Shout for joy, all you upright in heart!

Proverbs 21:5-7

The plans of the diligent lead only to abundance;
    but all who rush in arrive only at want.

A fortune gained by a lying tongue
    is vapor dispersed [by] seekers of death.

The violence of the wicked will sweep them away,
    because they refuse to act justly.

Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

Copyright © 1998 by David H. Stern. All rights reserved.