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97 The Lord rules, and the earth is happy.
    All the faraway lands are happy.
Thick, dark clouds surround him.
    Goodness and justice make his kingdom strong.
Fire goes before him
    and destroys his enemies.
His lightning flashes in the sky.
    The earth sees it and trembles with fear.
The mountains melt like wax before the Lord,
    before the Lord of all the earth.
The skies tell about his goodness,
    and the nations see his glory.

People worship their idols.
    They brag about their “gods.”
But they will be embarrassed.
    And all their “gods” will bow down before the Lord.
Zion, listen and be happy!
    Cities of Judah, be glad!
    Rejoice because the Lord’s decisions are fair.
Lord Most High, you really are the ruler of the earth.
    You are much better than the “gods.”
10 Hate evil, you who love the Lord.
    He protects his followers and saves them from evil people.
11 Light and happiness shine on those
    who want to do right.
12 Good people, be happy in the Lord!
    Praise his holy name!

A song of praise.

98 Sing a new song[a] to the Lord,
    because he has done amazing things!
His powerful and holy right arm[b]
    has brought him another victory.
The Lord showed the nations his power to save.
    He showed them his goodness.
He has kept his promise of love and loyalty to the people of Israel.
    People everywhere have seen our God’s power to save.
Everyone on earth, shout with joy to the Lord.
    Start singing happy songs of praise!
Praise the Lord with harps.
    Yes, praise him with music from the harps.
Blow the pipes and horns,
    and shout for joy to the Lord our King!
Let the sea and everything in it,
    the earth and all who live in it shout his praise!
Rivers, clap your hands!
    All together now, mountains sing out!
Sing before the Lord
    because he is coming to judge the world.
He will rule the world fairly.
    He will rule the people with goodness.

99 The Lord is King,
    so let the nations shake with fear.
He sits as King above the Cherub angels,
    so let the whole earth shake.
The Lord in Zion is great!
    He is the great leader over all people.
Let all the nations praise your name.
    Your name is great and awesome.
    Your name is holy.
You are the powerful King who loves justice.
    You have made things right.
    You have brought goodness and fairness to Jacob.
Praise the Lord our God,
    and bow down before his footstool,[c] for he is holy.
Moses and Aaron were some of his priests,
    and Samuel was one of the men who called on his name.
They prayed to the Lord,
    and he answered them.
God spoke from the tall cloud,
    and they obeyed his commands
    and the law he gave them.
Lord our God, you answered their prayers.
    You showed them that you are a forgiving God
    and that you punish people for the evil they do.
Praise the Lord our God.
    Bow down toward his holy mountain and worship him.
    The Lord our God is holy!


  1. Psalm 98:1 new song Whenever God did a new and wonderful thing for his people, they would write a new song about it.
  2. Psalm 98:1 holy right arm This pictures God as a warrior-king. The right arm symbolizes his power and authority. “Holy” may refer to the special cleansing and dedication that Israelites performed before going into battle.
  3. Psalm 99:5 footstool This probably means the Temple. See “Temple” in the Word List.

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