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The Wise Words of Solomon

10 These are the wise words of Solomon:
Wise children make their father happy,
    but foolish children make their mother sad.

Riches gotten by doing wrong have no value,
    but right living will save you from death.

The Lord does not let good people go hungry,
    but he keeps evil people from getting what they want.

A lazy person will end up poor,
    but a hard worker will become rich.

Those who gather crops on time are wise,
    but those who sleep through the harvest are a disgrace.

Good people will have rich blessings,
    but the wicked will be overwhelmed by violence.

Good people will be remembered as a blessing,
    but evil people will soon be forgotten.

The wise do what they are told,
    but a talkative fool will be ruined.

The honest person will live in safety,
    but the dishonest will be caught.

10 A wink may get you into trouble,
    and foolish talk will lead to your ruin.

11 The words of a good person give life, like a fountain of water,
    but the words of the wicked contain nothing but violence.

12 Hatred stirs up trouble,
    but love forgives all wrongs.

13 Wise people speak with understanding,
    but people without wisdom should be punished.

14 The wise don’t tell everything they know,
    but the foolish talk too much and are ruined.

15 Having lots of money protects the rich,
    but having no money destroys the poor.

16 Good people are rewarded with life,
    but evil people are paid with punishment.

17 Whoever accepts correction is on the way to life,
    but whoever ignores correction will lead others away from life.

18 Whoever hides hate is a liar.
    Whoever tells lies is a fool.

19 If you talk a lot, you are sure to sin;
    if you are wise, you will keep quiet.

20 The words of a good person are like pure silver,
    but an evil person’s thoughts are worth very little.
21 Good people’s words will help many others,
    but fools will die because they don’t have wisdom.

22 The Lord’s blessing brings wealth,
    and no sorrow comes with it.

23 A foolish person enjoys doing wrong,
    but a person with understanding enjoys doing what is wise.

24 Evil people will get what they fear most,
    but good people will get what they want most.

25 A storm will blow the evil person away,
    but a good person will always be safe.

26 A lazy person affects the one he works for
    like vinegar on the teeth or smoke in the eyes.

27 Whoever respects the Lord will have a long life,
    but the life of an evil person will be cut short.

28 A good person can look forward to happiness,
    but an evil person can expect nothing.

29 The Lord will protect good people
    but will ruin those who do evil.

30 Good people will always be safe,
    but evil people will not remain in the land.

31 A good person says wise things,
    but a liar’s tongue will be stopped.

32 Good people know the right thing to say,
    but evil people only tell lies.

28 Evil people run even though no one is chasing them,
    but good people are as brave as a lion.

When a country is lawless, it has one ruler after another;
    but when it is led by a leader with understanding and knowledge, it continues strong.

Rulers who mistreat the poor
    are like a hard rain that destroys the crops.

Those who disobey what they have been taught praise the wicked,
    but those who obey what they have been taught are against them.

Evil people do not understand justice,
    but those who follow the Lord understand it completely.

It is better to be poor and innocent
    than to be rich and wicked.

Children who obey what they have been taught are wise,
    but friends of troublemakers disgrace their parents.

Some people get rich by overcharging others,
    but their wealth will be given to those who are kind to the poor.

If you refuse to obey what you have been taught,
    your prayers will not be heard.

10 Those who lead good people to do wrong
    will be ruined by their own evil,
    but the innocent will be rewarded with good things.

11 Rich people may think they are wise,
    but the poor with understanding will prove them wrong.

12 When good people triumph, there is great happiness,
    but when the wicked get control, everybody hides.

13 If you hide your sins, you will not succeed.
    If you confess and reject them, you will receive mercy.

14 Those who are always respectful will be happy,
    but those who are stubborn will get into trouble.

15 A wicked ruler is as dangerous to poor people
    as a roaring lion or a charging bear.

16 A ruler without wisdom will be cruel,
    but the one who refuses to take dishonest money will rule a long time.

17 Don’t help those who are guilty of murder;
    let them run until they die.

18 Innocent people will be kept safe,
    but those who are dishonest will suddenly be ruined.

19 Those who work their land will have plenty of food,
    but the ones who chase empty dreams instead will end up poor.

20 A truthful person will have many blessings,
    but those eager to get rich will be punished.

21 It is not good for a judge to take sides,
    but some will sin for only a piece of bread.

22 Selfish people are in a hurry to get rich
    and do not realize they soon will be poor.

23 Those who correct others will later be liked
    more than those who give false praise.

24 Whoever robs father or mother
    and says, “It’s not wrong,”
    is just like someone who destroys things.

25 A greedy person causes trouble,
    but the one who trusts the Lord will succeed.

26 Those who trust in themselves are foolish,
    but those who live wisely will be kept safe.

27 Whoever gives to the poor will have everything he needs,
    but the one who ignores the poor will receive many curses.

28 When the wicked get control, everybody hides,
    but when they die, good people do well.

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