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A wise man hearing shall be the wiser; and a man (of) understanding shall hold governance. (A wise person listening shall become wiser; and a person understanding shall gain skills, or abilities.)

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35 Wise men shall have glory; [the] enhancing of fools is shame. (The wise shall receive honour; but fools shall only increase their shame.)

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Do not thou reprove a scorner; lest he hate thee. Reprove thou a wise man; and he shall love thee. (Do not thou rebuke a mocker; lest he hate thee. Rebuke thou a wise person; and he shall love thee.)

Give thou occasion to a wise man; and wisdom shall be increased to him. Teach thou a just man; and he shall hasten to take it (to heart). (Give thou advice, or instruction, to a wise person; and his wisdom shall be increased. Teach thou a righteous person; and he shall hasten to take it to heart.)

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14 Wise men hide knowing (The wise store up knowledge); but the mouth of a fool is next to confusion.

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29 He that troubleth his house, shall have (the) winds in possession; and he that is a fool, shall serve a wise man.

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The rod of pride is in the mouth of a fool; the lips of wise men keep them (but the lips of the wise keep them safe).

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16 A wise man dreadeth, and boweth away from evil; a fool skippeth over, and trusteth.

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24 The crown of wise men is the riches of them; the folly of fools is unwariness. (The reward of the wise is their riches; the foolishness of fools is their recklessness.)

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The tongue of wise men honoureth knowing (The speaking of the wise honoureth knowledge); the mouth of fools boileth out folly.

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The lips of wise men shall sow abroad knowing (The lips of the wise sow abroad knowledge); (but) the heart(s) of fools shall be unlike (them, that is, they shall be full of ignorance).

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21 He that is wise in heart, shall be called prudent; and he that is sweet in speech, shall find greater things. (He who is wise in heart, shall be called prudent; and he who useth sweet, or pleasant, speech, shall increase his knowledge/shall help others to learn.)

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23 The heart of a wise man shall teach his mouth; and shall increase grace to his lips. (The heart of a wise person shall teach his mouth; and his lips shall bring an increase of favour.)

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15 The heart of a prudent man shall hold steadfastly knowing; and the ear of wise men seeketh teaching. (The heart of a person with understanding shall steadfastly hold onto knowledge; and the ears of the wise seek out teaching, or instruction.)

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