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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

Today's audio is from the CSB. Switch to the CSB to read along with the audio.

Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
2 Chronicles 33:14-34:33

14 After this he built an outer wall for the City of David on the west side of Gichon, in the valley, extending as far as the entrance at the Fish Gate; it encompassed the ‘Ofel, and he built it very high. He stationed army commanders in all the fortified cities of Y’hudah. 15 He removed the foreign gods and the idol from the house of Adonai and all the altars he had built on the hill of the house of Adonai and in Yerushalayim, and threw them out of the city. 16 He repaired the altar of Adonai and offered on it sacrifices as peace offerings and for thanksgiving; and he ordered Y’hudah to serve Adonai the God of Isra’el. 17 However, the people continued sacrificing on the high places, although only to Adonai their God.

18 Other activities of M’nasheh, his prayer to his God and the words of the seers who spoke to him in the name of Adonai the God of Isra’el are recorded in the Annals of the Kings of Isra’el. 19 Also his prayer and how God was moved by his plea, all his sin and disloyalty, and the locations where he built high places and set up the sacred poles and carved images before he humbled himself are written in the History of the Seers.

20 Then M’nasheh slept with his ancestors and was buried at his own house, and Amon his son took his place as king.

21 Amon was twenty-two years old when he began his reign, and he ruled for two years in Yerushalayim. 22 He did what was evil from Adonai’s perspective, as had M’nasheh his father. Amon sacrificed to all the carved images that M’nasheh his father had made, and served them. 23 He did not humble himself before Adonai, as M’nasheh his father had done; rather, this Amon kept adding to his guilt.

24 His servants conspired against him and put the king to death in his own palace. 25 But the people of the land put to death all those who had been part of the conspiracy against King Amon. Then the people of the land made Yoshiyahu his son king in place of him.

34 Yoshiyahu was eight years old when he began his reign, and he ruled for thirty-one years in Yerushalayim. He did what was right from Adonai’s perspective, living entirely in the manner of David his ancestor and turning away neither to the right nor to the left.

For in the eighth year of his reign, when he was still young, he began seeking after the God of David his father; and in the twelfth year, he began cleansing Y’hudah and Yerushalayim from the high places, the sacred poles, and the carved and cast metal images. In his presence they broke down the altars of the ba‘alim, and he chopped down the pillars for sun-worship mounted above them. He smashed the sacred poles and the carved and cast metal images, grinding them to dust, which he threw on the graves of those who had sacrificed to them. He burned the bones of the priests on their altars, thus cleansing Y’hudah and Yerushalayim. He did likewise in the cities of M’nasheh, Efrayim, Shim‘on and even as far as Naftali, in their surrounding ruins. He broke down the altars, beat the sacred poles and carved images to powder and chopped down the pillars for sun-worship throughout all the land of Isra’el. Then he returned to Yerushalayim.

In the eighteenth year of his reign, after he had cleansed the land and the house, he sent Shafan the son of Atzalyahu, Ma‘aseiyah the governor of the city and Yo’ach the son of Yo’achaz the recorder to repair the house of Adonai his God. They went to Hilkiyahu the cohen hagadol and handed over to him the money that had been brought into the house of God, which the L’vi’im who guarded the doors had collected from M’nasheh, Efrayim, the rest of Isra’el and all Y’hudah and Binyamin. Then they returned to Yerushalayim. 10 They gave it to the supervisors of the work being done in the house of Adonai; and those doing the work in the house of Adonai used it to repair and restore the house — 11 that is, they gave it to the carpenters and construction-workers to purchase worked stone, timber for the crossbeams and roof beams for the houses which the kings of Y’hudah had destroyed. 12 The men did the work faithfully. Their supervisors were Yachat and ‘Ovadyahu, L’vi’im from the descendants of M’rari, also Z’kharyah and Meshulam from the descendants of the K’hatim to give direction; and other L’vi’im, all of whom could accompany singing with musical instruments. 13 They supervised those carrying the loads and everyone doing any kind of work; and there were also L’vi’im who were secretaries, officials and gatekeepers.

14 While bringing out the money that had been brought into the house of Adonai, Hilkiyahu the cohen found the scroll of the Torah of Adonai given by Moshe. 15 Hilkiyahu said to Shafan the secretary, “I have found the scroll of the Torah in the house of Adonai.” Hilkiyahu gave the scroll to Shafan. 16 Shafan the secretary brought the scroll to the king.

Turning to the king, he gave him this report: “Your servants are doing everything you ordered them to do. 17 They have poured out the money found in the house of Adonai and handed it over to the supervisors and workers.” 18 Then Shafan the secretary told the king, “Hilkiyahu the cohen hagadol gave me a scroll.” Shafan read it aloud before the king. 19 After the king had heard what was written in the Torah, he tore his clothes. 20 Then the king issued this order to Hilkiyahu, Achikam the son of Shafan, ‘Avdon the son of Mikhah, Shafan the secretary and ‘Asayah the king’s servant: 21 “Go, and consult Adonai for me and for the people left in Isra’el and Y’hudah in regard to what is written in this scroll which has been found. For Adonai must be furious at us, since our ancestors did not observe the word of Adonai and do everything written in this scroll.” 22 So Hilkiyahu and those the king had ordered went to Huldah the prophet, the wife of Shalum the son of Tok’hat, the son of Hasrat, keeper of the wardrobe — she lived in the Second Quarter of Yerushalayim — and spoke with her about this. 23 She told them, “Adonai the God of Isra’el says to tell the man who sent you to me 24 that Adonai says this: ‘I am going to bring calamity on this place and on its inhabitants, all the curses written in the scroll they read to the king of Y’hudah; 25 because they have abandoned me and offered to other gods, in order to provoke me with everything they do. Therefore my anger is poured out on this place and will not be quenched.’

26 “But you are to tell the king of Y’hudah, who sent you to consult Adonai, that Adonai the God of Isra’el also says this: ‘In regard to the words you have heard, 27 because your heart was tender, and you humbled yourself before God when you heard his words against this place and its inhabitants — you humbled yourself before me, tore your clothes and cried before me — I have also heard you,’ says Adonai. 28 ‘Here, I will gather you to your ancestors; you will go to your grave in peace; and your eyes will not see all the calamity I am going to bring on this place and its inhabitants.’” So they brought back word to the king.

29 Then the king summoned and assembled all the leaders of Y’hudah and Yerushalayim. 30 The king went up to the house of Adonai with all the men of Y’hudah, those living in Yerushalayim, the cohanim, the L’vi’im and all the people, both great and small; and he read in their hearing everything written in the scroll of the covenant that had been found in the house of Adonai. 31 The king stood in his place and made a covenant in the presence of Adonai to live following Adonai, observing his mitzvot, instructions and laws wholeheartedly and with all his being, so as to perform the words of the covenant written in this scroll. 32 Then, after he had all the people in Yerushalayim and Binyamin stand in affirmation of it, the inhabitants of Yerushalayim acted in accordance with the covenant of God, the God of their ancestors.

33 Yoshiyahu removed all the abominable idols from all the territories belonging to the people of Isra’el, and he made everyone in Isra’el serve Adonai their God. Throughout his lifetime, they did not stop following Adonai, the God of their ancestors.

Romans 16:10-27

10 Greetings to Appeles, whose trust in the Messiah has been tested and proved.

Greet those in the household of Aristobulus.

11 Greet my relative, Herodion.

12 Greet Tryphaena and Tryphosa, women who are working hard for the Lord.

Greet my dear friend Persis, another woman who has done a lot of hard work for the Lord.

13 Greet Rufus, chosen by the Lord, and his mother, who has been a mother to me too.

14 Greet Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas and the brothers who are with them.

15 Greet Philologus, Julia, Nereus and his sister, and Olympas, and all of God’s people who are with them.

16 Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the Messiah’s congregations send their greetings to you.

17 I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put snares alongside the teaching in which you have been trained — keep away from them. 18 For men like these are not serving our Lord the Messiah but their own belly; by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the innocent. 19 For everyone has heard about your obedience; therefore I rejoice over you. However, I want you to be wise concerning good, but innocent concerning evil. 20 And God, the source of shalom, will soon crush the Adversary under your feet.

The grace of our Lord Yeshua be with you.

21 Timothy, my fellow-worker, sends greetings to you; so do Lucius, Jason and Sosipater, my relatives.

22 I, Tertius, the one writing down this letter, greet you in the Lord.

23 My host Gaius, in whose home the whole congregation meets, greets you. Erastus the city treasurer and brother Quartus greet you. 24 [a]

25 Now to God, who can strengthen you, according to my Good News,
in harmony with the revelation of the secret truth
which is the proclamation of Yeshua the Messiah,
kept hidden in silence for ages and ages,
26 but manifested now through prophetic writings,
in keeping with the command of God the Eternal,
and communicated to all the Gentiles
to promote in them trust-grounded obedience —
27 to the only wise God, through Yeshua the Messiah,
be the glory forever and ever!


Psalm 26

26 (0) By David:

(1) Vindicate me, Adonai,
for I have lived a blameless life;
unwaveringly I trust in Adonai.
Examine me, Adonai, test me,
search my mind and heart.
For your grace is there before my eyes,
and I live my life by your truth.
I have not sat with worthless folks,
I won’t consort with hypocrites,
I hate the company of evildoers,
I will not sit with the wicked.

I will wash my hands in innocence
and walk around your altar, Adonai,
lifting my voice in thanks
and proclaiming all your wonders.
Adonai, I love the house where you live,
the place where your glory abides.

Don’t include me with sinners
or my life with the bloodthirsty.
10 In their hands are evil schemes;
their right hands are full of bribes.
11 As for me, I will live a blameless life.
Redeem me and show me favor.
12 My feet are planted on level ground;
in the assemblies I will bless Adonai.

Proverbs 20:19

19 A gossip goes around revealing secrets,
    so don’t get involved with a talkative person.

Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

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