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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

Today's audio is from the NLT. Switch to the NLT to read along with the audio.

Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV)
Hosea 4-5

The Lord’s Charges Against Israel and Its Priests

Hear the word of the Lord, you people of Israel,

    because the Lord has charges to make against the inhabitants of the land,
    because there is no truth,
    there is no mercy,
    and there is no knowledge of God in the land.
There is cursing, lying, murder, theft, and adultery.
    They break out in violence, and bloodshed follows bloodshed.
Therefore the land mourns,[a]
    and everyone who dwells in it wastes away
    along with the wild animals and the birds in the sky.
    Even the fish of the sea have been removed.
Yet no one should bring charges.
    No one should accuse,
    because your people are like those who dispute with a priest.[b]
You will stumble by day,
    and the prophet will also stumble with you by night.
    I will also destroy your mother.
My people have been destroyed because of lack of knowledge.
    Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you
    from serving as a priest for me.
    Because you have forgotten the law of your God,
    I also will forget your children.
The more they increased, the more they sinned against me.
    I changed their glory into shame.[c]
They feed on the sin of my people.
    They set their desire on things that make them guilty.
So it will be the same for people as for priests.
    I will punish them for their ways.
    I will repay them for their deeds.
10 They will eat, but not be satisfied.
    They will engage in sexual immorality, but not increase.
    This will take place because they have abandoned the Lord to devote themselves to 11 sexual sin.[d]
    Wine and new wine take away their understanding.[e]
12 My people consult their wooden idol,
    and their fortunetellers wand gives them information,
    because a promiscuous spirit has led them astray,
    and they behave like a whore instead of following their God.
13 They sacrifice on the mountaintops.
    They burn incense on the hills, and under oaks, poplars, and terebinths,
    because their shade is pleasant.
    That is why your daughters commit fornication,[f]
    and your brides commit adultery.
14 I will not punish your daughters when they commit fornication,
    or your brides when they commit adultery,
    because the men consort with prostitutes
    and sacrifice with shrine prostitutes.
    So the people without understanding will come to ruin.
15 Though you, Israel, practice sexual immorality,
    Judah should not follow your guilty way.
    Do not go to Gilgal.
    Do not go up to Beth Aven.
    Do not swear, “As surely as the Lord lives.”
16 For Israel has become as stubborn as a heifer.
    How can the Lord feed them like a lamb in a meadow?
17 Ephraim is joined to idols.
    Let him go his own way!
18 Their alcoholic drinks are used up,
    but they keep practicing sexual immorality anyway.
    Their rulers, who should be their shields, instead love shame.
19 The wings of the wind will sweep them away,
    and they will be put to shame because of their sacrifices.

Judgment on Israel’s Priests and Kings

Hear this, you priests!
Pay attention, house of Israel!
    Listen, O house of the king!
    For this judgment applies to you,
    because you were a trap at Mizpah
    and a net spread out on Mount Tabor.
The rebels sink deeper into slaughter,
    but I will discipline all of them.
I know Ephraim,
    and Israel is not hidden from me.
    Now, Ephraim, you still practice sexual immorality.
    Israel is defiled.
Their deeds do not allow them to return to their God.
    For a spirit of prostitution lies within them,
    and they do not know the Lord.
The arrogance of Israel testifies against them.
    Israel and Ephraim will stumble over their guilt.
    Judah also will stumble with them.
They will go with their flocks and herds to seek the Lord,
    but they will not find him.
    He has withdrawn from them.
They acted treacherously against the Lord.
    They even gave birth to illegitimate children.
    Now the new moon will devour them along with their allotted land.
Blow the ram’s horn in Gibeah
    and the trumpet in Ramah!
    Raise a battle cry at Beth Aven: “Lead the way, Benjamin!”
Ephraim will become desolate ruins on the day it is punished.[g]
    What I have made known among the tribes of Israel will certainly happen.
10 The officials of Judah are like people who move a boundary stone.
    I will pour out my wrath on them like water.
11 Ephraim is oppressed,
    crushed in judgment,
    because he was determined to pursue worthless idols.[h]
12 I am like a moth to Ephraim,
    and like decay to the house of Judah.
13 When Ephraim saw his sickness,
    and Judah saw his wound,
    Ephraim went to Assyria
    and sent to the Great King for help,
    but he is not able to heal you,
    and he will not cure your wound,
14 because I will be like a lion to Ephraim
    and like a young lion to the house of Judah.
    Yes, I will tear him to pieces and go away.
    I will carry them off, and there will be no one who can rescue them.
15 I will go. I will return to my place
    until they admit their guilt and seek my face.
    In their distress they will earnestly seek me.

2 John


The Elder,

To the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in the truth—not only I, but also everyone who knows the truth— because of the truth that remains in us and will be with us forever:

Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us from God the Father and from[a] Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, in truth and love.

Keep on Walking According to God’s Word

I was overjoyed to find out that some of your children are walking in the truth, in keeping with the command we received from the Father. And now I ask you, dear lady—not as though I were writing a new command to you, but the one we have had from the beginning—let us love one another. And this is love: that we walk according to his commands. This is the command: Just as you have heard from the beginning, keep on walking in it.

Beware of Deceivers

Many deceivers who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh have gone out into the world. Such a person is a deceiver and an antichrist. Watch yourselves so that you do not lose what we[b] have labored for but receive a full reward.

Anyone who goes on ahead and does not remain in the teaching of Christ does not have God. The one who remains in this teaching has both the Father and the Son. 10 If someone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house. Do not even wish him well. 11 For the one who wishes him well shares in his wicked works.

Final Greetings

12 I have many things to write to you, but I did not want to do it with paper and ink. I hope instead to be with you and speak to you face to face so that our[c] joy may be made complete.

13 The children of your chosen sister greet you.

Psalm 125

Psalm 125

Mount Zion Cannot Be Shaken

A song of the ascents.

Those Who Trust in the Lord Cannot Be Shaken

Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion.
It cannot be shaken. It will stand forever.
As Jerusalem is surrounded by mountains,
so the Lord surrounds his people from now to eternity.
No, the scepter of wickedness will not rest
    on the land assigned to the righteous,
so that the righteous do not reach out their hands toward evil.
Do good, O Lord, for the good
and for those who are upright in their hearts.
But those who turn to their crooked ways—
the Lord will send them away with the evildoers.
Peace be on Israel.

Proverbs 29:9-11

When a wise person seeks justice from a stubborn fool,
the fool rants and laughs, and there is no peace.
10 Bloodthirsty people hate anyone with integrity,
but upright people seek to save his life.[a]
11 A fool vents all his emotions,
but a wise person calmly restrains them.

Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV)

The Holy Bible, Evangelical Heritage Version®, EHV®, © 2019 Wartburg Project, Inc. All rights reserved.