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For I say by the grace that is given to me, to everyone among you, that no one should think of himself more than it behoves him to think, but should soberly judge of himself, as God has given to each the measure of faith. Just as we have many members in one body, and all members do not have the same service, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and everyone among us one another’s members. Seeing that we have different gifts, according to the grace that is given to us, if one has the gift of prophecy, let him have it agreeing to the faith. Let him who has an office attend to his duty. Let him who teaches take heed to his doctrine. Let him who exhorts give heed to his exhortation. If anyone gives, let him do it with sincerity. Let him who governs do it with diligence. If anyone shows mercy, let him do it with cheerfulness.

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