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Jesús oquintitij on inomachtijcahuan quen ijqui quichihuasquej oración

11  Se tonajli Jesús quichijticatca oración. Niman ijcuac otlan, semej inomachtijcahuan oquijlij:

―ToTeco, xtechmachti quen ijqui ticchihuasquej oración ijcon quen Juan oquinmachtij on inomachtijcahuan.

Jesús oquimijlij:

―Ijcuac nenquichihuasquej oración xquijtocan ijquin:
ToTajtzin aquin tinemi ne ilhuicac, ma mitzyectenehua nochi tlacatl. Ma huajla on tonaltin ijcuac ticmandaros nochi tlacatl. Ipan in tlalticpactli on tlacamej ma quichihuacan on tlen ticnequis ijcon quen nochihua ne ilhuicac. Aman xtechmaca tlen ticuasquej on yejhuan mojmostla ica tipanotoquej.

Niman xtechtlapojpolhuili totlajtlacolhuan ijcon quen tejhuamej tiquintlapojpolhuiyaj on yejhuan tlajtlamach xcuajli techchihuiliaj. Niman xtechpalehui para ma ca titlajtlacosquej, yej xtechejcuanili nochi tlin xcuajli.

No ijqui oquimijlij Jesús:

―Ma ticontlalican ica semej nemejhuamej quipia se itetlajsojcau niman canaj ipan tlajcoyehuajli yau ichan on itetlajsojcau niman quijlia: “Notetlajsojcau, xnechtlanejti yeyi pan, pampa se notetlajsojcau huejca ohualeu niman san quemach oyejcoc nochan, niman xnicpia tlinon nicualtis.” Niman ma ticontlalican ica on ocse cuajnanquilis nepa icalijtic, niman quijlis: “Ma ca xnechpajsolo. Notlatzacuilyou cuajli tzacuticaj, niman noconehuan nohuan nemij ipan tlapechtli. Xnihuelis ninoquetztehuas para nimitzonmacas.” Nemechijlia ica masqui xnoquetztehuasnequisquia para conmacas, pero san pampa itetlajsojcau quitlajtlanilia, yejhua noquetztehuas niman quimacas nochi tlen quipolojticaj. Yejhua ica nemechijlia: xtlajtlanilican Dios on tlen mechpolohua, niman yejhua mechmacas. Xtejtemocan on tlen mechpolohua, niman nenquinextisquej. Xtetepinican on tlatzacuilyotl, niman Dios mechtlapohuilis. 10 Ijcon xchihuacan, pampa yejhuan quitlajtlani, quiselia, niman yejhuan quitejtemohua, quinextia, niman yejhuan quitetepinia on tlatzacuilyotl, quitlapohuiliaj.

11 '¿Tlen nemotzajlan yacaj tajtli nemi yejhuan noyolchicahuas para quimacas iconeu se tetl ijcuac quitlajtlanilis se tlaxcajli? ¿Noso quimacas se cohuatl ijcuac quitlajtlanis se michin? 12 ¿Noso quimacas se colotl ijcuac quitlajtlanis se totoltetl? 13 Aman, tej, tla nemejhuamej yejhuan xnencuajcualtin tlacamej nenquimatij quen nenquinmacasquej nemoconehuan on tlajtlamach tlen cuajli, sanoyej pantlannesticaj ica nemoTajtzin ilhuicac chanej quinmacas Espíritu Santo on yejhuan quitlajtlanilisquej.

On fariseos oquijtohuilijquej Jesús ica quipia ipoder on Beelzebú

14 Jesús quixtilijticatca se tlacatl on xcuajli espíritu yejhuan oquinontilijca, niman ijcuac on xcuajli espíritu oquis, on nontzin otlajtoj. Niman yejhua ica on tlacamej otlamojcaitaquej. 15 Pero sequimej oquijtojquej:

―Yejhua in tlacatl quintequixtilia on xcuajcualtin espíritus ica ipoder on Beelzebú yejhuan intlayecancau.

16 Niman ocsequimej, san para quitlatlatasquej, quitlajtlaniliayaj ma quichihua se tlamajhuisojli milagrosa yejhuan ne ilhuicac quisticaj. 17 Pero Jesús quimatzticatca tlinon quinemilijticatcaj, niman oquimijlij:

―San catlejhua gobierno yejhuan notlajcoxelohua, xoxotoni. Niman tla ipan se chanyotl on chanejquej noxelohuaj ican tlahuejli, no ijqui xoxotonij. 18 No ijqui, tej, tla on Satanás noxelos inhuan on xcuajcualtin espíritus, ¿quen ijqui huelis onyas nochipa ipoder? Yejhua in niquijtohua pampa nemejhuamej nenquijtohuaj ica nictequixtilia on xcuajcualtin espíritus ican ipoder on Beelzebú. 19 Pero tla ijqui yesquia quen nenquinemiliaj, ¿aquinon quinmaca poder on yejhuan nemochantlacaj para no quitequixtiliaj on xcuajcualtin espíritus? Sa no yejhuamej quiteititiaj ica xcuajli nentlanemiliaj. 20 Pero tla Dios nechmaca poder para nictequixtilia on xcuajcualtin espíritus, yejhua in quijtosnequi ica Dios yohuajlaj para nemoca tlamandaros.

21 'Ijcuac se cojtiticaj tlacatl cuajli nemi armado niman quitlapia ichan, on tlen ompa quipia xacaj hueli quicuilia. 22 Pero tla huajlau ocse tlacatl yejhuan más cojtic xquen yejhua niman quitlani, tla ijcon, on tlacatl yejhuan más cojtic cuilia nochi iarmas yejhuan ica noyolchicahuaya iteco on cajli, niman yejhua quixexelohua para ocsequimej.

23 'On yejhuan xitlaj ica nechixnamiqui nohuan nopohua, niman on yejhuan xnohuan tlasentlalia tepopolohua.

On xcuajli espíritu ocsejpa nochantia ipan iyojlo on tlacatl

24 'Ijcuac se xcuajli espíritu quisa ipan se tlacatl, pajpanotinemi nochihuiyan campa tlahuactoc. Quitejtemojtinemi campa nosehuis, niman ijcuac xquinextia, quinemilia: “Ocsejpa nias ne ipan on tlacatl campa oniquis.” 25 Ijcuac ocsejpa nocuepa, conextia on tlacatl quen itlaj cajli yejhuan ijtic cualtzin tlachpancan niman cuajli tlaojoncaj. 26 Quemaj yejhua yau niman cominana ocsequi chicome yejhuan más xcuajcualtin espíritus xquen yejhua, niman nochimej nochantiaj ijtic on tlacatl. Yejhua ica on tlacatl más xoc cuajli nemi xquen achtopa nemiya.

Jesús oquijtoj on tlen más cuajli para se quichihua

27 Ijcuac Jesús otlan quijtohua yejhua in tlajtlamach, se sihuatl yejhuan nemiya intzajlan on tojlamej, ican chicahuac tlajtojli oquijlij:

―Tlatiochiutli sanoyej on sihuatl yejhuan omitztlacatilij niman omitzchichitij.

28 Pero yejhua oquijtoj:

―¡Dios más quintiochihua on yejhuan caquij itlajtol niman quitlacamatij!

Yejhua on xcuajcualtin tlacamej oquitlajtlanilijquej Jesús ma quintlamajhuisolti ican se milagro

29 On tlacamej más nosentlalijticatcaj iyehualican Jesús, niman yejhua opeu tlajtlajtohua, quijtohuaya:

―On tlacamej yejhuan nemij ipan in tonaltin yejhuamej xcuajcualtin. Nechtlajtlaniliaj ma nicchihua se tlamajhuisojli milagrosa, pero xnicchihuas, yej san on itlamajhuisol on tiotlajtojquetl Jonás. 30 Ijcon quen Jonás onochiu tlamajhuisojli para on tlacamej yejhuan chantiyaj ne Nínive, no ijqui nejhua yejhuan oninochiu Tlacatl ninochihuas tlamajhuisojli para on tlacamej yejhuan nemij ipan in tonaltin. 31 Ipan on tonajli ijcuac Dios teyolcuitis niman tetlajtlacolmacas, on sihuatequihua tlayecanquetl ne Sur noquetztehuas niman quintlajtlacolmacas on tlacamej yejhuan aman nemij. Ijcon huelis quichihuas pampa yejhua ohualeu ne campa más huejca oncaj on pueblo ipan in tlalticpactli para ocaquico itlamatquilis Salomón, niman nejhua nican ninemi yejhuan más nihueyixticaj xquen Salomón niman on yejhuan aman nemij xnechchihuiliaj cuenta. 32 Ipan on tonajli, ijcuac Dios teyolcuitis niman tetlajtlacolmacas, on yejhuan chantiyaj ne ipan on hueyican itoca Nínive noquetztehuasquej niman quintlajtlacolmacasquej on tlacamej yejhuan aman nemij. Ijcon quichihuasquej pampa on yejhuan ochantijquej Nínive onoyolpatlaquej ijcuac Jonás oquintlajtlajtohuilij itemachtil Dios. Niman nejhua nican ninemi yejhuan más nihueyixticaj xquen Jonás niman on yejhuan aman nemij xonoyolpatlaquej ijcuac oniquintlajtlajtohuilij itemachtil Dios.

Jesús otemachtij itech ica on tlahuijli

33 'Xacaj quitlicuiltia itlahuil niman quitlalia campa iyantias, nion itzintlan itlaj chiquiutli. Yej quitlalia campa tlacpac para quintlahuilhuiya on yejhuan calaquisquej ijtic on cajli. No ijqui, tej, ijcuac se quimati itech ica Dios xquitocarohua quiyanas. 34 Ipan motlalnacayo ticpia mixtololojhuan para titlacha. Tla mixtololojhuan cuajli tlacha, hueli tiquita on tlen ticchihua. Pero tla xtitlacha, xhueli tiquita on tlen ticchihua. No ijqui tla motlamachilis cuajli, hueli ica ticajsicamati on tlen Dios quinequi para ticchihua. Pero tla motlamachilis xcuajli, tla ijcon xticajsicamati on tlen Dios quinequi para ticchihuas. 35 Yejhua ica nonequi para tiquejehuas motlamachilis para ticajsicamatis on tlen Dios quinequi para ticchihuas, niman para ma ca ticpolos itlaj mocajsicamatilis. 36 Ijcon, tej, tla motlamachilis cajsicamati nochi tlen Dios quinequi para ticchihuas, tla ijcon, xmitzpolos nion achijtzin cajsicamatilistli, yej motlamachilis quen se lámpara yes yejhuan mitzititis nochi tlajtlamach.

Jesús oquiteijlij ma ca xmohuicacan quen nohuicaj on fariseos niman on temachtijquej ican itlanahuatil Dios

37 Ijcuac Jesús otlan tlajtlajtohua, se fariseo oquinotz para ihuan ontlacuas ichan. Yejhua ica Jesús ocalac ichan on fariseo niman onotlalij itech mesa. 38 On fariseo hasta omojcatlachix ijcuac oquitac ica Jesús xonomajtequij para tlacuas. 39 Pero on toTeco oquijlij:

―Nemejhuamej fariseos san tlapani nemochipahuaj quen se quichipahua san icuitlapan on taza noso icuitlapan on plato, pero ipan nemoyojlo nententoquej ica on tlen nenquiteixpachohuiliaj niman ica on tlen xcuajli nenquichihuaj. 40 ¡Ah tzonteconchicajquej! ¿Tlen xnenquimatij ica on yejhuan omechchijchiu pani ipan nemotlalnacayo no oquichijchiu tlaijtic ipan nemoyojlo? 41 Pero xquinmacacan tetlayocolili on mayanquej niman nemocahuasquej nochi chipahuac hasta nemoyojlo.

42 'Melahuac nemejhuamej fariseos nenquimacaj Dios nemodiezmo ican on menta, niman ruda niman nochi tlajtlamach quijli. Pero masqui ijcon nenquichihuaj, ¡lástima para nemejhuamej! pampa xnemohuicaj ihuan ocsequimej ican yolchipahualistli quen nonequi, nion xnenquitlajsojtlaj Dios quen nonequi. Ijcuac nenquimacaj Dios nemodiezmo, no nonequi nenquichihuasquiaj yejhua in ocsequij tlajtlamach.

43 '¡Lástima para nemejhuamej fariseos!, pampa ne ipan tiopantin nenquinequij nemotlalisquej ipan on sietas campa notlaliaj on huejhueyixtoquej, niman nenquinequij para ne ipan on plazas ma mechtlajpalocan ican miyec tetlacaitalistli.

44 '¡Lástima para nemejhuamej temachtijquej ican itlanahuatil Dios niman nemejhuamej fariseos! ¡Nemejhuamej nenomexayacyejquej! Nemejhuamej quen nentlalcontin yejhuan xnestoquej, niman on tlacamej impan panohuaj. Ijcon tej, on tlacamej panohuaj nemotech niman xquimatij ica nenquincajcayahuaj ican nemotlamachtil.

45 Quemaj se temachtijquetl ican itlanahuatil Dios oquinanquilij niman oquijlij:

―Temachtijquetl, ica on tlen tiquijtohua, tejhuamej no tehuan titechcaquistilia.

46 Pero Jesús oquijtoj:

―¡Lástima para nemejhuamej no!, temachtijquej ican itlanahuatil Dios, pampa ocsequimej nenquintlamamaltiaj ica on tlamamajli yejhuan sanoyej yetic para quitquisquej. Pero nemejhuamej nion siquiera ican se nemomajpil nenquinequij nenconquictzisquej.

47 '¡Lástima para nemejhuamej!, pampa nenquinchijchihuaj inmicacal on tiotlajtojquej yejhuan sa no on nemoachtojtajhuan oquinmictijquej. 48 Ica on nenquiteititiaj ica nenquitlaliaj nemoyojlo ipan on tlen oquichijquej on nemoachtojtajhuan. Yejhuamej, tej, oquinmictijquej on tiotlajtojquej, niman nemejhuamej nenquinchijchihuiliaj on inmicacal. 49 Yejhua ica, tej, Dios ican itlamatquilis oquijtoj: “Niquintitlanilis tiotlajtojquej niman apóstoles, niman sequimej yejhuamej quinmictisquej niman ocsequimej quintlahuelitasquej niman tlamach ica quintlajyohuiltisquej.” 50 Yejhua ica on tlacamej yejhuan aman nemij quinyolcuitisquej ipampa inmiquilis nochimej on tiotlajtojquej desde ijcuac otzimpeu in tlalticpactli. 51 Huajpehua ica iyesyo Abel niman ontlami hasta ica iyesyo Zacarías, yejhuan oquimictijquej itzajlan on tiopan niman on tlaixpan ne quiahuac. Yejhua ica ocsejpa nemechijlia ica on tlacamej yejhuan aman nemij quinyolcuitisquej ipampa on inyesyo on tiotlajtojquej.

52 '¡Lástima para nemejhuamej temachtijquej ican itlanahuatil Dios!, pampa xnenquincahuiliaj on tlacamej ma cajsicamatican on tlajtlamach ica Dios. Nemejhuamej xnenquiseliaj on tlajtlamach niman xnenquincahuiliaj ocsequimej quiselisquej yejhuan quinequij.

53 Ijcuac Jesús otlan quimijlia in tlajtlamach, on temachtijquej ican itlanahuatil Dios niman on fariseos opejquej quixnamiquij niman sa tlajtlamach quitlajtoltiayaj. 54 Niman yejhuamej quipiayaj cuidado tlinon ica quitlajcalisquej para huelis itlaj ica quiteixpanhuisquej.

Jesus’ Teaching on Prayer(A)(B)

11 One day Jesus was praying(C) in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord,(D) teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”

He said to them, “When you pray, say:

hallowed be your name,
your kingdom(E) come.[b]
Give us each day our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,
    for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.[c](F)
And lead us not into temptation.[d]’”(G)

Then Jesus said to them, “Suppose you have a friend, and you go to him at midnight and say, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread; a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have no food to offer him.’ And suppose the one inside answers, ‘Don’t bother me. The door is already locked, and my children and I are in bed. I can’t get up and give you anything.’ I tell you, even though he will not get up and give you the bread because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity[e] he will surely get up and give you as much as you need.(H)

“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you;(I) seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

11 “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for[f] a fish, will give him a snake instead? 12 Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? 13 If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

Jesus and Beelzebul(J)(K)

14 Jesus was driving out a demon that was mute. When the demon left, the man who had been mute spoke, and the crowd was amazed.(L) 15 But some of them said, “By Beelzebul,(M) the prince of demons, he is driving out demons.”(N) 16 Others tested him by asking for a sign from heaven.(O)

17 Jesus knew their thoughts(P) and said to them: “Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall. 18 If Satan(Q) is divided against himself, how can his kingdom stand? I say this because you claim that I drive out demons by Beelzebul. 19 Now if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your followers drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. 20 But if I drive out demons by the finger of God,(R) then the kingdom of God(S) has come upon you.

21 “When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe. 22 But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up his plunder.

23 “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.(T)

24 “When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ 25 When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. 26 Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first.”(U)

27 As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.”(V)

28 He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God(W) and obey it.”(X)

The Sign of Jonah(Y)

29 As the crowds increased, Jesus said, “This is a wicked generation. It asks for a sign,(Z) but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.(AA) 30 For as Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites, so also will the Son of Man be to this generation. 31 The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with the people of this generation and condemn them, for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom;(AB) and now something greater than Solomon is here. 32 The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah;(AC) and now something greater than Jonah is here.

The Lamp of the Body(AD)

33 “No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.(AE) 34 Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy,[g] your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy,[h] your body also is full of darkness. 35 See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness. 36 Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be just as full of light as when a lamp shines its light on you.”

Woes on the Pharisees and the Experts in the Law

37 When Jesus had finished speaking, a Pharisee invited him to eat with him; so he went in and reclined at the table.(AF) 38 But the Pharisee was surprised when he noticed that Jesus did not first wash before the meal.(AG)

39 Then the Lord(AH) said to him, “Now then, you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness.(AI) 40 You foolish people!(AJ) Did not the one who made the outside make the inside also? 41 But now as for what is inside you—be generous to the poor,(AK) and everything will be clean for you.(AL)

42 “Woe to you Pharisees, because you give God a tenth(AM) of your mint, rue and all other kinds of garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God.(AN) You should have practiced the latter without leaving the former undone.(AO)

43 “Woe to you Pharisees, because you love the most important seats in the synagogues and respectful greetings in the marketplaces.(AP)

44 “Woe to you, because you are like unmarked graves,(AQ) which people walk over without knowing it.”

45 One of the experts in the law(AR) answered him, “Teacher, when you say these things, you insult us also.”

46 Jesus replied, “And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.(AS)

47 “Woe to you, because you build tombs for the prophets, and it was your ancestors who killed them. 48 So you testify that you approve of what your ancestors did; they killed the prophets, and you build their tombs.(AT) 49 Because of this, God in his wisdom(AU) said, ‘I will send them prophets and apostles, some of whom they will kill and others they will persecute.’(AV) 50 Therefore this generation will be held responsible for the blood of all the prophets that has been shed since the beginning of the world, 51 from the blood of Abel(AW) to the blood of Zechariah,(AX) who was killed between the altar and the sanctuary. Yes, I tell you, this generation will be held responsible for it all.(AY)

52 “Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering.”(AZ)

53 When Jesus went outside, the Pharisees and the teachers of the law began to oppose him fiercely and to besiege him with questions, 54 waiting to catch him in something he might say.(BA)


  1. Luke 11:2 Some manuscripts Our Father in heaven
  2. Luke 11:2 Some manuscripts come. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
  3. Luke 11:4 Greek everyone who is indebted to us
  4. Luke 11:4 Some manuscripts temptation, but deliver us from the evil one
  5. Luke 11:8 Or yet to preserve his good name
  6. Luke 11:11 Some manuscripts for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for
  7. Luke 11:34 The Greek for healthy here implies generous.
  8. Luke 11:34 The Greek for unhealthy here implies stingy.

Jesús oquintitij on inomachtijcahuan quen ijqui quichihuasquej oración

11  Se tonajli Jesús quichijticatca oración. Niman ijcuac otlan, semej inomachtijcahuan oquijlij:

―ToTeco, xtechmachti quen ijqui ticchihuasquej oración ijcon quen Juan oquinmachtij on inomachtijcahuan.

Jesús oquimijlij:

―Ijcuac nenquichihuasquej oración xquijtocan ijquin:
ToTajtzin aquin tinemi ne ilhuicac, ma mitzyectenehua nochi tlacatl. Ma huajla on tonaltin ijcuac ticmandaros nochi tlacatl. Ipan in tlalticpactli on tlacamej ma quichihuacan on tlen ticnequis ijcon quen nochihua ne ilhuicac. Aman xtechmaca tlen ticuasquej on yejhuan mojmostla ica tipanotoquej.

Niman xtechtlapojpolhuili totlajtlacolhuan ijcon quen tejhuamej tiquintlapojpolhuiyaj on yejhuan tlajtlamach xcuajli techchihuiliaj. Niman xtechpalehui para ma ca titlajtlacosquej, yej xtechejcuanili nochi tlin xcuajli.

No ijqui oquimijlij Jesús:

―Ma ticontlalican ica semej nemejhuamej quipia se itetlajsojcau niman canaj ipan tlajcoyehuajli yau ichan on itetlajsojcau niman quijlia: “Notetlajsojcau, xnechtlanejti yeyi pan, pampa se notetlajsojcau huejca ohualeu niman san quemach oyejcoc nochan, niman xnicpia tlinon nicualtis.” Niman ma ticontlalican ica on ocse cuajnanquilis nepa icalijtic, niman quijlis: “Ma ca xnechpajsolo. Notlatzacuilyou cuajli tzacuticaj, niman noconehuan nohuan nemij ipan tlapechtli. Xnihuelis ninoquetztehuas para nimitzonmacas.” Nemechijlia ica masqui xnoquetztehuasnequisquia para conmacas, pero san pampa itetlajsojcau quitlajtlanilia, yejhua noquetztehuas niman quimacas nochi tlen quipolojticaj. Yejhua ica nemechijlia: xtlajtlanilican Dios on tlen mechpolohua, niman yejhua mechmacas. Xtejtemocan on tlen mechpolohua, niman nenquinextisquej. Xtetepinican on tlatzacuilyotl, niman Dios mechtlapohuilis. 10 Ijcon xchihuacan, pampa yejhuan quitlajtlani, quiselia, niman yejhuan quitejtemohua, quinextia, niman yejhuan quitetepinia on tlatzacuilyotl, quitlapohuiliaj.

11 '¿Tlen nemotzajlan yacaj tajtli nemi yejhuan noyolchicahuas para quimacas iconeu se tetl ijcuac quitlajtlanilis se tlaxcajli? ¿Noso quimacas se cohuatl ijcuac quitlajtlanis se michin? 12 ¿Noso quimacas se colotl ijcuac quitlajtlanis se totoltetl? 13 Aman, tej, tla nemejhuamej yejhuan xnencuajcualtin tlacamej nenquimatij quen nenquinmacasquej nemoconehuan on tlajtlamach tlen cuajli, sanoyej pantlannesticaj ica nemoTajtzin ilhuicac chanej quinmacas Espíritu Santo on yejhuan quitlajtlanilisquej.

On fariseos oquijtohuilijquej Jesús ica quipia ipoder on Beelzebú

14 Jesús quixtilijticatca se tlacatl on xcuajli espíritu yejhuan oquinontilijca, niman ijcuac on xcuajli espíritu oquis, on nontzin otlajtoj. Niman yejhua ica on tlacamej otlamojcaitaquej. 15 Pero sequimej oquijtojquej:

―Yejhua in tlacatl quintequixtilia on xcuajcualtin espíritus ica ipoder on Beelzebú yejhuan intlayecancau.

16 Niman ocsequimej, san para quitlatlatasquej, quitlajtlaniliayaj ma quichihua se tlamajhuisojli milagrosa yejhuan ne ilhuicac quisticaj. 17 Pero Jesús quimatzticatca tlinon quinemilijticatcaj, niman oquimijlij:

―San catlejhua gobierno yejhuan notlajcoxelohua, xoxotoni. Niman tla ipan se chanyotl on chanejquej noxelohuaj ican tlahuejli, no ijqui xoxotonij. 18 No ijqui, tej, tla on Satanás noxelos inhuan on xcuajcualtin espíritus, ¿quen ijqui huelis onyas nochipa ipoder? Yejhua in niquijtohua pampa nemejhuamej nenquijtohuaj ica nictequixtilia on xcuajcualtin espíritus ican ipoder on Beelzebú. 19 Pero tla ijqui yesquia quen nenquinemiliaj, ¿aquinon quinmaca poder on yejhuan nemochantlacaj para no quitequixtiliaj on xcuajcualtin espíritus? Sa no yejhuamej quiteititiaj ica xcuajli nentlanemiliaj. 20 Pero tla Dios nechmaca poder para nictequixtilia on xcuajcualtin espíritus, yejhua in quijtosnequi ica Dios yohuajlaj para nemoca tlamandaros.

21 'Ijcuac se cojtiticaj tlacatl cuajli nemi armado niman quitlapia ichan, on tlen ompa quipia xacaj hueli quicuilia. 22 Pero tla huajlau ocse tlacatl yejhuan más cojtic xquen yejhua niman quitlani, tla ijcon, on tlacatl yejhuan más cojtic cuilia nochi iarmas yejhuan ica noyolchicahuaya iteco on cajli, niman yejhua quixexelohua para ocsequimej.

23 'On yejhuan xitlaj ica nechixnamiqui nohuan nopohua, niman on yejhuan xnohuan tlasentlalia tepopolohua.

On xcuajli espíritu ocsejpa nochantia ipan iyojlo on tlacatl

24 'Ijcuac se xcuajli espíritu quisa ipan se tlacatl, pajpanotinemi nochihuiyan campa tlahuactoc. Quitejtemojtinemi campa nosehuis, niman ijcuac xquinextia, quinemilia: “Ocsejpa nias ne ipan on tlacatl campa oniquis.” 25 Ijcuac ocsejpa nocuepa, conextia on tlacatl quen itlaj cajli yejhuan ijtic cualtzin tlachpancan niman cuajli tlaojoncaj. 26 Quemaj yejhua yau niman cominana ocsequi chicome yejhuan más xcuajcualtin espíritus xquen yejhua, niman nochimej nochantiaj ijtic on tlacatl. Yejhua ica on tlacatl más xoc cuajli nemi xquen achtopa nemiya.

Jesús oquijtoj on tlen más cuajli para se quichihua

27 Ijcuac Jesús otlan quijtohua yejhua in tlajtlamach, se sihuatl yejhuan nemiya intzajlan on tojlamej, ican chicahuac tlajtojli oquijlij:

―Tlatiochiutli sanoyej on sihuatl yejhuan omitztlacatilij niman omitzchichitij.

28 Pero yejhua oquijtoj:

―¡Dios más quintiochihua on yejhuan caquij itlajtol niman quitlacamatij!

Yejhua on xcuajcualtin tlacamej oquitlajtlanilijquej Jesús ma quintlamajhuisolti ican se milagro

29 On tlacamej más nosentlalijticatcaj iyehualican Jesús, niman yejhua opeu tlajtlajtohua, quijtohuaya:

―On tlacamej yejhuan nemij ipan in tonaltin yejhuamej xcuajcualtin. Nechtlajtlaniliaj ma nicchihua se tlamajhuisojli milagrosa, pero xnicchihuas, yej san on itlamajhuisol on tiotlajtojquetl Jonás. 30 Ijcon quen Jonás onochiu tlamajhuisojli para on tlacamej yejhuan chantiyaj ne Nínive, no ijqui nejhua yejhuan oninochiu Tlacatl ninochihuas tlamajhuisojli para on tlacamej yejhuan nemij ipan in tonaltin. 31 Ipan on tonajli ijcuac Dios teyolcuitis niman tetlajtlacolmacas, on sihuatequihua tlayecanquetl ne Sur noquetztehuas niman quintlajtlacolmacas on tlacamej yejhuan aman nemij. Ijcon huelis quichihuas pampa yejhua ohualeu ne campa más huejca oncaj on pueblo ipan in tlalticpactli para ocaquico itlamatquilis Salomón, niman nejhua nican ninemi yejhuan más nihueyixticaj xquen Salomón niman on yejhuan aman nemij xnechchihuiliaj cuenta. 32 Ipan on tonajli, ijcuac Dios teyolcuitis niman tetlajtlacolmacas, on yejhuan chantiyaj ne ipan on hueyican itoca Nínive noquetztehuasquej niman quintlajtlacolmacasquej on tlacamej yejhuan aman nemij. Ijcon quichihuasquej pampa on yejhuan ochantijquej Nínive onoyolpatlaquej ijcuac Jonás oquintlajtlajtohuilij itemachtil Dios. Niman nejhua nican ninemi yejhuan más nihueyixticaj xquen Jonás niman on yejhuan aman nemij xonoyolpatlaquej ijcuac oniquintlajtlajtohuilij itemachtil Dios.

Jesús otemachtij itech ica on tlahuijli

33 'Xacaj quitlicuiltia itlahuil niman quitlalia campa iyantias, nion itzintlan itlaj chiquiutli. Yej quitlalia campa tlacpac para quintlahuilhuiya on yejhuan calaquisquej ijtic on cajli. No ijqui, tej, ijcuac se quimati itech ica Dios xquitocarohua quiyanas. 34 Ipan motlalnacayo ticpia mixtololojhuan para titlacha. Tla mixtololojhuan cuajli tlacha, hueli tiquita on tlen ticchihua. Pero tla xtitlacha, xhueli tiquita on tlen ticchihua. No ijqui tla motlamachilis cuajli, hueli ica ticajsicamati on tlen Dios quinequi para ticchihua. Pero tla motlamachilis xcuajli, tla ijcon xticajsicamati on tlen Dios quinequi para ticchihuas. 35 Yejhua ica nonequi para tiquejehuas motlamachilis para ticajsicamatis on tlen Dios quinequi para ticchihuas, niman para ma ca ticpolos itlaj mocajsicamatilis. 36 Ijcon, tej, tla motlamachilis cajsicamati nochi tlen Dios quinequi para ticchihuas, tla ijcon, xmitzpolos nion achijtzin cajsicamatilistli, yej motlamachilis quen se lámpara yes yejhuan mitzititis nochi tlajtlamach.

Jesús oquiteijlij ma ca xmohuicacan quen nohuicaj on fariseos niman on temachtijquej ican itlanahuatil Dios

37 Ijcuac Jesús otlan tlajtlajtohua, se fariseo oquinotz para ihuan ontlacuas ichan. Yejhua ica Jesús ocalac ichan on fariseo niman onotlalij itech mesa. 38 On fariseo hasta omojcatlachix ijcuac oquitac ica Jesús xonomajtequij para tlacuas. 39 Pero on toTeco oquijlij:

―Nemejhuamej fariseos san tlapani nemochipahuaj quen se quichipahua san icuitlapan on taza noso icuitlapan on plato, pero ipan nemoyojlo nententoquej ica on tlen nenquiteixpachohuiliaj niman ica on tlen xcuajli nenquichihuaj. 40 ¡Ah tzonteconchicajquej! ¿Tlen xnenquimatij ica on yejhuan omechchijchiu pani ipan nemotlalnacayo no oquichijchiu tlaijtic ipan nemoyojlo? 41 Pero xquinmacacan tetlayocolili on mayanquej niman nemocahuasquej nochi chipahuac hasta nemoyojlo.

42 'Melahuac nemejhuamej fariseos nenquimacaj Dios nemodiezmo ican on menta, niman ruda niman nochi tlajtlamach quijli. Pero masqui ijcon nenquichihuaj, ¡lástima para nemejhuamej! pampa xnemohuicaj ihuan ocsequimej ican yolchipahualistli quen nonequi, nion xnenquitlajsojtlaj Dios quen nonequi. Ijcuac nenquimacaj Dios nemodiezmo, no nonequi nenquichihuasquiaj yejhua in ocsequij tlajtlamach.

43 '¡Lástima para nemejhuamej fariseos!, pampa ne ipan tiopantin nenquinequij nemotlalisquej ipan on sietas campa notlaliaj on huejhueyixtoquej, niman nenquinequij para ne ipan on plazas ma mechtlajpalocan ican miyec tetlacaitalistli.

44 '¡Lástima para nemejhuamej temachtijquej ican itlanahuatil Dios niman nemejhuamej fariseos! ¡Nemejhuamej nenomexayacyejquej! Nemejhuamej quen nentlalcontin yejhuan xnestoquej, niman on tlacamej impan panohuaj. Ijcon tej, on tlacamej panohuaj nemotech niman xquimatij ica nenquincajcayahuaj ican nemotlamachtil.

45 Quemaj se temachtijquetl ican itlanahuatil Dios oquinanquilij niman oquijlij:

―Temachtijquetl, ica on tlen tiquijtohua, tejhuamej no tehuan titechcaquistilia.

46 Pero Jesús oquijtoj:

―¡Lástima para nemejhuamej no!, temachtijquej ican itlanahuatil Dios, pampa ocsequimej nenquintlamamaltiaj ica on tlamamajli yejhuan sanoyej yetic para quitquisquej. Pero nemejhuamej nion siquiera ican se nemomajpil nenquinequij nenconquictzisquej.

47 '¡Lástima para nemejhuamej!, pampa nenquinchijchihuaj inmicacal on tiotlajtojquej yejhuan sa no on nemoachtojtajhuan oquinmictijquej. 48 Ica on nenquiteititiaj ica nenquitlaliaj nemoyojlo ipan on tlen oquichijquej on nemoachtojtajhuan. Yejhuamej, tej, oquinmictijquej on tiotlajtojquej, niman nemejhuamej nenquinchijchihuiliaj on inmicacal. 49 Yejhua ica, tej, Dios ican itlamatquilis oquijtoj: “Niquintitlanilis tiotlajtojquej niman apóstoles, niman sequimej yejhuamej quinmictisquej niman ocsequimej quintlahuelitasquej niman tlamach ica quintlajyohuiltisquej.” 50 Yejhua ica on tlacamej yejhuan aman nemij quinyolcuitisquej ipampa inmiquilis nochimej on tiotlajtojquej desde ijcuac otzimpeu in tlalticpactli. 51 Huajpehua ica iyesyo Abel niman ontlami hasta ica iyesyo Zacarías, yejhuan oquimictijquej itzajlan on tiopan niman on tlaixpan ne quiahuac. Yejhua ica ocsejpa nemechijlia ica on tlacamej yejhuan aman nemij quinyolcuitisquej ipampa on inyesyo on tiotlajtojquej.

52 '¡Lástima para nemejhuamej temachtijquej ican itlanahuatil Dios!, pampa xnenquincahuiliaj on tlacamej ma cajsicamatican on tlajtlamach ica Dios. Nemejhuamej xnenquiseliaj on tlajtlamach niman xnenquincahuiliaj ocsequimej quiselisquej yejhuan quinequij.

53 Ijcuac Jesús otlan quimijlia in tlajtlamach, on temachtijquej ican itlanahuatil Dios niman on fariseos opejquej quixnamiquij niman sa tlajtlamach quitlajtoltiayaj. 54 Niman yejhuamej quipiayaj cuidado tlinon ica quitlajcalisquej para huelis itlaj ica quiteixpanhuisquej.

Jesus’ Teaching on Prayer(A)(B)

11 One day Jesus was praying(C) in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord,(D) teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”

He said to them, “When you pray, say:

hallowed be your name,
your kingdom(E) come.[b]
Give us each day our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,
    for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.[c](F)
And lead us not into temptation.[d]’”(G)

Then Jesus said to them, “Suppose you have a friend, and you go to him at midnight and say, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread; a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have no food to offer him.’ And suppose the one inside answers, ‘Don’t bother me. The door is already locked, and my children and I are in bed. I can’t get up and give you anything.’ I tell you, even though he will not get up and give you the bread because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity[e] he will surely get up and give you as much as you need.(H)

“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you;(I) seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

11 “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for[f] a fish, will give him a snake instead? 12 Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? 13 If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

Jesus and Beelzebul(J)(K)

14 Jesus was driving out a demon that was mute. When the demon left, the man who had been mute spoke, and the crowd was amazed.(L) 15 But some of them said, “By Beelzebul,(M) the prince of demons, he is driving out demons.”(N) 16 Others tested him by asking for a sign from heaven.(O)

17 Jesus knew their thoughts(P) and said to them: “Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall. 18 If Satan(Q) is divided against himself, how can his kingdom stand? I say this because you claim that I drive out demons by Beelzebul. 19 Now if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your followers drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. 20 But if I drive out demons by the finger of God,(R) then the kingdom of God(S) has come upon you.

21 “When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe. 22 But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up his plunder.

23 “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.(T)

24 “When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ 25 When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. 26 Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first.”(U)

27 As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.”(V)

28 He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God(W) and obey it.”(X)

The Sign of Jonah(Y)

29 As the crowds increased, Jesus said, “This is a wicked generation. It asks for a sign,(Z) but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.(AA) 30 For as Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites, so also will the Son of Man be to this generation. 31 The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with the people of this generation and condemn them, for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom;(AB) and now something greater than Solomon is here. 32 The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah;(AC) and now something greater than Jonah is here.

The Lamp of the Body(AD)

33 “No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.(AE) 34 Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy,[g] your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy,[h] your body also is full of darkness. 35 See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness. 36 Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be just as full of light as when a lamp shines its light on you.”

Woes on the Pharisees and the Experts in the Law

37 When Jesus had finished speaking, a Pharisee invited him to eat with him; so he went in and reclined at the table.(AF) 38 But the Pharisee was surprised when he noticed that Jesus did not first wash before the meal.(AG)

39 Then the Lord(AH) said to him, “Now then, you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness.(AI) 40 You foolish people!(AJ) Did not the one who made the outside make the inside also? 41 But now as for what is inside you—be generous to the poor,(AK) and everything will be clean for you.(AL)

42 “Woe to you Pharisees, because you give God a tenth(AM) of your mint, rue and all other kinds of garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God.(AN) You should have practiced the latter without leaving the former undone.(AO)

43 “Woe to you Pharisees, because you love the most important seats in the synagogues and respectful greetings in the marketplaces.(AP)

44 “Woe to you, because you are like unmarked graves,(AQ) which people walk over without knowing it.”

45 One of the experts in the law(AR) answered him, “Teacher, when you say these things, you insult us also.”

46 Jesus replied, “And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.(AS)

47 “Woe to you, because you build tombs for the prophets, and it was your ancestors who killed them. 48 So you testify that you approve of what your ancestors did; they killed the prophets, and you build their tombs.(AT) 49 Because of this, God in his wisdom(AU) said, ‘I will send them prophets and apostles, some of whom they will kill and others they will persecute.’(AV) 50 Therefore this generation will be held responsible for the blood of all the prophets that has been shed since the beginning of the world, 51 from the blood of Abel(AW) to the blood of Zechariah,(AX) who was killed between the altar and the sanctuary. Yes, I tell you, this generation will be held responsible for it all.(AY)

52 “Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering.”(AZ)

53 When Jesus went outside, the Pharisees and the teachers of the law began to oppose him fiercely and to besiege him with questions, 54 waiting to catch him in something he might say.(BA)


  1. Luke 11:2 Some manuscripts Our Father in heaven
  2. Luke 11:2 Some manuscripts come. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
  3. Luke 11:4 Greek everyone who is indebted to us
  4. Luke 11:4 Some manuscripts temptation, but deliver us from the evil one
  5. Luke 11:8 Or yet to preserve his good name
  6. Luke 11:11 Some manuscripts for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for
  7. Luke 11:34 The Greek for healthy here implies generous.
  8. Luke 11:34 The Greek for unhealthy here implies stingy.