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22 Then I will also praise[a] you with the harp
    for your faithfulness, O my God.
I will sing praises to you with the lyre,
    O Holy One of Israel.
23 When I sing to you, my lips will rejoice,
    and so will my soul, which you have redeemed.
24 All day long my tongue
    will relate your righteousness.
For those who intended to do me harm
    will suffer shame and disgrace.

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  1. Psalm 71:22 I will also praise: a vow to praise God for his help (see note on Ps 7:18). Holy One of Israel: a frequent expression of the Book of Isaiah but used infrequently in the Psalter (see Pss 78:41; 89:19).

22 I will praise you with the harp(A)
    for your faithfulness, my God;
I will sing praise to you with the lyre,(B)
    Holy One of Israel.(C)
23 My lips will shout for joy(D)
    when I sing praise to you—
    I whom you have delivered.(E)
24 My tongue will tell of your righteous acts
    all day long,(F)
for those who wanted to harm me(G)
    have been put to shame and confusion.(H)

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