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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

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The Voice (VOICE)
Zephaniah 1-3

The Eternal One had a message for the whole world, and He gave it to a man named Zephaniah when Josiah (Amon’s son) was the king of Judah. Zephaniah’s father was Cushi, the son of Gedaliah (Amariah’s son and a descendant of a commoner named Hezekiah).

2-3 Eternal One: I am going to wipe the face of the earth clean of every living thing.
        I will wipe away both people and animals;
    Even the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea will be swept away.
        Rubble and ruin will be all that is left with the wicked[a]
    When I cut off humanity from the face of the earth.
    I will use My powerful hand to crush the people of Judah
        and those who make Jerusalem their home.
    I will remove from this place every reminder and remainder of false divine masters;[b]
        the names of those pagan priests will be forgotten along with My priests.
    I will use My power against those who worship creation—
        those who bow down on their roofs before the multitude of stars in heaven—
    And against those who bow down and pledge allegiance
        to both the Eternal One and false gods such as Milcom, god of the Ammonites.
    I will use My power against those who used to worship the Eternal One
        but turned their backs and no longer follow Me.
    They don’t look to Me anymore for help and guidance.

Keep quiet now! You are standing before the Eternal Lord
    because the day of the Eternal One is near;
His judgment is coming. He has prepared the sacrifice,
    and He has chosen His guests with care.
On the day of the Eternal’s sacrifice,
    this will happen just as He describes:

Eternal One: I will punish the rulers of Judah
        and those born to royalty
    And those so enamored with foreign ways
        that they don’t act or dress like My people anymore.
    On that day, I will punish those who jump temple thresholds fearing pagan demons,
        those who exchange true religion for silly superstition,
    And those who use violence and betrayal to steal from others
        in order to make themselves and their king rich.

10     On that day, you will hear cries from all over the city of Jerusalem
        first a cry for help from the fish gate on the north side of the city,
    Then a wailing cry from the newly-built Second Quarter.
        Then crash! Stones are falling, breaking;
    Sounds of destruction are coming from the suburban hills.
11     Cry out, those of you living in the bottom of Jerusalem’s southern hollow,
        because I will stop all the traveling merchants.
    Everyone with pockets full of money will be cut off.
12     On that day, I will personally search and illumine every dark corner of Jerusalem.
        I will wipe out everyone who has numbed his senses with the dregs of his own wine
    And says, “The Eternal will do nothing in our lives,
        neither helping us nor hurting us.”
13     But they are wrong. Everything they value will be taken away.
        Their houses will be destroyed.
    They will build new houses and never have a chance to move in.
        They will plant vineyards and never enjoy a sip of their own wine.

14 I’m warning you, this day of judgment is right around the corner.
    The great and terrible day of the Eternal One is coming on you very quickly.
Listen, here it comes, the day of the Eternal One, and it will be very bitter!
    Even your strongest and bravest will break down and cry out.[c]

15 On that day, you will see what happens when God is furious.
    You will be overwhelmed with all the trouble and pain—total destruction.
You will watch the sky fill with the thick clouds and gloomy darkness.
16 You will hear the trumpet blast and battle cry
    as He moves against the city that day.
You were so sure it was fortified against attack with its thick walls and high towers,
    yet they will surely fall.

17 Eternal One: I will bring distress on all humanity,
        and they will stumble around like the blind.

Why? Because they have sinned time and again against the Eternal.
    Their lifeblood will be poured out like ash of a burnt offering.
Their bodies will be discarded like excrement.

18 Don’t think any amount of money can save them
    from the terrible anger of the Eternal when that day arrives.
He will consume the whole earth in His fiery jealousy,
    for He is going to expedite the annihilation of every living thing on the earth.

You shameless bunch of people,
    gather together now and pray.
Do it while there is still time, before all these terrible things happen.
    I’m warning you they are beginning to happen;
The day is blown away like chaff. God will not stand by.
    Do it before the terrible Eternal’s anger comes down on your head.
Do it soon before the appointed time when His anger rains down over you.
Seek the Eternal. Only He can save you, Judah.
    Call out to Him, all who realize their lowly places on the earth,
All who are trying to live by His teaching.
    Pursue what is just and chase after true humility.
Maybe, just maybe, the Eternal will hide and protect you
    from what will happen on that terrible day when His anger is unleashed.

During the early seventh century b.c., Judah is a tiny nation controlled by the Assyrian Empire and bullied by her neighbors. Under former Kings Manasseh and Amon, Judah lost all international power and fell into such hedonism that prophets such as Zephaniah are forced to hide themselves. No one in Judah is safe as Philistia, Moab, Ammon, Egypt (ruled by an Ethiopian dynasty), and Assyria continue seizing land God promised to the Israelites centuries earlier (Genesis 15:18–21). God has frequently used those foreign nations to discipline His children; but they, too, worship other gods and have overstepped the boundaries He set for them. The destruction of these foreign oppressors promises Judah not only revenge but the restoration of the inheritance promised to her people so long ago.

As for the Philistine cities off to the west—Gaza will be deserted,
    Ashkelon will be left in ashes and ruins,
Ashdod will be scattered to the winds at noon,
    and Ekron will be pulled up by its roots.
Too bad for their citizens who live along the seacoast,
    those people who migrated from Crete;[d]
This message from the Eternal One is for you too.

Eternal One: O Canaan, land of the Philistines,
        I will destroy you and wipe you from the face of the earth.

Their valuable coastlands will become pastures for our sheep,
    meadows[e] for our shepherds, and pens for our flocks.
Their land will be given to
    whomever remain from the people of Judah.
During the day, they will eat the fruit of the land.
    In the evening, they will go into the houses left in Ashkelon to sleep.
You see, the Eternal their God will always care for the faithful
    and will return their prosperity to them.

For hundreds of years the Philistines have lived along the coast and taken great joy in attacking settlements occupied by God’s people in the eastern hills. The archenemies of Israel, they are an advanced seafaring culture that devastates cities, uproots crops, and drives the Lord’s servants far from their homes. But God has seen their actions, and fortunes will soon be reversed.

Eternal One: As for Moab and Ammon off to the east,
        I have heard them taunting and mocking My people.
    I know they have expanded their borders into Judah’s land.
    As I, the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies and God of Israel, live
        I will make Moab like Sodom and the Ammonites like the people of Gomorrah.[f]
    Nothing will be left there but thorny plants and barren ground.
        They will become totally desolate salt pits; not a thing will ever thrive there again.
    The remnant of My people will take whatever they want from them;
        the survivors of My nation will inherit what I once designated to Moab and Ammon.

10 Shame will be payback for their arrogance and pride, because they taunted and belittled those who are faithful to the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies. 11 And the Eternal will strike terror in their hearts because He will starve out all their so-called gods from the face of the earth. And so all the different people who live along the coasts will bow low before Him; everyone will worship Him from where he lives.

Eternal One: 12 As for you, Ethiopia to the south, you will die by My sword.

Even the great Assyria, once God’s chosen instrument to punish His people, will not escape the Lord’s judgment.

13 God will stretch His hand over Assyria in the north and wage war against her.
Their prized city Nineveh will be left in ruins.
    Fertile land will give way to thirsty desert. Nothing will thrive there.
14 Cattle and sheep will sleep in her streets;
    wild beasts will roam through the rubble.
Birds that fly and animals that burrow, such as the scavenger pelican and hedgehog, will live atop each column.
    Birds will roost and sing in the broken window sills.
Wrecked and ruined are the thresholds to the pagan temples,
    for God has exposed their beautiful cedar woodwork to the elements.
15 Nineveh is the boastful city
    that bragged of her greatness and security.
She said in her heart,
    “I am so amazing that no other can compare.”
Now she is totally deserted
    and animals live in her streets!
Everyone who passes her now will hiss and taunt
    and make vulgar gestures.

Disaster is coming to the city of rebels,
    to Jerusalem, the now defiled city of oppression.
That city refused to listen to anyone.
    She would not take advice.
She didn’t believe in the Eternal One anymore.
    She didn’t want a close relationship with her God.
Her rulers remind me of roaring lions,
    out for the kill instead of protecting her people.
Her judges are a pack of wolves on the prowl at night,
Consuming what they are after
    until not one bone is left to chew on the next morning.
Her prophets, whom the people should look to for the truth,
    are irresponsible and double-crossing, deceitful men.
Her priests make vile holy places and do violence to God’s teaching.

God entrusts prophets and priests to care for His people. Instead of teaching the people God’s truth, they ignore the law and prey on the ignorant and the defenseless.

Despite all this, the Eternal One is right there in her midst;
    nothing He does is wrong.
Every morning He delivers His judgment;
    He illuminates the right way to live.
Though, like the sun, He never fails to appear,
    it’s amazing that the lawbreakers aren’t ashamed of their actions.

Eternal One: I have totally destroyed the other nations.
        I crumbled their high towers to the ground.
    I emptied their streets, leaving no one to travel them.
        There is not one person, not one animal, no one in their decimated cities.
    I said to Myself, “Surely My people will honor Me.
        Surely they will listen to Me
    So they can save themselves and their city
        from all I warned them about and appointed for their benefit.”
    But no, they were even more eager to keep doing all the wrong things.

    To My remaining faithful, I say wait and watch for Me
        because on that day, the nations will be called into court.
    I will rise up against them as My plunder and declare My decision:
        I will call the nations and their rulers together
    And pour out My hot anger and frustration on them.
        All of it will be spent, for the whole earth will be burned up in My fiery jealousy.
    And then I will transform the words spoken by the nations to pure words,
        and the people will finally hear My truth.
    Then all the people will be able to pray to and serve the Eternal One,
        standing together as part of the same people.
10     My followers, who had been scattered to faraway places as distant as Ethiopia’s rivers,
        will come back to worship Me with pure offerings.

11     When that day comes, you won’t feel embarrassed and ashamed anymore
        over all the rebellious things you did in the past.
    As I said I would, I will remove the proud and arrogant among you.
        Arrogance and pride will never again be tolerated in My holy mountain.
12     But I will leave afflicted and poor people among you
        who will trust the reputation of the Eternal One for strength and protection.
13     The faithful of Israel who remain will not continue to sin.
        They won’t tell lies or try to trick each other ever again.
    They’ll eat well each day and sleep peacefully each night like protected sheep,
        because nothing will make them afraid.

14 Hurray! It’s time to sing, faithful daughter of Zion!
    It’s time to shout out loud, Israel!
Be happy and celebrate with all your being,
    faithful children of Jerusalem!
15 The Eternal has cancelled His judgments against you.
    He changed the course of your enemies.
The True King of Israel, the Eternal One, is standing right here among you;
    you have no reason to be afraid ever again.
16 On that day people will say to the faithful in Jerusalem,
    “Do not be afraid, Zion;
Hold your head and hands high,
    and take courage.”
17 The Eternal your God is standing right here among you,
    and He is the champion who will rescue you.
He will joyfully celebrate over you;
    He will rest in His love for you; He will joyfully sing because of you like a new husband.

This celebrated passage reflects the reconciliation between God and His wife, Jerusalem. The daughter Zion is reunited with her King and Husband, the Eternal!

18 Eternal One: Don’t be sad anymore
        about all the time you were away in exile,
    Unable to keep the appointed feasts or worship Me in the appointed place.
        I will gather those who’ve shamed you, Zion.
19     Keep watching! At the right time,
        I will deal with those who assaulted you.
    I will steady those who are lame and about to fall;
        I will gather those who are outcasts and oppressed.
    Instead of being filled with shame as they always have been,
        I will fill them with praise and make them famous over all the world.
20     On that day, I will gather all of you together for one big homecoming.
        I will make you famous, and all the world will sing your praises.
    Right before your eyes, I will restore to you all that you have lost,
        and your lives will be full again.

So says the Eternal One.

Revelation 10

God’s judgment is not only to punish. He wants people to turn to Him for all their needs, but they often look anywhere else for aid and remain in rebellion.

10 Then I saw another extremely powerful messenger descending out of heaven. He wore a cloud wrapped around him, and a rainbow was covering his head. His face shone like the sun, and his legs blazed like columns of fire. In his hand, he held a little scroll that had been unrolled. He placed his right foot on the sea and his left foot on dry land; then he shouted with a voice that sounded like a roaring lion. When he cried out, the seven thunders answered with their own rumbling voices. As I was about to record the thunders’ answer, a voice from heaven stopped me.

A Voice: Seal up all the seven thunders have spoken; do not write it down!

Then the messenger, whom I saw standing on the sea and on the dry land, raised his right hand into heaven and swore an oath to the Eternal One—who always lives, who created heaven, earth, the sea, and all that is in them.

Heavenly Messenger: Time has run out. Whenever the days arrive and the seventh messenger sounds his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished just as He announced to His servants, the prophets.

Again, the voice I heard from heaven addressed me.

A Voice: Go. Take the little scroll that is unrolled in the hand of the messenger standing both on the sea and on the dry land.

I then went to the messenger and asked him to give me the little scroll.

Heavenly Messenger: Take it, and eat it. Although in your mouth it will be sweet to taste, sweet as honey, it will become bitter when it reaches your stomach.

10 I took the little scroll from the hand of the messenger and ate it. In my mouth, it was sweet like honey, but my stomach became bitter after I swallowed it.

Heavenly Messengers (repeating): 11 Once again, you are to prophesy about many peoples, nations, languages, and kings.

Psalm 138

Psalm 138

A song of David.

To You, Lord, I give my whole heart, a heart filled with praise, for I am grateful;
    before the gods, my heart sings praises to You and You alone.
I bow before You, looking to Your holy temple,
    and praise Your name, for Your unfailing love and Your truth;
    for You have placed Your name and Your word over all things and all times.
On the day I needed You, I called, and You responded
    and infused my soul with strength.

May all the kings of the earth praise You, O Eternal One,
    because they have heard the words You have spoken.
They will marvel at the Eternal’s ways, and they will sing,
    for great is the glory of the Eternal.
Although He is greatest of all, He is attentive to the needy
    and keeps His distance from the proud and pompous.

Whenever I walk into trouble,
    You are there to bring me out.
You hold out Your hand
    to protect me against the wrath of my enemies,
    and hold me safely in Your right hand.
The Eternal will finish what He started in me.
    Your faithful love, O Eternal One, lasts forever;
    do not give up on what Your hands have made.

Proverbs 30:11-14

11 There is a kind of person who curses his father
    and pronounces no blessing upon his mother;
12 A kind of person who is without fault in his own estimation
    but has not been scrubbed clean of his own sordidness;
13 A kind whose look is too haughty,
    whose eyebrows arch as he looks down on others;
14 A kind whose very teeth cut like swords
    and whose jaws sever like knives,
All the better to consume the poor of the earth
    and the oppressed among men.

The Voice (VOICE)

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.