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19 And by this we will have da’as that we are of HaEmes, and before Him we will persuade our levavot,

20 That if our levavot condemn us, Hashem is greater than our levavot, and He has da’as of all things.

21 Chaverim, if our levavot do not bring us under the gezar din (verdict) of ashem (guilty), we have bitachon before Hashem.

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19 And by this we will have da’as that we are of HaEmes, and before Him we will persuade our levavot,

20 That if our levavot condemn us, Hashem is greater than our levavot, and He has da’as of all things.

21 Chaverim, if our levavot do not bring us under the gezar din (verdict) of ashem (guilty), we have bitachon before Hashem.

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