5,767 Bible results for “Jehovah” from 
Young's Literal Translation.dropdown
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  1. These [are] births of the heavens and of the earth in their being prepared, in the day of Jehovah God's making earth and heavens;
  2. and no shrub of the field is yet in the earth, and no herb of the field yet sprouteth, for Jehovah God hath not rained upon the earth, and a man there is not to serve the ground,
  3. And Jehovah God formeth the man -- dust from the ground, and breatheth into his nostrils breath of life, and the man becometh a living creature.
  4. And Jehovah God planteth a garden in Eden, at the east, and He setteth there the man whom He hath formed;
  5. and Jehovah God causeth to sprout from the ground every tree desirable for appearance, and good for food, and the tree of life in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
  6. And Jehovah God taketh the man, and causeth him to rest in the garden of Eden, to serve it, and to keep it.
  7. And Jehovah God layeth a charge on the man, saying, `Of every tree of the garden eating thou dost eat;
  8. And Jehovah God saith, `Not good for the man to be alone, I do make to him an helper -- as his counterpart.'
  9. And Jehovah God formeth from the ground every beast of the field, and every fowl of the heavens, and bringeth in unto the man, to see what he doth call it; and whatever the man calleth a living creature, that [is] its name.
  10. And Jehovah God causeth a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he sleepeth, and He taketh one of his ribs, and closeth up flesh in its stead.
  11. And Jehovah God buildeth up the rib which He hath taken out of the man into a woman, and bringeth her in unto the man;
  12. And the serpent hath been subtile above every beast of the field which Jehovah God hath made, and he saith unto the woman, `Is it true that God hath said, Ye do not eat of every tree of the garden?'
  13. And they hear the sound of Jehovah God walking up and down in the garden at the breeze of the day, and the man and his wife hide themselves from the face of Jehovah God in the midst of the trees of the garden.
  14. And Jehovah God calleth unto the man, and saith to him, `Where [art] thou?'
  15. And Jehovah God saith to the woman, `What [is] this thou hast done?' and the woman saith, `The serpent hath caused me to forget -- and I do eat.'
  16. And Jehovah God saith unto the serpent, `Because thou hast done this, cursed [art] thou above all the cattle, and above every beast of the field: on thy belly dost thou go, and dust thou dost eat, all days of thy life;
  17. And Jehovah God doth make to the man and to his wife coats of skin, and doth clothe them.
  18. And Jehovah God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age,' --
  19. Jehovah God sendeth him forth from the garden of Eden to serve the ground from which he hath been taken;
  20. And the man knew Eve his wife, and she conceiveth and beareth Cain, and saith, `I have gotten a man by Jehovah;'
  21. And it cometh to pass at the end of days that Cain bringeth from the fruit of the ground a present to Jehovah;
  22. and Abel, he hath brought, he also, from the female firstlings of his flock, even from their fat ones; and Jehovah looketh unto Abel and unto his present,
  23. And Jehovah saith unto Cain, `Why hast thou displeasure? and why hath thy countenance fallen?
  24. And Jehovah saith unto Cain, `Where [is] Abel thy brother?' and he saith, `I have not known; my brother's keeper -- I?'
  25. And Cain saith unto Jehovah, `Greater is my punishment than to be borne;

26 topical index results for “Jehovah”

MOSES : Along with Aaron, Moses goes before Pharaoh and demands the liberties of his people in the name of Jehovah (Exodus 5:1)
PILLAR : By Moses, the covenant between Jehovah and Israel (Exodus 24:4)
JESUS, THE CHRIST » NAMES, APPELLATIONS, AND TITLES OF » Jehovah's fellow (Zechariah 13:7)