59 Bible results for “bethlehem” from Common English Bible, Contemporary English Version, Living Bible, Easy-to-Read Version, and New Living Translation. Results 1-59. 
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  • Common English Bible
    Micah 5:2
    As for you, Bethlehem of Ephrathah, though you are the least significant of Judah’s forces, one who is to be a ruler in Israel on my behalf will come out from you. His origin is from remote times, from ancient days.
  • Contemporary English Version
    Micah 5:2
    Bethlehem Ephrath, you are one of the smallest towns in the nation of Judah. But the Lord will choose one of your people to rule the nation— someone whose family goes back to ancient times.
  • Easy-to-Read Version
    Micah 5:2

    The Messiah to Be Born in Bethlehem

    But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, are the smallest town in Judah. Your family is almost too small to count, but the “Ruler of Israel” will come from you to rule for me. His beginnings are from ancient times, from long, long ago.
  • New Living Translation
    Micah 5:2

    A Ruler from Bethlehem

    But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, are only a small village among all the people of Judah. Yet a ruler of Israel, whose origins are in the distant past, will come from you on my behalf.
  • Bible search results

    • Common English Bible
      When I came back from Paddan-aram, Rachel died, to my sorrow, on the road in the land of Canaan, with some distance yet to go to Ephrathah, so I buried her there near the road to Ephrathah, which is Bethlehem.”
    • Contemporary English Version
      Unfortunately, your mother Rachel died in Canaan after we had left northern Syria and before we reached Bethlehem. And I had to bury her along the way.
    • Living Bible
      For your mother, Rachel, died after only two children when I came from Paddan-aram, as we were just a short distance from Ephrath, and I buried her beside the road to Bethlehem.”
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      On the trip from Paddan Aram, Rachel died in the land of Canaan. This made me very sad. We were still traveling toward Ephrath. I buried her there on the road to Ephrath.” (Ephrath is Bethlehem.)
    • New Living Translation
      “Long ago, as I was returning from Paddan-aram, Rachel died in the land of Canaan. We were still on the way, some distance from Ephrath (that is, Bethlehem). So with great sorrow I buried her there beside the road to Ephrath.”
    • Contemporary English Version
      The ninth region was located in the central part of Judah's hill country, and it had the following six towns with their surrounding villages: Halhul, Beth-Zur, Gedor, Maarath, Beth-Anoth, and Eltekon. The tenth region was located in the north-central part of Judah's hill country, and it had the following eleven towns with their surrounding villages: Tekoa, Ephrath, which is also called Bethlehem, Peor, Etam, Culon, Tatam, Shoresh, Kerem, Gallim, Bether, and Manahath.
    • Common English Bible
      Maarath, Beth-anoth, and Eltekon. In total: six cities and their surrounding areas. Tekoah, Ephrathah (that is, Bethlehem), Peor, Etam, Koulon, Tatam, Sores, Karem, Gallim, Bether, and Manahath. In total: eleven cities and their surrounding areas.
    • Common English Bible
      They also owned Kattath, Nahalal, Shimron, Idalah, and Bethlehem; in total: twelve cities and their surrounding areas.
    • Contemporary English Version
      Zebulun had twelve towns with their surrounding villages. Some of these were Kattath, Nahalal, Shimron, Jiralah, and Bethlehem.
    • Living Bible
      The cities in these areas, besides those already mentioned, included Kattath, Nahalal, Shimron, Idalah, Bethlehem, and each of their surrounding villages. Altogether there were twelve of these cities.
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      Inside this border were the cities of Kattath, Nahalal, Shimron, Idalah, and Bethlehem. In all, there were twelve towns and all the fields around them.
    • New Living Translation
      The towns in these areas included Kattath, Nahalal, Shimron, Idalah, and Bethlehem—twelve towns with their surrounding villages.
    • Living Bible
      He had thirty sons and thirty daughters. He married his daughters to men outside his clan and brought in thirty girls to marry his sons. He judged Israel for seven years before he died, and was buried at Bethlehem.
    • Common English Bible
      Now there was a young man from Bethlehem in Judah, from the area of the Judahite clan. He was a Levite residing there as an immigrant.
    • Contemporary English Version
      One day a young Levite came to Micah's house in the hill country of Ephraim. He had been staying with one of the clans of Judah in Bethlehem, but he had left Bethlehem to find a new place to live where he could be a priest.
    • Living Bible
      One day a young priest from the town of Bethlehem, in Judah, arrived in that area of Ephraim, looking for a good place to live. He happened to stop at Micah’s house as he was traveling through.
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      There was a young man who was a Levite from the city of Bethlehem in Judah. He had been living among the tribe of Judah.
    • New Living Translation
      One day a young Levite, who had been living in Bethlehem in Judah, arrived in that area.
    • Common English Bible
      The man left the town of Bethlehem in Judah to settle as an immigrant wherever he could find a place. He came to Micah’s house in the Ephraim highlands while he was making his way.
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      He left Bethlehem to look for another place to live. As he was traveling, he came to Micah’s house in the hill country of the land of Ephraim.
    • New Living Translation
      He had left Bethlehem in search of another place to live, and as he traveled, he came to the hill country of Ephraim. He happened to stop at Micah’s house as he was traveling through.
    • Common English Bible
      “Where are you from?” Micah asked him. He replied, “I’m a Levite from Bethlehem in Judah, and I’m looking to settle as an immigrant anywhere I can find a place.”
    • Contemporary English Version
      “Where are you from?” Micah asked. “I am a Levite from Bethlehem in Judah,” the man answered, “and I'm on my way to find a new place to live.”
    • Living Bible
      “Where are you from?” Micah asked him. And he replied, “I am a priest from Bethlehem, in Judah, and I am looking for a place to live.”
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      Micah asked him, “Where have you come from?” The young man answered, “I am a Levite from the city of Bethlehem in Judah. I am looking for a place to live.”
    • New Living Translation
      “Where are you from?” Micah asked him. He replied, “I am a Levite from Bethlehem in Judah, and I am looking for a place to live.”
    • Common English Bible

      A Levite, a woman, and her father

      In those days when there was no king in Israel, there was a certain Levite living as an immigrant in the far corners of the Ephraim highlands. He married a secondary wife from Bethlehem in Judah.
    • Contemporary English Version

      A Woman Is Murdered

      Before kings ruled Israel, a Levite was living deep in the hill country of the Ephraim tribe. He married a woman from Bethlehem in Judah,
    • Living Bible
      At this time before Israel had a king, there was a man of the tribe of Levi living on the far side of the hill country of Ephraim, who brought home a girl from Bethlehem in Judah to be his concubine.
    • Easy-to-Read Version

      A Levite and His Woman Servant

      At that time the Israelites did not have a king. There was a Levite who lived far back in the hill country of Ephraim. He had taken as a wife a slave woman. She was from the city of Bethlehem in the country of Judah.
    • New Living Translation

      The Levite and His Concubine

      Now in those days Israel had no king. There was a man from the tribe of Levi living in a remote area of the hill country of Ephraim. One day he brought home a woman from Bethlehem in Judah to be his concubine.
    • Contemporary English Version
      her husband decided to try and talk her into coming back. So he went to Bethlehem, taking along a servant and two donkeys. He talked with his wife, and she invited him into her family's home. Her father was glad to see him
    • New Living Translation
      her husband set out for Bethlehem to speak personally to her and persuade her to come back. He took with him a servant and a pair of donkeys. When he arrived at her father’s house, her father saw him and welcomed him.
    • Common English Bible
      “We’re traveling from Bethlehem in Judah to the far corners of the Ephraim highlands,” he replied to the old man. “That’s where I’m from. I went to Bethlehem in Judah, and I’m heading to my home. But no one has offered to take me in tonight.
    • Contemporary English Version
      “We've come from Bethlehem in Judah,” the Levite answered. “We went there on a visit. Now we're going to the place where the Lord is worshiped, and later we will return to our home in the hill country of Ephraim. But no one here will let us spend the night in their home.
    • Living Bible
      “We’re on the way home from Bethlehem, in Judah,” the man replied. “I live on the far edge of the Ephraim hill country, near Shiloh. But no one has taken us in for the night,
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      The Levite answered, “We have come from Bethlehem in Judah, where I went for a visit. Now I am on my way home, which is a long way into the hill country of Ephraim. I expected that someone here would invite us in for the night, but no one has.
    • New Living Translation
      “We have been in Bethlehem in Judah,” the man replied. “We are on our way to a remote area in the hill country of Ephraim, which is my home. I traveled to Bethlehem, and now I’m returning home. But no one has taken us in for the night,
    • Common English Bible

      The family in Moab

      During the days when the judges ruled, there was a famine in the land. A man with his wife and two sons went from Bethlehem of Judah to dwell in the territory of Moab.
    • Contemporary English Version

      Ruth Is Loyal to Naomi

      Before Israel was ruled by kings, Elimelech from the clan of Ephrath lived in the town of Bethlehem. His wife was named Naomi, and their two sons were Mahlon and Chilion. But when their crops failed in Israel, they moved to the country of Moab. And while they were there,
    • Living Bible
      Long ago when judges ruled in Israel, a man named Elimelech, from Bethlehem, left the country because of a famine and moved to the land of Moab. With him were his wife, Naomi, and his two sons, Mahlon and Chilion.
    • Easy-to-Read Version

      Famine in Judah

      Long ago, during the time the judges ruled, there was a famine in the land, and a man named Elimelech left the town of Bethlehem in Judah. He, his wife, and his two sons moved to the country of Moab.
    • New Living Translation

      Elimelech Moves His Family to Moab

      In the days when the judges ruled in Israel, a severe famine came upon the land. So a man from Bethlehem in Judah left his home and went to live in the country of Moab, taking his wife and two sons with him.
    • Common English Bible
      The name of that man was Elimelech, the name of his wife was Naomi, and the names of his two sons were Mahlon and Chilion. They were Ephrathites from Bethlehem in Judah. They entered the territory of Moab and settled there.
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      The man’s wife was named Naomi, and his two sons were named Mahlon and Kilion. They were from the Ephrathah family of Bethlehem in Judah. The family traveled to the hill country of Moab and stayed there.
    • New Living Translation
      The man’s name was Elimelech, and his wife was Naomi. Their two sons were Mahlon and Kilion. They were Ephrathites from Bethlehem in the land of Judah. And when they reached Moab, they settled there.
    • Common English Bible
      So both of them went along until they arrived at Bethlehem. When they arrived at Bethlehem, the whole town was excited on account of them, and the women of the town asked, “Can this be Naomi?”
    • Contemporary English Version
      They reached Bethlehem, and the whole town was excited to see them. The women who lived there asked, “Can this really be Naomi?”
    • Living Bible
      So they both came to Bethlehem, and the entire village was stirred by their arrival. “Is it really Naomi?” the women asked.
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      Naomi and Ruth traveled until they came to the town of Bethlehem. When the two women entered Bethlehem, all the people were very excited. They said, “Is this Naomi?”
    • New Living Translation
      So the two of them continued on their journey. When they came to Bethlehem, the entire town was excited by their arrival. “Is it really Naomi?” the women asked.
    • Common English Bible
      Thus Naomi returned. And Ruth the Moabite, her daughter-in-law, returned with her from the territory of Moab. They arrived in Bethlehem at the beginning of the barley harvest.
    • Contemporary English Version
      The barley harvest was just beginning when Naomi and Ruth, her Moabite daughter-in-law, arrived in Bethlehem.
    • Living Bible
      (Their return from Moab and arrival in Bethlehem was at the beginning of the barley harvest.)
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      So Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth, the Moabite, came back from the hill country of Moab. These two women came to Bethlehem at the beginning of the barley harvest.
    • New Living Translation
      So Naomi returned from Moab, accompanied by her daughter-in-law Ruth, the young Moabite woman. They arrived in Bethlehem in late spring, at the beginning of the barley harvest.
    • Common English Bible
      Just then Boaz arrived from Bethlehem. He said to the harvesters, “May the Lord be with you.” And they said to him, “May the Lord bless you.”
    • Contemporary English Version
      When Boaz arrived from Bethlehem and went out to his field, he said to the harvest workers, “The Lord bless you!” They replied, “And may the Lord bless you!”
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      Later, Boaz came to the field from Bethlehem and greeted his workers. He said, “The Lord be with you!” And the workers answered, “And may the Lord bless you!”
    • New Living Translation
      While she was there, Boaz arrived from Bethlehem and greeted the harvesters. “The Lord be with you!” he said. “The Lord bless you!” the harvesters replied.
    • Common English Bible
      Then all the people who were at the gate and the elders said, “We are witnesses. May the Lord grant that the woman who is coming into your household be like Rachel and like Leah, both of whom built up the house of Israel. May you be fertile in Ephrathah and may you preserve a name in Bethlehem.
    • Contemporary English Version
      The town leaders and the others standing there said: We are witnesses to this. And we pray that the Lord will give your wife many children, just as he did Leah and Rachel, the wives of Jacob. May you be a rich man in the tribe of Ephrath and an important man in Bethlehem.
    • Living Bible
      And all the people standing there and the witnesses replied, “We are witnesses. May the Lord make this woman, who has now come into your home, as fertile as Rachel and Leah, from whom all the nation of Israel descended! May you be a great and successful man in Bethlehem,
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      So all the elders and the people who were near the city gates said, “We are witnesses to all of this. And may the Lord bless this woman who is coming into your home to be like Rachel and Leah. They are the ones who had many children to make the people of Israel strong. And may you become powerful in the tribe of Ephrathah and famous in Bethlehem!
    • New Living Translation
      Then the elders and all the people standing in the gate replied, “We are witnesses! May the Lord make this woman who is coming into your home like Rachel and Leah, from whom all the nation of Israel descended! May you prosper in Ephrathah and be famous in Bethlehem.
    • Common English Bible

      Samuel anoints David

      The Lord said to Samuel, “How long are you going to grieve over Saul? I have rejected him as king over Israel. Fill your horn with oil and get going. I’m sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem because I have found my next king among his sons.”
    • Contemporary English Version
      One day he said, “Samuel, I've rejected Saul, and I refuse to let him be king any longer. Stop feeling sad about him. Put some olive oil in a small container and go visit a man named Jesse, who lives in Bethlehem. I've chosen one of his sons to be my king.”
    • Living Bible
      Finally the Lord said to Samuel, “You have mourned long enough for Saul, for I have rejected him as king of Israel. Now take a vial of olive oil and go to Bethlehem and find a man named Jesse, for I have selected one of his sons to be the new king.”
    • Easy-to-Read Version

      Samuel Goes to Bethlehem

      The Lord said to Samuel, “How long will you feel sorry for Saul? I have rejected him as king of Israel. Fill your horn with oil and go to Bethlehem. I am sending you to Jesse who lives in Bethlehem, because I have chosen one of his sons to be the new king.”
    • New Living Translation

      Samuel Anoints David as King

      Now the Lord said to Samuel, “You have mourned long enough for Saul. I have rejected him as king of Israel, so fill your flask with olive oil and go to Bethlehem. Find a man named Jesse who lives there, for I have selected one of his sons to be my king.”
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      But Samuel said, “If I go, Saul will hear the news and try to kill me.” The Lord said, “Go to Bethlehem. Take a young calf with you and tell them, ‘I have come to make a sacrifice to the Lord.’
    • Common English Bible
      Samuel did what the Lord instructed. When he came to Bethlehem, the city elders came to meet him. They were shaking with fear. “Do you come in peace?” they asked.
    • Contemporary English Version
      Samuel did what the Lord told him and went to Bethlehem. The town leaders went to meet him, but they were terribly afraid and asked, “Is this a friendly visit?”
    • Living Bible
      So Samuel did as the Lord had told him to. When he arrived at Bethlehem, the elders of the city came trembling to meet him. “What is wrong?” they asked. “Why have you come?”
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      Samuel did what the Lord told him to do and went to Bethlehem. The elders of Bethlehem shook with fear. They met Samuel and asked, “Do you come in peace?”
    • New Living Translation
      So Samuel did as the Lord instructed. When he arrived at Bethlehem, the elders of the town came trembling to meet him. “What’s wrong?” they asked. “Do you come in peace?”
    • Common English Bible
      One of the servants responded, “I know that one of Jesse’s sons from Bethlehem is a good musician. He’s a strong man and heroic, a warrior who speaks well and is good-looking too. The Lord is with him.”
    • Contemporary English Version
      “A man named Jesse who lives in Bethlehem has a son who can play the harp,” one official said. “He's a brave warrior, he's good-looking, he can speak well, and the Lord is with him.”
    • Living Bible
      One of them said he knew a young fellow in Bethlehem, the son of a man named Jesse, who was not only a talented harp player, but was handsome, brave, and strong, and had good, solid judgment. “What’s more,” he added, “the Lord is with him.”
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      One of the servants said, “There is a man named Jesse living in Bethlehem. I saw Jesse’s son. He knows how to play the harp. He is also a brave man and fights well. He is smart and handsome, and the Lord is with him.”
    • New Living Translation
      One of the servants said to Saul, “One of Jesse’s sons from Bethlehem is a talented harp player. Not only that—he is a brave warrior, a man of war, and has good judgment. He is also a fine-looking young man, and the Lord is with him.”
    • Common English Bible
      Now David was Jesse’s son, an Ephraimite from Bethlehem in Judah who had eight sons. By Saul’s time, Jesse was already quite old and far along in age.
    • Contemporary English Version

      David Decides To Challenge Goliath

      David's father Jesse was an old man, who belonged to the Ephrath clan and lived in Bethlehem in Judah. Jesse had eight sons:
    • Living Bible
      David (the son of aging Jesse, a member of the tribe of Judah who lived in Bethlehem) had seven older brothers.
    • Easy-to-Read Version

      David Goes to the Battle Front

      David was the son of Jesse. Jesse was from the Ephrathah family in Bethlehem, Judah. Jesse had eight sons. In Saul’s time Jesse was an old man.
    • New Living Translation

      Jesse Sends David to Saul’s Camp

      Now David was the son of a man named Jesse, an Ephrathite from Bethlehem in the land of Judah. Jesse was an old man at that time, and he had eight sons.
    • Common English Bible
      If your father takes note of my absence, tell him, ‘David begged my permission to run down to his hometown Bethlehem, because there is an annual sacrifice there for his whole family.’
    • Contemporary English Version
      If Saul wonders where I am, tell him, “David asked me to let him go to his hometown of Bethlehem, so he could take part in a sacrifice his family makes there every year.”
    • Living Bible
      If your father asks where I am, tell him that I asked permission to go home to Bethlehem for an annual family reunion.
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      If your father notices I am gone, tell him, ‘David wanted to go home to Bethlehem. His family is having its own feast for this monthly sacrifice. David asked me to let him run down to Bethlehem and join his family.’
    • New Living Translation
      If your father asks where I am, tell him I asked permission to go home to Bethlehem for an annual family sacrifice.
    • Common English Bible
      Jonathan answered Saul, “David begged my permission to go to Bethlehem.
    • Contemporary English Version
      Jonathan answered, “The reason David hasn't come to eat with you is that he begged me to let him go to Bethlehem. He said, ‘Please let me go. My family is offering a sacrifice, and my brother told me I have to be there. Do me this favor and let me slip away to see my brothers.’ ”
    • Living Bible
      “He asked me if he could go to Bethlehem to take part in a family celebration,” Jonathan replied. “His brother demanded that he be there, so I told him to go ahead.”
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      Jonathan answered, “David asked me to let him go to Bethlehem.
    • New Living Translation
      Jonathan replied, “David earnestly asked me if he could go to Bethlehem.
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      He said, ‘Let me go. Our family is having a sacrifice in Bethlehem. My brother ordered me to be there. Now if I am your friend, please let me go and see my brothers.’ That is why David has not come to the king’s table.”
    • Common English Bible
      They took Asahel and buried him in his father’s tomb in Bethlehem. Then Joab and his men marched all night. When daylight came, they were in Hebron.
    • Contemporary English Version
      Joab and his troops carried Asahel's body to Bethlehem and buried him in the family burial place. Then they marched all night and reached Hebron before sunrise.
    • Living Bible
      Joab and his men took Asahel’s body to Bethlehem and buried him beside his father; then they traveled all night and reached Hebron at daybreak.
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      David’s officers took Asahel and buried him in the tomb of his father at Bethlehem. Joab and his men marched all night. The sun came up just as they reached Hebron.
    • New Living Translation
      Joab and his men took Asahel’s body to Bethlehem and buried him there in his father’s tomb. Then they traveled all night and reached Hebron at daybreak.
    • Common English Bible
      There was yet another battle with the Philistines at Gob; and Elhanan, Jair’s son from Bethlehem, killed Goliath from Gath, whose spear shaft was as strong as the bar on a weaver’s loom.
    • Contemporary English Version
      There was still another battle with the Philistines at Gob. A soldier named Elhanan killed Goliath from Gath, whose spear shaft was like a weaver's beam. Elhanan's father was Jari from Bethlehem.
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      Later, there was another battle at Gob against the Philistines. Elhanan the son of Jaare Oregim from Bethlehem killed Lahmi, the brother of Goliath from Gath. His spear was as big as a post.
    • New Living Translation
      During another battle at Gob, Elhanan son of Jair from Bethlehem killed the brother of Goliath of Gath. The handle of his spear was as thick as a weaver’s beam!
    • Common English Bible
      So the three warriors broke through the Philistine camp and drew water from the well by the gate in Bethlehem and brought it back to David. But he refused to drink it and poured it out to the Lord.
    • Contemporary English Version
      The Three Warriors sneaked into the Philistine camp and got some water from the well near Bethlehem's gate. But after they brought the water back to David, he refused to drink it. Instead, he poured it out as a sacrifice
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      So the Three Heroes fought their way through the Philistine army and got some water from the well near the city gate in Bethlehem. They took it to David, but he refused to drink it. He poured it on the ground as an offering to the Lord.
    • New Living Translation
      So the Three broke through the Philistine lines, drew some water from the well by the gate in Bethlehem, and brought it back to David. But he refused to drink it. Instead, he poured it out as an offering to the Lord.
    • Common English Bible
      Among the Thirty were: Asahel, Joab’s brother; Elhanan, Dodo’s son from Bethlehem;
    • Contemporary English Version
      Some of the Thirty Warriors were: Asahel the brother of Joab Elhanan the son of Dodo from Bethlehem Shammah from Harod Elika from Harod Helez the Paltite Ira the son of Ikkesh from Tekoa Abiezer from Anathoth Mebunnai the Hushathite Zalmon the Ahohite Maharai from Netophah Heleb the son of Baanah from Netophah Ittai the son of Ribai from Gibeah of the tribe of Benjamin Benaiah from Pirathon Hiddai from the streams on Mount Gaash Abialbon from Beth-Arabah Azmaveth from Bahurim Eliahba from Shaalbon Jashen Jonathan the son of Shammah the Hararite Ahiam the son of Sharar the Hararite Eliphelet the son of Ahasbai from Maacah Eliam the son of Ahithophel from Gilo Hezro from Carmel Paarai the Arbite Igal the son of Nathan from Zobah Bani the Gadite Zelek from Ammon Naharai from Beeroth, who carried the weapons of Joab the son of Zeruiah Ira the Ithrite Gareb the Ithrite Uriah the Hittite There were 37 in all.
    • Living Bible
      Asahel, the brother of Joab, was also one of the Thirty. Others were: Elhanan (son of Dodo) from Bethlehem; Shammah from Harod; Elika from Harod; Helez from Palti; Ira (son of Ikkesh) from Tekoa; Abiezer from Anathoth; Mebunnai from Hushath; Zalmon from Ahoh; Maharai from Netophah; Heleb (son of Baanah) from Netophah; Ittai (son of Ribai) from Gibeah, of the tribe of Benjamin; Benaiah of Pirathon; Hiddai from the brooks of Gaash; Abi-albon from Arbath; Azmaveth from Bahurim; Eliahba from Shaalbon; The sons of Jashen; Jonathan; Shammah from Harar; Ahiam (the son of Sharar) from Harar; Eliphelet (son of Ahasbai) from Maacah; Eliam (the son of Ahithophel) from Gilo; Hezro from Carmel; Paarai from Arba; Igal (son of Nathan) from Zobah; Bani from Gad; Zelek from Ammon; Naharai from Beeroth, the armor bearer of Joab (son of Zeruiah); Ira from Ithra; Gareb from Ithra; Uriah the Hittite—thirty-seven in all.
    • Easy-to-Read Version

      The Thirty Heroes

      The following men were among the Thirty Heroes: Asahel, the brother of Joab; Elhanan son of Dodo from Bethlehem;
    • New Living Translation
      Other members of the Thirty included: Asahel, Joab’s brother; Elhanan son of Dodo from Bethlehem;
    • Common English Bible
      The family of Salma, Bethlehem’s father: the Netophathites, Atroth-beth-joab, half of the Manahathites, and the Zorites.
    • Contemporary English Version
      Salma settled the town of Bethlehem and was the ancestor of the Netophathites, the people of Atroth-Bethjoab, half of the Manahathite clan, and the Zorites.
    • Living Bible
      The descendants of Salma were his son Bethlehem, the Netophathites, Atrothbeth-joab, half the Manahathites, and the Zorites;
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      This is a list of Salma’s descendants: the people from Bethlehem, Netophah, Atroth Beth Joab, half the people from Manahti, the Zorites,
    • New Living Translation
      The descendants of Salma were the people of Bethlehem, the Netophathites, Atroth-beth-joab, the other half of the Manahathites, the Zorites,
    • Contemporary English Version
      Hur was the oldest son of Caleb and Ephrath. Some of his descendants settled the town of Bethlehem. Hur's other descendants included Etam, Penuel, and Ezer. Etam's sons were Jezreel, Ishma, and Idbash, and his daughter was Hazzelelponi. Penuel settled the town of Gedor, and Ezer settled the town of Hushah.
    • Living Bible
      The descendants of Etam: Jezreel, Ishma, Idbash, Hazzelelponi (his daughter), Penuel (the ancestor of Gedor), Ezer (the ancestor of Hushah), the son of Hur, the oldest son of Ephrathah, who was the father of Bethlehem.
    • Common English Bible
      Penuel was Gedor’s father, and Ezer was Hushah’s father. This was the family of Hur the oldest son of Ephrathah, Bethlehem’s father:
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      Penuel was Gedor’s father, and Ezer was Hushah’s father. These were Hur’s sons. Hur was Ephrathah’s first son, and Ephrathah was the founder of Bethlehem.
    • New Living Translation
      Penuel (the father of Gedor), and Ezer (the father of Hushah). These were the descendants of Hur (the firstborn of Ephrathah), the ancestor of Bethlehem.
    • Contemporary English Version
      Judah also had a son named Shelah, whose descendants included Jokim and the people of the town of Cozeba, as well as Er who settled the town of Lecah and Laadah who settled the town of Mareshah. The people who lived in Beth-Ashbea were also descendants of Shelah, and they were experts in weaving cloth. Shelah was the ancestor of Joash and Saraph, two men who married Moabite women and then settled near Bethlehem—but these family records are very old.
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      Shelah was Judah’s son. Shelah’s sons were Er, Laadah, Jokim, the men from Cozeba, Joash, and Saraph. Er was the father of Lecah. Laadah was the father of Mareshah and the tribes of linen workers at Beth Ashbea. Joash and Saraph married Moabite women. Then they went back to Bethlehem. The writings about this family are very old.
    • Common English Bible
      So the three warriors broke through the Philistine camp and drew water from the well by the gate in Bethlehem and brought it back to David. But he refused to drink it and poured it out to the Lord.
    • Contemporary English Version
      The Three Warriors sneaked through the Philistine camp and got some water from the well near Bethlehem's gate. They took it back to David, but he refused to drink it. Instead, he poured out the water as a sacrifice to the Lord
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      So the Three Heroes fought their way through the Philistine army and got some water from the well near the city gate in Bethlehem. They took it to David, but he refused to drink it. He poured it on the ground as an offering to the Lord.
    • New Living Translation
      So the Three broke through the Philistine lines, drew some water from the well by the gate in Bethlehem, and brought it back to David. But David refused to drink it. Instead, he poured it out as an offering to the Lord.
    • Common English Bible
      The mighty warriors: Asahel, Joab’s brother; Elhanan, Dodo’s son from Bethlehem;
    • Contemporary English Version
      Here is a list of the other famous warriors: Asahel the brother of Joab; Elhanan the son of Dodo from Bethlehem; Shammoth from Haror; Helez from Pelon; Ira the son of Ikkesh from Tekoa; Abiezer from Anathoth; Sibbecai the Hushathite; Ilai the Ahohite; Maharai from Netophah; Heled the son of Baanah from Netophah; Ithai the son of Ribai from Gibeah in Benjamin; Benaiah from Pirathon; Hurai from near the streams on Mount Gaash; Abiel from Arbah; Azmaveth from Baharum; Eliahba from Shaalbon; Hashem the Gizonite; Jonathan the son of Shagee from Harar; Ahiam the son of Sachar the Hararite; Eliphal the son of Ur; Hepher from Mecherah; Ahijah from Pelon; Hezro from Carmel; Naarai the son of Ezbai; Joel the brother of Nathan; Mibhar the son of Hagri; Zelek from Ammon; Naharai from Beeroth who carried Joab's weapons; Ira the Ithrite; Gareb the Ithrite; Uriah the Hittite; Zabad the son of Ahlai; Adina the son of Shiza, a leader in the Reuben tribe, and 30 of his soldiers; Hanan the son of Maacah; Joshaphat from Mithan; Uzzia from Ashterah; Shama and Jeiel the sons of Hotham from Aroer; Jediael and Joha the sons of Shimri from Tiz; Eliel from Mahavah; Jeribai and Joshaviah the sons of Elnaam; Ithmah from Moab; Eliel, Obed, and Jaasiel from Mezobah.
    • Living Bible
      Other famous warriors among David’s men were: Asahel (Joab’s brother); Elhanan, the son of Dodo from Bethlehem; Shammoth from Harod; Helez from Pelon; Ira (son of Ikkesh) from Tekoa; Abiezer from Anathoth; Sibbecai from Hushath; Ilai from Ahoh; Maharai from Netophah; Heled (son of Baanah) from Netophah; Ithai (son of Ribai) a Benjaminite from Gibeah; Benaiah from Pirathon; Hurai from near the brooks of Gaash; Abiel from Arbath; Azmaveth from Baharum; Eliahba from Shaalbon; The sons of Hashem from Gizon; Jonathan (son of Shagee) from Harar; Ahiam (son of Sacher) from Harar; Eliphal (son of Ur); Hepher from Mecherath; Ahijah from Pelon; Hezro from Carmel; Naarai (son of Ezbai); Joel (brother of Nathan); Mibhar (son of Hagri); Zelek from Ammon; Naharai from Beeroth—he was General Joab’s armor bearer; Ira from Ithra; Gareb from Ithra; Uriah the Hittite; Zabad (son of Ahlai); Adina (son of Shiza) from the tribe of Reuben—he was among the thirty-one leaders of the tribe of Reuben; Hanan (son of Maacah); Joshaphat from Mithna; Uzzia from Ashterath; Shama and Jeiel (sons of Hotham) from Aroer; Jediael (son of Shimri); Joha (his brother) from Tiza; Eliel from Mahavi; Jeribai and Joshaviah (sons of Elnaam); Ithmah from Moab; Eliel; Obed; Jaasiel from Mezoba.
    • Easy-to-Read Version

      The Thirty Heroes

      The following men were among the king’s special forces: Asahel, Joab’s brother; Elhanan son of Dodai from Bethlehem;
    • New Living Translation
      David’s mighty warriors also included: Asahel, Joab’s brother; Elhanan son of Dodo from Bethlehem;
    • Living Bible
      Rehoboam stayed in Jerusalem and fortified these cities of Judah with walls and gates to protect himself: Bethlehem, Etam, Tekoa, Beth-zur, Soco, Adullam, Gath, Mareshah, Ziph, Adoraim, Lachish, Azekah, Zorah, Aijalon, and Hebron.
    • Living Bible
      From the subclan of Parosh, 2,172; From the subclan of Shephatiah, 372; From the subclan of Arah, 775; From the subclan of Pahath-moab (the descendants of Jeshua and Joab), 2,812; From the subclan of Elam, 1,254; From the subclan of Zattu, 945; From the subclan of Zaccai, 760; From the subclan of Bani, 642; From the subclan of Bebai, 623; From the subclan of Azgad, 1,222; From the subclan of Adonikam, 666; From the subclan of Bigvai, 2,056; From the subclan of Adin, 454; From the subclan of Ater (the descendants of Hezekiah), 98; From the subclan of Bezai, 323; From the subclan of Jorah, 112; From the subclan of Hashum, 223; From the subclan of Gibbar, 95; From the subclan of Bethlehem, 123; From the subclan of Netophah, 56; From the subclan of Anathoth, 128; From the subclan of Azmaveth, 42; From the subclans of Kiriath-arim, Chephirah, and Beeroth, 743; From the subclans of Ramah and Geba, 621; From the subclan of Michmas, 122; From the subclans of Bethel and Ai, 223; From the subclan of Nebo, 52; From the subclan of Magbish, 156; From the subclan of Elam, 1,254; From the subclan of Harim, 320; From the subclans of Lod, Hadid, and Ono, 725; From the subclan of Jericho, 345; From the subclan of Senaah, 3,630.
    • Living Bible
      From the subclan of Parosh, 2,172; From the subclan of Shephatiah, 372; From the subclan of Arah, 652; From the families of Jeshua and Joab of the subclan of Pahath-moab, 2,818; From the subclan of Elam, 1,254; From the subclan of Zattu, 845; From the subclan of Zaccai, 760; From the subclan of Binnui, 648; From the subclan of Bebai, 628; From the subclan of Azgad, 2,322; From the subclan of Adonikam, 667; From the subclan of Bigvai, 2,067; From the subclan of Adin, 655; From the family of Hezekiah of the subclan of Ater, 98; From the subclan of Hashum, 328; From the subclan of Bezai, 324; From the subclan of Hariph, 112; From the subclan of Gibeon, 95; From the subclans of Bethlehem and Netophah, 188; From the subclan of Anathoth, 128; From the subclan of Beth-azmaveth, 42; From the subclans of Kiriath-jearim, Chephirah, and Beeroth, 743; From the subclans of Ramah and Geba, 621; From the subclan of Michmas, 122; From the subclans of Bethel and Ai, 123; From the subclan of Nebo, 52; From the subclan of Elam, 1,254; From the subclan of Harim, 320; From the subclan of Jericho, 345; From the subclans of Lod, Hadid, and Ono, 721; From the subclan of Senaah, 3,930.
    • Common English Bible
      The people of Bethlehem and Netophah 188
    • Contemporary English Version
      This is a list of how many returned whose ancestors had come from the following towns: 188 from Bethlehem and Netophah; 128 from Anathoth; 42 from Beth-Azmaveth; 743 from Kiriath-Jearim, Chephirah, and Beeroth; 621 from Ramah and Geba; 122 from Michmas; 123 from Bethel and Ai; 52 from Nebo; 1,254 from Elam; 320 from Harim; 345 from Jericho; 721 from Lod, Hadid, and Ono; and 3,930 from Senaah.
    • Easy-to-Read Version
      from the towns of Bethlehem and Netophah 188
    • New Living Translation
      The people of Bethlehem and Netophah 188
    • Common English Bible
      They set out for Egypt, stopping on the way at Geruth Chimham near Bethlehem,
    • Contemporary English Version
      toward Egypt. They wanted to go there, because they were afraid of what the Babylonians would do when they found out that Ishmael had killed Gedaliah, the ruler appointed by King Nebuchadnezzar.

      The People Ask Jeremiah To Pray for Them

      On the way to Egypt, we stopped at the town of Geruth Chimham near Bethlehem.
    • Easy-to-Read Version

      The Escape to Egypt

      Johanan and the other army officers were afraid of the Chaldeans. The king of Babylon had chosen Gedaliah to be governor of Judah. But Ishmael murdered Gedaliah, and Johanan was afraid that the Chaldeans would be angry. So they decided to run away to Egypt. On the way to Egypt, they stayed at Geruth Kimham, near the town of Bethlehem.
    • New Living Translation
      They took them all to the village of Geruth-kimham near Bethlehem, where they prepared to leave for Egypt.
    • Common English Bible
      As for you, Bethlehem of Ephrathah, though you are the least significant of Judah’s forces, one who is to be a ruler in Israel on my behalf will come out from you. His origin is from remote times, from ancient days.
    • Contemporary English Version
      Bethlehem Ephrath, you are one of the smallest towns in the nation of Judah. But the Lord will choose one of your people to rule the nation— someone whose family goes back to ancient times.
    • Living Bible
      “O Bethlehem Ephrathah, you are but a small Judean village, yet you will be the birthplace of my King who is alive from everlasting ages past!”
    • Easy-to-Read Version

      The Messiah to Be Born in Bethlehem

      But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, are the smallest town in Judah. Your family is almost too small to count, but the “Ruler of Israel” will come from you to rule for me. His beginnings are from ancient times, from long, long ago.
    • New Living Translation

      A Ruler from Bethlehem

      But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, are only a small village among all the people of Judah. Yet a ruler of Israel, whose origins are in the distant past, will come from you on my behalf.
    Common English Bible (CEB)

    Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible

    Contemporary English Version (CEV)

    Copyright © 1995 by American Bible Society For more information about CEV, visit www.bibles.com and www.cev.bible.

    Living Bible (TLB)

    The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

    Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)

    Copyright © 2006 by Bible League International

    New Living Translation (NLT)

    Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

    19 topical index results for “bethlehem”

    FATHER-IN-LAW : Hospitable to son-in-law, a man of Bethlehem-judah (Judges 19:3-9)
    JACOB : Journeys to Ephrath; Benjamin is born to; Rachel dies; and is "buried on the way to Ephrath, which is Bethlehem," (Genesis 35:16-19;48:7)
    JONATHAN : A Levite of Bethlehem, who becomes a priest for Micah; accepts idolatry; joins the Danites (Judges 17:7-13;18:1-30)
    ISRAEL » UNDER THE JUDGES » Scandal of the Bethlehemite's concubine, and the consequent war between the Benjamites and the other tribes (Judges 19;;)
    JESUS, THE CHRIST » HISTORY OF » Birth of (at Bethlehem) (Luke 2:1-7)
    JESUS, THE CHRIST » HISTORY OF » Angels appear to the shepherds (in the vicinity of Bethlehem) (Luke 2:8-20)
    JESUS, THE CHRIST » HISTORY OF » Magi (the wise men from the east) visit (at Bethlehem) (Matthew 2:1-12)
    JESUS, THE CHRIST » HISTORY OF » Circumcision of (at Bethlehem) (Luke 2:21)
    JOSEPH » Husband of Mary » Belongs to the town of Bethlehem (Luke 2:4)
    JOSEPH » Husband of Mary » Goes to Bethlehem to be enrolled (Luke 2:1-4)
    MIRACLES » CATALOGUE OF » The appearance of the star over Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1-9)
    PROPHECY » MISCELLANEOUS, FULFILLED » Rachel weeping for her children (the slaughter of the infants in Bethlehem predicted and fulfilled) (Jeremiah 31:15; Matthew 2:17,18)
    RULERS » WICKED » Herod the Great, killing the infants in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:16-18)