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Book of Common Prayer

Daily Old and New Testament readings based on the Book of Common Prayer.
Duration: 861 days
English Standard Version (ESV)
Psalm 131-135

I Have Calmed and Quieted My Soul

A Song of (A)Ascents. Of David.

131 O Lord, my heart is not (B)lifted up;
    my eyes are not (C)raised too high;
I do not (D)occupy myself with things
    too great and (E)too marvelous for me.
But I have calmed and quieted my soul,
    like a weaned (F)child with its mother;
    like a weaned child is my soul within me.

(G)O Israel, hope in the Lord
    from this time forth and forevermore.

The Lord Has Chosen Zion

A Song of (H)Ascents.

132 Remember, O Lord, in David's favor,
    all (I)the hardships he endured,
how he swore to the Lord
    and (J)vowed to (K)the Mighty One of Jacob,
“I will not enter my house
    or get into my bed,
I will not (L)give sleep to my eyes
    or slumber to my eyelids,
until I (M)find a place for the Lord,
    a dwelling place for (N)the Mighty One of Jacob.”

Behold, we heard of it in (O)Ephrathah;
    we found it in (P)the fields of Jaar.
“Let us go to his dwelling place;
    let us (Q)worship at his (R)footstool!”

(S)Arise, O Lord, and go to your (T)resting place,
    you and the ark of your (U)might.
Let your (V)priests be (W)clothed with righteousness,
    and let your (X)saints shout for joy.
10 For the sake of your servant David,
    (Y)do not turn away the face of (Z)your anointed one.

11 (AA)The Lord swore to David a sure oath
    (AB)from which he will not turn back:
(AC)“One of the sons of your body[a]
    I will set on your throne.
12 If your sons keep my covenant
    and my testimonies that I shall teach them,
their sons also forever
    shall (AD)sit on your throne.”

13 For the Lord has (AE)chosen Zion;
    he has (AF)desired it for his dwelling place:
14 “This is my (AG)resting place forever;
    here I will (AH)dwell, for I have desired it.
15 I will abundantly (AI)bless her provisions;
    I will (AJ)satisfy her poor with bread.
16 Her (AK)priests I will clothe with salvation,
    and her (AL)saints will shout for joy.
17 There I will make (AM)a horn to sprout for David;
    I have prepared (AN)a lamp for (AO)my anointed.
18 His enemies I will (AP)clothe with shame,
    but on him his crown will shine.”

When Brothers Dwell in Unity

A Song of (AQ)Ascents. Of David.

133 Behold, how good and pleasant it is
    when (AR)brothers dwell in unity![b]
It is like the precious (AS)oil on (AT)the head,
    running down on the beard,
on the beard of Aaron,
    running down on (AU)the collar of his robes!
It is like (AV)the dew of (AW)Hermon,
    which falls on (AX)the mountains of Zion!
For there the Lord (AY)has commanded the blessing,
    life forevermore.

Come, Bless the Lord

A Song of (AZ)Ascents.

134 Come, bless the Lord, all you (BA)servants of the Lord,
    who (BB)stand (BC)by night in the house of the Lord!
(BD)Lift up your hands to (BE)the holy place
    and bless the Lord!

May the Lord (BF)bless you (BG)from Zion,
    he who (BH)made heaven and earth!

Your Name, O Lord, Endures Forever

135 (BI)Praise the Lord!
Praise the name of the Lord,
    give praise, O (BJ)servants of the Lord,
who (BK)stand in the house of the Lord,
    in (BL)the courts of the house of our God!
Praise the Lord, for (BM)the Lord is good;
    sing to his name, (BN)for it is pleasant![c]
For the Lord has (BO)chosen Jacob for himself,
    Israel as his (BP)own possession.

For I know that (BQ)the Lord is great,
    and that our Lord is above all gods.
(BR)Whatever the Lord pleases, he does,
    in heaven and on earth,
    in the seas and all deeps.
(BS)He it is who makes the clouds rise at the end of the earth,
    who (BT)makes lightnings for the rain
    and brings forth the wind from his (BU)storehouses.

He it was who (BV)struck down the firstborn of Egypt,
    both of man and of beast;
who in your midst, O Egypt,
    sent (BW)signs and wonders
    against Pharaoh and all his servants;
10 (BX)who struck down many nations
    and killed mighty kings,
11 (BY)Sihon, king of the Amorites,
    and (BZ)Og, king of Bashan,
    and (CA)all the kingdoms of Canaan,
12 and (CB)gave their land as a heritage,
    a heritage to his people Israel.

13 (CC)Your name, O Lord, endures forever,
    (CD)your renown,[d] O Lord, throughout all ages.
14 (CE)For the Lord will vindicate his people
    and (CF)have compassion on his servants.

15 (CG)The idols of the nations are silver and gold,
    the work of human hands.
16 They have mouths, but do not speak;
    they have eyes, but do not see;
17 they have ears, but do not hear,
    nor is there any breath in their mouths.
18 Those who make them become like them,
    so do all who trust in them.

19 (CH)O house of Israel, bless the Lord!
    O house of Aaron, bless the Lord!
20 O house of Levi, bless the Lord!
    You who fear the Lord, bless the Lord!
21 Blessed be the Lord (CI)from Zion,
    he who (CJ)dwells in Jerusalem!
(CK)Praise the Lord!

Zechariah 13

13 (A)“On that day there shall be (B)a fountain opened for the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to cleanse them from sin and uncleanness.

Idolatry Cut Off

“And (C)on that day, declares the Lord of hosts, (D)I will cut off the names of the idols from the land, so that (E)they shall be remembered no more. And also (F)I will remove from the land the prophets and the spirit of uncleanness. And if anyone again prophesies, his father and mother who bore him will say to him, (G)‘You shall not live, for you speak lies in the name of the Lord.’ And his father and mother who bore him shall pierce him through when he prophesies.

“On that day (H)every prophet will be ashamed of his vision when he prophesies. He will not put on a hairy cloak in order to deceive, but he will say, (I)‘I am no prophet, I am a worker of the soil, for a man sold me in my youth.’[a] And if one asks him, ‘What are these wounds on your back?’[b] he will say, ‘The wounds I received in the house of my friends.’

The Shepherd Struck

“Awake, O sword, against (J)my shepherd,
    against the man who stands next to me,”
declares the Lord of hosts.

(K)“Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered;
    I will turn my hand against the little ones.
In the whole land, declares the Lord,
    two thirds shall be cut off and perish,
    (L)and one third shall be left alive.
And (M)I will put this third into the fire,
    and refine them as one refines silver,
    and test them as gold is tested.
(N)They will call upon my name,
    and (O)I will answer them.
(P)I will say, ‘They are my people’;
    and they will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’”

Ephesians 1:15-23

Thanksgiving and Prayer

15 For this reason, (A)because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love[a] toward all the saints, 16 I (B)do not cease to give thanks for you, (C)remembering you in my prayers, 17 that (D)the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, (E)may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, 18 (F)having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is (G)the hope to which he has called you, what are (H)the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, (I)according to the working of (J)his great might 20 that he worked in Christ (K)when he raised him from the dead and (L)seated him at his right hand (M)in the heavenly places, 21 (N)far above (O)all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above (P)every name that is named, not only in (Q)this age but also in the one to come. 22 And (R)he put all things under his feet and gave him as (S)head over all things to the church, 23 (T)which is his body, (U)the fullness of him (V)who fills (W)all in all.

Luke 19:11-27

The Parable of the Ten Minas

11 As they heard these things, he proceeded to tell a parable, because he was near to Jerusalem, and because (A)they supposed that the kingdom of God was to appear immediately. 12 He said therefore, (B)“A nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and then return. 13 Calling (C)ten of his servants,[a] he gave them ten minas,[b] and said to them, ‘Engage in business (D)until I come.’ 14 But (E)his citizens hated him and sent a delegation after him, saying, ‘We do not want this man to reign over us.’ 15 When he returned, having received the kingdom, he ordered these servants to whom he had given the money to be called to him, that he might know what they had gained by doing business. 16 The first came before him, saying, ‘Lord, your mina has made ten minas more.’ 17 And he said to him, ‘Well done, good servant![c] Because you have been (F)faithful in a very little, (G)you shall have authority over ten cities.’ 18 And the second came, saying, ‘Lord, your mina has made five minas.’ 19 And he said to him, ‘And you are to be over five cities.’ 20 Then another came, saying, ‘Lord, here is your mina, which I kept laid away in (H)a handkerchief; 21 for I was afraid of you, because you are (I)a severe man. You take (J)what you did not deposit, and reap what you did not sow.’ 22 He said to him, (K)‘I will condemn you with your own words, (L)you wicked servant! You knew that I was (M)a severe man, taking what I did not deposit and reaping what I did not sow? 23 Why then did you not put my money in the bank, and at my coming I might have collected it with interest?’ 24 And he said to those who stood by, ‘Take the mina from him, and give it to the one who has the ten minas.’ 25 And they said to him, ‘Lord, he has ten minas!’ 26 ‘I tell you that (N)to everyone who has, more will be given, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. 27 But (O)as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and (P)slaughter them before me.’”

English Standard Version (ESV)

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.